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Donald Trump is continuing to see possible warning signs for his White House bid as significant numbers of people are still voting against him in the GOP primary.

On Tuesday, the presumptive 2024 Republican candidate continued his domination in the primaries with resounding victories in Maryland, Nebraska and West Virginia, winning 80 percent, 79.6 percent and 88.4 percent of the votes in the respective states.

However, former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, who dropped out of the race two months ago, is still receiving a notable number of votes against the former president, winning 20 percent of the vote in Maryland, or more than 47,500 votes, and 17.8 percent in Nebraska, which amounts to nearly 37,000 ballots.

While Trump easily secured the GOP presidential nomination, winning all but two of the primary races, there have been signs that the former president is struggling to fully win over Republicans beyond his MAGA base as waves of voters continue to support Haley.

Haley was seen as a more moderate Republican candidate in the GOP primary, with moderates and independents seen as potentially vital to Trump's hopes of taking back the White House from President Joe Biden in November.

There have been multiple polls which suggest that Haley supporters will not go on to vote for Trump in the 2024 election, with Biden's campaign team also said to be hoping to win over these disillusioned Republicans.

>There have been multiple polls which suggest that Haley supporters will not go on to vote for Trump in the 2024 election
Yeah, we already knew that. They're Democrats.
sheep goes baaaaaaah
I don't think the Democrats voting in these open primaries know she dropped out.
>Only 80%?
>Only 90%?
>Muh dRumpf is in danger!!!
Biden lost 7 states including fucking California.
Taking a moment I pulled some maps here:
And shockingly enough, you aren't even going to believe this one so have a seat and hold off drinking until you've read this because I don't want you to spray your drink all over your computer screen and desk because that would take a bit to clean up and might damage some equipment and might end up being costly to repair so get ready and try to hold back your shock at this information if you're on any prescription drugs, elderly or have a heart condition try not to get too overwhelmed remain calm deep breaths relax because I wouldn't want to cause any heart attacks with what I'm about to reveal here it's going to rock you to your very core.
And that information is that:
Every single district Haley won or got a decent amount of votes in is, can you guess?
I bet you can't guess what I'm about ready to say.
Did you guess?
That's right! 100% Democrat owned for at least the past 8 years.
Essentially we have our voter fraud map.
>Biden lost 7 states including fucking California
not as an unopposed incumbent
Meanwhile in reality, Republicunts haven't been popular enough to have full control over the government for about a century
So, what I'm hearing here is that Democrats are responsible for all the problems in the US.
I agree with that.
Good post
>Every single district Haley won or got a decent amount of votes in is...
Will you post all of them, or just make the claim.Or will you just post a few.
It's sourced already, you fucking bitch.
No it's not, you failed to source every single district.
This is exactly what a republican doing damage control would say.
Quit being a douche on the Internet and kill yourself already.
Are you personally offended on behalf of Trump or all republicans?
No. I'm as disappointed in you as your parents are however.
I don't have parents I'm a test tube baby.
>Poll numbers go up or down
Another lazy race horse article. The only poll that matters is the votes received at the polling station on election day.
It's over. Trump just lost.
>votes received at the polling station on election day.
And only the votes Republicans are willing to count then matter.
Assuming they don't engage in election fraud with fake electorates or stage a coup again.
Trump lost
Even more, America lost.

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