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We have the flying boat. That planes over sea
Why not land ektranoplans that use electricity from electric lines as trains does.

More speed, less road or rail lines infrastructure.

https://youtu.be/MFv6Vabu5Uk?si=s55_6wo4rgDdHWsF [Embed]
>The WIG marine craft can carry two crew members and up to eight passengers.
>the engine uses approximately 70l of fuel per hour
>cruise speed of 80k
wow, those are some pretty shitty specs
meanwhile this little fella is much simpler and can carry 34 passengers at 35 knots for 75l of diesel fuel
Not same thing.
>>2031269 (OP)
>>2031269 (OP)
>Boris I have idea
>Yes Ivan
>Boris you of course remember magnificent ekranoplan of great Soviet Union
>You mean plane that cannot fly?
>Yes that is the one
>Well I was of thinking Boris what if also it cannot steer?
>Brilliant Ivan we must tell 4chan
Do trains steer?

> electrified cooper bar at ground level.
> magnetic atachment to it
>cable from magnet to wing to ground efect.
>a cable roll insite plane with sensors that pulls or let free the cable based on how plane move.
> electric engine

Fliyng electric train vagon
Also Russians did not use the wing in ground effect. And i am not talking about on water transport
Not to mention they got experience from it.

Beriev Be-200 is currently the world's only jet-powered amphibious aircraft. California at one point want to buy them
we have flying buses already. they're called airplanes.
The problem with airplanes is that they spend an ungodly amount of energy getting to cruising altitude, great for when your flight is mostly cruising, shit when you get short flights between small indonesian islands. Ekranoplan is not as fast nor as efficient at cruising, but it's much easier to get off the ground, so it has its place for short range flights over water.
correct, it's about four times as efficient at the expensive of being a tiny bit slower

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