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File: Mint-Butterfield.jpg (50 KB, 1020x573)
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Teen of tech entrepreneur feared dead after traveling to San Franciscos Tenderloin district
Lefty tent-dwellers of /news/, if you encounter Mint Butterfield, please contact the authorities, she is a minor from a wealthy family, the daughter of a Fake and a Butterfield
A search is underway in the San Francisco area for the 16-year-old daughter of billionaire Stewart Butterfield, the former CEO and co-founder of Slack.

Mint Butterfield, who uses they/them pronouns, is “believed to be in the Tenderloin” district of San Francisco, a spot that has become notorious for drug use and homelessness in recent years. Police said the teen had been known to frequent the area prior to their disappearance over the weekend.

Mint was last seen in Bolinas on Sunday around 10 p.m., according to a notice from the Marin County Sheriff’s Office. They were wearing a black sweatshirt, flannel pajama pants, and black boots at the time, and may have been carrying a gray suitcase.

The teen’s mother, Caterina Fake, woke Monday to find Mint had not returned home and reported her missing the same morning, the Marin County Sheriff’s Office told the San Francisco Chronicle.

Fake co-founded the photo service Flickr with Butterfield in 2004, and they sold it to Yahoo the following year for an estimated $30 million.

Fake co-founded the photo service Flickr with Butterfield in 2004, and they sold it to Yahoo the following year for an estimated $30 million.

The couple was reportedly married from 2001 to 2007. After their split, Butterfield went on to develop Slack, now a workplace messaging staple, in 2009. The company was sold to Salesforce in July 2021 for $27.7 billion.

According to Forbes, Butterfield’s net worth is around $1.6 billion.
>Mint Butterfield
You don't even read the stories you post, do you
If they are living in your tent with you, you could potentially be in a lot of criminal trouble, anon
Why ask questions you already know the answer to. Of course he doesn't read them.
N'yuck N'yuck

>"he" doesn't read them.
"They" read the comments and glean info from that...and btw don't every dead name the OP again

The teen, who stands at around 5’0 and weighs approximately 100 lbs., is described as having “brown/reddish curly hair” and eyebrow piercings.

She too valuable to kill. She can fetch prime $ as a 12 yr old Jodie foster type sex worker after ''they'' get her hooked on smoking meth.
I would white knight her and save this waif and keep her safe in my tent
>Mint Butterfield
>She too valuable to kill. She can fetch prime $ as a 12 yr old Jodie foster type sex worker after ''they'' get her hooked on smoking meth.
She's already dead from fentanyl od
>She too valuable to kill.

He/she/it was more than likely murdered on the spot, killed by a street shitting methed out tent dwelling welfare zombie (i.e. a Democrat).
The name is like an ice cream flavor
LMAO, play democrat games win democrat prizes.
That bitch is already dead, probably some kind of diversity and cock overdose.
I'd plow her rocky road*

*when she would have been 18
I'd lick her praline
WTF is with that image? Did she go missing in the 70s or something?
And nothing of value was lost.
what a bizarre text
>Hurp durp if you live in a city you deserve to die!
Good luck in November. You guys are gonna need it.
sorry, election cope isn't going to stop democrat policies from increasing murder rates in democrat cities
is being afraid a policy?
>chud thought this was a zinger

>The number of homicides in major American cities is falling at its quickest pace in decades following huge jumps during the pandemic.

>Why it matters: The nation is on track to see one of the lowest levels of violent crimes and homicides since President Obama was in office.

Homicides are up in rural areas so chubs are confused watching neighbors shoot each other over concealed carry road rage incidents.
>Homicides are up in rural areas
Thats just the righteous using force on urbanite scum to get them back into their hellhole containment cities
crime is still elevated over pre-"defund the police" levels
No it's Bubba shooting Clevus over competing meth labs in the sticks
she probably got eaten. californians do cannibalism. last month a guy was arrested for eating a leg
>Crime skyrockets over 3 years
>It falls somewhat on the fourth year
>"Look at the great job were doing"!
Two steps backward, one step forward
Faux retro nostalgia is big in the new generations . Gen a and gen z listen to 80s and 90s pop
>Makes schizo claim
>Gets proven wrong
>Invents random excuse on the spot to justify moving the goalposts
/pol/ doesn't send their best
Not according to the statistics. Cope.
wtf are these names mrs. fake, Tenderloin district. mint butterfield??
also she's probably a far-leftist so she's probably using her parents wealth to setup a drug den somewhere
Hugh Jassole
They call it tenderloin because of the corrupt cops in the area. It's an open air drug market because San Fran is a fucked up place to live after decades of gentrification
>she is a minor from a wealthy family
If she had a chance of surviving, with this piece of info running the headlines she has literally none.

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