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The health ministry said the decree was the only way Peru’s public health services could “guarantee full coverage of medical attention for mental health”.

In one recent move, lawmakers banned references to gender equality from school textbooks. That has had a devastating effect on classes intended to prevent domestic assault and femicides.

Percy Mayta-Tristán, a medical researcher at Lima’s Scientific University of the South, said that the decree may have been well-intentioned but it revealed a lack of awareness of complex LGBT issues.

“You can’t ignore the context that this is happening in a super-conservative society, where the LGBT community has no rights and where labelling them as mentally ill opens the door to conversion therapy,” he said.

José Pedro Castillo Terrones served as the President of Peru from 28 July 2021 to 7 December 2022.

Mr Castillo’s first prime minister, Guido Bellido, was known, among other things, for praising Fidel Castro for refusing to allow gay people – whom he described using a derogatory term – to participate in the Cuban revolution

So what actually happened?



There isn't one good news source in that batch of links. It's interesting how only clickbait tabloids are covering the "story".
This is the guy calling you a drone.
Tldr: none of you trannies will ever be a woman, but you all already knew that and were trying to cope past the obvious
It’s not surprising at all there are multiple news outlets covering stories you’ve never heard of.
When kid fuckers like yourself only get your news from Facebook, X, and Gaping Assholes monthly, it’s no surprise you’re in shock when new information is presented that doesn’t involve trannys, communism, or the fall of the US.
Based Incas.
>Gets his mail from dailymail and tmz
Your opinion about the quality of news outlets is beyond worthless

Then you should be asking why the Mainstream Media is ignoring this story.
>Then you should be asking why the Mainstream Media is ignoring this story.
Its because Americans don't give a fuck about Peru. Its not a mystery, anon.
Sucking tranny dick really fucked up your brain, it’s kinda sad.
But anyways, please point out where I defended any specific news outlet.

My assertion was “there are multiple news outlets covering stories you’ve never heard of”. Now your part, without sounding like a complete dipshit, is to point out the fallacy.

But Americans do give a fuck about deranged pedo trannies grooming their children and Americans understand that trannyism is a mental illness that shouldn't be enable and encouraged.

So once again, why isn't the Mainstream Media talking about this story?
Seek psychiatric help for your tranny dick obsession

>But Americans do give a fuck about deranged pedo trannies grooming their children and Americans understand that trannyism is a mental illness that shouldn't be enable and encouraged.
No, they don't. The only Americans who think like you are a minority of a minority of a minority. Schizophrenic /pol/ users and deranged MAGA dipshits mostly.

>So once again, why isn't the Mainstream Media talking about this story?
Because Americans don't give a fuck about Peru, especially whatever their backwards third world dogshit health officials have to say about anything. American attention span for international news is drastically short even for huge events like earthquakes or civil wars. If you're not a tranny obsessed right-wing dumbfuck this kind of news doesn't even make your radar.
Pinknews is one of the largest publications that deals with LGBTQ+ issues. Stop acting like a fucking weenie just because you don't like the source. The news story is true.
Here's another source, you pedantic bitch.
The tl;dr is:

Peru classified trans as mental illness so that trans people can access medical supports (psychiatry or SRS) through the health system.

If it's not a mental illness, they can't access national health care. If it is a mental illness, they can access mental health care.

So this whole thing is an attempt to support trans people more.
They are mentally ill.
It's literally a mental illness.
Is it supposed to be controversial to call the mentally ill mentally ill?
It shouldn't be.
But it is a mental illness.
>Peru classified trans as mental illness so that trans people can access medical supports (psychiatry or SRS) through the health system.
In order to treat them for their mental illness and cure them of being trannies
Good if true. No one should have to live with a mental illness, especially one that forces the victim to look like an absolute idiotic laughingstock and disfigure his body.
Whoever coined this term is mentally ill, kek.
What the actual fuck.

So then what.
>be sperm donor
>somehow on the hook for child support from some deliberate SMBC
is this mascuside? assassination of men's bodilt rights? Can't even jizz into a plastic tube without paying tens of thousands of dollars now?
>Mr Castillo’s first prime minister, Guido Bellido, was known, among other things, for praising Fidel Castro for refusing to allow gay people – whom he described using a derogatory term – to participate in the Cuban revolution
Faggots never read Marx. Homosexuals have no place in Communism.

Sorry, but nobody wants to be around trannies except equally mentally ill LeftyDems and even then, they're only doing it for the photo-op to get up-votes from other mentally ill LeftyDems but because of mass censorship by Wall Street social media corporations, normal people don't actually makes their views known.
The truth is true. And when they do people are cast as horrible people for saying that men in dresses are weird.
It's such an odd case of support of chuunibyou it's hard to even believe it's entered the zeitgeist.
If a grown man was running around pretending to be a truck everyone would rightly think he was weird.
Somehow we're supposed to not think fantasy play is odd when it comes to men in dresses and women pretending to be short dickless men? Why?

The power of propaganda, which is why Wall Street and their LeftyDem useful idiots are hell bent on censoring and controlling social media.
Very good post
So, wait a second.
Do trans people want both free healthcare, but not being recognised as ill? Doesn't that defy the very concept of "health care"?
>the sources I deem acceptable don’t cover this news so it never happen.

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