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Who Is Buying DJT Stock? It’s a Mystery.
April 11, 2024

Shares of Trump Media & Technology Group have traded on heavy volume since former President Donald Trump’s new media company took over the ticker DJT on March 26. Who, or what, is behind that market action?

But there is no reliable way to answer the question for Trump Media or any other stock. That’s because public disclosure regulations provide a limited and belated look at stock ownership.

To stick with the Trump Media example, the company began trading under DJT after it completed a merger with a blank-check company, Digital World Acquisition Corp., which was already listed. Trump Media operates the social-media network Truth Social, which it launched in 2022. Former President Donald Trump owns 57% of DJT stock, but is constrained by a lockup agreement from selling shares before late September.


continued below
Trump Media has about 600,000 retail investors, chief executive Devin Nunes told Fox News on April 7. Individuals aren’t required to disclose their stake in a company unless they acquire more than 5% of the shares. No one has made such a filing for DJT.

Institutional investors with assets above $100 million are required to disclose some holdings to the Securities and Exchange Commission, via a regulatory filing known as a 13F. A number of firms have disclosed such holdings related to Trump Media, but the information is stale by the time a 13F is filed, and such holdings might imply something other than the intent to profit off the stock’s rise or fall.

13F forms are filed quarterly, 45 days after the last day of the quarter, and show only what was held on that last day. That means ownership of DJT isn’t available yet. The latest filings, dated Dec. 31, reflect holdings in DWAC, the blank-check company that later combined with Trump Media.

Sapient Capital was the fifth-largest institutional stockholder as of Dec. 31. Sapient is a registered investment advisor headquartered in Indianapolis, and disclosed holdings on behalf of its clients, who remain
So the question is Trump being boosted by the Saudis since he basically helped install the current king by leaking classifieds information to him, or Russia, since he's Putin's cockholster
>The stock is plummeting! Look at the fail!
>OMG WHO IS INVESTING ALL THIS MONEY? Must be those scary foreigners we don't like!
The cope is real and desperate.
Go outside
u first shill
I am outside right now. What's your excuse?
inb4 the poster who says "tranny r3ddit r3ddit tranny tranny r3ddit librul faggot tranny I am obsessed with troons"
>chief executive Devin Nunes
With this Russian stooge involved it isn't hard to guess where the money is really coming from.
People wouldn't call you a reddit tranny if you didn't act like a reddit tranny, reddit tranny.
classic shill logic
united Arab emerites and its weird foot lake are jewish
Uday Hussein was one of the good ones
>libshits scream when djt drops in value
>Libshits scream when djt raises in value
Get off djt's dick already
It hasn't raised in value. It's down over 44% since it went public.

It's only seen a single day of growth, April 2nd.
This is hardly news. They have done this with books for ages by simply buying enough of them to put them in the NYT bestseller lists.

Hell, even this stupid site did it with GameStop. It's called propping up a worthless item before selling it off for a profit and letting it die.
No one ever calls me a reddit tranny anywhere else except you. It's like you're stuck in 2017 or something. It makes a person wonder why you're still doing it but I don't have the time to fully diagnose your mental illness.
They probably do, but you think it's me all the time.
Like I said, stop acting like a tranny, and no one will call you tranny, dickless.
Quintessential shill logic
If it looks like a tranny and acts like a tranny…..toss it in an active volcano
>No one ever calls me a reddit tranny anywhere else except you.
I'm the guy who actually usually says r*ddit and makes fun of troonery, you're replying to a completely different person

Meaning that even while anonymous, your r*dditor troonery is discernible by the average 4chan user

Sad! Many such cases
No one here believes you.
And yet you respond

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