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Putin and his Puppet, Donald Trump, are seething that Ukraine is getting aid again to fight off Russian invaders.


Washington CNN —

President Joe Biden on Wednesday signed into law an aid package providing crucial military assistance to Ukraine, capping months of negotiations and debate.

The aid package, passed by the Senate late Tuesday evening and worth $95 billion in total, includes nearly $61 billion in aid to Ukraine, $26 billion for Israel and $8 billion for the Indo-Pacific. The package also includes a bill that could eventually lead to the banning of TikTok in the United States - giving Chinese parent company ByteDance roughly nine months to sell it or else it will be banned from app stores in the United States.

Wearing a US-Ukrainian flag pin and speaking from the White House after signing the bill on Wednesday, Biden said it was a “good day for America, a good day for Ukraine and a good day for world peace.”

The aid package, Biden said, is “going to make America safer. It’s going to make the world safer. And it continues America’s leadership in the world.”

The signing of the aid package was the culmination of months of tense negotiations, personal lobbying from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and a split in the House Republican conference that continues to threaten the leadership position of House Speaker Mike Johnson. Hardline House conservatives opposed further US funding to Kyiv and threatened to oust Johnson over his handling of the negotiations. Conservatives in Congress have opposed additional assistance for what they view as an unwinnable war.

Biden had spent months lobbying Johnson to move forward with aid to Ukraine, enlisting top administration officials and CIA Director Bill Burns to lay out the stakes for Ukraine - and ultimately democracy in Europe and across the world - if Russia continued to make inroads in its military campaign there.
He acknowledged the bumpy road to get the package passed in his remarks on Wednesday.

“It was a difficult path,” Biden said. “It should have been easier. It should have gotten there sooner. But in the end, we did what America always does: We rose to the moment, came together. We got it done.”

Spending the bulk of his remarks talking about the Ukraine aid, Biden noted that Russia has “been responsible for a brutal campaign against Ukraine.”

“They’ve killed tens of thousands of Ukrainians,” Biden said, “bombed hospitals … kindergartens, grain silos, tried to plunge Ukraine into a cold dark winter.”

Funding going to Ukraine quickly

The bill’s effects will be felt most quickly and acutely on battlefields in Ukraine, whose soldiers have faced ammunition shortages and battlefield losses in the absence of US assistance this year.

Biden said the shipments of military supplies to Ukraine will begin “in the next few hours,” and would include air-defense equipment and munitions for artillery and rocket systems, along with armored vehicles.

The Pentagon announced a $1 billion aid package would go to Ukraine just moments after Biden signed the bill into law.

Among the capabilities included in the new package is ammunition for High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS), artillery rounds, RIM-7 and AIM-9M air defense missiles, Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicles, Stinger anti-aircraft missiles, and more. It also includes various logistics and tactical vehicles, anti-armor systems, training munitions and spare parts, and small arms ammunition including .50 caliber rounds to counter drones.

CNN reported Tuesday that administration officials have indicated to Congress the US would send long-range Army Tactical Missile Systems, or ATACMS, a system Ukraine has long asked for. The Pentagon revealed it already sent those long-range missiles earlier this month after Biden spoke.
Biden secretly approved the transfer of the long-range missiles in February for use inside Ukrainian territory. The ATACMS missiles were then quietly included in the $300 million aid package announced on March 12 and ultimately delivered to Ukraine earlier this month, according to Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col. Garron Garn.

“It was not announced that we are providing Ukraine with this new capability at the time in order to maintain operational security for Ukraine at their request,” Garn said, deferring questions about their use to Ukraine’s military.

Last fall, the US first sent Ukraine the mid-range variant of the ATACMS missile system, which can reach about 100 miles, while the longer-range version can reach as far as 190 miles.

Ukrainian officials have been asking the US in private and in public for the long-range missiles to target deeper behind Russian lines. American officials have previously resisted, citing supply issues and concerns about further provoking Moscow if they are deployed.
>In defeat for America's poor, Biden signs bill providing wasted military aid to Ucrane.
Ukraine still losing battles and ground every single day, no amount of money is gonna change that.
>In defeat for America's poor
Walking and eating gum at the same time, anon. Its a long debunked and brain dead talking point that every dollar that goes to one program is a dollar that can't go to another. That's not how budgets work. There's no universe in which funding social welfare programs and foreign aid can't occur at the same time.
If only republicans stopped blocking tax hikes on the rich so that money could go to the poor instead.
all traitors. funding foreign countries while America is being invaded.

They are all traitors, its undeniable
>while America is being invaded.
But enough about Republicans betraying America to the Russians.
Looks like ukrainians can afford to be slaughtered for another year
Ukraine is hitting the end of their manpower reserve and all this money is doing is making it so that current Ukrainians can't surrender
why are you unironically a russia shill
What do you think makes up a large population of /pol/?
Even if we go full doomer, more advanced weapons delivered to Ukraine means more dead rusians.
That can only be a positive.
Smart post
aren't the trumptards against anything that'd actually make the lives of the american poor better like universal healthcare and more taxation for the rich? Why is the money going to Ukraine suddenly a huge problem?
Trump tards just go against whatever the current thing is, in contrast to Ivanfags who are openly seething
I'm trans BTW
dems only want to tax the middle class. its why biden repealed the middle class trump tax cuts but left the ones for the rich
>lets raise more taxes and send it to the military industrial complex. it will surely help people when we raise their taxes
also social welfare spending has never helped a single human being. tax cuts have
I REALLY wonder what the life of someone making a thread like this looks like

In your mind, Donald Trump, who was president for a full fucking term, but ALSO is Putin's puppet did jackshit to help Russia or Putin at the same time???

What is wrong with your brain? How do you say this with a straight face. I say this as a citizen of the third world, no allegiances to anyone before you call me a Trump cultist because that's the default answer from retards like you.

You don't need to answer, I know that your brain can't comprehend the idiocy of your statement. I'm just laughing at your elite defending zealot life.
You're fucking crazy
wow... an administration had diplomatic relations with other countries? this is unbelievable. how could this happen?
That isn't what it says
>In November 2016, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov contradicted Trump's denials by confirming the Trump campaign had been in contact with Russia, stating in a 2016 Interfax news agency interview: "Obviously, we know most of the people from his entourage," adding "I cannot say that all of them but quite a few have been staying in touch with Russian representatives."[8][9]

>The Senate Intelligence Committee Russia Report described how "secretive meetings and communications with Russian representatives... signaled that there was little intention by the incoming administration to punish Russia for the assistance it had just provided in its unprecedented attack on American democracy."[10]
From Trump's on NSA
literal nothingburger
years of russiagate and we've discovered... trump talked to a russian once
So you admit Trump operates like a Mafia boss.
That country is so ass blastingly fucked it's not even funny.
at least it's not russia
Only if the Trump claws his way back into power.
Man, I hope this happens. The prosperity will be terrible, again.
I fucking love struggling!
The greatest trick Trump ever pulled was convincing troglodytes like you that coasting off of the success of Obama's policies was somehow a result of his great leadership. The only legislation he passed was tax cuts to his billionaires friends and you knuckle draggers literally trip over your own dicks to praise him for it. Our country truly is doomed with people like you in it.
What in the fuck? Obama was a disaster.
There were no good Obama policies, aside from extending the Bush tax cut.
>What in the fuck? Obama was a disaster.
But apparently not so much of a disaster that Trump didn't want to take credit for his upward trends. From energy independence to plummeting unemployment Trump made sure to tell everyone that he was responsible for economic trends that started before he was even president.

>There were no good Obama policies, aside from extending the Bush tax cut.
Conservative propaganda has turned your brain to mush.
Obama was the best prez since JFK.
He even started in the worst economic recession since the 1930s and did an outstanding job, shouldn't have won the peace prize though TBH.
He just doesn't get much credit from repugnicans because he is black, though they won't admit that part.

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