>i don't need fenders, they slow me down
>>2030568I dont have fenders on any of my bikes.It do be like that tho.
fenders are fine but miss me with the ridiculous mentally ill hoarder fenders that scrape the pavement when you go over a speed bump. ass saver is more than adequate for most situations. if you want a carbon fibar ass saver for estatics then I have no problem with that either, once the fender starts to fight with real estate with the actual tire then something has gone terribly wrong
>>2030639the mudflap is supposed to scrap a lil bit, not the fender
>>2030639"Ass saver is more than adequate for most situations"As said by a fair weather cyclist. If you actually rode year round, full fenders with mud flaps on at least one bike are non-negotiable
>>2030677if YOU actually rode year round you would understand that your hoarder mental illness fenders are only good for collecting ice and sticks and getting caught on things and >muh drivetrain arguments are bullshit, those things are going to keep your undercarriage slightly cleaner for about 500 meters of riding and then it's back to the same mess as you had without fendersthe ONLY thing fenders do effectively are: keep mud off your back, and make it possible for someone behind you to ride closer without getting mud all over their facefucking larpers gtfo
>>2030678I respectfully absolutely disagree. If you're "going for a ride" with kit on and don't care about getting a little dirty then you'll live without fenders.But if you're 'muting around town fenders keep all the shit on the road off of you. Feel free to wear jeans and sneakers. Ride through shit like picrel with and without fenders and tell me which leaves you cleaner. You're delusional if you think full fenders actually function in the way you describe. You ever heard about the saying "sometimes your opinion on something says more about you... "
Fenders are awesome in the rain. They helped keep the water spray off my face as I descended that hill at 30+mph. Keeping my legs and ass warmer instead of wet is good too. No snow here>>2030679yup that's where they work great.
>>2030678I want to double down and say how much of a dingus your must be to make a comment like this. You think bikes, since bikes were a thing, came equipped with full fenders just for lulz? Like think for 5 seconds, you really think that if just an ass saver was as good as full fenders we wouldn't of come to that conclusion a century ago? And this isn't to downplay the effectiveness of an ass saver. They're great kit, you're not wrong that a huge portion of what gets wet without fenders is your ass. But for serious wet weather riding nothing compares to full fenders
>>2030682I agree with you about fenders but that is not a good argument because we do a lot of things for a long time that are ridiculous. Hybrid bikes have been specced with suspension forks for nigh on 25 years now and those never really made sense for em. >>2030678>the ONLY thing fenders do effectively are keep mud off your back, and make it possible for someone behind you to ride closer they also protect your lower headset bearing, which otherwise is constantly being sprayed and will typically wear out or require service way before the upper one.
>>2030682as I said before, if you're pedaling about 500 meters from the root cellar to the stable and it's slightly drizzly out, they will keep your shit clean. if you're a dutchoid and you're stealing a bike to go half a kilometer from the rail station to your job trading indonesian baby skull futures or something, then yeah, those make sensefor ACTUAL riding such as modern-day commutes in a first world cunt, or "going for a group ride in fred kit" like the other anon said, they just get in the way, because real life cycling scenarios involve more than just 3 pedal turns and then you're done
>>2030684anon you're being a dick again
>>2030686sorry for actually having decades of riding experience in all weather conditions on multiple bicycle styles and setups. I take it all back, you need full fenders and springs under your saddle and the patented SureStop Brake System as seen on Shark Tank and to suggest otherwise is very elitist and toxic masculinity
>>2030687fenders are not a culture war
>>2030684I fail to understand how if I'm riding a short distance, fenders are OK but if I'm riding a long distance they're not needed and "get in the way"Also you're a faggot for thinking any of us care about how long you've been riding. It just makes your dumb opinion seem that much more stupid, that after a decade you haven't figured this shit out
>>2030639>>2030678>>2030684>>2030687massive assblasted faggotposting. just say you have a dirt fetish already
>>2030683>they also protect your lower headset bearingI have a front fender on dropbar MTB for this reason alone. I don't give a shit if I get nasty on that bike but I got real tired of needing to deep clean that. I just ordered just a set of qd fenders for my 80s touring soon to be more rando-ish bike. I don't really want to have fenders all the time, but for riding in the wet all day I think even just keeping the spray down is a good quality of life benefit. My general preference to keep dry in shitty weather is rain pants and jacket, but the fenders are a good gap fill for situations where the ground is wet but the rain's not falling. I personally think full fenders can really look great on a bike too, but I think I'd only bother on a certain kind of bike.
>>2030678well i mean for the rear maybe yeah but full front fenders are absolutely necessary for anything else than dry climates. having a commuter without them is retarded. but yeah I dont use them on my touring bike or while doing messenger work because getting wet doesn't matter that much
>>2030677only a retard would ride in the snow
>>2031072I don't even know where to start with you
>>2031082thats a pretty racist meme you got there anon