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Donald Trump is not behaving like someone who expects to be found "not guilty." In a series of posts over the Memorial Day weekend, the former president deviated from the norm of honoring soldiers who fought and died for the United States by instead posting on his website, Truth Social, about how unfair it is that standard courtroom procedures are not being bent in his favor.

Posting in all caps, Trump – facing 34 felony counts of falsifying business records to cover up a hush payment to an adult film star – on Monday raged against the order in which closing arguments will be made in his Manhattan trial. It is a "big advantage," he said, and "very unfair" that the prosecution gets to go second. "Why can't the defense go last?"

Whether he knows this and is just riling up gullible followers or if he simply never retained the information his defense counsel could surely provide, Politico's Kyle Cheney noted that Trump is here complaining about a fact of life "in virtually every criminal court." Per Cheney, "Prosecutors typically get a rebuttal during closings because [the] burden or proof lies with them, not [the] defense."

Trump, then, is complaining about an order that exists because of the far higher standard that prosecutors must meet. The defense only needs to sow doubt about the government's case, and it really only needs one juror to entertain the former president's argument that the case is a "witch hunt"; the prosecution must show that its case is not just probable, but prove it beyond a reasonable doubt.

"Trump is finally being treated like every other defendant," said Joyce Vance, a former U.S. attorney who has been following his hush money trial. "[R]eally," she argued, "that's what he objects to."

In another weekend rant about the case, Trump again opined that it was wrong to bring a case against him while he's running for president. If there was evidence of a crime, he wrote, referring to himself in the third person, "it should have been brought seven years ago, not in the middle of his Campaign for President."

That Trump was not charged years ago is indeed curious. In 2018, while Trump was president, his former fixer, Michael Cohen, was sentenced to three years in prison in part for his role in a criminal conspiracy. As the Department of Justice stated in a press release at the time, Cohen made payments "to silence two women" – Karen McDougal and Stormy Daniels – "who otherwise planned to speak publicly about their alleged affairs with a presidential candidate, thereby intending to influence the 2016 presidential election." The indictment of Cohen states that he did so in coordination with the Trump campaign, discussing "the fact, nature, and timing of the payments."

Trump was not himself charged at the time for a number of reasons, chief among them: He was president of the United States and, after the Cohen case, appointed an attorney general, William Barr, who purged the Department of Justice, forcing out the prosecutor who had brought the charges against his ex-attorney and replacing him with a Trump loyalist.

Since Trump is no longer president, and can no longer pick those charged with enforcing the law, he is now just another man who must stand before and be judged by it. For a man who has long enjoyed impunity, it is intolerable. And while he may be able to evade financial penalties, at least for a time, in this case his actual liberty is at stake: it is not inconceivable that, when closing arguments conclude this week, jurors return a guilty verdict and Judge Juan Merchan decides that this particular defendant deserves some time behind bars.
you make too many threads
Just fuck off until the jury comes back with a verdict.
>being an impotent whiny bitch: just like their Cheeto Mussolini
>Just fuck off
Fuck off /pol/
Make more threads OP, seething Trumptards & rightards >>1298974 >>1298978 in full panic mode
I can't wait for the "jury tampering" and "GOP death threats to jurors" when the not guilty verdict comes back tomorrow.
Board rules only allow 5 threads per 5 days
Be the change you want to see /news/man. Consider making threads for these articles

>Republican elections board member refuses to certify Georgia primary results under false pretenses

>Jack Smith 'finally' has a path to boot Corrupt Republican Judge Aileen Cannon from Trump trial

>Alito's wife launched harassment campaign against neighbors after Trump's failed coup

>Why grocery bills feel so high, even though food inflation is low

>Trump stuns donors with behind-closed-doors rant saying he'd start World War III
We should go back to the 10 threads a day cap.
We're a news board, we should be allowed to post any article that's from a reputable site and follows the rules and not have to pick and choose.
Regardless of the verdict, there will be chaos.

Many of the GOP, while outwardly pretending to support Mr. Trump in order to not suffer the consequences of losing his endorsement, are secretly hoping for a conviction so they can finally be free of him, but it also means they won't have a replacement in time for the election.
Any Republican that supports Trump, even out of fear, is as guilty as Trump.
They are the equivalent of Vichy France.
>Support Wiemar Germany or you're Vichy France!!!
Not a very convincing splash of vitriol.
>2024 US is as bad as Weimar Germany
This is why you people keep losing.
So you're saying we're losing because it's not Weimar Germany just yet?
You do realize what came next, right?
No I'm saying you people whining and bitching like this is Weimar Germany is one of the things among many which will contribute to Trump's second electoral loss.
But it pretty much is Weimar Germany, so whatever point you're trying to make is null.
The dollar isn't devaluing by 20% every three days like it was in October of 1923 but thanks for the laugh.
Funny coming from the party, the Republicans, that keeps quoting or using Nazi terminology.
>experts say

I also like how they're stealing a title from a bunch of articles floating around the MSM about how Democrats are in full panic mode of Biden and his shitty polling numbers

Trump posted on Trump Social that the Judge refused to allow him to use a advice of counsel defense.

Trump's team actually refused themselves before the trial started.

More Trump lies.
>ESL poster strikes again
Cry more Trump faggot, in your little Trump World of Lies & Deceit
don't copy us if you don't know what it means
why can't you guys just use the toiilet?
why are you pretending indian shills have any job other than being russia shills. it reeks of projection
Trumptards' orange god can't use the toilet - instead farting & following through in court - so that's the sharters in the mart - and capitol building - for you
This is the funniest part. Trump keeps saying ladies that are easily proved to be lies, but he knows the problem who support him do t care about the truth or facts. Trump cultists only care about their sensitive feelings. They will believe whatever supports their bias despite any evidence. Trump knows this and sends out these lying dog whistles to his supporters so they can repeat it.
in /news/ front page. straight up "jorking it". and by "it", haha, well. let's just say. My peanits
chuds on suicide watch
All the democrat party needs to be exterminated, there is no other way to save the Republic.
Hello fellow fascist, how do you sir?
Good, good
Good job globofags! You finally got him! Wow that took a really long time .. 2015 was almost 10y ago.. but you got his treasonous ass!! What crime did he finally get put away from? The Russian collusion? Overthrowing the US goverment? I bet it was stealing all those classified documents that bastard. Or maybe he was selling state secrets to foreign nationals.. i heard that one on CNN. I mean the guy is literally Hitler. Im sure if they looked in Marlago they would find the bodies of dead jews... Wait i cant find why he is going to jail? Where does it say his crime?
Imagine being so indoctrinated you start using words like "globofags"
wow.. your insight is a blessing upon the world.
go back
You literally had to cut off your joke because the list of his crimes was getting too long and you were bored and wanted to switch to the second part where you say there are no crimes… willful ignorance is an ugly dress and makes you look like a whore.
The Fat Felon is going down tomorrow afternoon. Guilty on all counts.
>yfw mistrial
I'll rush to ensure I don't miss this trial
>editorial or blog post
Saar do not redeem the grandpa bobs and mangene
Do you wish the saar to show bobs saaar?
>"Full panic mode": Experts say Trump mad he's "finally being treated like any other defendant"
...and now that orange subhuman has been: but then it always was.
That aged well, eh Trumptards?! Good.

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