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File: troll toll.jpg (54 KB, 500x420)
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growth was slower than expected.
how many political threads are you going to spam here today without the article text?
this is /news/, literally every fucking thread is a political thread. like 90% of this board is >drumf is finished
nta but I believe "without the article text" are the key words here, not "political threads".
not in the rules, jew boi
>like 90% of this board is >drumf is finished
It really isn't, but it is very telling how you always perceive it that way. In reality there are never more than 10 trump threads in the catalog of 100 posts, more like 10% tops on a bad Trump news day and not 90% all the time like you claim.
Well not today.
>CTRL+F "TRUMP" only 43 hits on the main page.
You whore-mouthed transfags need to step your shilling game up. I'm shocked they even pay you useless hobos.
You are knowingly including stories that aren't about Donald Trump, like the one about Melania's Log Cabin Republican meeting
and you wonder why they say you're in a cult
biden is destroying the economy and you are making 43 threads about imaginary trump crimes that never happened
only in your head
only 1.6% growth
all the better for your country, eh foreign shill
That thread done had been gone.
I'm the guy that pointed out the cabin smells like shit, and the logs are turds, because the Log Cabin Repooplicans are fags.
unlike you and obongo, I'm American
Just because I'm a miserable Canadian pondering MAID, doesn't mean I can't have a terrible opinion and advocate for the total destruction of your country by pushing Trudeau-like UN/WEF faggot policy on the Internet.
It's interesting how you always larp as one of the strawmen living in your head when you feel cornered.
I'm a Canuk, not a Strawman, retard.
Ignore his threads. He'll burn himself out eventually.
this board loves forced memes
Op is feeling a might 'peckish' talking about boy honey holes
So 1.6%/quarter. That's 6.4% in a year. That's a pretty OK amount of growth for an economy TBH.
You're right. It's more like 50/50
>An unironic two more weeks: the post
As many as he wants because posting the article text isn't a requirement

Stop spamming the board
It isn't even close to 50/50. You only think that because you're a cultist.
This thread without article text is the spam.
a. that isn't how that works
b. the jews were expecting 2.2%
>thread that follows the rules is spam
>Unironically thinking he can re-purpose the two more weeks meme and gaslight everyone into forgetting that schizo-conservatives coined it to begin with.
>This thread without article text is the spam.
Stop whining and stop spamming the board with your whining
Fuck off spammer, no one here is falling for your bullshit
If the worst campaign attack Republicans can come up with is "Oh no the economy isn't growing fast enough" then Biden should win the election by 10 points at least.

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