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Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) said on Monday she’ll submit articles of impeachment against members of the U.S. Supreme Court when the House of Representatives is back in session.

“The Supreme Court has become consumed by a corruption crisis beyond its control,” the left-wing lawmaker wrote on X, formerly Twitter. “Today’s ruling represents an assault on American democracy. It is up to Congress to defend our nation from this authoritarian capture. I intend on filing articles of impeachment upon our return.”

Ocasio-Cortez’s post followed the court’s ruling Monday that shields former President Donald Trump from prosecution stemming from “official acts” as president, with major implications for his pending trial on election subversion.

Last year, Ocasio-Cortez wanted to impeach conservative Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas after it was revealed that GOP megadonor Harlan Crow had funded trips for Thomas. But she didn’t follow through on filing articles, explaining that an impeachment or investigation was unlikely to advance in the Republican-controlled House.

A push to impeach conservative justices is just as unlikely to go anywhere in the House now. Even so, Democrats are eager to make a statement after a series of major rulings from the right-leaning court this session, including making it harder for the government to charge Jan. 6 rioters and striking down a ban on gun bump stocks.

Monday’s presidential immunity ruling makes the distinction between “official” and “unofficial” acts as president when it comes to which can be prosecuted, but remands the decision to a lower court to decide which acts qualify as what.

Ocasio-Cortez is so far the only Democrat to immediately endorse impeachment proceedings against Supreme Court justices in the wake of the ruling, but many Democrats are outraged over the actions of the conservative-majority court since it struck down Roe v. Wade in 2022. Democrats have called on Justice Samuel Alito to recuse himself from cases after photos surfaced of flags associated with Jan. 6 and the “stop the steal” movement flown at the justice’s homes. Alito says it was his wife who decided to fly the flags.

Last month on the House floor, Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), said that both Alito and Thomas “need to be impeached and removed from the bench now.”

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) on Monday blasted the court’s ruling as “another win” for Trump from an extreme majority.

“The far-right radicals on the Court have essentially made the President a monarch above the law, the Founding Fathers’ greatest fear,” Whitehouse said in a press release.

“My stomach turns with fear & anger that our democracy can be so endangered by an out-of-control Court,” Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) wrote on X. “The members of Court’s conservative majority will now be rightly perceived by the American people as extreme & nakedly partisan hacks — politicians in robes.”

Rep. Dan Goldman (D-N.Y.), who led the first impeachment inquiry against Trump in 2019, told reporters in a call Monday organized by the Biden-Harris campaign that the court has made “the deciding votes to give the president of the United States complete carte blanche to commit any crime that he or she wants to.”
Why go through the trouble? Biden can just walk in, shoot them, then walk out and declare it was official presidential business
Insanely based. Time to give the boot to these insanely corrupt cuckservative justices.
Too bad Speaker Johnson controls what gets voted on in the House or this article would be more than just clickbait.
>AOC is going to try to impeach corrupt SCOTUS justices over immunity ruling
>Ocasio-Cortez is so far the only Democrat to immediately endorse impeachment proceedings
So it's nothing then. Got it.
Interesting move by AOC. It's definitely a bold step to take against corruption within the Supreme Court. Let's see where this goes.
This will ultimately amount to absolutely nothing, and it's a huge abuse of power by Democrats buttfrustrated that the court won't give them their way, but it sure will generate some great twitter screenshots on /r/MurderedbyAOC
>Let's see where this goes
The only place it's going is the Washington DC landfill. Johnson isn't even going to look at the bill before he throws it in the trash.
Why would I be mad? It will literally amount to nothing other than the trash cans at the Capitol being a little more full, and lots of EPIC CONGRESSMEN RAPES OPPOSING PARTY WITH FACTS AND LOGIC soundbites

You know it, I know it, they know it.
Why do you hate the founders of the republic? They're the ones who gave Congress the power to impeach.
I don't hate anybody my friend. Enjoy your political theater, I hope your favorite actor generates some awesome memes for you to repost everywhere
>Congress is political theater
You do know they pass laws sometimes, right?
Yeah, usually tax cuts for the rich or weapons sales to Israel
enjoy Congress while it lasts, before Trump outlaws it
I know, that period from 2016 to 2020 when we had no Congress was a nightmare.
What does that have to do with Trump's plan to become an unchecked dictator in 2025?
wow, a political stunt that is going nowhere
biden wants to ban guns. I'll take my chances with trump
2/3rds of Americans got a tax cut under trump.
gun ownership rights are never going to be human rights
Human rights exist because of gun ownership.
They're god-given rights, not gun-given
they literally always have been and always will be, continue to seethe
Someday you'll get the help you need
Is this supposed to be a quip? Do you think fascists with guns are going to just go home when you tell them "Actually my religion says I have the right to free speech :^)"

I hate the Black Panthers but Huey Newton was right: "All authority ultimately comes from the barrel of a gun"
It's literally what the constitution says. Isn't that the basis of your argument
The Constitution does not say that, the Declaration of Independence does.

And the reason why we have a Constitution with a Bill of Rights is because the Founding Fathers filled His Majesty's Royal Army with lead.
Notice how both sides had guns, but the side with superior morals won. And it was moreso the French navy that won the war
>muzzle load a lead ball into a tube and then blow it up
I see you are playing fast and loose with history again
Are you being silly because you have no argument or because all your posts are supposed to silly
We all can't be unpaid globalist gun shills like you are.
So you just gave up. That's ok
I don't even know what I'm supposed have given up. Only you do. No one in the military calls muskets or most any firearm a "gun" without a specific meaning like a Puckle Gun so I don't know what crazy headcanon you're even going by.
You should stick to your talking points, whatever you're trying to pass off as an argument right now is quite ridiculous. They might cut your pay
the war was literally started by Americans with guns who decided to shoot the british because they british were taking the American's weapons of war.
literally look it up. the bongs weren't even trying to seize muskets (in some other events the bongs were seizing powder in new england in prior years and powder in virgina around the same time as lexington and concord) they were trying to seize cannons. you know the ones brandon said no one owned.
globalists fucking hate private gun ownership, shill
You're leaving out the part where Britain tried to force undue taxes and unload tons of unpurchased tea on the colonies, leading to the punitive action against the sons of liberty. You are zealously gun centric but the world doesn't revolve around guns
you are missing a few steps
>washington shoots some french faggot because based
>bongland tries to make us pay taxes
>refuse, boston massacre, boston tea party, tar and feather taxman
>bongs appoint thomas gauge governor general, basically their version of joe biden and how israel rigged the 2020 election and forced him on the people
>patriots steal cannons to do terrorism
>bongs seize cannons
>patriots shoot bongs to start the war
Why are libshits freaking out so badly about the fact they cannot drag their political foes through the courts anymore for imagined crimes?
Are they that terrified of elections they can't rig?
The entire situation was due to the British east India company being oversupplied and without sufficient demand
nah, the entire situation was the bongs trying to make us pay taxes for the french indian war and then getting mad when we didn't so they installed joe biden as dictator like what israel did in 2020
>one congresswoman talks about maybe crafting a bill which will never be brought to the floor of the House
>"libshits freaking out so badly"
You keep abandoning your argument and being silly instead
Do you come here to argue often? Have you ever thought about why?
you're here too, what's your reason
explain how you think joe biden is any different than thomas gage?
we get it, you're silly
>no argument
I accept your concession, troon
You never answered my question, mr obsessed with genitals
Okay but then what if John Roberts finds that impeachment is "unconstitutional"? Checkmate! And better hold the bitching, otherwise he'll find the first amendment unconstitutional too!
Insanely based. I hope she runs next election. I don't even like her policies. I just tried of you like calling Biden a far leftist and refusing to compromise. It would be great to get someone who will actually fight back.
Bad false flag is bad
>“The members of Court’s conservative majority will now be rightly perceived by the American people as extreme & nakedly partisan hacks — politicians in robes.”
But remember, when SC pushed legislation from the bench like with Roe v. Wade, it was heckin awesome!
They made action figures of those justices. Too cool!
tldr: People need to settle down and realize this decision means nothing. Impeachment process remains. Judicial gets a say when it comes to what constitutes an "official act" of the president. It's just election year hyperbole.
>tldr: People need to settle down and realize this decision means nothing. Impeachment process remains. Judicial gets a say when it comes to what constitutes an "official act" of the president. It's just election year hyperbole.
You can't fool everyone all the time, you know.

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