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COVID vaccines may have helped fuel rise in excess deaths since pandemic: study

COVID vaccines could be partly to blame for a rise in “unprecedented” excess deaths in the US and other Western countries in the three years since the pandemic took hold, a new study suggests.

Analyzing mortality data from 47 Western countries, scientists from the Netherlands’ Vrije Universiteit found that excess mortality has “remained high” since 2020 — despite the widespread rollout of COVID vaccines and various containment measures.

The researchers said the trend “raised serious concerns” as they urged government leaders and policymakers to “thoroughly investigate the underlying causes of persistent excess mortality,” according to the study published in BMJ Public Health.

Vrije Universiteit ranks 150th out of more than 20,000 universities globally, according to the Center for World University Rankings.

“Both medical professionals and citizens have reported serious injuries and deaths following vaccination to various official databases in the Western World.”

“During the pandemic, it was emphasized by politicians and the media on a daily basis that every Covid-19 death mattered and every life deserved protection through containment measures and Covid-19 vaccines. In the aftermath of the pandemic, the same moral should apply,” they added.

The study found there had been more than 3 million excess deaths across the US, Europe and Australia since 2020.

Of those excess deaths, more than 1 million occurred in 2020 at the height of the pandemic, according to the study.

Those figures, however, remained high in the following years, with 1.2 million in 2021 and 800,000 in 2022, researchers added.
The death toll figures include fatalities directly linked to the virus, as well as “indirect effects of the health strategies to address the virus spread and infection,” the study notes.

The researchers added that serious side effects of the vaccines had been documented, including ischemic strokes, acute coronary syndromes and brain hemorrhages.

“This commonality hinders clinical suspicion and consequently its detection as adverse vaccine reactions,” the study stated.

More than 1.1 million Americans have died from COVID since the pandemic broke out, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Imagine being gullible enough to get news about the vax from NYpost.com
>Covid has long term symptoms that fuck with your health significantly
>Covid is still in the population, it never went way
Geeeeee I wonder why there are still people dying of it
Here is the study:
Notice how it doesn't say the any of the things the NYpost article implies it does.
You forgot to open the PDF and read the study, UN/WEF/WHO shill-kun.
>During 2021, when not only containment measures but also COVID-19 vaccines were used to tackle virus spread and infection, the highest number of excess deaths was recorded: 1256942 excess deaths
Comeback after you do.
Hasnt this bullshit talking point expired years ago
The quotes mentioned in the NYpost article are not in the study, and it says nothing about the supposed correlation between vaccine use and excess deaths as you are implying. Nice try tho, really, I've lesser shills get away with it here before.
>UN/WEF/WHO shill-kun
What does this even mean? lmao
1.3 million antivaxxtards dead in US.
Operation Warp Speed. Who said 'I Got The Pfizer'...?!
Checkmate, Covidiots.
>This is unprecedented and
raises serious concerns.
p. 9
>Although COVID-19 vaccines were provided to guard civilians from suffering morbidity and mortality by the COVID-19 virus, suspected adverse events have been documented as well.
p. 2
>Both medical professionals and citizens have reported serious injuries and deaths following vaccination to various official databases in the Western World.
p. 2
>During the pandemic, it was emphasized by politicians and the media on a daily basis that every Covid-19 death mattered and every life deserved protection through containment measures and Covid-19 vaccines. In the aftermath of the pandemic, the same moral should apply
>indirect effects of the health strategies to address the virus spread and infection
>The researchers added that serious side effects of the vaccines had been documented, including ischemic strokes, acute coronary syndromes and brain hemorrhages.
Not a direct quote, but mentioned on p.2 when speaking of vaccine injuries.
So, uh, what now?
I like cherries too
You should pick cherries for a living.
>.In locations missing comprehensive data, the all-cause deaths were
forecasted employing an overdispersed Poisson frame-
work that uses Bayesian inference techniques to measure

>This study describes huge differences in
excess mortality between the six WHO regions.

> Paglino et al used a Bayesian hierarchical model trained on histor-
ical death data from 2015 to 2019 and provided spatially
and temporally granular estimates of monthly excess
mortality across counties in the USA during the first 2
years of the pandemic.

>The authors found that excess
mortality decreased in large metropolitan counties but
increased in non-metropolitan counties.

This means the excess deaths were rural chuds.

>100 Ruhm exam-
ined the appropriateness of reported excess death esti-
mates in the USA by four previous studies and concluded
that these investigations have likely understated the
projected baseline of excess deaths and therewith over-
estimated excess mortality and its attribution to non-
COVID causes. Ruhm explains that the overstatement of
excess deaths may partially be explained by the fact that
the studies did not adequately take population growth
and age structure into account. 96 101–104 Although all the
above-mentioned studies used more elaborate statistical
approaches for estimating baseline mortality, Karlinsky
and Kobak argue that their method is a trade-off between
suppleness and chasteness.

This means they have no idea how many people actually died

This study has various significant limitations. Death
reports may be incomplete due to delays. It may take
weeks, months or years before a death is registered. 5
Four nations still lack all-cause mortality reports for
1–4 months. Some nations issue complete data with
profound arrears, whereas other nations publish prompt,
yet incomplete data.

blah blah blah it's fucking nothing and you should stop falling for new york post clickbait
We saw. The pandemic is over
>A video with Arnie pulling up outside a drive-through vaccination center. A quote by him: 'Come with me if you want to live'
>What Biden picked: Johnson & Johnson. Someone else 'Got the Pfizer'
You have chosen wisely.
>Unlike millions more still alive to this day, 1.3 million picked Ivermectin. Horse Paste. Other things they thought worked. Or none. Just ask Herman Cain about his choice
They chose... poorly.
>Unlike millions more still alive to this day, 1.3 million picked Ivermectin. Horse Paste.
Remember when the FDA got sued for saying Ivermectin wasn't effective against Covid and that it was horse paste, and then lost that lawsuit and had to take their "most popular post ever" down and issue an apology for calling it horse paste and saying it doesn't work, and is no longer allowed to say it isn't effective against Covid?


Reality continues to have an anti-leftist bias
>Horse Paste suckers: in more ways than one
...and 1.3 million retarded Covidiots still died. Me, four vaccinations: two Oxford AstraZeneca, two Pfizer-BioNTech.Even Trump had sense enough to get the latter: also Operation Warp Speed.
We're still alive, those retards aren't. You do the maths.
You're still on this? How does it feel being wrong 100% of the time
>Me, four vaccinations: two Oxford AstraZeneca
Oh you mean the one that got recalled globally for causing lethal health problems? Way to go retard, lmao.

>We're still alive, those retards aren't. You do the maths.
You vaxx'ed retards are dropping every day from mysterious cardiac issues. How is your myocarditis by the way? Was your latest EKG promising or did they recommend some good will services?
>How does it feel being wrong 100% of the time
Wouldn't know, I'm not some anti-ivermectin retard like the FDA.
the shills seem extra faggoty today
He's factually correct, he even cited his claim
And yet you dilate.
>Trump 'Got the Pfizer'. Ordered Operation Warp Speed)
>No problems with me: just ask Margaret Keenan in Northern Ireland. First on the planet to be vaccinated at age 91. Still alive to this day
>1.3 million US covidiots still dead
>Margaret Keenan proves all covidiot conspiratards' opinions wrong
>myocarditis intensifies
20 and 30 year olds randomly dropping from mysterious cardiac issues is totally fine as long as some 91 year old old boomer cunt can continue being useless
20 and 30 year olds too scared of a vaccine randomly dropping from covid is totally fine as long as some 91 year old continues proving useless subhuman covidiot retards' opinions wrong.
...and she's not the only one who proves antivaxxtards' retarded opinions wrong.
>proving opinions wrong
>Astrazeneca was factually recalled for causing health problems
>Pfizer vaccine factually linked to health problems

We found ourselves a boomer folks
>Pfizer vaccine factually linked to health problems
>We found ourselves a boomer folks
>Trump 'Got the Pfizer'
>Trump born 1946
...so whose opinions are wrong?
>Trump taking the vaccine means the vaccine is safe
Now THIS is boomer logic
>Found the little squit that's too scared of a lil' ol' vaccine
When a woman has more balls than you ever will...!
>boomer insults continue
Whats it like, not being able to wipe your own ass without help?
>covidiot's masculinity made inferior by a woman
What's it like being too scared of a vaccine?
>boomer noises continue
>whats it like being scared of poison?
FTFY. And I'm not sure, I didn't take it.

Whats it like being terrified of the flu?
>retard noises continue
What's it like being terrified of a vaccine?
>boomer tears continue

Whats it like being terrified of the flu?

Also- if you get the last word will it make your wife come back?
>retard tears continue
What's it like being terrified of a vaccine, plebbit spacer?
My wife? Vaccinated. She's still here.
Will your credibility come back, little eternally maidenless virgin /r9k/ reject...?!
...but then our continued existence means our eternal last word over 1.3 million who never will: including you & your retarded opinions. So those subhuman covidiot retards are dead? Good. Millions more unafraid of a vaccine still alive, still proving your retarded opinions wrong? Even better.
>boomer tears continue
>boomer formatting continues
>shilling for BigPharma continues
>desperation for the last word continues

$1 Pfizer dollar has been added to your FTX account
0.02 Kopecks have been deposited into your account, little crying chaos-creating contraritard shillbot. Putin values your hard work: and he was vaccinated with Sputnik-V.
...me, I have the schadenfreude provided by covidiots living in a certain river in Egypt and the 1.3 million now nonexistent due to vaccinephobia. Keep providing me with more harm-joy via said 1.3 million dead covidiots. They're dead, and I'm still alive? Good.
>boomer r*dditor tears continue
>last word: not granted

$1 Pfizer dollar has been added to your FTX account
...nah: I'm doing it purely for the schadenfreude. Better than money. I have the last word over 1.3 million dead covidiots: how are you going to prevent that? You're only one, as opposed to 1.3 million dead retards. Even a woman agrees with me, don't worry about it, so numerically you're inferior. You'll never have the last word. I eternally win. Even over you, crying over those 1.3 million inferior subhumans dead. 1.3 million retards dead. Good. I'm laughing, you're crying.
Continue entertaining me, that's better than money, along with schadenfreude over my superiority to 1.3 million dead retards. They're dead, Good.
>boomer r*dditor tears continue
>last word: not granted
>bait: taken

$1 Pfizer dollar has been added to your FTX account
>12 page paper
>3 of those pages are citations which are used in lieu of providing raw data
>which are so numerous that they literally exceed the stated reference limit for citations set by the fucking publishing mag
>which itself only came into existence in 2023 (article was submitted less than 2 months after launch) and has a single reviewer peer review process
>content of the paper is just that increased deaths have correlated with the existence of COVID
Unironically fuck ALL the way off. I've seen better abstracts.
>leftists still unironically shilling for Big Pharma
Still weird to see
did time travelling shills from 2021 decide to target this board or something
I'll always shill for vaccines because they take money out of the pocket of Big Pharma. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure and pharmaceutical companies don't even want us cured. They want us in treatment cause that's how they make their cash. Fucking heinous incentives in that industry. Literally the only good out of it comes when government's yanking them around on a leash to get their shit together like they did during COVID.
>COVID vaccines may have helped fuel rise in excess deaths since pandemic

Glad I never got the Jab. I was warning friends that there were going to be future risks from a vaccine cooked up in less than a year, when run-of-the-mill medications like acne creams are tested for decades before being put on the market.
just peak ivanposting hours
>Literally the only good out of it comes when government's yanking them around on a leash to get their shit together like they did during COVID.
What? When did this happen?
It was more like pharma yanked the government around, and made them pay for the vaccine and provide a state run ad campaign for them.
>I was warning friends that there were going to be future risks from a vaccine cooked up in less than a year, when run-of-the-mill medications like acne creams are tested for decades before being put on the market.
You're an idiot. mRNA technology has been around since the 80's. It isn't a new science. The only reason it was able to be "cooked up" in such a short time is that the underlying technology was already established but it was prohibitively expensive to develop. There's only something like 2 manufacturers in the entire world that develop the ingredients necessary to make them. Also, there is no future risk from vaccines. If you are going to experience any side effects its going to be in the first month or two. There is no part of the vaccine that remains in your body after months or years waiting to cause side effects. Basic scientific illiteracy is what has created people like you. Its wild to watch in real time.
>You're an idiot. mRNA technology has been around since the 80's.
Which vaccines in the 80's used it?
mRNA technology, anon. The first mRNA flu vaccines were tested in the 90s and mRNA rabies vaccines were tested in humans in the 2010s. The "muh mRNA vaccines are brand new and were cooked up in a few months" talking point is demonstrably false and you're an idiot for believing a stupid conspiracy you could've easily debunked with 5 minutes on Google.
So your claim is that technology has been around so it's safe?
I don't think that's a winner, Sambo.
>So your claim is that technology has been around so it's safe?
No. That's moronic. A technology existing for a long time doesn't automatically make it safe. The talking point "Well the vaccine was cooked up in less than a year" is meant to imply that mRNA vaccines are this wildly new and untested science which we can't determine the safety of because of its infancy. That talking point is objectively incorrect. mRNA technology has existed since the 80's and mRNA vaccines have been being developed and tested for nearly 40 years. "Well its a brand new vaccine!" is a false argument and, even if it wasn't, it isn't evidence against its safety. You're scientifically illiterate so you don't understand the difference between technology and application. If SpaceX designed a new rocket that can go into orbit on a single thruster you wouldn't say "OH WOW ITS SO UNTESTED AND A BRAND NEW TECHNOLOGY". That's wrong. Jet propulsion technology is 100 years old. The application might be new but it is under no circumstance an untested science.
>"Well its a brand new vaccine!" is a false argument and, even if it wasn't, it isn't evidence against its safety.
The FDA's normal testing process standards would seem to disagree.
How do you respond to the documented cases of myocarditis then?
covid causes it in most cases, dumbass
>The FDA's normal testing process standards would seem to disagree
This has nothing to do with I said. The FDA's testing standards for new vaccines have nothing to do with the fact that mRNA vaccines and technology are nearly a half century old so "Its a new technology cooked up in less than a year" is a nonsense argument. Advil could develop a new acetaminophen pill and it would still have to be approved by the FDA regardless of the fact that acetaminophen medication technology is almost 150 years old.

>How do you respond to the documented cases of myocarditis then?
It changes nothing I've said.

yes we all read the same link too Dr. retard. You don't even understand what you're looking at.

You need decades, not a few years to complete a study on literally anything. Expecting a full-scale accurate report about it is sheer ignorance and plain stupid. Of course there were concerns when introducing any new vaccine, booster, or immunization of any kind. Correlation often doesn't lead to causation. Literally a few weeks ago they were connecting microplastic exposure to an increase in heart attack, stroke and certain types of cancer. Nothing is conclusive, no one could possibly make their mind up about the effects of anything yet because it would be impossible to prove negative effects one way or the other. Give it 20 years, then they'll more conclusive answers. IF anyone on this board is still alive by then. Me personally I got the first shot and never bothered getting more. Its okay to be skeptical, but be education, things aren't always cut and dry.
Funny how everyone flipped out when covid hit and demanded a preventative medicine. When the vaccine was introduced it was critized by the covid denyers who used any method possible to discredit the medical advancements saying how it would harm those that took it - often threateing people who support the vaccine.

Compare this to Ebola and Malaria vaccines development. They were also rushed to market but these same covid denyers and antivaxxers sure didnt have anything to say about this technology.

The fear and paranoia amongst these people is amazing.
>When the vaccine was introduced it was critized by the covid denyers who used any method possible to discredit the medical advancements
You're making the same ignorant mistake the deniers make by lumping all dozen or so different vaccines in together.
>When the vaccine was introduced it was critized by the covid denyers who used any method possible to discredit the medical advancements saying how it would harm those that took it - often threateing people who support the vaccine.
No, we told you that vaccines take literal decades to screen for long-term side effects, and you faggots responded by calling us the 'plague of the unvaccinated' and turning us into second class citizens by denying us access to public services.
If you're a democrat, at least 40% of you suggested taking away our kids and putting us into camps, arguing that your personal safety took precedence over our right to not be subjected to medical experimentation. When we objected, pointing to databases like VAERS and numerous studies, the government censored us and called us domestic terrorist threats.
Good luck with the cancer, retard.
>No, we told you that vaccines take literal decades to screen for long-term side effects, and you faggots responded by calling us the 'plague of the unvaccinated' and turning us into second class citizens by denying us access to public services.
Where do you people get this shit from?
Remember that time the british literally let people get killed from a volcano because they weren't vaccinated?
Alternatively, Covid continues to exist and spread around, and we have pockets of proud antivaxxers who will both be killed by and not report deaths by Covid because of their stubbornness
>Also, there is no future risk from vaccines.

Absolute nonsense, there are thousands of people suffering a whole ranger of after-effects from the covid vaccine and furthermore, the Wall Street pharmaceutical corporations knew their bathtub vaccine was going to cause problems, so they got their puppets in the U.S. government to grant them immunity from any future lawsuits before the vaccine was even released.

Enjoy getting a "mysterious" heart attack at 25...
>How do you respond to the documented cases of myocarditis then?

Racism, misogyny and/or homophobia are to blame.
>Where do you people get this shit from?

Australia was literally locking people up in covid concentration camps and when Canadian truckers protest the covid restrictions (which were utterly useless) the government froze their bank accounts.


The ONLY thing that prevented that shit from happening here in the U.S. is that Americans are armed to the teeth.
>when Canadian Truckers illegally blocked roads and refused to move, the government froze their bank accounts
based, but they should have shot the truckers and impounded their trucks after the second warning.
vaxxie cope is wild
Just a continuation of the schizo theory that the vaccinated will eventually start dying.
>the Vaccine will kill everyone who takes it within days!
>the vax is killing people constantly
>the vax will start killing people soon
>the vax will kill everyone in a few weeks
>the vax will kill everyone in another few weeks
>the vax will really start killing people soon, honest
>the vax is still killing people people silently in the background
>the vax will eventually give people cancer
>the vax gave a few people cancer
>the concerns about the vax being dangerous were valid at the time
Keep on waiting, eventually someone will die of the vax.
That's cool you think that, you're just wrong. There is no component of the vaccine that lingers in your body for months and years.
>Keep on waiting, eventually someone will die of the vax.
Everyone that I know that took it is dead now. I'm sure it was all natural causes though.
pics or it didn't happen
>Defending untested gene therapy being forced (fear, travel restriction, denial of education and job termination) on 80% of the population for corporate profits
Pfizer and others robbed you. Turns out it wasn't a benign treatment, and was in fact more dangerous than covid.
That's literally been happening for the last three years. We couldn't talk about it because the government was censoring us on every major social media platform.

The government is complicit in killing those people, so is everybody who defends the vaccine.
>I'll always shill for vaccines because they take money out of the pocket of Big Pharma
How many billions of dollars in profit has Pfizer alone made from their vaccines, you retard?

You're such a useful idiot, they should study you in a lab
>and was in fact more dangerous than covid.
And you are basing that on?
>How many billions of dollars in profit has Pfizer alone made from their vaccines, you retard?
How many billions of dollars more would the industry have made if there had been no vaccine, you dipshit?

Medical companies don't fucking make money off of cures/prevention. The money is in treatment. This isn't fucking difficult. Pfizer has been around since fucking 1849. You think they've lasted that long keeping people healthy?

Literally the only reason they did the vaccine work is because somebody was going to with all the international governmental pressure and funding kicking around so it might as well have been then. If they could have prevented it from coming into existence, they would have.
>Medical companies don't fucking make money off of cures/prevention. The money is in treatment.

I guess thats why the vaxx doesn't prevent transmission and requires constant boosters to merely mitigate symptoms, guaranteeing the need for future doses and therefor guaranteeing profit. Retard.

Ironically enough, its inability to prevent transmission is being brought up in a lawsuit that aims to have it stop being called a vaccine because of that fact, thus removing any protections Pfizer would have from further lawsuits involving vaxx-induced injury/death. I'm sure if this case goes against Pfizer you'll be mad about it, because again, you're a useful idiot.
Read the article, moron.
I'm waiting for the EUA to be declared invalid due to Pfizer and others literally lying.
Double vaxxed and got some boosters, still run 5+ miles a week minimum and ran a half-marathon last October, training for another one this October. Still waiting for my heart to explode like all the chuds tell me, glad I never got covid which could have scarred my lungs or heart and made my running achievements impossible!
Calling people useful idiots and pharmacy shills because they took a vaccine is bonkers when you are living this deep in fantasy land about the “evil shot”

Also, please remember that it was Trump who pushed the acceptance and availability of the shot. Asking regulators to hurry approval of the vaccine.
>"requires constant boosters"
>no one has gotten a boost in years

Uhh, anon?
Did the vaxxers in your head lose their jobs from not getting vaxxed?
>Orange man and sleepy joe both supported the biggest hoax in human history, so you should too
Kill yourself snake.
Or maybe even if these two clowns can agree that it was for the benefit of society..perhaps you are even more retarded than them.
vaxxies lost
>Operation Warp Speed: who ordered that...?!
>Trump: 'I Got The Pfizer'
>Biden got Johnson & Johnson: he[s still alive to this day, proving antivaxxtards' opinions wrong: and he's younger than the first person on the planet to be vaccinated: 91 then, 94 & still keepin' on proving antivaxxtards opinions wrong
1.3 milliion antivaxxtard snakes dead: and by their own retardation, thus they killed themselves. Good. Schadenfeude levels in those who did the sane thing and Got The Pfizer like Trump (other vaccines are available) and are as alive as he is: OVER 9000!
I'm happy about the fact that we who were/are vaccinated are still alive, still proving Covidiot antivaxxtards' opinions wrong. 1.3 million non-vaccine-taking snakes can't be wrong, eh...?!
...oh, wait.
antivaxxies lost
the only thing they lost was their friends and family to the clotshot

Imagine lying on the Internet.
...and unlike millions more still alive to this day because of vaccines thus proving antivaxxies' opinions wrong, 1.3 million clots lost to covid. And nothing of value was lost.
>if my arthritis ridden boomer hands keep making posts like this, the myocarditis can't get m- ACK
>no ur the boomer
The absolute state of the /pol/trolls on this board.
>keeps taking bait for boomers
>expects to not be called a boomer
Ok boomer
>1.3 million covidiots' deaths: and nothing of value was lost. how does the antivaxxie feel about this?
>man born in 1946 who got the pfizer is ok
>1.3 million not ok: they're dead antivaxxtards. I'm glad they're dead, along with their opinions. Their deaths prove antivaxxies' opinions wrong too
This baits the zoomer covidiot, unless it doesn't reply. Either way, I'm more than ok.
I'm beginning to think you don't know what a boomer is since you keep misusing the word.
>hindsight reseach shows vax literally gave no protection
>vaxtards still pretending people were dumb for not getting something that didn't provide any protection
NPCs literally cannot process conflicting information.
chud headcanon is so wild
>1.3 million with no protection
>1.3 million dead
Antivaxxtards literally cannot process 1.3 million NPCs: it would kill their opinions if they did. Or perhaps they cannot process those 1.3 million dead - now more than literal NPCs - because they daren't. Again, it would render their opinions as dead as said NPCs - the 1.3 million that refused protection - if they dared to.
Even HAL-9000 wasn't as conflicted as this.
>1.3 million geriatrics/dysgenic freaks who I don't have to waste taxes on

LOL, the deja vu is unreal. Who's paying to shill this shit? "Covidiot" haha
>Who's paying to shill this shit?
Are you being paid to be here? You know what you'll be admitting when your answer is the only one possible...!
>1.3 million including zoomer freaks that'll never spread their retarded disease called antivaxxtard opinions
NPC's deserve to be experimented on. It's all they're good for.
Antivaxxtards, sure

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