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Biden once again saving the world from the Republican's disastrous trickle down economics, Trump Recession and Trumpflation.


Strong growth in the United States has helped to lift the outlook for the world economy, but more needs to be done to stem a slide in productivity, the head of the IMF said Thursday.

"Global growth is marginally stronger on account of robust activity in the United States and in many emerging markets economies," International Monetary Fund managing director Kristalina Georgieva told reporters in prepared remarks.

The U.S. economy grew by a robust 2.5 percent last year, according to the US Commerce Department, far outstripping most other advanced economies.

"Robust household consumption and business investment, and an easing of supply chain problems helped," Georgieva added. "And inflation is going down, somewhat faster than previously expected."

She spoke just a few days before the IMF-World Bank spring meetings of world financial leaders in Washington, one of two such gatherings hosted each year by the international financial institutions.

Her remarks suggest the IMF now expects the world economy to grow faster than it predicted in January, when it forecast global growth to rise by 3.1 percent in 2024, and 3.2 percent in 2025.

"It is tempting to breathe a sigh of relief. We have avoided a global recession and a period of stagflation -- as some had predicted," Georgieva said. "But there are still plenty of things to worry about."
Among the challenges, Georgieva mentioned rising geopolitical tension, which, she said, is increasing the risks of fragmentation of the global economy.

She also highlighted the challenges of growing public debt and a "broad-based slowdown in productivity."

Because of this, the IMF expects growth to remain at just above three percent over the medium term -- below its historical average.

To help the global economy to heal and fix the productivity challenge, Georgieva laid out a series of steps to bring global inflation and public debt back down to sustainable levels, and also called for steps to eliminate "constraints to economic activity" and boost productivity.

"In short, if there is a market failure that is being addressed -- such as accelerating innovation to address the existential threat of climate change -- there is a case for government intervention, including through industrial policy," she said.

"If there is no market failure, there is a need for caution," she added.
The people who wanted Biden elected say he's doing good?
No way!!!
Republicans trickled all over me, and the the dems gave me a used tissue paper to dry myself off.
>wealthy detached bureaucrat who doesn't live in the US says US economy is great

He's so right for letting us all eat cake ^_^
Can you point to the part where Biden's administration did anything? My groceries and gas are still expensive.
>the economy under biden is doing so well there were a record number of homeless in the US in 2023. Millennials live with their parents or 6 roommates and can't afford food. But the economy is great in Ba Sing Se
Takes time to fix 40 years of trickle down economics destroying America.
weird how this shit only ever becomes a problem when a dem is in office. Plus if you want someone to blame its the democrat jews nixon and clinton. nixon for switching from gold to monopoly money. all the reagan is bad graphs always show this as the inflection point. And clinton for repealing glass stegal and instructing banks to force blacks and illegals with no jobs into white neighborhoods (something obongo and brandon continued). which causes the housing crisis because towns don't want new housing. see black dem backsetball player steph curry blocking housing developments in his town in california because he didn't want blacks moving into the town
Biden has been in politics longer than that.
I can barely afford rent, gas, and groceries. My medical bills are insane. In what world are we doing good?
In the world where the media, big businesses, IMF, UN/WEF want Biden to win.
This is like the
>Inflation isn't coming
>Inflation isn't happening
>Inflation isn't bad
>Inflation is bad but it's your fault!
rent is not a biden issue. gas is three fiddy, as its hovered around for like 15 years. lb of chicken is still 3.99 a lb and bananas are still 19 cents and potatoes are the same price, a gallon of milk is the same price its been for 30 years. consider not shopping in the middle of the grocery store. stop eating goyslop.
>imports tens of millions of third worlders via open borders and flying in "refugees"
>what do you mean biden is at fault for rising rents? adding millions of new people doesn't increase the demand for housing
this shit has been intentional with section 8, clinton ninja mortgages and specifically dropping off "refugees" in red states/towns
Trickle Down has never worked, the conservative biased media just covers it up when a Republican is in office and then screams bloody murder otherwise.
They do the same with crime where crime was higher under Trump, but now it's a massive problem because of Biden.
>Trickle Down has never worked,
socialism and communism have never worked. again the inflection point was when that far left democrat nixon took us off the gold standard and started us on the valueless monopoly money
>the conservative biased media just covers it up when a Republican is in office and then screams bloody murder otherwise.
literally every news org other than fox takes orders from the DNC
>They do the same with crime where crime was higher under Trump, but now it's a massive problem because of Biden.
crime only went up under trump for a few reasons that were not his fault
1. weed got legalized in a bunch of state. weed has been shown to make people into violent retards and cause crime
2. dems ordered their blm shock troopers to riot and loot and murder
blm works directly for the DNC. that is why BLM's website's donations go through the DNC
3. dem lawmakers and DAs were soft on crime as fuck. they did bullshit like cashless bail which only causes crime and DAs in places like SF, Manhattan and Philly were members of BLM and refused to put blacks in jail for doing crimes like having illegal guns, robbery or murder
>muh gold standard
back to facebook, boomer
>no goy, it is just a coincidence that wages stop keeping up with production AND there is mega inflation right after we go off the gold standard
Into the trash your post goes.
there's not enough gold in the world to realistically be convertible to fiat, the gold standard is a large part of why the great depression happened
nah, you got btfo'd hard
the great depression was a jewish plot to gain wealth, that worked. fiat money has literally caused Americans to be poorer than their parents and ended the post war boom.
>da jooz
opinion discarded
Bull fucking shit a pound of chicken is $3.99.
A pound of chicken breast is easily 6.99. And I VERY DISTINCTLY remember being able to fill up my car for $20 not more than 5 years ago. Now it's $35. And where the fuck are bananas $0.19? They're like a 1.99 or more. It easily costs me $60-$70 for BASIC FUCKING GROCERIES. What, am I supposed to eat nothing but reduced price porkchops, rice, and beans from now on? And I'm employed full time too with a STEM job.
nobody believes you stupid
I guess the amazon store isn't the only "ai" powered by 1,000 indians
Delicious projection
>Nah, your whataboutism discredits your damage control for trickle down economics.
not at all, you clearly are upset because you got btfo'd on going off the gold standard and biden intentionally fucking up the economy to help billionaires so now you are looking for an out. Also I can tell neither of you are American based on the fact none of you pointed out nixon was a republican when I keep calling him a jewish democrat
>the gold standard is good because da jooz
shill logic is truly ponderous
the gold standard was better because there wasn't mega inflation and wages rose with productivity all the stagnation is based off fiat currency moving wealth to the rich
>the gold standard was better
do you like bank runs? because that's pretty much guaranteed with the gold standard
yeah all those bank runs from 1945 to 1971? bank runs are preferable to the dem bullshit going on now with the economy
the bretton woods system is more complex than the gold standard though, it's essentially the US dollar standard
yes, and it caused the average American to become much, much poorer and the billionaire jewish class to become much, much richer. the goal of the bretton woods system was to transfer wealth from the people to the rich and it has done an amazing job now Americans can't afford houses or food
>A pound of chicken breast is easily 6.99
>where the fuck are bananas $0.19? They're like a 1.99 or more

You do realize anyone can google a kroger weekly ad or just go into a grocery store to know your a liar.
>da joooooz
you'd be complaining about them regardless of the financial leverage system in place, so
>the biden economy is great
>fuck off you are just mad you are poor reeee
what is it, moishie?
stay on topic and keep your words out of my mouth
Nah, you're clearly seething over trickle down economics being a fraud and we're still trying to claw out of the Trump recession.
I am on topic. the topic is how brandon's economy is shit for the average American because it is designed to transfer wealth from average Americans to the billionaire class. biden literally sucks michael bloomberg's dick daily
the recession that was caused by biden taking office and causing inflation? or the recession cause by dem mayor and governor lockdown measures that transferred trillions to the billionaire class?
i accept your concession
it's a shame what biden has done to the economy. home affordability is totally out of reach for most people now thanks to bidenflation
it's a shame you have to shill to get paid in your economy
Those two statements go together actually. If you're grifting off working people you'd think the economy is fine too.
>what is it
it's "which is it", esl shill
>The recession caused by Trump's economic policies
the recession was caused by the dems intentionally shutting shit down over the fake china virus and then giving the oil cartels a monopoly. Just like how clinton repealed glass stegal and told banks to give loans to blacks in white towns to cause the 2008 collapse
you need to flesh out your talking points more if you want to sound american
>Trump was in charge
>But it's not his fault okay!?
Cope, Trump recession.
>the president is not responsible for economic factors
>except when it's trump
doesn't that logic invalidate your argument against biden. oh wait, thats right. you're never logically consistent
We're not the ones arguing that POTUS doesn't affect the economy. That's literally democrats whenever the topic of inflation comes up.
>We're not the ones arguing that POTUS doesn't affect the economy
yes you are, whenever trump comes up
>Trump makes a mess
>Biden has to clean up Trump's mess
Simple logic eludes you.
>biden sabotages the oil industry by unironically following the Green New Deal
>suddenly everything becomes more expensive because oil is a speculative market and nobody wants to invest
>price of gasoline goes up, which makes the price of everything go up
>"How could trump do this?"
the mess was caused by biden and dem governors though
the biden recession? it was intentionally caused by blue state governors like cuomo the olds murderer to give more cash to their jewish billionaire friends
brandon didn't sabotage the oil industry. he specifically used his regulatory power with things like the royalties and drilling permits to murder the small mom and pop shall companies so the cartel of standard oil, BP and opec could price gouge with no outside competition
do mass replyers
always have obnoxious, useless opinions
>brandon didn't sabotage the oil industry.
Yeah he did. He canceled the XL pipeline extension and refused to issue new permits during his first year. And then he began a proxy war with the country which we were using to purchase oil.
Biden is actually stupid.
voting for donald
>He canceled the XL pipeline extension
Keystone was dead in the water before Biden. It was electorally unpopular, fairly expensive, and every major oil company had sold their tar sands assets years before the permits were even filed. It was an export pipeline that would've actually raised gas prices by reducing supply to midwest refiners. The conservative obsession with the Keystone pipeline in based in fantasy.

>refused to issue new permits
Irrelevant. When Biden canceled new permits there were over 4,000 approved drill permits on federal land that oil companies could've produced on any time they wanted. Biden actually had to start fining oil companies for sitting on permits and not using them. They dragged their feet and avoided investing in new drill project because prices were high and they had no financial incentive to. Never mind the fact that the U.S. gets less than 30% of its oil from federal lands. The idea that the oil industry desperately needed more permits and more federal lands and Biden said no is patently, objectively false.

>And then he began a proxy war with the country which we were using to purchase oil.
Incorrect. Russia, a hostile foreign power, began a war by invading a sovereign western ally.

>Biden is actually stupid.
The irony of you calling anybody else stupid is beyond palpable.
A bunch of bananas is easily 2 bucks. And I just looked at the kroger website for chicken and guess what? I'M FUCKING RIGHT.
Only the absolute worst quality of chicken goes sub 3.99, but at that point you're essential eating dog food.
i like your pink hair lil OP anime girl!
Can i sniff it?
This is how you know their mother does all their grocery shopping.
The technology to lookup grocery prices has existed for long enough that your assertations are facially ridiculous.
You probably should have followed your own advise, you fucking dumbass.
>When Biden canceled new permits there were over 4,000 approved drill permits on federal land that oil companies could've produced on any time they wanted.
Why would anyone trust drilling permits from an admin that claimed it wanted to end oil production?
>Why would anyone trust drilling permits from an admin that claimed it wanted to end oil production?
Firstly, like I said, the U.S. gets less than 30% of its drilled oils from federal lands. Secondly, trust has nothing to do with it. Its simple economics. Every time table for even suggesting the "end of oil production" in any green energy has been in the 20-30 year range. The president of the U.S. couldn't end oil production even if he wanted to. The idea that oil companies are out there shaking in their boots because any day they president will just come and turn the oil spigot off is retarded. Energy trade and its speculation is a multi-trillion dollar industry. There are whole divisions of energy companies dedicated to figuring out how much gas, solar and wind is going to cost decades from now. You have a child's understandings of the mechanisms that control it. Lastly, if you're an oil exec simple minded enough to just not "trust" a permit then okay. Fuck you, don't drill then. The U.S. government is not obligated to shape its policies for the purpose of oil profits. If you think an investment is too risky then don't do it. Welcome to capitalism, baby.
>The idea that oil companies are out there shaking in their boots because any day they president will just come and turn the oil spigot off is retarded.
The permits can be revoked at any time and the Biden admin has a credibility problem. There's good reason for drillers to not take him up on the permits. Same reason why OPEC weren't interested in negotiating with him. Biden isnt a good faith business partner. Biden fumbled oil domestically and foreign due to irresponsible rhetoric and non-sensical policy making. He's burned through the reserves and now gas is back to previous price highs.
Donald J. Trump
>>The permits can be revoked at any time
But they haven't. Biden outpaced Trump in federal drilling permits by almost 50% in 2023. 12 million acres of federal land were used for drilling purposes in the same year. The exact opposite of what you're claiming is happening in reality. The Biden administration has reliably been issuing new federal permits for the past 2 years.

>the Biden admin has a credibility problem
But, to be clear, you're just making this up. You can't demonstrate this in any way. All of the evidence contradicts you. At the time that Biden stopped issuing new drill permits, there were thousands of permits on millions of acres of federal land that could've have been developed literally any time. Not only has this number not dropped, its increased by the thousands.

>Same reason why OPEC weren't interested in negotiating with him. Biden isnt a good faith business partner.
You can't find a single news article or quote from anyone in OPEC or associated OPEC saying they didn't lower prices because he wasn't a good faith partner. You're just making shit up. They weren't interested in lowering prices because of uncertainty in energy speculation. They did not want to increase production to suddenly see a huge drop in demand and see their economy suffer for the purpose of bailing out the U.S. There was also a lot of geopolitical considerations given that the Saudis are reliable allies of Russia.

>Biden fumbled oil domestically and foreign due to irresponsible rhetoric and non-sensical policy making
But, again, you can't demonstrate that in any way. Every point you've brought up has either been a lie or pulled straight from your ass.

>now gas is back to previous price highs
The national average right now is like $3.70, whereas the previous high, in July of 2022, was over $5. You're a very bad liar. All it takes is 30 seconds on google to debunk every single one of your dogshit talking points.
The service economy, which makes up 77+% of the US economy, largely exists because of trickle-down economics. Manufacturing left a long time ago, so jobs such as massage therapist, hair stylist, personal trainer, yoga instructor, private music lessons, waitressing, house cleaning, dog groomer, pedicure/ manicure, CFP, CPA, chef, translator, and a whole host of others are where the money is for people who don't have a Masters or PhD. All of those services are mostly used by people who are upper-middle class or wealthy.

If you went to college for 4+ years, have experience in your field, and are stuck making under $40 an hour, that's not the fault of trickle-down economics.
Nah, it was Trump and the Republican policies that caused the Trump recession, including his trickle down tax cuts being a failure to deliver, because trickle down economics have always failed to do anything except for allow the rich to hoard money at the expense of everyone else.
>3 straight anti Biden economy threads
/pol/ mad at the OP
Dicks Dicks Dicks Dicks Dicks Dicks Dicks Dicks Dicks I love Dicks Dicks Dicks Dicks Dicks Dicks Dicks Dicks
Yup just checked my paper. Chicken is $2.39/lb boneless skinless breasts. But continue to play pretend house with made up prices and be fake outraged.
Agendaposters are the cancer that killed /news/
Oh u-uh sorry. I forgot this is the board with 100% Trump threads.
Sorry 'bout that.
>But they haven't. Biden outpaced Trump in federal drilling permits by almost 50% in 2023
This isn't true though. According to the Department of Interior's data, there were 11239 permits leased under Trump. 11992 under Biden. A marginal increase that should be much higher considering oil imports are significantly down under Biden.

>But, to be clear, you're just making this up. You can't demonstrate this in any way.
Biden's credibility problem is quite clear. He destroyed the US-Canada partnership over Keystone. He failed to negotiate with OPEC. He burned the bridge with Russian oil producers. Domestic producers have disavowed his policy and rhetoric publicly.

>You can't find a single news article or quote from anyone in OPEC or associated OPEC saying they didn't lower prices because he wasn't a good faith partner.
Actions speak for themselves. Biden failed to negotiate an increase in production with OPEC despite US leverage. Mohammed bin Salman refused to even shake Biden's hand. Yet again Biden suffered the consequence of his own irresponsible rhetoric after spending months attempting to "treat Salman as a pariah" for political points.

>But, again, you can't demonstrate that in any way.
Oil imports are significantly down. In less than four years, Biden has compromised business relations with every major oil partner we have. Gas prices are higher than they've ever been in the country's history. It's been demonstrated.

>The national average right now is like $3.70, whereas the previous high, in July of 2022, was over $5.
The national average reached an all time high under Biden. It was half that under Trump.
are you a victim (((
>He burned the bridge with Russian oil producers

get in the golf cart
Yeah but it was worth it so he could lose two wars in one term. wow Biden is a great president
>claims catalog is 100% Trump threads
>says this in a thread about Bidenomics
Imagine being this sensitive
>Increases in U.S. crude oil and natural gas production reduced the need for crude oil and natural gas imports and contributed to increases in crude oil and natural gas exports. The United States has been a net total energy exporter—total energy exports have been higher than total energy imports—since 2019
Why import?
Cheaper to import = lower costs for Americans at the pump aka your mom's house
thanks for admitting you're not american
I accept your concession
tell us another nonsensical yo mama joke
Yo mama so stupid, she voted for Biden
And look, my 'paper' say its on sale for 2.99/lb. The really cheap brand, btw. The organic stuff is going for 4.99/lbs. Boneless skinless breasts.
NTA, btw, you horse faced dipshit.
With every post you just prove our point.
Lmao got em
Historically speaking, the TRANNIES, that post here have generally kept it 100% Trump threads, with the occasional shinning light of something else not related to Trump on the FP.
I think one of the /news/ TRANNIES finally 41%'ed recently however.
So are you going to talk about Trump jacking up oil prices with his embargo of Venezuela when they could supply the US with 2 million barrels of oil a day?
Shut up nerd
chud headcanon is so wild
>paying 2x-4x for groceries to own the libs
You could pass being this poor and stupid.
However instead of exporting oil, we keep it all in America.
Republicans refused to do that even under Nixon.
>real Americans
>global economic outlook
Time won't fix the damage caused by mass immigration, we can only stop it from getting worse by ending the unrelenting stream of immigration that you voted for
wow that's great news, I guess Zoomers can afford a single-family home now right? Better import another 10 million immigrants just to make sure!
>gas is three fiddy, as its hovered around for like 15 years
Idk where the fuck you live but before 2021 gas in NY was well under 3 bucks, it was only after the pandemic and biden being in office that it skyrocketed to 5 bucks, came down to around 3.70, and stayed there.
I read that something like 5,000,000 of the jobs created during the biden presidency have been for illegals, food prices are still up, gas is still up, so what are the improvements EXACTLY for the average american
>I read something
Dailymail.com or NYpost.com?
Half the people here are drudgereport bottom feeders
Immigration is the only reason why the economy works.
Forget where it was and its probably not accurate, but you get my point, how much of this reported economic growth is ACTUALLY helping honest-to-god Americans when it seems like most people have still been struggling with the inflation? I know there's been huge influxes of illegals in my state especially that have boosted employment numbers at least a bit, but how does that translate to value for the average actual citizen, yk?
>Biden once again saving the world from the Republican's disastrous trickle down economics, Trump Recession and Trumpflation.
reject the evidence of your eyes and ears.
trying to get the last word, eh?

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