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Former President Trump is casting blame on President Biden for legislation that could potentially ban TikTok in the U.S., after the bill cleared the House last weekend as part of a larger foreign aid package.

“Just so everyone knows, especially the young people, Crooked Joe Biden is responsible for banning TikTok,” Trump said in a Truth Social post Monday.

Trump’s opposition to a potential TikTok ban represents a significant shift from the position he held while he was in office. The former president issued an executive order in 2020 seeking to force TikTok’s Chinese parent company, ByteDance, to sell its U.S. assets, though the order was later blocked in court.

The TikTok bill, which now heads to the Senate alongside legislation for long-sought aid to Ukraine and Israel, would require ByteDance to sell the app within roughly a year or face a U.S. ban.
While Biden has signaled support for the measure, Trump has come out against the potential TikTok ban, claiming it would benefit Facebook.

“[Biden] is the one pushing it to close, and doing it to help his friends over at Facebook become richer and more dominant, and able to continue to fight, perhaps illegally, the Republican Party,” Trump said Monday.

“It’s called ELECTION INTERFERENCE!” he continued. “Young people, and lots of others, must remember this on November 5th, ELECTION DAY, when they vote! They also must remember, more importantly, that he is destroying our Country, and is A MAJOR THREAT TO DEMOCRACY!”

Facebook banned Trump in January 2021 in the wake of the Capitol riots, during which hundreds of his supporters attempted to stop the certification of the 2020 election results. The former president spent months spreading false claims about the election on social media in the lead-up to the attack on the Capitol.

Meta, Facebook’s parent company, reinstated Trump’s account last year. Trump also met with Jeffrey Yass, a major investor in TikTok and a GOP donor, before announcing his opposition to the ban, but said the summit had nothing to do with his decision.
who cares, that dude is going to lose the election and go broke and go to jail
I'd pay money to watch someone ask this retard why banning TikTok was good when he tried it in 2020 but bad now.
He'll lie of course, like he does any time he opens his mouth, but it would still be funny.
This, the only reason he's against it now is one of his billionaire owners, Jeff Yass is a big shareholder and Trump was ordered to be against the ban after his big bribeapolza fest at his child sex trafficking resort
Trump also promised he'd give massive tax cuts to all the other billionaires funding him.
>after his big bribeapolza fest at his child sex trafficking resort
What is this?
Trump suddenly did an about face on wanting to ban TikTok, which he tried to do while president, after meeting with a major TikTok shareholder.
He did this at at Mar-A-Lago, a resort Trump owns where he and notorious child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein used to party. A resort which Rudy Giuliani confirmed contains secret underground tunnels to nearby properties, one of which Epstein owned.
Someone who doesn't get paid to run defense for child raping billionaires might infer the TikTok shareholder gave him a bunch of money to change his mind about banning TikTok at this resort where a known child sex trafficker partied at.
Someone who gets paid to run defense for child raping billionaires, and most likely also has a sexual attraction to children, would of course bristle at this and try to deflect or discredit this theory.
Hence, his big bribeapolza fest at his child sex trafficking resort
Also Trump was magically given 50 million dollars from the billionaires during this.

And as part of a clear quid pro quot for the kickbacks, he sad he'd cut their taxes more.
>Maddow-tier schizoposting
It's like it's really 2017 all over again
>he's referencing obscure cable tv hosts again
When did this board become overrun with boomers?
Better than billions to the jews, who rape kids, or more money to turn kids into fags for jews to rape.
Honestly, it's pretty mild corruption considering most Democrats are jews who rape kids and billions are generated and used in an attempt to rape kids, by the jews.
No it isn't better, it's actually much much worse
Genuine question - how did you get this indoctrinated? What happened to you?
Your future involves self-immolation.
Jews raped my kids.
ByteDance, TikTok shelled out $7 million on lobbying and ads to combat potential U.S. ban
TikTok and its China-based parent company ByteDance combined to spend over $7 million so far this year to try and stall legislation that, if signed into law, could ban the social media app in the United States.
ByteDance alone spent a record $2.68 million on in-house TikTok lobbyists to target Congress and federal officials over the first three months of the year.
The disclosures show how TikTok officials lobbied Congress and President Joe Biden’s executive office last quarter.
If the bill passes and receives Biden’s signature this week — the president has already voiced his support for the overall measure — you won’t immediately lose access to TikTok.

Should the bill pass and be signed as-is, ByteDance would have 270 days to divest TikTok. The company could receive an additional 90 days if necessary, as long as there is a sale in progress.

If ByteDance doesn’t divest within that time frame, the ban would likely kick in sometime between January and April of 2025. At that time, TikTok would no longer be available in the Google Play Store or Apple’s App Store, and you wouldn’t be able to update the app.

Users have found ways around similar bans, like using a VPN, USA Today reported. The situation may not reach that point, though. It’s likely that the ban, should it pass, would face legal challenges that could delay the 270 (or 360) day timeframe ByteDance would have to divest.
>The disclosures show how TikTok officials lobbied Congress and President Joe Biden’s executive office last quarter.
Ahhh so that's why Joe's doing it. The bribery gains.
for once i agree with alzheimer joe. tiktok is brain rot. possibly weaponized brain rot.
>posted on my iPhone
>If I suggest banning tiktok it's a great idea
>If Biden suggests it, it's a terrible idea
He does have a point.
Democrats only destroy.
While Republicans build.
He's right you know you fucking liberal
It's called TDS.

But that's actually happening. The same thing is happening with tariffs on China. Trump was very bad racist piss baby for that, but Biden is doing it and he's protecting American interests?
>Trump was very bad racist piss baby for that, but Biden is doing it and he's protecting American interests?
Really bad comparison. Tariffs can be good depending on how you use them. The argument was never that Trump was bad for simply using tariffs. Every president uses tariffs. He was criticized for how poorly he utilized them and how broadly he tried to use tariffs to leverage extremely complicated trade economics. He was also criticized for lying to his supporters and telling them that tariffs were forcing China to give more money to the U.S. when in fact, American consumers were bearing the cost of the tariffs. His agriculture tariffs were so bad he had to drum up $12 billion to bail out American farmers. He then went on the campaign trail bragging about how he took billions of dollars from China to help struggling farmers when he was the one who caused the struggle and American tax payers, not China, funded the bailouts. The differences are night and day.
>American consumers were bearing the cost of the tariffs.

The same old tired Wall Street argument against correcting the wildly outrageous trade imbalance between the U.S. and China.


As for TicToc, my understanding is that the call to ban the website is being driven by Israel, as TicToc refuses to censor anti-Jewish/Israel posts like American social media sites do.
i don't buy apple products
american politics in a nutshell
>As for TicToc, my understanding is that the call to ban the website is being driven by Israel, as TicToc refuses to censor anti-Jewish/Israel posts like American social media sites do.

>Protecting Americans from TikTok’s political influence would be a gain to Israel’s standing with its most important ally. One month after the October 7 Hamas attack, TikTok videos with hashtags like #freepalestine were watched by Americans about fifty times more than pro-Israel ones. Although the app’s users skew young and hence leftward, their politics probably don’t account for the ratio. Researchers at Rutgers and the Network Contagion Research Institute compared TikTok and Instagram (which has a similar demographic) and found that although Instagram has only twice the number of politically themed posts generally, it had six times more pro-Israel and anti-Hamas posts than TikTok.
What is the annual salary for being a Trump simp?

It was only banned for FEDERAL EMPLOYEES dumbass. Then Biden reversed it, then he banned it again a few months later.

Yeah, like how Republicans build.. walls around abortion clinics lol.
>what if he forgot he already did

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