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Japan's total fertility rate hit record low in 2023
13 hours ago
Japan's government statistics reveal that the total fertility rate last year dropped to the lowest since record-keeping began in 1947. The number of children a woman is expected to have during her lifetime fell to 1.20.
The health ministry released approximate demographic statistics for 2023 on Wednesday.
The total fertility rate last year was down 0.06 points from the final figure for the previous year. It also marks the eighth straight year-on-year fall.
The total fertility rate dropped in all prefectures. Tokyo posted the lowest figure of 0.99. Next was Hokkaido at 1.06, then Miyagi at 1.07. Okinawa had the highest rate of 1.60, followed by Miyazaki and Nagasaki at 1.49 and Kagoshima at 1.48.
The number of Japanese babies born last year stood at 727,277. It fell 43,482 from a year earlier and was the lowest since statistical records began in 1899.
There were 1,575,936 deaths last year. This was a record high and 6,886 more than the previous year.
The number of marriages was 474,717. The figure fell by 30,213 year on year, marking the lowest level in post-war Japan.
Ministry officials said the declining birth rate is in a critical situation. They pointed out that the period before 2030 will be the last opportunity to reverse the trend as the young population is expected to drop sharply after that.
The officials said a range of factors, such as economic instability and the difficulty of balancing work and childcare, are intertwined.
They expressed their intention to accelerate necessary measures, such as promoting the uptake of paternity leave and raising the income of younger generations.

Nagoro, Japan.

There is a demographic crises in Japan, people are aging and old people, so in one village a woman created life sized dolls to cure her loneliness.

Is this a dying country ?

"there ano children laughing in this village"


in japan they have a term for "lonely death" called Kodokushi

this is what happens when an elderly person dies, but no one immediately finds their remains, and they end up being found days later.

Some die in large scale apartment complexes, all alone living in a tiny apartment


In 2000 when the corpse of a 69-year-old man was discovered three years after his death; his monthly rent and utilities had been withdrawn from his account. After his savings were depleted, his skeleton discovered at his home. The body had been consumed by maggots and beetles


In the village there are no more schools. It closed in 2012, as there were no more children, it is full of people slowly dying all alone.

Elderly people who live alone are more likely to lack social contacts, and are therefore more likely to die alone and remain undiscovered


Gravitas | Modern-day murder: Japanese kill the elderly to avoid caring costs
A disturbing trend has emerged from Japan where the young are killing their parents because they are tired of taking care of them in old age.
Source: WION (YouTube)


oy vey! someone tell the jews to import a bunch of apes before it's too late!
Not my problem
Feminism causes women to have less children. I'd argue that it's not a bad thing, but if they really need to have more children to save the economy or whatever, they have to rollback feminist policies.
Is there a 1/5 baby traffic? Asking for a scientist friend.
You know what this means right? More government breeding programs hentai.
>Japan's total fertility rate hit record low in 2023

Good for them. A high birth rate only benefits corporate elitists whereas the fewer people there are, the more valuable (and politically powerful) each individual is.
Maybe it's because they all sit around watching porn that no one is breeding.
Id say its their society valuing slave tier work above everything else. people dont want to create more people to suffer
there were declining birthrates in plenty of historical societies like rome before the existence of feminism. you just need to learn how to talk to women
step one: don't be a poltard
oh, you're retarded. well, carry on
>people had kids when they had slave tier work in the past
That's because they needed the children as workers, anon.

>the feminism aspect can't be ignored
Explain the history of feminism in Japan. We're all listening.
>and they don't now?
Compared to like 100 years ago? Absolutely not.

>japan and korea have 2 of the biggest gaps in political views of women and men in the world
You said feminism was at fault for the fertility drop in Japan. Explain Japanese feminism to us. Give us like a brief history.
>the jews are literally trying to force japan to take in third worders because >muh workers
You just pivoted completely from what we were talking about. Modern industrial societies don't need child workers to provide family income. In fact, its often legally prohibited as education is compulsory in almost all western societies including Japan. Engage with that point. Explain why what I just said is not accurate.

>feminism absolutely is to blame for fertility drips in japan, korea and the west. it was intentionally pushed by jews for this purpose
So explain how. Explain the history of feminism in Japan. What was the first socioeconomic features of Japanese feminism, which politicians were pushing it, how it materialized into political/economic policy and how that decreased the fertility rate. You claimed Japanese feminism was to blame so surely you can give us like a brief paragraph explaining it.
>it just is, ok!
>I'm not doing your stuck premise bullshit you cumguzzling faggot. while shitty working conditions are lowering the number of kids people feel they can afford, that is not the only factor as poors historically had a fuck ton of kids
People tended to have a lot more kids before industrialization because they needed the workforce to produce family income. That is not the case in industrialized societies today, especially given that education is compulsory in places like Japan meaning its legally required that children go to school. Explain why the two sentences I just said are incorrect. Engage with the claim, anon.

>again, not engaging with your snuck premise you disingenuous sealioning tranny. the jews have promoted feminism in east asia and the west and used it as a means of genocide just as the US used feminist propaganda, abortions, birth control pills and sterilization surgery as a tool of genocide in purto rico
So you have no explanation for how feminism decreased birthrates in Japan. You can't give me a single date, a single politician, a single policy. All you have is "well its just cuz jews".
The Rockefellers are the ones that pushed feminism and population control on them. They are Protestants.
The Rockefellers are German Protestants and they introduced population control and feminism to Japan and South Korea.
>So you have no explanation for how feminism decreased birthrates in Japan. You can't give me a single date, a single politician, a single policy. All you have is "well its just cuz jews".
The problem with retards like you is if he does you'll just dismiss it. I'll make the futile effort on his behalf: America forced Japan to adopt new rights for women after Japan's surrender in WWII. You're assignment is to lookup Beate Sirota.
Oh come on they're not that bad. They built the Rockefeller Center in NYC.
>The problem with retards like you is if he does you'll just dismiss it
That's a really bad cope for having no argument. If he could answer the question then everyone could see he knew what he was talking about and I was unable to engage with it. I would instantly get BTFO'd and embarrassed in front of the whole thread. As of right now, however, he can't answer the most basic question about his own opinion. He says "Feminism did this thing" and I ask "How?" and he has no clue. He can't give a single example.

>America forced Japan to adopt new rights for women after Japan's surrender in WWII.
Like what new rights? How did these rights reduce the fertility rate?

>no we don't need more workers now, stop having kids instead import billions of browns from the global south because we need more workers, goy
So you can't explain how my statement was incorrect. Got it.

>the jews introduced feminsim to japan and korea as an intentional act of genocide for helping germany
How? What did they introduce? What policies? What did they do, anon? How is it you have this super strong opinion and you can't even articulate one single detail about it? Name ONE single way HOW the fertility rate was forcibly reduced in Japan. Give me ONE economic policy. Give me anything. One specific thing.
>I did explain, faggot. its a deliberate genocide attempt by the jews.
This has absolutely nothing to do with the question of whether or not people had more kids before industrialization due to economic reasons. You gave up trying to engage with the argument and started rambling about jews halfway through the conversation.

So you have no idea. You can't name one thing that any jews or anybody did to reduce the fertility rate in Japan. You can't name a single economic policy. You can't name a single politician. You can't even give me like a rough timeline of events. You know absolutely nothing about your own opinion. Thanks for the conversation, schizo. Enjoy your BTFO.
>Explain the history of feminism in Japan. We're all listening.
They've got interviews on YT with Japanese feminists, it's totally a thing over there, it was imported from the west. They are 100% just like our feminists in the west, all "independent, don't need no man" types. Couple this with Japan's shitty ass work system and highly introverted society, they got fucked hard socially. China is the only asian country to ban feminism because they know how dangerous it is to birth rates.

Oh and it has it's own wiki! Get educated:
based tranime consooming, easy going, atheistic superstate
Not gonna lie, this conspiracy theory does make at least some sense.

Imagine you're Xi Jinping and you see your biggest rival naturally dying out, while you're economically conquering poor countries. Of course having the rich rival countries simply get replaced by niggers would be beneficial as fuck, so why not help a little and exploit the weaknesses of democracy

I'm not saying this is happening, I have no proof. But it's an interesting avenue to explore.
Consider the fact that US is deeply butthurt about TikTok being China's trojan horse to dismantle democracy, and that's top US politicians speaking who got a majority to pass a bill regarding the issue

So it's logical to assume that the question isn't "is China dismantling democracy from the inside" but "how"
>Hey, bro. Do you think people would calm down if we just gave them what they want?
>Nah, it's that fucking app's fault
These politicians are just dumping more fuel on the fire if they think banning tiktok will help
>>Hey, bro. Do you think people would calm down if we just gave them what they want?
what do the people want that the government isn't doing, other than ending the ATF, removing all gun laws and expelling the jews and democrats and building the wall and expelling the illegals?
But people are stupid
Debt relief, affordable housing, a living wage, cheaper food prices, health insurance. Basically the kind of shit the government should provide for its people.
It's not the apps fault that people are noticing how shitty their lives are here compared to other developed nations.
How does tiktok provide any of those things

Implying people need twenty second video slop to know their lives are shit
>Debt relief,
you took out a loan, you pay for it faggot. why should it be my responsibility to pay for your loan you took out?
> affordable housing, a living wage, cheaper food prices, health insurance.
literally all directly and intentionally caused by the democrats. it is just the price of doing business in a multicultural society with open borders. you aren't going to fix it unless you close the boarders, end most legal immigration (especially h1b), expel the illegals and institute segregation or private school vouchers. the housing is because illegals are taking up housing and people don't want to live near blacks or illegals because they ruin the school systems. the wages are 100% due to h1bs lowering the wages of skilled workers because they will accept shitty working conditions and illegals lowering the wages of unskilled workers because they work for less than minimum wage with zero payroll taxes.
food prices are caused by dems raising the cost of producing gas and shipping and giving an cartel to the 7 sisters and opec. health insurance costs were caused by obongo care
> that people are noticing how shitty their lives are here compared to other developed nations.
a. they really aren't.
b. its just the cost of doing business living in a multicutural society. every place you say is great is great because its like 90%+ white, korean or japanese in the city you think is great. the USA would be just as good if it was 95% white
Send me back in time to my 16 yo self 20 years in the past so I can impregnate every cute Japanese woman in the country. Problem solved

40% of Japanese in 30s desiring children are sexless, research reveals

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