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Fuck I hate Fedex. Every time I have issues with a package arriving it's always fucking Fedex.

I had a package that was supposed to arrive a week ago and the service paid for weekend delivery, then they just forgot about it. I thought that it was lost in transit because it wasn't updating at a distribution centre for four days. Now finally it goes out for delivery today but the driver didn't make it out to me and supposedly Fedex is bringing it tomorrow (maybe).

This hasn't been my only problem with Fedex. Every time I've had lost packages it's always been Fedex. Or absurd delays it's been Fedex, or delivering the item to the wrong address it's been Fedex.

I'm going to stop buying stuff from places that use Fedex for delivery.
>>2031961 (OP)
Find and replace "FedEx" with "DHL" and you've got me pegged.
The pandemic made DHL realize that they don't need pick-up locations in my country, or any kind of in-person interaction whatsoever.
Expensive and temperature sensitive package? The only delivery option is "abandoned outdoors somewhere on the property" and they will just straight up tell you to go fuck yourself if you so much as expect them to hand it to someone and collect a signature.
>>2031961 (OP)
Same here. I haven't used them in 9 years now after they lost my rented textbooks and refused to refund me the money. That was an expensive mistake I won't make again.
i hate DHL because they're a military contractor but regarding service they're the best ones around by far over here
>>2031961 (OP)
Kek I worked for FedEx and they are by far the worst company, it’s insane how well they’re doing. You realize their were some Indian workers stealing stuff from peoples package and people were just throwing the packages from the airplane it’s hilarious
>>2031961 (OP)
Pay was good though
>>2031961 (OP)
i used them to ship shit on ebay for about 6 months - it was cheap af, stuff was arriving fast etc... all good and they'd bill me after confirming delivery.
no probs until they re-weighed a package, claimed it was 30 times it's actual weight, and then ebay whisked $200 out of my bank acct to pay them.
got money back eventually, but would never use fed ex ever again - they were fucking cunts to deal with on this.
dont they pay the worst of the delivery companies here in america? i know ups and usps both pay >$40 per hour once youve worked your way in (not guaranteed), scamazon dsps pay $23.50 and fedex pays less while having you drive cdl-required vehicle (which gets you a dollar or so bonus at scamazon).
don't worry they're getting rid of USPS so pretty soon it will be fedex or nothing
Suits me. USPS was never any good for ammunition, explosives or any other contraband.

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