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In addition to biden's anal cancer he had removed in 2021, he apparently has been suffering from aneurysms and blood clots as far back as 1988, passing out from strokes and waking up on the floor.
He even had a priest besides his hospital bed to read him his last rights.
This doesn't bother Biden, he's used to waking up on the ground during his daily activities such as walking up stairs or riding bikes.
Also, picrel is this boards jannie
Biden once nearly died of an aneurysm.

Joe Biden awoke suddenly in his hotel room, curled up on the floor and fully clothed, and felt an electric surge inside his head, “a rip of pain like I never felt before,” as he later recalled. It was 4:10 a.m. on a winter day in 1988

The debilitating headaches had been happening for nearly a year, interrupting his first presidential campaign as the 45-year-old Biden popped up to 10 Tylenols a day. He had been diagnosed with a pinched nerve and for a time wore a cervical collar. Now, as he lay on the floor of his hotel room in Rochester, N.Y., the pain was even worse. His legs felt dead, and he struggled to turn his head.

Instead of heading to an emergency room, Biden flew home with an aide to Wilmington, Del. Awakened hours later by even greater pain, he rushed to St. Francis Hospital. It wasn’t a pinched nerve. Doctors found blood in his spinal fluid, and then a dangerous balloon-shaped bulge — an aneurysm — on an artery wall at the base of the brain. Even worse, Biden’s aneurysm had already burst, leaking blood around the base of his brain.

The danger was immense, it could be fatal.

A priest was called to his bedside to deliver last rites.
The story of how Biden survived the aneurysm — as well as a second one and a blood clot — is one of the most revealing if little understood episodes in the life of the 81-year-old president.
Don't care, still voting for Joe Biden.
We are all aware, DNC botman
You deeply wish that I was a bot.
Figuratively, you are
Voting for the better candidate doesn't make you a bot.
You choose who to vote for based on party affiliation. It's very algorithmic.
Trump's a loser regardless of the party he's in.
Party Affiliation doesn't really matter here.
I choose who to vote for by who is the better candidate. Joe Biden is objectively the better candidate.
I'm voting for aneurysm man because he's been repeatedly proven by msnbc to be the better candidate
I don't watch cable tv because I'm not over 70 years old. I'm voting for Joe Biden because he wasn't the CEO of a shady real estate business which just got convicted of fraud.
Same here, I'm pretty ok with biden's public office corruption with burisma
>using this politically motivated article about a random medical event from almost 40 years ago to help block out all the news about Trump stroking out and his brain turning to mush on the campaign trail
>Trump stroking out
Nice debunked Twitter rumor, faggot
Lemme see your poll boy!! Come on dont be shy! You was quick to whip it out before.. What now? What now lil boy?
I haven't seen any proof of that. Seems to be just rumors and a debunked Council on Foreign Relations video.
That's because your delusional, you don't even think you've seen any proof of hunter biden's laptop being real despite him suing people over it, news outlets publishing photos of it, and independent reviews of the contents validating the authenticity of the data stored on it

You're just "go team blue" and refuse to admit objective facts like how Biden admitted to getting shokin fired, or how his replacement immediately dropped all criminal charges as well as the criminal investigation against Burisma as soon as he was hired.
Imagine, in all of your inane ramblings you couldn't provide a single shred of evidence.
Dilate you retarded sealion faggot, I'm sure you've already read this
>Mykola Zlochevsky was cleared of corruption charges and can now return to Ukraine after three years of exile. A Ukrainian court closed the case against him in November, but the public only heard of the development when the ex-minister’s oil-and-gas company, Burisma Group, announced it in January.
This happened within a year of Biden getting shokin fired and Lutsenko took over
>Dilate you retarded sealion faggot, I'm sure you've already read this
I'll break this down because the CHUD propaganda has been debunked a dozen times but whats one more for good measure.

>Biden admitted to getting shokin fired
Indeed. It was the official position of the U.S. state department for Shokin to be fired. The U.S. state department wanted it. The E.U. wanted it. Even Ukraine wanted it. There is no universe in which the V.P. of the U.S. has the power to withhold congressionally approved aid of his own free will to fire foreign officials.

>how his replacement immediately dropped all criminal charges
Wrong. There were no criminal charges dropped because none had been filed. His replacement closed the open case which had been dormant for years. The case was opened in 2012 and closed in 2017. 0 charges filed.

>as well as the criminal investigation against Burisma as soon as he was hired.
Shokin was never investigating Burisma. The investigation was dormant the entire time he was in office. The Ukrainian parliament and prosecutor's office confirmed this. In fact, the only evidence that Shokin was ever investigating Burisma is a statement by Shokin that he made after he was fired for corruption. Shokin was infamously corrupt. He tanked several investigations into high ranking Ukrainian companies. His prosecutors were discovered to have hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of gold, jewels and cash stored in their apartments. Even the Burisma investigation you are talking about had nothing to do with Hunter - it was regarding events which happened 4 years before he even joined the board.

>Dilate you retarded sealion faggot, I'm sure you've already read this
Its so funny that you ramble and seethe about people not admitting objective facts and literally everything you know about this case is wrong. You have no clue what you're talking about.
>>CHUD propaganda has been debunked a dozen times but whats one more for good measure.
>proceeds to debunk nothing

Good job. Do they pay you to lie for Biden online or do it for free?

Also how long did Hunter Biden work for Burisma again?
it must be so embarrassing not having new shill material. i'd find a new job if i were you
> i'd find a new job if i were you
You're the only one who posts here for a job anon
>proceeds to debunk nothing
I addressed and debunked every single claim you made. I even quoted your exact claims one by one and responded to each individually. You're just stun locked and rambling ad homs because you have no clue what you're talking about. Pathetic.

>Also how long did Hunter Biden work for Burisma again?
2014 to 2019. The investigation was opened in 2012 to allegations of tax evasion and money laundering in 2010. The investigation had nothing to do with Hunter.
no u
Seriously why do you argue about this stuff when just about everything you say is easily disproven in 5 seconds on Google
He does it for free.
I'm convinced he already read the article about shokins replacement dropping all charges against Mykola Zlochevsky as soon as Biden helped put him in office, he's just too brainwashed of a robot to actually internalize any information contrary to his rabid democrat zealotry
>Wrong. There were no criminal charges dropped because none had been filed.
Your lying anon.
Google his name, "Mykola Zlochevsky"
They likely charged him because they froze tens of millions of dollars of his assets in 2014 and he fled the country
It was shokins replacement that cleared him of all criminal charges and unfroze his assets
why do you keep ignoring the posts debunking you, samefag
>Seriously why do you argue about this stuff when just about everything you say is easily disproven in 5 seconds on Google
Then disprove it. Provide a counter argument. Explain what is incorrect about anything I've said. Spoiler - you can't, because you know nothing about this case other than what you've been programmed to repeat.

>Your lying anon.
I'm not. The case was opened in 2012. It was closed in 2017 without any charges being filed. Then, in 2023, the High Anti-Corruption Court in Ukraine fined Zlochevsky as part of a plea deal concerning a supposed bribe offered in 2020 to the then head of the SAP (Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's office) Nazar Kholodnytskyi.

>They likely charged him because they froze tens of millions of dollars of his assets in 2014 and he fled the country
Incorrect. They never charged him. Look it up.

>No argument
I accept your concession

Because he knows he can't engage with it. He doesn't know any of the facts. He's just repeating things he was fed from some far-right slop hole.
>It was shokins replacement that cleared him of all criminal charges and unfroze his assets
Oh, you're also incorrect about the second part. Officials in the U.K. froze and then unfroze his assets, not the prosecutor general of Ukraine. The confidence in which you people talk about something you clearly know nothing about is staggering.
>Hurr they didn't *ackshually* charge him they just froze $23 mil in his assets and cause him to flee Ukraine!
Nogger, your hair splitting has nothing to do with what I said here:
>>1295037 "Biden admitted to getting shokin fired, or how his replacement immediately dropped all criminal charges as well as the criminal investigation against Burisma as soon as he was hired"
Your splitting a stupid hair and overlooking the point that biden's actions got this guy off the hook, you sealion faggot
This entire article is about Zlochevsky having his assets frozen for corruption, fleeing the country, and then having Lutsenko, the man who replaced shokin, dropping all charges, the investigation, and u freezing his $23mil in assets

You have no fucking argument. You have been given several sources. And you just pull shit out of your ass and fling it at others like a monkey.

You provide a source faggot.
Keep splitting hairs, faggot.
Biden fired the guy investigating him and his replacement closed the investigation and unfroze his assets.
>Nogger, your hair splitting has nothing to do with what I said here:
Being wrong is not "splitting hairs". You were wrong. Period.

>Your splitting a stupid hair
You made a claim and it was a incorrect. You claimed that "charges were dropped against Zlochevsky". That's false. You are 100% wrong on the facts. Charges were never filed.

>Your splitting a stupid hair and overlooking the point that biden's actions got this guy off the hook, you sealion faggot
I already addressed this claim here >>1295040
and you ignored it because you have no argument. Biden's actions did not get anybody off the hook. There was no hook. All of Biden's actions were on behalf of the U.S. state department. You have zero evidence otherwise.

>This entire article is about Zlochevsky having his assets frozen for corruption, fleeing the country, and then having Lutsenko, the man who replaced shokin, dropping all charges, the investigation, and u freezing his $23mil in assets
You're wrong on several claims. There were no charges dropped because there were none filed. Ukraine didn't freeze and unfreeze his asserts, the U.K. did. Secondly, you have absolutely zero proof that the investigation was closed for corrupt reasons. You're operating purely on coincidence because, again, you're a fucking stooge. You repeat talking points you hear but you know nothing about the facts.

>You have no fucking argument.
I gave you several arguments here >>1295040. You haven't responded to a single one because you know you have no clue what you're talking about.

>Keep splitting hairs, faggot.
Imagine being so retarded you try to pass off being factually incorrect as "splitting hairs".
>Biden fired the guy investigating him and his replacement closed the investigation and unfroze his assets.
After doing more research you're incorrect on another point. Zlochevsky's assets were unfrozen by the London courts in 2015. Viktor Shokin wasn't even fire until 2016, so the new Ukrainian prosecutor you're claiming "dropped the charges and unfroze his assets" apparently went back in time a year, became the U.K. government and unfroze Zlochevsky's money a year before he was even in office. Fucking moron. I'm bored with you now.
All this shit from your ass but no sources
>Ex-Ecology Minister Mykola Zlochevsky was cleared of corruption charges and can now return to Ukraine after three years of exile
>Zlochevsky returned to Ukraine in February 2018 after investigations into his Burisma Holdings had been completed in December 2017 with no charges filed against him
No matter how much shit you make up every source says that Biden helped get Shokin fired in 2016, and by 2017 his replacement dropped all investigations against the corrupt oligarch and his company... Which hunter Biden was getting paid to help them with their legal troubles
Burden fired the guy who was investigating him and replaced him with a crony.
Your headcanon isn't real.
Says the person who has only split hairs, who hasn't cited shit, to someone who cited every claim

Yeah, pretty much, unironically
You had your chance with Nikki Haley. I don't want to hear it.
I didn't vote in anyone's primary, botman
No one's gonna vote for an Indian woman ya silly nut.
She didn't even do the needful and redeem for fucks sake you bloody bitch basterd.
>You had your chance with Nikki Haley
Who? Oh you mean that Democrat plat that can barely get 20% of a primary vote? Lmao
Yes that's right, Nikki Haley is secretly a democrat. How does that make sense in your dull cro-mag brain?
Tens of millions of people voted for her.
>Demoshill libshits mad their plant candidate got wrecked
Womp womp
How did you get to be this indoctrinated by the far right? Was Hitler involved?
Tens of millions of people don't vote in the primaries.
Canadians supposedly cannot vote in US elections.
So you'll be committing election fraud once again, huh?
Did Canadians elect Biden last time?
I'm surprised he's still running for office after 2 aneurysms, a blood clot, ass cancer, a dead son, and a failed Ukrainian corruption racket
Probably. With such lax election integrity it's really impossible to know, and if you try to investigate you get arrest and charged with crimes.
So we'll never know.
Trump is fat
Come back when he has had 2 aneurysms, ass cancer, and has fallen down on camera half a dozen times
>and a failed Ukrainian corruption racket
In what way was this a failure? Seems successful to me.
Good point

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