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Now that we are a fourth of the way through the 21st century, what has been the best mass transit project of the century so far?
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IDK about best, but the worst is definitely CAHSR
California doesn't even have the same entrenched, generational corruption that NYC has. How the fuck did this project derail so bad?
Big Dig
my city got:
>one tramline that is flashy for tourists and kinda cool I guess but has a pretty dubious usecase
>an extortionate sleeper train to the capital that is too expensive for normal people, always booked out and too short a distance for an overnight train so you get on at 23:00 and get kicked off at 07:00
god we need to get some ferries back operating or something cool
which city
sounds like Edinburgh. if true I'd like to rub some salt into his wound and say that the lizzieline in London is the most useful mass transit project of this century so far.
>so you get on at 23:00 and get kicked off at 07:00
With you on the second part, skill issue on the first. That's 'find a pub and use it as the sleeper lounge' time.
California has by far the most cumbersome and bureaucratic regulatory infrastructure of any US state and dare I say of any major polity in the developed world. There are legions of lawyers who specialize in using this structure to tie up up any project their clients oppose for years upon years. Marry that to a combination of the fact that this project originated from the public in a referendum backed by the last Republican governor of the state and not the Democrat political elites of the state and that California's very aggressive term limits on state legislators mean its hard to have a "champion" in the legislature to see a major project through and you have a guaranteed boondoggle.

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