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How in the fuck are they pulling this shit off? These commies are making us look like clowns! What is the reason for this?!
so for decades chinese people were restricted from moving which built up pressure as other industrializing countries always urbanize and the forces existed in china too they were just held back. when these restrictions were lifted and mass urbanization took place, the chinese government was in a good position to dictate the terms on which cities would densify and build out because no matter what they chose, there would be strong demand for it coupled with minimal local resistance.

the story on why we look like clowns when it comes to rail is complicated but the short version is rail was the absolute undisputed king of transport in the late 19th and early 20th century, so when automobiles came out, the backlash against rail tycoons and railroad power was like pouring rocket fuel on the already exploding demand for personal transport, it was decades before popular consensus came to see auto interests as the establishment and by then there was a huge inertia to overcome if anyone wanted to go back to trains, not to mention the unspoken cultural baggage where people instinctively felt that trains are unfree (similar to the weird unstated cultural baggage around gold and silver and fiat money which is actually a manufactured narrative dating from the 19th c. that most americans think is natural)
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>>2031662 (OP)
People are not disciplined enough to follow the arrows and let people off.
>These commies are making us look like clowns!
Case in point
>>2031662 (OP)
I hate these doors. They make me feel claustrophobic in and outside the train because any random stop won't have the space as shown in OP.
inb4 """self-driving""" trains
Dumbest idea ever. The overall productivity gain from not having a person drive the train is negligible considering the average ridership of a metro train is well over a hundred and having transportation is well worth 1% of that.
Also they often don't work leading to unnecessary delays.
Finally idgaf about low trust societies where people are afraid of being shoved onto the tracks.
Yeah I like breathing in brake dust too
Because they build trains for political reasons, and extend tremendous wealth while they have it for political purposes. Japan tried this over the past few decades which bankrupt and broke up their state railways, china's reckoning is coming (eventually)

Chinese people are STILL restricted from internal movement by The Party. There are also domestic checkpoints, exit visas (yes they need permission to leave), all the same shit commie police states pull.

What's more, the "family registration" system forever ties you to some "home region" and you can only leave to work as a laborer, hence the massive amount of travel during their holidays.
They don't have the bureaucracy of land acquisition and tender bidding that you get in the West. They can just drop the lines and stations down where they want, rather than spending decades wrangling landowners and NIMBYs until they come to a solution that's obviously sub-optimal but keeps them all happy.
that's all well and good but the restrictions HAVE been loosened and urban areas have exploded in population and density, aren't you saying everything in china is controlled by the government? so how does this happen?

maybe you can explain pic related if you think 1960s china is the same country as 2020s china. perhaps they are just running empty trains in circles in order to make westerners convert to communism as part of a game of 4-D mahjong
>>2031662 (OP)
Debt. Lots of debt. They built a lot of stupidly big and expensive infrastructure with excessive debt on the basis that if their growth continued at the pace it was going, the debt would never be a problem. Of course, the slight problem with that plan is that there was no guarantee of continued high growth.

Going to be interesting over the next few decades watching how China copes with the burden of all the shit they've built over the last 20 years. There's going to be some difficult decisions being made about where to allocate continued funding, what to shut down and demolish, and what to continue running on an inadequate budget while trying to avoid becoming a new Liveleak upload.
>>2031662 (OP)
>These commies are making us look like clowns!
No they aren't. Communism has always had good mass transit because people don't have any property rights and cannot meaningfully oppose it. How old are you?
No matter what China's political or economic future is, Shanghai will always be one of the world's largest and most impressive cities.
I hope to visit someday. Probably when Xi is no longer in power.
And why can't mutts do the same thing...?
Cuz money is spent on more important thing like the military industrial complex, ai datacenters and oligarch's flying dicks ehm.. """rockets""".
>don't have any property rights and cannot meaningfully oppose it.
Damn that's crazy, wait until you learn about what happens under capitalism!
That doesn't count though. True capitalism has never been tried.
>>2031662 (OP)
>pillars made of styrofoam
>exploding swivel chairs
>escalators that eat people alive
>electric cars spontaneously combust all the time
I'm not sure I'd trust Chinese mass transit.
because they are obsessed with their image, they run their trains at a loss because for some reason they think having trains that look cool and a "high speed railway" will trick people into thinking china isn't a shithole
a really surprising amount of their propaganda paid shill talking points are surrounding trains

obviously they cut corners like they do with everything, constant horrific accidents that don't make it into mainstream news, but if you look a bit harder you will find footage/pictures of hundreds and hundreds of people dying in train accidents constantly
they try pretty hard to cover it up, including burying train carriages with injured people still alive inside them, sealing up completely flooded subway tunnels to hide drowned bodies after they still rain the subway during intense flooding
shit makes you sound like a schizo when you try and tell people because it just doesn't sound like something that would be happening in current year but, there you go.
>>2031662 (OP)
There's no communism in China, retard.
>What's more, the "family registration" system forever ties you to some "home region" and you can only leave to work as a laborer
That's a propaganda shill. You can legally reside anywhere. All you need to change your registration is to buy a flat/house.
>In China
lol, lmao even
I chuckled
It is public transportation. Running at a loss is a nonissue.
>>2031662 (OP)
They're not commies anymore despite the name, they're something closer to fascists. And at least their mass media doesn't tell them to hate themselves all day every day.
>>2031662 (OP)
I can tell you exactly why America can't compete, but I'll get banned for racism again
These systems create economic opportunities that pay off the fact they run at a loss. China has rail that creates these opportunities, mostly in first and second tier cities, but they also have a lot of rail that most of the time carries air and solely exists to quickly transfer troops to whereever there's unrest, as well as purely prestige projects like the Shanghai maglev.
>>2031662 (OP)
what is "this shit" and why is it impressive?
The secret to society building is 2 fold
-ethnic homogeneity
-stable civil culture

China currently is actually set to be the best civ in the world. They are no longer a shithole. Yes, their success is built off the backs of a billion dead chinks who suffered. That's the past now. And yes, it remains a totalitarian state. But the restrictions are loosening. With prosperity, they are needed less and less.
The west committed to socialism and so we spend half our gdp on gibs in one form or another

nothing left for building infrastructure

And of course our massive costly subburban sprawl for obvious reasons noone will talk about
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the secret to society building is a populace that has a particular principle- do not be a bother to others. that's why japan works. that's why nordics work. china doesn't work, it's second only to tribal africans in "crabs in the bucket" mentality. you have to not only run at maximum speed to just keep up, you have to kick others out of the way while you're doing so, or you will be eaten. and if you get out of the bucket, you will still be eaten, just by the ruling party. cue constant struggle to exist.
>the restrictions are loosening
lmao you'll see an iron curtain from them within our lifetime.
China FUD thread.
You will miss the boat if you believe all the negative arguments.
America used to care about doing the Right Thing and doing it well. Now it's all rent-seeking and in-fighting, and that's the road to collapse.
>>2031662 (OP)
>hello fellow americans look the china butthole ceiling is making us look bad
>>2031662 (OP)
Mammon makes it so you can’t purchase anything good, you have all this wealth yet you stave internally and then externally.
You are delusional
>>2031662 (OP)
Slave labor. Geography. Billions of people living there, and even with 6 lane city "streets" it would jam up. Lack of single-family homes.
China subway system is one of the most advanced in the world. Beijing got GTO chopper trains in the 80s when it was a new hot tech. Doors on the stations, etc.

I guess chinks did what they do best, and copied Japan.
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>There's no communism in China
>cue constant struggle to exist
Have to keep the people on the lower rungs of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. If you are struggling to feed yourself, "self actualization" isnt really a goal you worry about.
China is communist in name only but fuck commies regardless
Look, the defining thing about communism is that the means of production aren't privately owned, plain and simple. You can scoff all you like, mate, but that's the bottom line. You might as well say that ancient Rome had capitalism.
Communism in china lasted since 1950s to 1970s. In 1978 there were private companies and in 1988 shit was officially over.
It is just an authoritarian dictatorship now. With red flags.
If i were to send commies, I would send them to NK and not China. China too good.
>including burying train carriages with injured people still alive inside them
Never happened. This is fake news spread by the Japanese internet
>sealing up completely flooded subway tunnels to hide drowned bodies after they still rain the subway during intense flooding
The flooding was historic 30 year floods in an underdeveloped city in one of the poorest provinces, and the "sealing" is bullshit. Given how historic and torrential the floods were the fact only around 100 people died shows you how well things are run even in the backwaters of China like Henan.
As the Chinese enjoy high quality high speed rail that hasn't had an accident since 2011, you better hope your next flight doesn't crash because a foreign agent with a quirky reddit username defunded the FAA under shadow president Elon Musk's orders
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>This is fake news spread by the Japanese internet
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>Posts unrelated videos to try to prove me wrong
>random car repair shop drops a car on a mechanic
>this proves that the entire PRC often buries high speed rail cars full of living people as part of a moon-landing-tier political propaganda piece
for this you get a vintage cat meme reaction image
>the "family registration" system forever ties you to some "home region"
And all that it entails, is that if you can't do a 100y land loan, you have to fuck off back to your home province.

What that DO mean, is that unless there is some wave of mass employment that removes your ability to do the 100y rent, you live where you live.
But its interesting.
It means you are entitled to gibs, but not gibs where you live and work.
Boomers see nothing but decline in the west, and they think the whole world is the same
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>A 2-year-old girl was found alive in the wreckage hours after the rescuers had been told to stop searching for survivors and to begin cutting apart the wrecked carriages.
Wenzhou train collision, 23 July 2011
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Zhengzhou subway flooding, 20 July 2021
14 dead
America can't even have train accidents. Think about it.
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They can't even make their own cranes
is this a metaphor for the salt typhoon task force being disbanded by that guy who works for the richest man in the world?
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https://youtu.be/TVygTAoWXfI [Embed]
>>2031662 (OP)
>How in the fuck are they pulling this shit off?

It's a centrally planned economy. All public transport even in the west is a make-worknproject that pays off with higher gdp and greater mobility.

FYI the USA could have finished the California HSR from SD to SF and the Texas HSR from Houston to Dsllas HSR, full shinkansen, with labor for what we spent in Ukraine so far (68 billion)

How many new jobs and companies would have been created doing that? Instead we pursue foreign folly.
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taxpayer-sponsored churches cost the country $76 billion in tax revenue each year (which would run the bill up to about $190 billion going back to when russia's war on ukraine went into high gear and they tried to roll into kyiv)

not taking sides on the war but it is interesting which items certain people focus on when that kind of money is being doled out to a demographic whose chief contribution to society appears to be "creating as many child sex abuse survivors as possible", I'm sure the real issue here is sending old tanks to ukraine

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