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Does it make more sense for a sprawled city like LA/Atlanta/Dallas, or a city with a dense historic core like Chicago/Philadelphia?

I'm thinking Miami would be ideal because traffic is shit here.
how many of these threads are you going to spam and how may people are you going to call a "cagetroll" for wanting to talk about bikes and trains instead of 24/7 /pol/ screeching about minorities and crime
Miami is ideal because you can just toll the bridges going to Miami Beach but DeSantis would kill it
>public transit is slow and one of the worst experiences imaginable
>increase the cost of driving while doing nothing to fix mass transit
I was originally thinking the only other city that really makes sense is D.C. I don't think you're going to find another city other than NYC with such a large, dense, traffic-strangled downtown, and importantly DC has an incredible suburban transit system with I think over 50,000+ park and ride slots in addition to all the suburban express bus park and rides. Of course, this would never happen because it would have to go through Congress.

Now that I've given it more thought I think this would work great in Boston. Moving through downtown is so impossible they don't even run buses down there. Downtown is small enough the MBTA even though it's not as good or expansive has stations within a few blocks of anywhere you want to go in downtown. MBTA could use the funding too. I could see it passing.
You can section off SF easily so I think it would work there. I'd just rather implement it in a car-centric city, but I don't see how it's possible.
Unless you just say "we're gonna toll the highway, you're free to use neighborhood streets if you want."
Diverting traffic to neighborhood streets doesn't sound bad actually. It would help local businesses.
It would need to be somewhere where transit could actually take some of the strain.
One of the better suggestions, at least the inner part. As long as the charge isn't too large (so their staffers don't whine all day about it) Congress would likely leave it alone.
Our traffic is nowhere close to even needing it for now, our density is like 4x less than NYC
It works best in cities that are walkable to begin with. There no point in congestion pricing in LA because there's no city to walk. It's just endless sprawl hell
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Travel speeds are much, much faster after implementing congestion pricing. Looks like congestion pricing worked to clear up traffic. We should implement this on more urban freeways around America.
Isn't that a chicken and egg scenario? If you toll some of the freeways, transit use will increase.
And LA actually has some respectable transit.
Washington, DC.
Driving in new York is also slow and intolerable. I wish congestion pricing was 10x the price, so poor would stop clogging the streets
>We should implement this on more urban freeways around America.
That's what HOT lanes are and they're being built like wildfire
New York City doesn't need congestion pricing. If the MTA was less corrupt you could redirect more of the vast budget from administration to operations.

Less corrupt cities definitely don't need it.
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I'm surprised that Paris doesn't have congestion pricing.
HOV lanes are not nearly the same thing as congestion pricing and if you think they are, you have a room-temperature IQ. No offense.
>Which City Should Implement Congestion Pricing Next?

>traffic up on gwb
driving in NYC is literally over 4 times faster than mass transit and infinitely more pleasant
Speaking of reading comprehension, I said HOT lanes, not HOV lanes. The toll is based on congestion.
driving is much faster than it used to be thanks to congestion pricing :)
a regressive tax that only benefits the rich while everyone else is stuck on subways and busses which are slow and basically the worst experience devised by man
buses are about 30% faster. keep coping :)
so still take 3.5 times as long as driving, stop every 30 feet and are filled with violent drug addicts?
>go 3 blocks
>go 3 blocks
>repeat 8x
>inally get to your transfer point
>get on the next bus
>go 6 blocks
>go 2 blocks
>repeat 5x
"I could've already been there if I'd driven"
so keep driving and keep paying for that priblege :)
no, I just don't go into the city. since coof I've only gone in 3 times I think and 2 were back to back nights for a concert. actually I think, had I not been drinking heavily, I could have drove all 3 times since brooklyn and queens and not manhattan
aw, lil babby doesn't live there and still has big feelings
you don't live in America, tranni boi. honestly this is an attack on nj and we need to retaliate by cutting ny off of all federal funding and block any food being sent to the city
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i lived in manhattan for 8 years lmao. project harder with your one (1) insult phrase
In 20 years you can write a book about the second great decline of the American city because progressives/YIMBYs/urbanists took active measures to keep outsiders out and make life as unpleasant as possible for those who live in them. Obviously you'll blame "muh big oil/big auto/NIMBYs", but everyone knows the real story.
jersey boi lmao.
no, you did not, faggot. its too bad murphy is a cuck. christie would have sent the national guard to invade by now
better than the shithole that is nyc
aw but i did, faggot
jersey boi :)
you don't even live in America, tranni boi and you never have
your seething sustains me, jersey boi
dont get lit on fire
nj basement bunker troon
nah, pretty sure its nyc troons living in illegal basement apartments with no windows
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we don't sign our filenames here
we don't sign our posts here
continue seething, jersey boi
continue not being american, tranni boi
continue to be deluded and just fucking wrong, tranni boi
stop signing your posts
this doesn't mean what (You) think it means
stop signing your posts
>not American
>doesn't know the memes
>faggot that has never left new jersey believes anyone who disagrees couldn't possibly be from the same country
i am in awe of your retardation.
no Americans want congestion charges you retarded troon. its why that cunt governor pushed the implementation back to try to not get fucked in the election.
keep responding retard
Manhattan will be back to pre-congestion pricing traffic in 3-5 months as the tolls gradually become normalized.
Eventually Jersey commuters will get bored of being outraged and will start driving their cars again once they see how much better traffic is now.
Of course, once everyone starts doing that, traffic will go back to being shit, but by that point congestion pricing is no longer new and everyone will adopt an "it is what it is" attitude like they have with everything else that's horrible about the city.
The city government will make an absolute killing off of this, and approximately $0 of said killing will be invested back into the subway.
And more cities will start doing this. And none of the money will ever be invested into anything. It will all go directly into politicians' pockets. And you will all cheer for it like monkeys.
we don't sign out posts here
this. isn't the far left democrat nyc mayor literally under investigation for corruption charges?
He actually won because he's *not* far left and he was disliked by leftists. He also likes Trump (a common theme among corrupt people).

Stop getting all your news from /pol/ lol.
So you're saying it's going to generate a ton of revenue for the MTA? Sounds great.
More cities should do it too.
adams is a dem and a communist. he won because he is far left and retards wouldn't vote for the guardian angels guy
>for the MTA
lol no, its going to generate revenue that will 100% get embezzled and go into the hands of the politicians and their donors. its a regressive tax
Brainwashed samefag who doesn't know anything about congestion pricing.
>So you're saying it's going to generate a ton of revenue for the MTA?
I very explicitly said the opposite of that. Try reading more than one paragraph.
MTA already said with the congestion pricing they still are $33 billy over budget because all the congestion pricing is going directly into bloomberg and adam's pockets
only brainwashed retards are pro regressive taxes

He only likes Trump after he pissed off the feds by not wanting to host a million Venezuelans after they started to run amok, so in response they started investigating him for taking foreign donations while actively in office.

He's only far left when compared to Curtis Silwa who replaced Rush Limbaugh on talk radio, but honestly even in 2021 people living in NYC were getting annoyed at the crime after the George Floyd Riots of 2020. The sanitation woman would've probably been better.


And no black mayors/city officials always do stupid corrupt bullshit


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