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Ukraine appears to be losing.
Centrenergo has lost all of its power plants.
DTEK has lost 80% of its power generation capabilities.
Ukraine is being forced now to triple energy imports and cease energy exporting.
It really sucks Ukraine has to deal with the disastrous effects of the 2014 democrat-planned coup in Ukraine
Ukraine's power plants at the mercy of Russian missiles

Officials in Ukraine say they can "count on one hand" the thermal and hydro power plants across the country that are not yet badly damaged or totally destroyed. As Ukraine scrambles to repair what it can, and keep the electricity flowing to homes and industry, Russia's assault has not stopped.

The attack on 22 March was deliberate and devastating. Five Russian missiles struck the same spot, mangling turbines, generators and transformers and taking the plant offline. A week later, Russia targeted the city's power plants again.

For Ihor Orlovskiy this feels personal.

"It's like looking at the ruins of your own home. It brings pain and tears," the deputy director says, leading me across chunks of metal and stone to the spot where the missiles exploded.

He's worked here since Soviet times.

"It's a very bitter feeling. But this mobilises us too, to build back. Because we know a city of more than a million people is depending on us."

There have been six attacks on this plant since the start of the full-scale invasion, but the one in March was the worst by far.

It was also the most demoralising: it took engineers a full year to repair one section of the plant, then two weeks after it was restarted Russia hit exactly the same spot.
That leads some to suspect Russian agents inside Ukraine are feeding information to Moscow: the power plants cover vast territory and the damage, or repairs, are impossible to conceal.

But Russia already knows where to target.

The heavy machinery dates back to the USSR, there are still Soviet labels on the ruins, and Moscow has the old blueprints of the plants.

Ihor Orlovskiy suspects the increased precision is more likely down to the sheer intensity of recent attacks. "When you launch five, six, seven missiles at the same spot, some are bound to hit."

The city has to bring in power from western Ukraine, which means limited supply and regular blackouts. The Russians have targeted electricity substations too.

The slip in morale is compounded by a shortage of ammunition now reaching the front lines and the continuing failure of the US Congress to approve a critical package of aid for Kyiv.

Ukraine's troops, like everyone here, sense their war sliding down the international agenda.

And now there's new cause for dismay, as many note the difference in response to the escalating crisis in the Middle East.

Israel has had direct support to protect its skies from Iranian missiles and drones, even as the same countries limit their help to Ukraine which is under Russian attack every day.
Quick, we dems need to increase taxes on the middle class to send more cash to the MIC biden loves so much
Not sure what they thought would happen.. Im sure whoever stashed away all that cash will flee to where the fuck ever soon leaving behind much the news wont talk about and a new narrative will replace it. Fear not NPCs and shills! Script update soon!
Ucrane & Israel.

Can u spare a dime, bud?
I need 100 more for a flop house for the night, i donate blood to the bedbugs there for free
Why are republicans pro dictator?
This is a republic, not a democracy, shill
The West: I will never financially recover from this.
Remember the 3 day smo to turn some of Ukraine's power off for a few weeks? It's finally over now. The west has collapsed. Russia can get in its golf cart and go home
Your translator isn't working correctly
How much are the Republicans giving Zelensky now?
Methinks you just aren't fluent in English, esl shill
A republic is a form of democracy, dumbass.
Putin is a dictator.
2 more weeks then?
I would argue Putins dictator lvl is 6/10..
The Biden Reichs is 8/10..
At least Putin thinks he is making russia strong..
Biden poops his pants and fucks over america on purpose...
>Biden is a big scary evil weak old man
>democrats have weaponized:
>y rEpOoBliCaNz fAcIzTs
It's not Mr Magoo, but the one who pulls his strings......
Where do you people get this shit from?
the jewish nazi democrat transexual reddit neocons, duh
Who wants to take bets on the outcome of Ukraines next counteroffensive
That there even is a counteroffensive at all automatically means Russia is losing. Russia should have taken Kyiv in 48 hours by now.
Your line didn't relate to what I said, shill.
So I guess your betting on "Ukraine wins", interesting strategy I wonder if it will pay off
They win when Russia gives up trying to occupy its neighbors. How many years that will take is still up in the air.
>They win when Russia gives up trying to occupy its neighbors
I guess Ukraines playing the long game then.
Not really. Putin has ass cancer and the moment he dies the war goes away.
I thought you shizos said he had pituitary cancer. It's hard to keep up with your conspiracy theories
Oh ffs I decided to Google it since I don't keep up with the latest Putin conspiracy theories and there's an entire Wikipedia page dedicated to 20 years of this sort of fake news
Not sure who "timesnownews.com" is but you should add it to that Wikipedia page, anon
more like we don't give a shit and want to stop fucking wasting our taxes on it
I never gave a shit about Ukraine.
I don't give a shit about eurotrash faggots in general. Expect when eurotrash faggots try to get my 'Merican tax dollars. Then I care that they die.
Good post
You're outnumbered. Cope.
>you are outnumbered, therefore we can steal your labor at gun point
No we aren't fuckface.
Russia shills literally post here
You really should refresh yourself on definitions before replying. When you look up the definition read the entire definition and don't just stop with what you need.
You're wrong and retarded

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