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The ruling came less than 24 hours after another appeals court judge denied Trump's attempt to halt the trial while he seeks a change of venue.


A New York appeals court judge Tuesday denied Donald Trump's bid to halt his hush money trial while he appeals a gag order, a ruling that came less than 24 hours after another judge rejected the former president's request to delay his impending criminal trial on other grounds.

Tuesday's ruling came roughly one hour after Trump attorney Emil Bove argued that his client is entitled to a stay of the proceedings while he challenges the "unconstitutional" partial gag order Judge Juan Merchan handed down against Trump last month and expanded days later.

Bove contended the gag order — which prohibits Trump from bashing witnesses, individual prosecutors, court staff and their relatives, the judge's relatives, and jurors and potential jurors — means his client can't comment on publicly filed motions and that it violates the former president's Sixth and First Amendment rights.

His court filing contended the order is causing "ongoing, irreparable harm to Petitioner and the voting public."

"He is the leading candidate in a presidential election and this record does not support the gag order," Bove told Justice Cynthia Kern.

Steven Wu of the Manhattan district attorney's office, which brought the case against Trump, told the judge that there's no basis for a stay and that Bove was misrepresenting the gag order.
"Defense counsel has presented this as high-minded," Wu said, "but we are talking about inflammatory and denigrating remarks about witnesses and family members of court staff. This is not political debate. These are threats against staff that have led to a barrage of attacks that have led to the NYPD becoming involved."

Kern’s order allows Trump’s attorneys to make their case for a stay to a full panel of Appellate Division judges. His court filings for that request are due Monday morning — the same time jury selection is scheduled to begin in the case.

One of Kern’s Appellate Division colleagues, Justice Lizbeth González, took about two hours Monday to deny Trump’s motion to halt the trial while he pushes forward with an appeal on his argument that he can’t get a fair trial in Manhattan.

Trump is charged with 34 counts of falsifying business records related to hush money payments to an adult film star in the closing days of the 2016 presidential election. He's pleaded not guilty.
uh huh...
Funny how the state of New York is somehow able to pursue this despite stormy Daniels loosing pretty much every lawsuit against trump regarding this issue... She's owes him like 300k now or something after losing 2 or 3 cases straight against trump
Turns out Trump's 2016 election interference is different from that.
Who'd have thought?
five more days
She filed 3 lawsuits. She won the first, lost the second, and got the third settled.

This case has to do with the first and the third, tangentially, not the second. Even if you wanted to use Trump world's record against Stormy in court as a predictor of how this trial you go, which is insane cause it's about business fraud, that would suggest Trump will lose.

Why in the love of fuck would you bring up irrelevant bullshit and then frame that bullshit in a way that works against you?
This trail isn't about Trump committing business fraud, this trail is about how Trump committed election interference in 2016 when he bribed Stormy Daniels into silence with campaign money illegally and secreted laundered the money through his lawyer, who already went to prison for his actions.
>This trail isn't about Trump committing business fraud
Technically it's about Trump falsifying business records to conceal that he bribed Stormy Daniels etc.

So yes, it's about business fraud.
He was laundering election money to do it, so it's Election Fraud.
What's the point here?
Even if Trump committed all the crimes he was still a better president than Biden, or any of the other presidents we've had in my life time.
And even if he wasn't the best president every thing was better under him than it's ever been in my life time.
Are you asking me to care about petty shit, then not vote, which is tantamount to voting for Biden? I don't think I will no matter what.
>Even if Trump is a criminal...
Stopped reading there
Good. Now go kill yourself.
Oh, you're that /pol/ppet that just tells people to an hero when you're cornered.
>No argument
Concession accepted. Seppuku.
>The /pol/ppet is raging after he's been exposed
>Even if Trump committed all the crimes he was still a better president than Biden, or any of the other presidents we've had in my life time.
According to whom?
>it's the "everyone I don't like is from /pol/ or Russian" but NOOOO WE CAN'T HAVE POST IDS poster

How's the weather up there eh? Cannuckshill?
Not everyone, just (You)
>everyone I reply to is the same person
>I don't know how the IP counter works
Speaking of newfags, how are you liking this place compared to your usual home on r*ddit? I'm surprised Dear Leader Trudeau still even allows you to access 4chan.
>still can't type out the word "reddit"
Boy the mods really did a number on you, huh?
I can type reddit just fine. I spell it r*ddit on purpose because of how easily it upsets you.

Remember when the mods deleted all of your Ivan posts? Good times
>I do it because it upsets you
This is what you tell yourself every time you get mocked on this board.
>Remember when the mods deleted all of your Ivan posts?
Chud headcanon is so weird
>r*dditor tears intensify
Amazing how you think anyone else gets mocked when you're the cowardly faggot who only says corporate approved r*dditor insults like chud and refuses to use real swear words. Like faggot. Calling you a faggot pissbaby is so much fun because you can't say anything back except for chud, otherwise your shill supervisor will write you up.
You just can't help but give yourself away every single time. It's kind of amazing.
>R*dditor tears intensify
Please keep crying and responding, you'll defeat me and get that karma gold soon enough! The last word is almost yours! So close!
As usual every accusation is a confession with you people.
>r*dditor tears intensify
>like most r*dditors, must have the last word
You've almost got it! You've almost won! just a little more! One more post this time, I'm sure of it!
It's time to double up on your meds. The strawmen in your head are starting to win the argument.
>r*dditor tears continue
Sooooo close! Maybe one more post now will do it! You're so close to having the last word! That means your father will come back and affirm your gender identity! You're so close to being a real woman! Just One! More! Post!
I hope one day soon you are able to get the help you desperately need

You're almost a real woman if you just reply

NTA but you already lost the argument
Everyone. Thanks to Bidenflation you'll see in a few months.
Screenshot this,
>still trying to pretend the economy is bad
I guess you didn't get the memo. The GOP moved on to illegal immigration being the wedge issue.
Your denials are just confessions at this point.
>He was laundering election money to do it, so it's Election Fraud.
Sorta. He didn't steal donations or anything. The law he violated was the one on donation limits, since Cohen and the Inquirer guy paid off Stormy. But that's a federal crime. The state crime he's charged with was the falsification of business records to cover up that federal crime relating to reimbursements on his own back end. That money wasn't election money. It was paying back election money. Effectively there was money laundering coming and going and this is about the going.

So while election fraud did occur, and indeed Cohen went to jail for that shit, this trial is about business fraud.
Cohen went to jail for lying to Congress for Trump
>every thing was better under him than it's ever been in my life time.

i buy a car from a guy that's been fixing it up daily for 8 years. i spend 3 years driving it around doing nothing. everything is FUCKING GREAT. then, on year 4, shit hits the fan. I sell it to the next owner [biden].
so who is at fault? obama inheriting a disaster and fixing it up for 8 years, trump for enjoying the fruits of that labor, or biden for inheriting a fucking mess?
>Cohen went to jail for lying to Congress for Trump
That was one of like 9 fucking crimes.
The first spike in inflation was reported in April of 2021. Biden took office on January 20, 2021.
That leaves a nine week window to pinpoint what Biden did to cause inflation to spike.
What specific policy did he or his administration implement between late January of 2021 and early April of 2021 to cause inflation to spike when Trump pumping trillions of dollars into the economy with zero oversight the year before didn't (according to Trumpies)?
In three years, no Trumpies have been able to answer that question.
>ignores the CARES Act
>assuming what caused the inflation too place after Biden took office
There was a pandemic you moron
The cares act caused worldwide inflation? Wow amazing
it was fuel on the fire in America.
Orange man remains orange. Make America orange again.
>Trump trying to get himself only convicted on misdemeanors instead of felonies.
Because innocent people do that.
I don't even think he could be convicted of misdemeanors. IIRC the misdemeanor versions of his felony charges have already had their statute of limitations expire.
That's probably the scheme then.
Also the fact that unless Trump pays off a jury member, he's getting convicted.
Biden's day one policies are what put us in this mess. He quite literally overturned everything Trump did for the economy. The removal of fracking permits killed us economically. The other aspect is that the FED has been running wild with spending at the behest of Biden to keep the country from going under which will just make the inevitable crash worse. If i were to hazard a guess as to what will happen, i would say that they wont tamper with the presidential election but securely lock up the congressional and senate seats using illegal votes like they did in 2020 and 2022. This way Trump will be a lame duck and then the democrat run Federal reserve will release the valve holding back the next depression releasing it and forming something greater than the post ww1 depression that our great grandparents went through. This will be used as a means to take freedoms away from many us citizens. The removal of physical money, The removal of gas powered cars, The introduction of alternative "meats".

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