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Homicides in American cities are falling at the fastest pace in decades, bringing them close to levels they were at before a pandemic-era jump.

Nationwide, homicides dropped around 20% in 133 cities from the beginning of the year through the end of March compared with the same period in 2023, according to crime-data analyst Jeff Asher, who tabulated statistics from police departments across the country.
No wonder the shills stopped posting racebait murder stories every other day
They moved on to scaring boomers with immigrant stories.
i just know this is a lie..
gimme a min
scrounging up some murdoch or tucker carlson drivel for us?
>Crime in urbanite scum sanctuaries by protected classes is Murdoch and tucker Carlson drivel
Absolutely fucking mind broken
lying about and exaggerating things that have nothing to do with you is right wing drivel
To be fair WSJ.com is actually murdoch drivel. What do chuds do when the murdoch drivel is saying things contrary to their narrative?
They get their talking points from Newsmax and OAN
>bruen happens
>cities are forced to recognize the basic human right to carry a gun for self defense
>people start carrying guns (places like NJ saw something like a 5,000% increase in number of people legally carrying a gun)
>murder drops because dems can no longer murder indiscriminately without someone shooting back at them
Bad news:I saw a person of color in my woodpile.
The wife said it was one of these here illegals.
Good news:Wer'e expecting a little one come next fall!

>NJ saw something like a 5,000% increase in number of people legally carrying a gun)

New Jersey sees 3,000% increase in permits to carry guns,

why do you lie?

New Jersey has the 3rd-lowest rate of gun violence in the US. SOURCES: Gun deaths: CDC, WONDER, four-year average: 2018–2021.

Let's see what those stats are for 2021-2026
>Homicides in American cities are falling at the fastest pace in decades
This is good news, under Biden they were growing the fastest pace in decades, it was unsustainable
>why do you lie?
choke on a dick you faggot
>According to the state’s new Permit to Carry Data Dashboard, posted by the attorney general earlier this week, the number of concealed-carry gun permits issued by law enforcement rose by nearly 5,000% since June 2022.
>Let's see what those stats are for 2021-2026
probably going to drop considering even the America hating, communist, human rights denying, corrupt governor says 5 black cities contribute to over 50% of all murders in NJ
>Camden, Jersey City, Newark, Paterson and Trenton account for 10% of the state’s population but had 62% of New Jersey’s 1,412 fatal and nonfatal shooting victims in 2021.
Don't bother. He's our local /news/ schizo. He's obsessed with guns and shitposts all day about it. Ignore him and he'll go away.
>Flood country with illegals that on average commit significantly less violent crime than citizens
>Crime rates fall
Many such cases.

Why do Republicans want the violent crime rate to increase?
>Start ignoring the Republican courts doing the bidding o the military industrial complex to arm veryone and continue the spike of murders
>Murders go down
Wow, grabbing guns is the solution, it's just that easy.
>Camden, Jersey City, Newark, Paterson and Trenton account for 10% of the state’s population but had 62% of New Jersey’s 1,412 fatal and nonfatal shooting victims in 2021.

Detroit has got them all beat. The city makes up less than 8% of Michigan's total population (only 640,000 people) yet accounts for 60% of the murders in the state.
illegals do a fuck ton of crimes, it just goes under reported because they are doing it to other illegals who won't go to the cops for fear of being deported 80% of illegals are rapists or child rapists
that would be brandon giving tons of cash to the MIC in the name is israel and ukraine. dems literally suck raython and lockheeds dick on the daily. Meanwhile every statistic shows gun ownership has gone up and the number of people carrying guns in public has gone up due to bruen and the fact most states have constitutional carry. Dems are against this because they are the party of criminals
>80% of illegals are rapists or child rapists
Bold of you to claim raping a child isn't rape, though it's about what I'd expect from a Republican.
>America hating, communist, human rights denying, corrupt governor
your parents must be worried about yuo
are you esl? in what language is a child rapist not a rapist?
>communist has no argument so it uses an insult it has seen on the internet many times that wasn't funny 10 years ago
many such cases. if someone was smart enough to be witty, they wouldn't be anti gun
but i love guns? marx was clear that the workers must be armed
>are you esl? in what language is a child rapist not a rapist?
Are you? You said rapists OR child rapists.
yeah, you are an ESL
nah, marx was very clear that the people must be stripped of their guns so they do not revolt against the communist monarchy. its why every single communist/socialist government and politician ever has been anti gun and why every time the people got guns they over threw their communist oppressors
so you are esl
Makes sense to me
>nah, marx was very clear that the people must be stripped of their guns so they do not revolt against the communist monarchy

>“Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary” ― Karl Marx

Why would you bother lying when it takes 5 seconds on google to disprove you? Is this really the level of low-effort propaganda you've committed yourself to?
/news/ doesn't have a very outstanding record
literally every single communist state confiscate guns from the people the second the communists took over to prevent a revolution. SRA members today advocate for gun control. Marx did not want the people owning guns, only the communists.
>Marx did not want the people owning guns, only the communists.
Marx wanted the proletariat armed, not the communists. Specifically so they could achieve revolution, like all those dictatorships you're talking about were worried about.

Also, no dictatorship ever rose to power *by* seizing guns. They rose to power and *then* seized guns. Guns are fundamentally a destabilizing force. That's why Marx liked them.
>Marx did not want the people owning guns, only the communists.
>nah, marx was very clear that the people must be stripped of their guns so they do not revolt against the communist monarchy

>“Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary” ― Karl Marx

Why would you tell such an easily disprovable lie?
>Marx wanted the proletariat armed,
if the proletariat was armed they would over throw the communists. they literally always do
>Specifically so they could achieve revolution,
why would marx want an anti communist revolution?
>like all those dictatorships you're talking about were worried about.
marx literally said the goal of communism is to install a dictatorship
>Also, no dictatorship ever rose to power *by* seizing guns. They rose to power and *then* seized guns. Guns are fundamentally a destabilizing force. That's why Marx liked them.
marx liked guns in the hands of the communist dictators, not in the hands of the people
who are you quoting? when did I say "communist monarchy"? why is your samefag respons within a minute of the other post. really not beating the discord tranny allegations
>who are you quoting?
Karl Marx. You said "Karl Marx wanted to strip the people of guns" yet Karl Marx advocated for the exact opposite. You have no clue what you're talking about yet you insist on pretending like you know anything about Marx for some reason.
(((you))) wrote
>nah, marx was very clear that the people must be stripped of their guns so they do not revolt against the communist monarchy
who were you quoting, faggot?
>Marx did not want the people owning guns, only the communists.

>“Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary” ― Karl Marx

You seem lost and angry.
>why would marx want an anti communist revolution?
Because he was for class abolition, not communist bourgeois dictatorship? If the ruling class is overthrown, that's a win.
so you are saying Marx wanted all communists everywhere killed?
you still haven't explained where you got
>nah, marx was very clear that the people must be stripped of their guns so they do not revolt against the communist monarchy
from, discord tranny
>from, discord tranny
Your flailing and shitposting isn't distracting anyone from you embarrassingly pretending to know anything about Marx.
I'm literally referencing a post you wrote and you won't say where you got the quote from. seems suspicious as fuck. Like you were copy pasting something off your tranny discord
>so you are saying Marx wanted all communists everywhere killed?
No. I can't even charitably read that from what I said. You might have a brain tumor. Stop listening to the voices and take your lithium.
communists only exist as an oppressive ruling class. without a totalitarian state everyone would just fuck off rather than be chattel slaves to a communist. marx literally advocates for a dictatorship in his book. So for you to be right and him to want the ruling class over thrown, he would have to want every communist killed
>if we stop reporting and counting crimes then it goes down!
yeah we know that leftcuck trick
>communists only exist as an oppressive ruling class
Are the communist rulers in the room with you right now?
>marx literally advocates for a dictatorship in his book
Of the proletariat, as opposed to one of the bourgeoisie. Also, dictatorship in this context does not mean a state controlled by a dictator anymore than it means a state controlled by a Roman official. It basically just meant a system of government and economics wherein power is held by a single group. Marx was in favor of ending bourgeoisie minority rule in favor of proletariat majority rule as a precursor to ending both classes and government. Marx was a little d democrat and advocated for universal suffrage well before the fucking US government did.
>So for you to be right and him to want the ruling class over thrown, he would have to want every communist killed
Marx allowed for nonviolent revolution. Frankly it sounds like you think you live in a dictatorship that must be violently destroyed.

Are you a Marxist?
>Are the communist rulers in the room with you right now?
you are acting like there aren't multiple states with communist dictators
>Of the proletariat, as opposed to one of the bourgeoisie. Also, dictatorship in this context does not mean a state controlled by a dictator anymore than it means a state controlled by a Roman official. It basically just meant a system of government and economics wherein power is held by a single group. Marx was in favor of ending bourgeoisie minority rule in favor of proletariat majority rule as a precursor to ending both classes and government. Marx was a little d democrat and advocated for universal suffrage well before the fucking US government did.
which is why every single marxist state ever has had an oppressive authoritarian dictator and literally every socialist politician ever has been an authoritarian? marxism doesn't work because anyone with any talent will fuck off unless forced to work at gun point by an authoritarian state, because marxism is about robbing the workers of their labor.
>Are you a Marxist?
no, I am anti slavery. marx was pro slavery. he wanted every single person to be a slave to the state so the dictator could live like a king. communism is just another name for feudalism
Hint: They're not prosecuting them. Labaled as "accidents".....
How are police officers are hiding murders in plain sight?
Never said murders didn't happen. It's all about manipulation, and weasel word games
ie not arresting suspects
No charges filed
labeling blacks as "Caucasian"
changing definitions of words
Just open your eyes...
the same way japan does it or that boeing whistle blower a few weeks ago.
>the witness in the boeing case died of suicide from 20 shots to the back of the head
>the police as of right now have ruled out any foul play
>no, I am anti slavery
So what you might say is you're against the ruling class holding political and economic power while workers aren't fairly compensated for their labor and lack any control over the means of production?

So you're a Marxist.
nope. marxism is a system where the workers are chattel of the state. no one in marxism has ever been fairly compensated
Claiming to follow the espoused ideals of Marx while claiming not to be a Marxist doesn't mean you aren't a Marxist. It just makes you a Marxist and a liar, like many Marxists.

Face facts, you're a Marxist. You hate how the state treats workers, are for fair compensation for workers. Every attack on Marxism you have made has been from a Marxist lens. You view the ruling class as corrupt and are virulently pro-worker.
>Claiming to follow the espoused ideals of Marx
marx's ideals were enslaving the goyim. that is the point of marxism
>You view the ruling class as corrupt and are virulently pro-worker.
yeah, and marx was the opposite
>marx's ideals were enslaving the goyim
Marx was raised Evangelical and became an atheist later in life. Also he faced accusations of antisemitism for characterizing Jews as money-obsessed capitalists.

Why in the love of fuck do you think he wanted to "enslave the goyim"?

>yeah, and marx was the opposite
Classic marxist having no fucking idea what Marx said.
>Marx was raised
marx was a crypto jew
>Classic marxist having no fucking idea what Marx said.
marx literally said he wanted a dictatorship
Why would 133 different police departments undercount number of murders?
to make brandon look better
even police officers prefer brandon. Right opportunists must be moist unpopular.
Because people are leaving the shithole cities that are listed in the article.
>Literally a huge mass migration away from THOSE specific cities..

But they conveniently don't mention Chimpcago.. I wonder why that is?
An armed citizenry was a double-edged sword. While it served the masses as a bulwark against political oppression, it also threatened the vehicle socialists used to usher in the people’s utopia: the state. And this explains why modern Marxists tend to despise gun rights.

“There’s a reason you never see a Communist, a Marxist, or even a Socialist politician support the right of common people to keep and bear arms,” US Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) recently said. “Those forms of government require more submission to the state than armed citizens would tolerate.”

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