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Popular kids show Bluey praised for introducing same-sex couple in season finale
The 49th episode of Bluey Season 3 featured a subtle reference to the show's first-ever same-sex couple
Dylan Murray

Published Apr 18, 2024, 18:12:22 GMT+1
Last updated Apr 18, 2024, 18:12:20 GMT+1


The Australian kid’s TV show Bluey has become one of the most critically acclaimed shows of its genre since its debut in 2018.

Upon Bluey’s eventual arrival worldwide on Disney+ a year later in 2019, the show became incredibly popular among both children and adults.

The popular show details the life of Bluey, a seven-year-old blue healer, and her little sister Bingo, a five-year-old red healer, alongside a supporting cast featuring their friends and family

The popular show details the life of Bluey, a seven-year-old blue healer, and her little sister Bingo, a five-year-old red healer, alongside a supporting cast featuring their friends and family
Now, three seasons and over 150 episodes into its existence, Bluey has not only garnered praise for being a tremendous kid's TV show but also for its inclusivity in the final episode of season 3.

In the most recent episode of the series, the show made reference to its first same-sex couple, with a friend of Bluey's - a chihuahua named Pretzel - noting that he has two moms in an anecdote about his pet guinea pig.

When my guinea pig ran away, my mums told me he might come back, but he didn't,” was the exact line stated by Pretzel in the 28-minute long Season 3 finale entitled The Sign - an episode lasting four times as long as most episodes do.

While this reference is widely acknowledged as something of a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment, it is also considered a step forward for LGBTQ representation and the normalization of same-sex couples appearing within kid’s television.

“Pretzel having lesbian moms still makes me happy,” said one user on X (formerly Twitter).

“Bluey pulling out the representation.”

Others shared personal anecdotes as to why such a small line meant so much to them.

“As a person who lived with his mom and her gf at one point in time, I think this is great,” another user explained on the Elon Musk-owned site.

Unsurprisingly, the response to this subtle line wasn’t exclusively popular, with some criticizing the inclusion of a same-sex couple as being forced and unnecessary, despite the subtle nature of the reference.

These critics could not stop the groundbreaking episode from being among the most popular in the show’s history.

The Sign currently sits as the highest-rated episode of the Australian show to date, garnering a rating of 9.9/10 on IMDb four days after the episode first aired.
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>In the most recent episode of the series, the show made reference to its first same-sex couple, with a friend of Bluey's - a chihuahua named Pretzel - noting that he has two moms in an anecdote about his pet guinea pig.
I guess I won't pirate that episode for my kids then.
Read the sticky

>implying you've had sex
>>implying you've had sex
Modernity does make some things incredibly easy.
Fags in a kids show. Proving fags require access to children to reproduce.
Go away fags.
Chud headcanon is wild.
Faggot excuses don't work here

Everyone knows what you are
homosexuality amongst the animal world is quite common.
They produce in the same way that homosexuals reproduce in the human world.
OP is a reproduction but don't know it yet.
Note the addition of a young beautiful woman to his article.
This is an effort to convince himself that he don't like cock.
Try making an argument.
So much for "Bluey is le based" posting. /pol/ monkey pawed this into existence.
why was pol watching shows for toddlers anyways
It's based and Chad or something. Idk lol
Is this the new strategy?
Put out seasons with good content and then once the show is popular start introducing woke shit
This hurts even more since it showed that the writers can put out quality work
No one cares but chuds.
And people with children.
Tired of fags. They should just get AIDS and die.
Well, in larger quantities than they already do.
No actually most people with children don't care about fags or "woke shit" either. Just chuds.
Not true. Everyone hates fags and no parent wants their child to be a fag.
quite a show you're putting on for us
Challenge: find the gay gene. See how many fag babies get aborted
They actually found the gay gene in the early 00's and have kept it hidden so this doesn't happen.
So you're saying once scientists find the gay gene then Republicans will suddenly start being pro-choice?
And Democrats will be pro-life.
once we find the authoritarian personality gene and poltards are gone forever, the world will know peace
Progressives would suffer the most if we did.
Since progressivism is completely totalitarian.
Let's do it!
It isn't common. They do it to larp for the real thing.
Its an Australian saying to have tow moms. People on both sides thinking there are gay parents don't know the culture.
trump needs your money, why are you wasting your time shitposting
you expect reactionaries to care about facts?
a teacher in new england doing a unit on thoreau and transcendentalism was going to take the class on a field trip to walden pond and got an angry email from a parent incensed that they would take children on a trip 'to learn about being trans'
>It isn't common. They do it to larp for the real thing.
sounds like me and my male cousins
Wait, this is what Chuds are crying over..?

Well duh, Bluey has promoted racemixing since the beginning.
Anything that reinforces my bias..
I especially like TheRollingStone, MSNBC, Salon you know left-leaning news sources that reinforce my bias.

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