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Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot multiple times after a government meeting and is in a life-threatening condition, according to a statement posted on his official Facebook page.

The Slovak leader was transported to hospital in Banska Bystrica, according to the statement.

The town of Handlova, where the shooting took place, is about two hours’ drive from the capital Bratislava. The government was in the town for an off-site meeting.

Several shots were fired at Fico, according to TASR news agency. Slovakia’s emergency medical service said it sent a helicopter ambulance to the scene.

Who cares about a dead slav?
Isn't that how World War I started?
Really? What did the PM of Slovakia ever do to you?
No, it was a dead germ
Archduke Ferdinand was a Hadsburg, meaning he was Austrian.
Kinda wondering what the PM of Slovakia did to anyone, and if this is an internal or external beef.
I've been there for [$(5)$] hand lova hour. Slovakia's a cool place.
So you're saying Slovakia is rightful Austria-Hungary soil?
He wants (wanted?) to pull another Orban (Hungary's forever PM)in Slovakia.

Criticizing the EU while pocketing EU development money, crying in defense of Putin and demonizing Nato so he could get in the Cremlin good books threading the line and alienizing everyone else in Europe for visibility.

Particularly scandalous was the connection with mafia killings of a reporter and his girlfriend who were trying to uncover a lot of corruption in his political party which cost Fico his office until recently.
And when he returned to office somehow all investigations in this matter got dropped instantly.
Interesting. Thanks for the info.
Austria is just Germany lite but with somehow more German nationalists.
Austrian nationalists.
The Hadsburg empire was probably the most influential empire in post Roman Europe, and controlled the Germanic territories since Frederick III became holy Roman emperor in 1400s and while the people of Austria speak German they are mostly ethnically austrian, which is like a mix of Germanic and Hungarian
They were the seat of the emperor of the HRE for a lot of it's history so it's more like they were elitist Germany until Prussia stole primacy leaving them as their own thing.

Which was a lot of land since they joined with Hungary (which included southern Slovakia and northern Romania) and keeping most of Bohemia (now Czechia and western Slovakia), plus Dalmatia and an ever decreasing part of northern Italy.

Dunno about the mix thing since Hungarians really believe in being the descendants of Attila the Hun while Austrians don't.
>>1295302 destroyed all our futures, thats what he did. decades of corruption by him and his associate politicians. in 2020 people voted for a completely different guy, who turned out to be a useless moron, so now most people figured "eh, fico may have killed, stolen, lied and undermined our economy, but at least he was no clown" so now people voted for him too. many people are totally blackpilled and someone finally snapped and took a shot. the whole pro russian stuff he said was BS, cause he did a 180 right after election and only did the bare minumum to appear anti-west. internal feud. we are in a corner.
Speaking the same language doesn't make two cultures/countries the same though
I had figured most pro-russian stuff he said was only to distract from his own scandals by rallying the many idiots who bought into Russian propaganda while he eroded the democratic foundation of the country.

Like the whole RTS (Radio and Television of Slovakia) debacle where they decided it was too neutral (and thus controlled by Soros or something) and very recently approved it's remaking into a national propaganda broadcast despite widespread protests.
Austria is cheap-Switzerland. We go there to buy furniture and art and for the brothels.
>Dunno about the mix thing
It's due to the fact they're separated by the Danube.
I agree Germans and hungarians are two distinct ethnic groups, but for about 200 years or so hungaria was under ottoman rule and when the habsburgs recaptured Obunda in 1686 it became under Hadsburg rule and a lot of the culture seeped over. There's a lot of Hungarian influence in modern day Vienna

Some hungarians do believe they descended from Attila the hun, the popular belief is that they are all descendants of the original tribes of hungaria United under Saint Istvan.

I have pictures of The Heros Square in Pest (Budapest) commemorating the original tribal founders of Hungary it's pretty neat https://files.catbox.moe/e7xyji.jpg
I've seen that monument a couple times and it's why I figured Hungarians were very into Attila, Budapest is a cool city with very large public spaces.

The only fact that led them to elect a moron like Orban is the butthurt they got from how the European powers fucked over the partition of Hungarian land in the treaty of Trianon.

But Slovaks have none of that seething so there's more protests against such clearly corrupt leadership.
How Fico got reelected will always baffle me because his party suffered scandal after scandal, but I think it got down to choosing between corruption, incompetence or the progressive liberal party (And god forbids the gays so that's a no go).
I didn't say they were smart German nationalists.

CIA the shooter is their asset.
>Archduke Ferdinand was a Hadsburg, meaning he was Austrian.

AKA; mountain kraut.
>How Fido elected?
Have you been to more than Bratislava? Slovakians are xenophobic catholic villagers
FSB. Shooter is Russian.
frequently called Attila the Hun, was the ruler of the Huns from 434 until his death, in March 453.

Hungarians arrived in Central Europe at the end of the 9th century. Descendants of Attila? They believe in fairy tales.

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