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MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul filed felony forgery charges against two attorneys and an aide who submitted paperwork falsely saying that former President Donald Trump had won the battleground state in 2020.

The charges were filed against Trump attorneys Kenneth Chesebro and Jim Troupis and former Trump aide Mike Roman who allegedly delivered Wisconsin’s fake elector paperwork to a Pennsylvania congressman’s staffer in order to get them to Vice President Mike Pence on Jan. 6, 2021.

All three are due in Dane County Circuit Court on Sept. 19, according to court records.

Kaul, a Democrat, has faced pressure to bring action against the 10 fake electors, who have yet to be charged with any criminal wrongdoing. He has previously suggested that he was relying on federal investigators while also not ruling out a state probe.

Electors are people appointed to represent voters in presidential elections. The winner of the popular vote in each state determines which party’s electors are sent to the Electoral College, which meets in December after the election to certify the outcome.

The fake elector efforts are central to an August federal indictment filed against Trump alleging he tried to overturn results of the 2020 election. Federal prosecutors, investigating his conduct related to the Jan. 6, 2021, U.S. Capitol riot, have also said the scheme originated in Wisconsin. Trump also faces charges in Georgia and has denied wrongdoing.

Michigan and Nevada have also criminally charged fake electors.

The Wisconsin electors, Chesebro and Troup all settled a civil lawsuit that was brought against them last year.
Documents released as part of those settlements showed that the strategy in Wisconsin replicated moves in six other swing states.

Trump lost Wisconsin to Biden, a Democrat, by fewer than 21,000 votes. Trump carried Wisconsin by a similar margin in 2016.

Wisconsin is one of a handful of swing states again this year.

Government and outside investigationshave uniformly found there was no evidence of widespread voter fraud that could have swung the 2020 election. But Trump has continued to spread falsehoods about the election, particularly in Wisconsin.
Guess it's time for a few more of the faithful to fall on their swords for the god emperor
>The fake elector efforts are central to an August federal indictment filed against Trump alleging he tried to overturn results of the 2020 election.
What's hilarious about the AG going after these individuals is that alternate slates of electors are """fake""" by default.

So Wisconsin, a blue state, is trying to behead anybody who contested the freest and most fair election in US history.
>Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul filed felony forgery charges
>Kaul, a Democrat, has faced pressure to bring action against the 10 fake electors, who have yet to be charged with any criminal wrongdoing.
Wow it really is politically motivated and they aren't even ashamed of admitting it
Samefagging intensifies
>What's hilarious about the AG going after these individuals is that alternate slates of electors are """fake""" by default.
You're 100% incorrect. A state has the right to choose an alternate slate of electors. The keywords there is the STATE gets to choose. Trump's fake electors were not chosen by the state. They signed legal documents claiming that the state had chosen them as their appointed electors and that was a lie. Electors certified by the state are not fake, alternate or not.
When was there a coup?
you must love losing arguments
When Trump got upset that he lost the election and tried to overturn the vote. Read the article.
>overturn the vote
Steal the election you mean. I don't get why people just don't call a spade a spade and just say Trump tried to steal the 2020 with his fake elector conspiracy and the Jan 6th coup.
>Wisconsin, a blue state
Doesn't Wisconsin have the most Republican-skewed gerrymandered districts in the nation?
*most heavily Republican-skewed, that is. Not quantity, obviously.
>Trump's fake electors were not chosen by the state.
Yeah, they're called an alternate slate of electors. That's how it has worked since Adams.

Dems send alternates all the time to contest elections. It only became an issue when Trump became president.
Republicans are in a race to see which state can gerrymander the most, but for a time, Wisconsin was the most rigged legislature in the US.
But the Wisconsin one got broken up when liberals took control of the state supreme court and found the Wisconsin gerrymander was unconstitutional. Which was because the Republican gerrymander was so blatant, they had some districts that weren't contiguous, which is a direct violation of the state constitution.
Meanwhile the Republican Justices tried to defend this by saying it wasn't the place of the courts to mess with congressional lines or the census, even though it was a clear violation of the state constitution exposing they're Republican operatives and not judges.
And the Republicans on the legislator were so desperate to keep power they even threatened to impeach the new liberal judge before she even heard a single case if the court took up the gerrymander case.
She called their bluff.
>Yeah, they're called an alternate slate of electors. That's how it has worked since Adams.
Incorrect. You have no clue how alternate electors work. the STATE can chose an alternate slate of electors, not the candidate who lost the election. Trump's electors claimed to be chosen by the state and that was a lie.

>Dems send alternates all the time to contest elections.
False. The Democrats have never sent a group of random people to forge legal documents and claim they were the state's chosen electors when they were not.
>the STATE can chose an alternate slate of electors, not the candidate who lost the election.
1) Alternate slates do not need to be chosen by the state.
2) Congress gets to choose which slate is legitimate, not the states, which is what Jefferson and Nixon did.
3) You're a prolific liar.
t. Sidney Powell
>Alternate slates do not need to be chosen by the state
Wrong. States are the only entities that are allowed to choose which electors represent them. There is no universe in which the loser of an election gets to choose a state's electors then have them forge legal documents claiming to be certified by the state and send it into congress. You have no defense for that.

>Congress gets to choose which slate is legitimate, not the states, which is what Jefferson and Nixon did
Wrong. States choose their electors. Whether or not those states follow the process of certifying their elections and sending them into congress is an entirely different matter. Congress does not get to decide who a state's electors are. That's 100% wrong.

>You're a prolific liar.
You're a prolific Trump anus tonguer.
>You have no defense for that.
Hillary did it in 2016, gayboy.
NTA but if you're saying Hilary did the same thing as Trump. Where's the actual proof that Hilary sent fake electors with forged documents to DC like Trump did?
>Hillary did it in 2016, gayboy.
Hillary did not convince a bunch of random people to forge legal documents and claim to be state electors. I have no clue why you'd lie about something so easily disprovable.
>Hillary did not convince a bunch of random people to forge legal documents and claim to be state electors
She begged for an alternate slate of electors.
>I have no clue why you'd lie about something so easily disprovable.
You're retarded and a lying cakeboy.
"Fake electors" don't exist. Alternate electors do. They are volunteers specifically requested during contested elections and instructed by constitutional lawyers. That's why the fags in the OP were arrested.
So no proof, I accept your concession.
Funny how this isn't being reported by the major news networks
>Steal the election
>'Stop The Steal': started by Ali Alexander, with support by Nick Fuentes: the latter an enabler of the former: and not only because both are Trump supporters/voters. One enabled the other: an admitted pedo.
I guess Nick the Narc - along with right hand man Baked Alaska who also snitched to The Man post-6th Jan 2021 - is the least of your problems, though.
>"Fake electors" don't exist. Alternate electors do. They are volunteers specifically requested during contested elections and instructed by constitutional lawyers. That's why the fags in the OP were arrested.
Damn then maybe Trump's lawyers should have picked better people who won't start crying, pissing their pants, and pleading guilty.
>Two right wing pedos accusing others for what they're guilty of
That's just classic Republican policy.
>Running off when they get BTFO
The classic duo of /news/

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