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Whites getting their own Town
white flower
He's making threads again
> thumbsupkid.jpg
Why haven’t the blacks separated from the whites and make their own communist utopia with free KFC and grape drank.
As a black resident from the poor side of town, at least i know where all the good stuff is to steal now
It's been conclusively proven that bigot scum consume CP at a higher rate than any other degenerate caste
If it's racist to separate myself from violent knee grows, then I'm a racist and I don't care.
Freedom Georgia an ALL BLACK TOWN founded in 2020 as a "safe haven for people of color" why is that not racist? Blacks have wanted their own communities in cities not policed by white cops, separate graduation ceremonies at university, hell, they just had their own national anthem sang at the Super Bowl. This is what they asked for and now they mad whitey is moving away. Do they have any concept of how much starting a new town will cost? Better get it together darkies - elect some officials that know the job of running a city instead of ones that just preach BS while their hand is in the till.
you live in a society
>why is that not racist?
It is. That's why there is no significant collection of black groups or black government officials saying we need to separate cities by race. Its a pretty fringe opinion not supported by the vast majority of black people.

>Better get it together darkies - elect some officials that know the job of running a city instead of ones that just preach BS while their hand is in the till.
The quality of elected officials means nothing without money and infrastructure. You could hire the world's best economists, officials and city builders and if you give them the budget and infrastructure of your average ghetto the results will be the same. So long as school budgets are determined by local property taxes then poor people will get bad schools and rich people will get great schools and the cycle of crime and poverty will continue into perpetuity.
>ayo fuck wypipo
>wtf where you finna go who gone pay for my babies

Holy this freak is losing his shit. He also tried to ban me too bahahahah
A fucked up faggot society, yes.
Gayest shit ever this society.
It doesn't work for anyone and if you try to leave it you're le bad guy.
>Posting on Facebook, resident Sarah Stelly wrote: 'St George reeks of class division, it's quickly becoming the new worst type of bigotry.'

>Another resident, Paul Brady, wrote: 'The segregationist won. I'm no longer a citizen of Baton Rouge. I now live in the white enclave of St George.'
Libs continue to lib without realizing how stupid they are.
I wonder how many complainers will move to the areas of Baton Rouge they didn't want to live in initially.
I'm betting zero.
>we need access to you or we'll be poor forever
Imagine how much you will be kings among men if you moved to Africa! They would welcome "brothers" with open arms and best of all? No white people!
>>niggers ruin the neighborhood
>>claim it's racist to want to live away from them.

Well, let's be honest here. There are very few blacks who would even know what's going on or care.
It's the white people who're pitching a bitch over this. In fact, the leader of the "minoggities need access to whites" group is white.
the black man is finished
Access to money and infrastructure, yes. You want a good idea of what it looks like when whites have no access to good education, good schools or infrastructure? North Dakota. As it turns out, race has little to nothing to do with it. Seems like every group reacts the same way when put into that environment.
why is it bad and evil for white people to want to live in their own town alone?
What the fuck? There's literally nothing wrong with North Dakota, you silly ass faggot.
It's never anywhere near the worst of any state by any metrics.

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