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>Safest form of travel goyim.
>Oy vey! 83,000 deaths since 1977?
Steam engines were safer.
Cars kill that many every year and that's not including tertiary statistics like environmental and manufacturing related casualties
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>this graph enrages the railfags
Chugga-chugga, choo-choo! Next stop - the Afterlife!
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>i-its not readable, I can't understand it
>that means it doesn't count, r-right?
How the fuck did they die on a train? Did they have a heart attack?
>7 people died on a train in 2022
>6 people died on a train in 2022
>67 people died in 2025 when a helicopter crash into a plane
Fuck off plane chud
How come they didn't include 2001?
Keep ignoring the fatality rate, which even when aviation experiences a "disaster" is in-line or below the train death rate.
Morons ran over by trains don't count, typical airlinetard. If anything these trains are providing a net benefit to society via natural selection.
Thanks for confirming you can't read the simple phrase "railroad passenger deaths". I specifically presented the dataset that excluded all the people killed by traintards demand to send barely controllable blocks of metal barreling through population centers
retard. If anything this proves trains are safer... unless you're in India.
>Train crashes
>10 people die
>Plane crash
>Everyone dies
Going by miles is kinda silly since planes go much farther per trip. Show the numbers per trip.
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I've personally never been or known someone who's been in a plane crash.
Probably counting station "accidents" (suicides).

Graph would be unreadable without a logarithmic scale, because "Passenger vehicles" shoots through the roof because they have the shortest trips.
>measuring how far a method of TRANSPORTATION moves people is silly
>Plane crash
>Everyone dies
And yet somehow despite that, the fatality rate on planes is a fraction that of trains, a testament to how reliable and secure going by air is, while you're practically playing a round of Russian roulette every time you set foot in a train in comparison
>Probably counting station "accidents" (suicides).
On the page itself for the total railroad deaths it stages:
>Note: Fatality and injury counts do not include intentional incidents such as suicide.
>How far
Fuck off. Planes literally cover hundreds of miles in a hour. By that logic rockets are safer.

Trains in Europe literally move millions of people on during rush hour at once and the fatality per year from stupid shit like suicide is literally in the single digits. 1 plane crash is liter decades of trains.

You should go to the London Underground during rush hour.
>the fatality per year from stupid shit like suicide is literally in the single digits
Note this graph doesn't include suicides, which would triple the death toll
most casualties in train accidents are not on a train but on a cross pass.
I have.
But that’s because I work at an airport.

For the record, airline travel is super safe. GA on the other hand? Not so much.
>I work at an airport.
>trying to save his job.
I'm not getting in your death box
never been on an airplane never will
But France cancelled all domestic flights. This must be a lie because la belle republique would never expose its population to more death just to virtue signal green.
Illiterate traintard
Frankly it's even more an indictment of the true cost in human life train-advocates demand, since while 99% of the time airline deaths are only those that voluntarily accepted the risk, trains are ran straight through urban centers where the population serves as unwitting sacrifices
Among billions passengers not a single one was ever killed in a TGV accident since the start in 1981, in fact it's the safest train in the world with the Shinkansen.
imagine trying to feel superior for having a fear of heights
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what bullshit is this? Planes flight above cities. One of the bad boys falling from the sky can fuck up thousands of people.

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