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A judge in Florida has ordered the surprise release of graphic transcripts from the state's 2006 prosecution of paedophile Jeffrey Epstein - a probe that ended with the millionaire financier receiving a legal slap on the wrist.

Epstein cut a deal in 2008 to avoid charges of sex trafficking and rape. He pleaded guilty to a lesser charge and was sentenced to 13 months in prison.

The nearly 200 pages of documents contain details of Epstein's crimes, including first-hand accounts from victims and specifics about payoffs to underage victims.

When prosecutors made that deal, they knew he had sexually assaulted teenage girls two years before, according to the transcripts.

On Monday, Circuit Judge Luis Delgado ordered the 16-year-old documents released, writing that "details in the record will be outrageous to decent people".

"The testimony taken by the Grand Jury concerns activity ranging from grossly unacceptable to rape — all of the conduct at issue is sexually deviant, disgusting, and criminal."

Referring to Epstein as "the most infamous pedophile in American history", the judge added that the state's leniency in the case "been the subject of much anger and has at times diminished the public's perception of the criminal justice system".

"Epstein is indeed notorious and infamous and is widely reported to have flaunted his wealth while cavorting with politicians, billionaires, and even British Royalty," he continued.

"It is understandable that given those reports the public has a great curiosity about what was widely reported by news (agencies) as 'special treatment' regarding his prosecution."

A grand jury investigation into Epstein's rape and trafficking of teenage girls at his mansion in Palm Beach began in 2006, two years before his plea deal.

That controversial deal has long been criticised as too favourable to him and a missed opportunity to put him behind bars.

The release of the files came on the same day that a new Florida law took effect permitting grand jury documents from 2006 to be released. Grand jury documents are normally never made public.

Convicted in 2008 for soliciting prostitution from a minor, Epstein had moved in social circles that included key figures in the world of business and politics. Those figures included people like former presidents Donald Trump and Bill Clinton to celebrities and even Prince Andrew.

New scrutiny of Epstein began in 2018 after the Miami Herald published interviews with Epstein victims, including some who were seeking civil charges against him.

The renewed interest in the case led prosecutors to file new criminal charges.

Epstein took his own life in a Manhattan jail in 2019 while awaiting trial over federal sex-trafficking charges.

His accomplice, Ghislaine Maxwell, is serving a 20-year sentence for helping Epstein carry out sex trafficking crimes.
>When prosecutors made that deal, they knew he had sexually assaulted teenage girls two years before, according to the transcripts.

Reminder: the prosecutor who cut this deal, Alexander Acosta, was appointed Secretary of Labor by Donald Trump in 2017, as reward for this deal
What do you think that means?
Huh, been awhile since this guy's been in the /news/.

>On Monday, Circuit Judge Luis Delgado ordered the 16-year-old documents released, writing that "details in the record will be outrageous to decent people".

>Convicted in 2008 for soliciting prostitution from a minor, Epstein had moved in social circles that included key figures in the world of business and politics. Those figures included people like former presidents Donald Trump and Bill Clinton to celebrities and even Prince Andrew.

I like how the record will be outrageous to decent people. But those implicated are rich and powerful.
Here's a link to the documents for those interested: https://www.palmbeachpost.com/story/news/2024/07/01/jeffrey-epstein-2006-grand-jury-documents-are-public-read-what-happened/74203654007/
Flying on Epstein's plane isn't really that outrageous. The man was an elite stockbroker for rich people besides being a pedo.
That best case scenario Trump didn't do a second's worth of vetting when staffing his cabinet, rubber stamped whatever names were put in front of him, and gave a high ranking cabinet position to a man who knowingly allowed a child rapist/ human trafficker to go free
Otherwise he was aware of this deal (and almost certainly was given his long history with Epstein) and gave Acosta the job anyway
Don't be surprised if Trump is all in this. Don't be surprised if Bill Clinton is all in this. I'm assuming there's a statute of limitations, but if there's not, it's entirely possible that both men end up in (more) legal troubles.
>le Bill Clinton
You know he hasn't been the president since 2000, right?
Slick Willy has been the shadow president since 1993
What a coincidence. I wonder what else was going on back then.
>rhythm is a dancer
>it's a soul's companion
>you can feel it everywhere
Fake news. His preferences do not match with the clinical definition of pedophilia.
wow an exact copy and paste of the top comment on plebbit on this topic.
So go back and seethe about it on reddit, faggot
Remember when MAGAfags was clamoring for the release of Epstein docs? They got really quiet when Trump appeared in the flight logs. More docs are being released and low and behold Trump appears in them too HAHHAHA.

Imagine how ugly November is gonna get
Eh, maybe. But not because of this.
Trump could fuck a baby on camera and all his supporters would feel is jealousy for all parties involved.
so the last record of them associating with each other like this is 4 years before his conviction? isnt that what everyone always said, that they stopped associating after his conviction?

Anyways, wasn't 2004 the flight to Atlantic city?
oh here we go, Miami Herald
>"All flights were between Palm Beach and New York City Airports"
womp womp
Mar-A-Lago is within walking distance (well, golf cart distance for Trump) of Epstein's mansion.
Why would he go to an island to fuck kids when they were essentially next door?

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