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A Washington, D.C., judge issued a dire warning Friday about the effects of the January 6 attack.

U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan sentenced Scott Miller, a former Proud Boys leader who fought with multiple police officers while trying to storm the Capitol building, to 66 months in prison. This is one of the longest sentences that Chutkan has given. She cited Miller’s actions at the Capitol, as well as evidence that he held Nazi beliefs and thought that Washington, D.C., residents should be executed.

Previously, the longest sentences Chutkan had handed down related to the insurrection were 63 months long, given to two other violent offenders at the Capitol. Chutkan described the storming of the Capitol as “close to as serious a crisis as this nation has ever faced.”

“It can happen again,” Chutkan, who is expected to preside over Donald Trump’s criminal trial for trying to overturn the 2020 election, said Friday. “Extremism is alive and well in this country. Threats of violence continue unabated.”

Those threats have become normalized in Republican discourse, with right-wing figures across the country invoking violence and urging their supporters to arm themselves. The man behind it all, Donald Trump, has yet to face any consequences thanks to the Supreme Court holding up his case over questions of presidential immunity.
Since the January 6 attack, Trump has not toned down his own rhetoric, saying that 2024 could be the “last election we ever have”—and his far-right supporters could try to make that a reality. Not to mention that many Republicans still believe in conspiracies about the Capitol riot, a sign that the right isn’t concerned about inciting political violence, let alone the violence itself.

In short, Miller’s sentence shows that the consequences for political violence in the U.S. right now only come after the fact, and do not deal with those who incite it beforehand. This does not bode well for the aftermath of the 2024 elections, no matter how they go.
Of course they will try again. The longer the schizos are off their meds, the more likely we'll get terrorist attacks by the right.
Political violence is mostly a left wing thing. See: 2020 riots
STFU democratic shill.
1/6 is not even listed in the official list of official coup de e'tats(froggy speak for rebellions.)

>“Extremism is alive and well in this country. Threats of violence continue unabated.”
Yes, because you are using the law to discriminate against Republicans.
Democracy exists only because everybody agrees. You're shitting in the bed, blaming the other person and wondering why everybody gets upset.
>/pol in full damage control already
>2021 United States Capitol attack: President Donald Trump refused to concede to Joe Biden after losing the 2020 United States presidential election, leading, for the first time in at least 220 years, to a failure of the peaceful transition of power.[107][108][109] Supporters of the president stormed the Capitol building during the counting of electoral votes, and temporarily halted the process. Early the next morning the counting resumed and Joe Biden was confirmed as president, being inaugurated two weeks later.
You didn't even read the article, did you?
But enough about what /pol/ does
But enough about what /pol/ does
Very good posts.
>Democracy exists only because everybody agrees.
And that's why Trump and the Republicans are an existential threat to it.
This is a pure opinion piece and it's from a straight propaganda source.

>resident Donald Trump refused to concede to Joe Biden after losing the 2020 United States presidential election, leading, for the first time in at least 220 years, to a failure of the peaceful transition of power.
lol lmao This is why Wikipedia isn't allowed as a source
who pays you
>This is a pure opinion piece
An article that states what someone else's opinion is isn't an opinion piece. That isn't what an OpEd is.

>lol lmao This is why Wikipedia isn't allowed as a source
Explain what part about this sentence you just quoted is incorrect. Did Donald Trump not refuse to concede? Was there not a riot during the certification that interrupted the process?
i doubt the opportunists doing the fuckery at 3am in 2020 are taking tuesday off work this november to vote.
>An article that states what someone else's opinion is isn't an opinion piece
Fucking retard
>Did Donald Trump not refuse to concede
They were literally still counting votes during the "riot". He doesn't have to concede until after the recounts are finished. Did Hillary refuse to concede when Trump won because they did recounts too?
Wtf what did I miss? When was the first one?
Retard shill
Already forgetting about the Failed Trump Coup of Jan 6th?
>Appointed by Barack Obama
>Assumed office June 5, 2014
>was there not a riot
It was a "fiery but mostly peaceful" protest
>jan 6th
Debunked since Augsust of '21 ^_^
you've probably lost this argument at least 100 times
The Boogaloo Riots were a riot
>Still Quoting the Trump compromised FBI

Meanwhile in reality




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