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These guys passed you on the last big hill before the cafe. Didn't even take pulls.

What do you tell these Freds to not seem mad?
Damn! you guys are fast, are ya training for an event?
nothing, because i'm not a faggot that feels in competition with everyone else.
Seethe because my bike has metal toobs and rim brakes
I like roadies except when they all descend on the same cafe as me all at once when I haven't put in my order yet, seeing as it looks like they're almost done I'd just be like cool bikes bro how did you get so fast omg you're an inspiration and then go over and order my affogato
Interacting with strangers is gay and American. I just want my ice cream.
>nooooo im not as fast as the greatest cyclist of the 21st century and his super team i have to be mad!
id ask tadej for an autograph, and i'm asking you to kill yourself.
Is this really some super duper special team? Its funny because i have a 8k carbon roadbike with all the blink but i dont fucking care a single bit about bike races. I have no clue about fast pros except this armstrong guy from the 2000's.
Tried to watch some races like TDF or keirin races but its just boring as hell.
I don't know either and I have spent a lot of dough on bike stuff. I like watching the crashes though, bike racing is cool it's just too much effort to find out how to watch it, so I don't
since they're all in matching kit they're obviously a team and there's no way anyone else who isn't on a sponsored team could ever keep up with them so I wouldn't feel bad at all.
I'd wave hello non-committally as I dismounted my really old bike and if I got any response I'd try chatting; not sure those guys would be interested and that's fine, I'm not interested in the race scene at all but if they were friendly we could talk about our bikes, that's always fun.
>These guys passed you on the last big hill before the cafe. Didn't even take pulls.

what do you mean they didn't even take pulls?
if they passed you immediately then there was a wheel there for you to suck and the pulls from them would have been indefinate, what, are they all riding behind you on your wheel for 5km and then doing some kind of team attacking strategy? Ridiculous.
>Is this really some super duper special team

Yes. It's the best world tour team in terms of points scored and they have the 3 time winner of the tour de France.

There are essentially 2 elite teams, 10 competitive teams and 8 bottom feeders.
Ok wow but they all look like malnourished twinks tho.
How can they be the best if they look like they havent eaten in a week? Or lifted one weight in their entire lives?
Because endurance athletes are slim lad

Big muscles are only beneficial in some forms of sport not all
t. hambeast who thinks he's strong because he can put 6 pl8 on the leg machine and half rep it for hours while inhaling the free planet fitness pizza
You will die of a heart attack
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This is a hambeast now?
Cope more, skeleton, you will never have real power, you're just an endurance slave doing 500km climbs at ridiculously slow speeds.
Breakdance is also a "sport", and the people who practice it usually are black or brown. That doesn't automatically make black or brown people good, respectable or less of a target to be made fun of.
Cippolini couldn't climb at all! That's why he was awesome at sprinting in the drug era but could never finish a tour de france. He would get caught by the broomwagen that eliminates slow riders.
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are we doing that thing where we ran out of arguments so we post google image photos of celebrities hoping we will acquire some of their powers that will help in the internet argument? because I find your choice odd personally, I would have gone for a pretty girl. picrel is my larp choice

wa la I am now a pretty girl, if you disagree with me you lack "rizz" and are probably an incel, you incel
Nothing more satisfying than blowing past some faggot lycra clad boomer dentist group on their 10k carbon fibre meme machines on my budget ass ebike wearing shorts and flip flops. You can feel the SEETHE directed at your back.
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you are a very negative person
it's really sad to see what flip flops do to people
>Cippolini couldn't suck dicks at all! That's why he was awesome at actual sports but could never finish a dick sucking marathon
You are very much right, and I am glad you are.

Yea yea everyone who works out is they. Move along crazy

Go ride your bike
Oh, wait
YIMBYs and people that don't leave the house pretty much ruined /n/.

Where do you guys go now to talk bikes is there another forum? Or do I have to touch grass and go to the LBS to talk bikes
"I'm tired from fucking all your moms"
the entire internet fucking sucks now, there's no place to go. nobody talks about things they like, it's all just 24/7 screaming about whatever the outrage mill told us to hate based on our psychometric profile, and of course bots

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