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One in three Republican voters would have preferred a different candidate to Donald Trump for the upcoming presidential election.

In March, the former president won enough primary races to secure the Republican nomination in the 2024 presidential election.

However, according to a survey of 1,003 Americans by Canadian polling firm Leger, Trump does not command the full support of his base and 33 percent of this demographic would have preferred another politician. Meanwhile, this proportion is higher (47 percent) among Republican voters aged 18 to 34 years old.

The survey was conducted between May 24 and May 26. The margin of error is +/- 3.09 percent.

Newsweek contacted a representative for Trump by email outside of business hours to comment on this story.

The poll comes as Trump has been hit by protests during primary season. Some people are voting for other candidates in primary votes to express opposition to him.

Earlier this month, for example, former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, who dropped out of the presidential race in March, won 20 percent of the vote in Maryland, and 17.8 percent in Nebraska. While Trump still won with a resounding majority, it showed he does not have the full support of Republicans in those states. A similar pattern emerged in other states and Joe Biden, the Democratic candidate for the election and the incumbent president, has too been hit with protest votes in his own primary races.

Meanwhile, Trump has now been found guilty on all 34 counts in his high-profile hush money trial concerning payments to adult film star Stormy Daniels. While the Leger poll was carried out before Trump was found guilty, other polls have suggested that the guilty verdict will upend his campaign with some voters appearing to switch their allegiance to Biden, according to post-verdict polls.

Polls are retarded and so are you.
Trump daughter in law is the Chair of the RNC now. There is no way they kick him off the ballot even if his popularity falls lower than it is now.
Could this be because he raw-dogged a porn actor? Striking poll results, thank you for sharing.
Which is exactly why he shoved her into that position.
Unlike the position he shoves his biological daughter into any time he's alone in a room with her.
To be fair he bought her the best fake tits money could buy. I know Jared appreciates it.
I absolutely hate anyone that posts polls. I don't give a fuck about your agenda. It's all lies.
>we asked 12 people on the internet what they thought
You faggots need to all die.
Oh look, the "Polls is Fake News!" brigade. Been a while since you gals showed up.
I guess those convictions did more damage than we thought if they're sending you out.
I'm left wing you moron. These polls are ALWAYS a joke no matter which partisan hack is posting them. Still voting Biden, but you sound like a polfaggot.
so uh, how exactly is Trump supposed to win if he's bleeding support from his own party?
Last thing democrats should be doing is underestimating. Stupid fucks never learn.
>Article about Republican views on Republican presidential candidate
>"This proves Democrats are stupid"
Breathtaking gymnastics. 8/10.
>subhuman rightards in /news/ that thought better than NY's courts, legal system & prosecutors: otherwise they would have stepped up to defend their Orange Nixon
>subhuman retards that thought they knew better than reality: >>1299693
>Praying for a 'Red Wave' that wasn't a trickle
>MAGAtards whining against what would happen Two Weeks later in January 2021
>YouGov poll predicts massive Labour landslide: 194 seat majority in general election on 4th July: brit/pol/ppets think their precious faRAGE can bend reality to their will: (Un)Reform will get zero seats - with Green Party being superior to them by a factor of two - according to poll
...thus a choice: polls that go against MAGAtards' retarded opinions. MAGAtards' retarded opinions. Gee, that's a toughie...!
Let me guess, useless liberal arts degree and still living home with the parents.

Many such cases.
They are. They consistently let their guard down.
Found the seething MAGAtard
Let me guess, useless high school dropout and /r9k/ reject still living home with the parents.
Plebbit spacer still seething after r/T_D denied its right to exist there now reduced to seething in /news/
Many such nutcases.
500 sqft house with long grass and a broken car in the dirt driveway and a homemade trump sign on a sheet of plywood.
>No link to the poll in the source.
Well, we're not off to a good start here.
>No information on Leger's website.
Well, this is gonna be a tough one.
>Kate Plummer
Generally published by Huffpo
Well, I think it's safe to ignore this as "We're winning, fellow get-dRumpfers!!!!" hyperbole.
Its one poll of 1,000 people, anon. Even if everything about the poll was legitimate one poll means nothing. Relax.
but they will vote for him anyway. Bernie bros hated Hillary but they voted for her anyway.
Why do you think the sentencing is scheduled for three days before the RNC? The judge doesn't want the RNC to have any kind of backup plan.

This hearkens back to 1968, when RFK was assassinated just a week or two before the DNC and the party was in chaos and lost the election.
>Why do you think the sentencing is scheduled for three days before the RNC?
The court works on their schedule, not his. They're not going to postpone sentencing because not doing so would be politically inconvenient for a convicted felon.

>The judge doesn't want the RNC to have any kind of backup plan.
The RNC had a chance to make a backup plan 3 years ago when they decided to back the most corrupt president in U.S. history instead of dumping him and finding a better candidate. They made their bed. Now they get to lie in it.
>Canadian polling firm
Lmao, okay
based post
>The judge doesn't want the RNC to have any kind of backup plan
As opposed to the backup plan they'd have if it were 3 days after?

Anyway RNC rules state that delegates that change their vote to any candidate other than the one who they are sent to vote for have their votes nullified so that backup plan shit's complete nonsense. Either they appoint Trump or they somehow convince over 2k delegates to not vote and appoint Nikki. Dealer's fucking choice.
And to be abundantly clear, Trump could literally die before the convention and they wouldn't be able or willing to get 2k fucking RNC delegates to back a woman of color they weren't sent there to support.
So who's running in 2028? Donny Jr? Eric? AOC? Kamala?
>The court works on their schedule, not his.
Attorney here. Lol no. Scheduling is a non-issue because you have night-courts in NYC. Their criminal courts run 24/7. Merchant knows what he is doing.

>The RNC had a chance to make a backup plan 3 years ago when they decided to back the most corrupt president in U.S. history instead of dumping him and finding a better candidate.
So, here is the thing. In America we have a process called "primaries" and in primaries voters choose their candidate. The RNC does not get to choose who runs for President. Also, he is probably going to win so you need to start preparing yourself for that eventuality.
If you support Trump but you're not enacting violence at this point, you're a coward and should kill yourself.
Settle down Ivan the civil war you want isn't going to happen
>In America we have a process called "primaries" and in primaries voters choose their candidate. The RNC does not get to choose who runs for President
You sound like a shitty attorney if you don't even know that primaries determine delegates to party conventions, not candidates for the presidency, and party conventions are allowed to amend their rules to do whatever the fuck they want with those delegates, up to and including ignoring who they are bound to entirely.
> In America we have a process called "primaries" and in primaries voters choose their candidate. The RNC does not get to choose who runs for President.

The DNC literally did this in 2016
I love it when the GOP think tank shills larp as Bernie voters
I love it when /news/hills try to gaslight people over factual things that happened


>CNN asked Senator Elizabeth Warren if Mrs Clinton's contest against Democratic rival Bernie Sanders was rigged, and she said: "Yes."
>Another Democratic official writes in a new book about the party's "unethical" agreement with the Clinton campaign.
>shits on CNN almost every day
>cites CNN when cherrypicking an article to make a point
Incredible cognitive dissonance
>praises CNN almost every day
>shits on CNN when presented with an article that proves their opponent's point
Incredible cognitive dissonance
Post 5 examples of praising CNN every day. (this should be hilarious)
>NY's courts
-Have always been hilariously corrupt, yes. Do retards just forget that they let Giuliani get away with murder for close to two decades? Embezzlement? Letting NY cops just summarily execute people on the street?

No of course not. Law good when it helps you. Low-IQ dipshits don't see this as the judicial meddling that it is.
They didn't need to rig it. Bernie lost (I'd say fair and square, but his campaign stole Hillary's campaign's internal voter data). That said, they were prepared to with super delegates or whatever they were called.

>Low-IQ dipshits don't see this as the judicial meddling that it is.
Counterpoint: He's actually fucking guilty which is why you're not arguing the law or the facts of the case and are just whining like a bitch.
Trump didn't show up to any of the debates and you guys had like ten other options to chose from at the start of the year.
BREAKING NEWS: Speaker Johnson, House GOP Leaders Rip 'Sham Trial' That Led To Trump Guilty Verdict

Finally a sensible conservative viewpoint on this board. Not saying I agree but thank you for not being a sperglord.
>You sound like a shitty attorney if you don't even know that primaries determine delegates to party conventions, not candidates for the presidency, and party conventions are allowed to amend their rules to do whatever the fuck they want with those delegates, up to and including ignoring who they are bound to entirely.
You sound like a low-info retard. Under RNC rules delegates who attempt to vote for an individual whom did not win their states primary have their votes nullified.

>change the rules
This is the GOP not the DNC. We respect what our voters want.

Maybe if you literal retards weren't indicting him every five minutes he would have lost. If Trump wins in November, that shits on Biden and the Dems.
>Low-IQ dipshit seething in /news/ or it would reject reality and replace it with its own outside of here
...thus a choice: Reality that MAGAtards seethe over or MAGAtards' retarded opinions. My, but that's a toughie...!
Was magatard an autobot?

Can you at least ramble in coherent English so we can laugh at you

>500 sqft house
My bedroom is this size, does that count?
You listed off 5 better options.
You retards flocking to a demagogue every time he gets caught breaking the law is on you

>why dont chics want to be around me
I dont know anon, it’s obviously them and definitely not you.
it's projecting again
Trump has already gone on air and fully sucked Bibi's dick to completion. It's cute that you think he isn't a zionist puppet.
Remember when the Republican AG and Republican controlled Congress held two seats of hearings, and Hillary showed up and politely answered their questions, and both times they found absolutely nothing to charge her with?

Pepperidge Farms remembers. That is how an adult does things.
>wants single party rule
imagine being a republicunt and being able to retardedly state this without any shame
He's right and you should be ashamed
Sounds like the bajillion investigations Democrats did against Trump where they came back empty-handed, and then finally found someone to charge him with falsifying business records in 2017 on the premise that this future act influenced the 2016 election a year prior
Which dems have said that? The ones in your head?
>doesn't like those who insults its boyfriend
Now we know why, >>1301425
And which of those things did they follow through on in the two years they controlled the White House and both chambers of Congress?
>In America we have a process called "primaries" and in primaries voters choose their candidate. The RNC does not get to choose who runs for President.
Kinda funny how more than half of the declared candidates suspended their campaigns and endorsed Trump before the first primary contest even began. And the remaining candidates suspended their campaigns after like two contests. All with Trump ducking the debate stage in cowardice. Also, Trump's daughter-in-law is the head of the RNC, a clear display of nepotism and a conflict of interest.
>eliminate the electoral college
>and to pack the scotus
Trump did that
>and to eliminate the electoral college
That would be a good thing. We should also get rid of congress
So you agree they didn't actually do any of those things when they were in power and could have done so.
He appointed 3 conservative judges. That is packing the court.
I never said "give the president unlimited power", you disingenuous lying faggot. We the people should be voting on our laws, not useless fucks like MTG and AOC
>Attorney here. Lol no. Scheduling is a non-issue because you have night-courts in NYC. Their criminal courts run 24/7. Merchant knows what he is doing.
You didn't contradict anything I said. The court works on their schedule, not Trump's.

>So, here is the thing. In America we have a process called "primaries" and in primaries voters choose their candidate.
You're either sub-50 IQ or not American if you're going to sit here and pretend like who the RNC and the GOP establishment decides to back doesn't have a massive impact on who gets the candidacy. The GOP could have abandoned Trump years ago after his failed coup, two impeachments and laundry list of crimes. They didn't. Now, they're stuck with this convicted felon who is constitutionally incapable of doing anything but whining about his personal grievances.

>Also, he is probably going to win so you need to start preparing yourself for that eventuality.
Chud head canon is wild
>Did they do those things?
>No but they're gonna next time!
I see. This is one of those "Dems are coming for muh gunz any day now" things I've been hearing about since Columbine.
So why are you okay with Trump doing it and not a Democrat if it's their job to appoint judges?
We wouldn't need to go to the polls every day. We could have one day each month off of work where we get to vote on laws and how our tax money spent. We don't need representatives from states for us inDC in the 21st century. Congress is super antiquated and only serves to keep any semblance of power out of voters hands. Do you really think congress members deserve to be making 300k a year off our dime?
Your mind has been irreparably damaged by right wing propaganda.
>its the job of the president to nominate new judges when an opening comes up
Kinda like how Obama nominated Garland to replace Scalia when he died, but the Republican Senate declined to confirm him and said to wait for the next election like a year and a half later. But, when Ginsburg died like a month before the election, the Republican Senate let Trump replace her with Barrett immediately.
>says weekly that he wants to ban guns
this is why we call you schizo, because you're seeing and hearing things that aren't happening.
You literally have brain problems.
I'll accept your concession unless you give me a clip within 7 days of Biden saying he wants to ban guns.
you're a special brand of retard
>cool, so no argument
Your argument was "nuh uh". I don't have a counter to that. You win.
The word you're looking for is schizophrenic. Don't mine him, he's our resident psychotic.
>over 7 days ago
Apologize for lying about him saying it every week, you disingenuous faggot.
Good posts. Definitely not chuds.
The tweet is timestamped, faggot, like your post.
The time difference is over 7 days.
You're wrong. I accept your concession.
So what you're saying is republicans flip flop more than the footwear of the same name?
>Under RNC rules delegates who attempt to vote for an individual whom did not win their states primary have their votes nullified.
Yes, under RNC rules, not under fucking state laws. And having votes nullified could change the fucking outcome, you fucking idiot. That is "ignoring who they are bound to". It's not some automatic fucking process where the states won determine the winner via some formula. Real people have to both vote and uphold a set of rules.

>This is the GOP not the DNC. We respect what our voters want.
You've won 1 popular vote since before I was fucking born. If you were respecting what voters wanted, your party would have fucked off and died.
Good post
I love polls and statistics as much as the next guy, but this poll means nothing. At least a third of democrats think it should have been Bernie probably, but that doesn't matter either.
Joe Biden Suddenly Leads Donald Trump in Multiple Battleground States
It all comes tumbling down...
>Joe Biden Suddenly Leads Donald Trump in
Multiple Battleground States

Meanwhile in reality:

Wisconsin: Trump +.1
Arizona: Trump +4
Georgia: Trump +4.8
Michigan: Trump +.5
Pennsylvania: Trump +2.3
North Carolina: Trump +5.3
Nevada: Trump +5.4

These numbers are generated by RCP using an aggregate of eight polls, none of which are Rassmussen.
-Cook Political
-NY Times/Sienna
-The Hill/Emerson

Crying about Rassmussen means you automatically concede, especially while Trump's lead even takes the overly biased Quinnipac into account.
>Yes, under RNC rules, not under fucking state laws. And having votes nullified could change the fucking outcome, you fucking idiot. That is "ignoring who they are bound to". It's not some automatic fucking process where the states won determine the winner via some formula. Real people have to both vote and uphold a set of rules.
Literally what the fuck are you talking about?

>You've won 1 popular vote since before I was fucking born. If you were respecting what voters wanted, your party would have fucked off and died.
Again, no idea what you're talking about. Statement is that the RNC respects the wishes of primary voters. This has nothing to do with the (meaningless) national vote.
>I don't know what a margin of error is, the post
Hello RCPfag how are you today
>"RCP must be wrong because it says my guy is losing anon" is back
What is the margin of error on all the polls I listed anon?

Nice to see you not crying about and pissing yourself over Rassmussen for a change, btw
>What is the margin of error on all the polls I listed anon?
The margin of error is +/-3 on most of them, which make me laugh that you're even posting it.
>Nice to see you not crying about and pissing yourself over Rassmussen
On the contrary, I'm glad to see RCP finally did the right thing and ditched Scott Rassmussen's fake polls. They were probably tired of suffering the credibility hit from not ditching them when everyone else did years ago.
>margin of +/- 3 means Biden is winning!
>5/8 polls would still have Trump leading if max margin of error was applied
I'm convinced your IQ is actually room temperature

>still whining about Rassmussen
How does it feel knowing that the lead Trump is shown to have is even larger without taking Rassmussen into effect? Even while using data from such an overtly biased poll like Quinnipac?
I can't imagine simping for any candidate in any race as much as you are simping for Trump right now, so I can't say how I would feel about that.
>I can't imagine simping for any candidate in any race as much as you are simping for Trump right now
>now excuse me while I simp for Biden in one of /news/' half-dozen anti-drumph threads

Btw, pointing out reality isn't simping anon
Your ongoing butthurt reaction to Anon simply posting a Newsweek story is really telling. No bullshit, if I were you I would screencap these posts you make and take them to the nearest Trump Campaign HQ and show them and tell them to give you a job.
>Loses argument
>starts hurling petty insults
You behave like a woman.
>Your ongoing butthurt reaction to Anon simply posting a RCP poll is really telling. No bullshit, if I were you I would screencap these posts you make and take them to the nearest Biden Campaign HQ and show them and tell them to give you a job.

Personal insults are fine, I personally love referring to this dude as a faggot
Hello JewsRapeKids how are you today.
You wouldn't have replied to the newsweek poll with all that useless text, or continued to reply afterward, if you weren't seething right now
>petty insults
>claims Biden calls for gun bans weekly
>immediately challenged, can't find anything within a week
gun schzio BTFO again, I guess.
The conservative cope in here is screaming! Lol face it folks, convicted felons are less likely to win the election.
still seething about being wrong
whatever his wife says is irrelevant
stay mad, gun schizo
RNC changes rules all the time. Nevada had two votes this year for same repub candidates.
>Literally what the fuck are you talking about?
I accept your concession.
>Trump a 'martyr': but only among MAGAtists. Democrats know that
>A Trump voter in 2017 commenting on a vid on YouTube re. Charlottesville: says will never vote Republican again. Is he the only one?
>Republicans Against Trump four years ago: have they disbanded since?
>A 'Red Wave that wasn't a trickle
>Several million more Democrat voters four years ago
>A third more swing voters
That's all it'll take
Biden has this locked up

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