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I was going to school online in Fall but this Spring, I have to take courses in person.
Unfortunately, campus is 5 hours and 30 minutes away walking, and 1 to 2 hours by transit.
Transit here is kinda expensive and can be unreliable.

By car though, it takes 25 minutes to get there from my apartment.
I don't know what to do. I'm too broke to buy a car at the moment. Buying a car implies not just buying the car, but also insuring it because it's mandatory in my state.
Maybe I could consider an alternative vehicle that's faster than walking? Like an electric bike?
The problem is I know nothing about these things.

I see a lot of people in my city with scooters, electric bikes, etc... and there are also e-bike/scooter rental services but honestly these seem like overpriced memes.
scooter/honda grom?
How many miles is it. Since 10-15 miles each way is fine on a bike commute, and an e-bike could increase that to 20-25.
Give us more info
Thanks anon.
It's about 20 miles away.
I am considering e-bikes although I'm not sure what to take that would be reasonable for my case and financial situation.
Honda Grom is something I had not considered. I'll note that and do some research. Although, since it is a motorcycle and not merely a bike, I'll probably have to get a permit because being able to ride it. Although it might or might not be quite straightforward.
If you need more information, I will be happy to provide some.

However, I am autistic, unfriendly, unable to trust people, with a neurotic, I'll admit irrational, aversion to asking for help or depending on others. This is made even worse by the fact that this city is full of crooks that you should, indeed, not trust.
But I'll note that option. Thank you
If you know whats good for you move as close as possible to campus and forget about owning a car

>inb4 facts
Get a dorm room for the spring, sublet apartment
20 miles is pretty far on a bike for a basic commute, but doable if you are determined and either get a road bike or e-bike. Just factor in if you have snow you might need another way to get there.
As another anon said dorm is another option.
>20 miles away
Ahahahaha. Do it's just an hour on a bicycle.
if you need a pseudo car on a budget you can't beat a moped/scooter. they're like 500 new and gas and insurance are effectively free
>too broke to buy a car at the moment
Ok but what's your cash flow like, and how much money do you actually have on hand that you would willingly allocate to transportation?
"Buy a car" as in a new car, used car that's less than 10 years old, or a 25 year old beater? Very different price ranges
Anyway, a motorcycle may be a good bet. You will need to insure it same as a car though, check what that'll cost before you buy. In the USA the MSF course gets you a license, costs a couple hundred bucks and takes a weekend. It's a bit miserable in the rain if you don't have a good jacket.
Some of this will really depend on the route available. If you can figure out a flat-ish route or at least one where you can do a pretty direct route then a bike or e-bike is a good option. I'd personally go for an assisted e-bike between the two for dedicated commuting and I'd make sure it has cargo capacity. If you are going to travel by it may as well make sure it doubles for errands along the way.

If very hilly or no routes that don't stick you with cars doing 40mph or something like that, I would go for a moped or scooter. As long as you aren't pulling major hills, a 50cc moped is rideable in most states with a normal drivers license and can hit 30-35mph with ease. They are cheaper to purchase, ensure, and operate than a car. They aren't great in really wet or icy conditions but sufficient for most weather assuming you have good clothing.

The correct tool for the job really depends on the use case more than anything, so consider the environment you're working with first and then match the transit option.
Not plausible atm but will consider in the future if an opportunity arises.
I think I'll get a 50cc actually.
Kinda fast, no license required, no insurance required.
Thanks for this recommendation.
>Ok but what's your cash flow like
Abysmal, shameful.
A little more than 1k a month.
>and how much money do you actually have on hand that you would willingly allocate to transportation?
less than 500
Thanks anon,
that being said another anon proposed 50 cc moped which do not require insurance or even license in my state.
I think I'll go with this for the moment and then upgrade to a more powerful motorcycle when I get more comfortable financially.
>If very hilly or no routes that don't stick you with cars doing 40mph or something like that, I would go for a moped or scooter. As long as you aren't pulling major hills, a 50cc moped is rideable in most states with a normal drivers license and can hit 30-35mph with ease. They are cheaper to purchase, ensure, and operate than a car. They aren't great in really wet or icy conditions but sufficient for most weather assuming you have good clothing.
It doesn't really snow like that here, or rain. I think I will go for a moped.
Thanks anon!
Non /n/ tourist here, depending on what classes you need to take in person, you might be able to talk to your prof and tell them about your transportation situation. If it’s just a lecture and online homework you could probably get away with not going to most lectures. If your taking classes with a lab section your fucked though.
Son you are getting bad advice. Based on a budget of $500 for transportation and 1k cash flow you can move closer otherwise you are seriously going to buy a shitbox that you will be riding at wide open throttle for over an hour every day, (20 miles ea/way at 35mph) You'll be doing lots of oil changes as it will need service every 1000 miles. If you keep this up a whole year thats 14 oil changes. You are going to be shortchanging yourself on safety gear, your arm will get sore on the throttle, you will have to dodge situaitons that wouldn't bother a car and in the end the shitbox will be worth less than your buy-in. Why even bother? Because you won't move, aren't willing to leave under a lease, or other excuses... And why do I know so much about your bad decisions? Because I've made them. Its a bad, bad, stupid idea to get a 50cc moped to compensate for a 20 mile commute.
oh we all know we tried to give him multiple outs. He's created a new thread and found a completely clapped out Moped for $350 that he thinks he is going to ride 40 miles daily.

Sometimes man I just don't know with this generation.

The sad thing is he's done online classes and has to do an in person lab so he's going to fail out of his first round of in-major classes.

My advice to get the cheapest double on campus was completely disregarded.
>My advice to get the cheapest double on campus was completely disregarded
Look mate the kid's budget is
>Transit here is kinda expensive
He's probably so far from campus because he lives with his parents, meaning the marginal cost of moving anywhere is the entire rent. He almost certainly can't afford closer off-campus housing, let alone on-campus.
Obviously commuting 20 miles on a moped isn't ideal but I think it's the best he can do, at least based the information he's given us
It comes from experiencing the empty side walks and the amount of power required to move around mr hitler's 5,000 pound ovens on 4 wheels every where we go to "demonstrate the superiority of the aryan race". The sound and the heat, the feeling of it all. This was only supposed to be for the white people because it was never supposed to be sustainable for every one but white supremacy says that we all have to "drive a car" because the white men thought it was good. The volkswagen was designed for the white people's war and now the war is every where that white supremacist thinking has infected the minds of people in to thinking that 1 person should be allowed to generate the amount of power required to move around six-teen, 300 pound book cases every where they go, to achieve the side effect of transportation by catching the transportation as a side effect of the explosions.
you made driving a car sound cooler than it actually is, thanks
Where exactly do you live? Maybe we can see something you don't see for transport.
OP here,
Sorry I wasn't here.

Attendance is required in all of them unfortunately. And 2 have labs.

Alright, I might abandon this idea then.
Maybe >>2030981 is right(I think you were >>2030593) and I am overestimating the cost of moving closer to campus and subleting the apartment temporarily.
At the same time though I would still need transportation. Because I also have a job. From my place, my school is 20 miles north and my job is 1.5 miles away south. If I moved closer to the school I would still need transportation to go to work. And I have to go to work because 1) it was very hard for me to get this job 2) I have a contract 3) if I don't have a job I won't have any income.

Without the factor of the job location, what you two are saying makes sense and I am realizing that earlier, I was disregarding this very astute solution of simply subletting and moving closer based on perhaps anxiety, unfamiliarity and retardation when it comes to anything money related. But there is after the factor of my job location I hadn't mentioned.

Once again my bad >>2030981 if I did not properly consider your solution at first. On second thoughts you made a very good point and my response about income made no sense, since that's the point of subletting and getting the cheapest option on campus(in the end I could even end up paying LESS than at my current place)
Sorry I am paranoid.
I cannot ever give away my location online.

I do not live with my parents. My budget is tight because I rely on my job but it's minimum wage, + financial aid.
It's Miami isn't it?
I might be stupid for telling you that it is incorrect as that narrows down the correct answer to more options.
But no I definitely am not in Miami.
>but also insuring it because it's mandatory in my state.
drive without insurance retard.

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