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Project 2025 — the Republicans’ 900-page plan to burn down the federal government, impose Christian Nationalism policies on the nation, and expand Donald Trump’s presidential powers if he wins a second term — is a polling disaster.

The more voters learn about it, the more they reject it.

And that’s why Trump on Friday posted on social media: “I know nothing about Project 2025. I have no idea who is behind it. I disagree with some of the things they’re saying, and some of the things they’re saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal. Anything they do, I wish them luck, but I have nothing to do with them.”

Project 2025 would implement conservative and Christian nationalists policies regarding climate change, LGBTQ+ communities, abortion, foreign aid, education, health care, taxes and more. Few, if any, aspects of American society would escape.

Trump immediately was called on his lie — along with being mocked for saying he disagreed with an agenda he knew nothing about.

The Biden campaign posted a video of Trump shaking hands with Project 2025 mastermind, Kevin Roberts president of the ultra-conservative Heritage Foundation, whom Trump says “is doing an unbelievable job.”

The campaign posted another video that shows “Trump’s press secretary [Karoline Leavitt] is literally starring in ads for Project 2025.”

The campaign also pointed out that Trump’s “top aide and former bag boy John McEntee, is ... behind Project 2025.”

More evidence: Trump’s Super PAC is running ads, encouraging voters to “learn about Trump’s Project 2025,” and the Trump campaign chose Project 2025 leader Russ Vought to co-lead the RNC’s Platform Committee.

No one cares, xir.
This really needs to be the talking point for the rest of the biden campaign. The Republican Party has instituted its plan to take over the united states and it's available for anyone to read. Vote for Biden/whoever or you may never get to vote for anyone else ever again.
Is should be, but won't.
Trump mentioned he wanted to gut medicare and social security if he got a 2nd term before and Biden didn't capitalize on that.
>you're a tranny SJW if you notice
This is dumb. So he shook hands with someone in the past.
That doesn't mean he supports or endorses this.

Democrats love their fear porn. They absolutely love being afraid and being told fascism is on its way.
Dems must, must, must start running 24/7 ads about this.
I'm sure that will distract people from your candidate who can't speak or walk without assistance.
This is exactly like how Republicans plan to use the Comstock Act to ban abortion, but won't talk about it until after they get elected because they know how's electoral poison.
Yes, most voters would probably prefer a old man running the country compared to a guy who will set up a fascist dictatorship, how did you know?
I guess we'll see. Best of luck to you.
They have so much shit they could get trump for, like his relationship with epstein, accusations of him raping a 12 year old girl, his multiple rape accusations, but they refuse to. I never understood why.
>libshits believe this is real
Project 2025 is just a rebranded "white genocide" fear narrative for pronouns in bio people
It's because they're all on the same team. Real conflict is forbidden.
This may be difficult for you to understand, but maybe, just maybe it's because none of those things are true.
Reminder: A big reason normalfags are becoming aware of this was not because of actual Democratic politicians sounding the alarm, it was because actress Taraji P. Henson told viewers watching the BET Awards that they needed to look up Project 2025 and what it entails. There's actually evidence to back it up, after her speech there was a massive spike in Google searches for Project 2025.

Cookie from Empire may very well become a central figure in saving our democracy and I want that woman to get all the credit that she deserves.
Would you feel comfortable knowing your boss has multiple rape accusations (including from children), and used to be buddies with fucking jeffrey epstein? Me personally I wouldn't want to work under a boss like that, and especially not one running my country.

Considering the people making the accusations? I'm going to need considerable evidence.
>catbox links
Nigga aint no one clickin that shit, post a valid source or gtfo
>People making google searches for Project 2025 means Project 2025 is real and not just fear porn designed to drive the dissident left to vote for Biden
Lmao, you got psyopped
If multiple people are accusing one person of raping them, it's not likely they are all just lying.

>Uhhhhhh catbox links containing proof of Donald trump asking for meetings with JE are not valid sources of proof of their relationship because.. because.. THEY JUST ARENT OK??
>If multiple people are accusing one person of raping them, it's not likely they are all just lying.
It is if there's a payday involved. Why can't they just bring their claims to court or file police reports? oh right, that requires evidence.

Post valid source links or GTFO
H,I I'm a traditional democrat and I love fearporn like this.
It gets me all motivated to vote a blue ticket when I'm worried and afraid.
Hope? Positivity? No, that doesn't motivate me. I won't reliability vote for presidential candidates without being convinced that if I don't, literal fascism is the consequence.

I love being afraid and voting out of fear. It gives me this odd dopamine rush that I find addicting.
>If multiple people are accusing one person of raping them, it's not likely they are all just lying.
This is why you people shouldn't be voting.
you're kinda underplaying the connection. the people behind P2025 served in high rolls in Trump's administration and Trump has commended the Herritage Foundation many times.
>the people behind P2025
You mean Democrats who came up with it to scare you into voting Biden?
Now that it is starting to get the attention it deserves he wants distance kek.
Interesting that the way Drumpf talks about Project 2025 is the same way he talks about his long-time friends Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell.

I don't know anything about (it/them). But I wish (them/her) well.
Very weak. I guess they needed to bring in the C team for shabbat.
Theyve been running ads 24/7 on YouTube as part of their quadrennial campaign of fearporn.
Probably other media formats like tv as well, idk
He's right you know
kek at this projection. Dems tried to overturn the 2016 election, and this year they tried to remove Trump from the ballot. You're the ones trying to get rid of our right to vote.
Good post
>Dems tried to overturn the 2016 election,
>Democrats tried to remove Trump from office after he was elected but that is NOT the same as trying to overturn the election!
the majority of stuff on that list is based and its way better than biden's platform
maxine waters tried to get wyoming's votes thrown out in 2016
Democrats correctly called him out for lying to interfere in the election and now he's a felon because of it. I know that means you think you can break into the capitol and shit on the floor, but you would be wrong
>2020 is secure elections can't be rigged
>russia hacked and rigged the 2016 election
Ok... source?? Not gonna.. link anything? I'm supossed to believe what this random schzio anon is telling me?
sealioning jewish tranny
>one single democrat = entire party

No one said russia hacked the election
clinton and the dems did
Good post.
>Russian intelligence hacks the election infrastructure of 39 states and steals voter information specifically to undermine faith in the process
>Then you get mad when we try to do something about it
kek. They were salty that their establishment misandrist didn't get elected so they invented a conspiracy theory and used that conspiracy theory as a reason to try overturning the 2016 election.
Then you invented a new conspiracy theory about 2020 (Trump lead a violent coup in an attempt to violently overthrow the government!) and used that conspiracy theory to get Trump removed from the ballot entirely (all in the name of protecting democracy of course!).
And you also had the government coerce tech companies to ban Trump supporters from tech platforms. And the government lied about the Hunter Biden laptop and got people banned over that too. Not to mention all the political violence and terrorism from the left.

You are clearly the anti-democracy side. Republicans didn't try to remove Biden from office over a made up conspiracy theory, nor did they try to ban him from their ballots. In fact, Biden missed the deadline in Alabama so they actually were justified in banning him from the ballot but instead the Republicans made a special exception for him because they respect democracy.
Imagine the cognitive dissonance required to come up with this post. Peak Sidney Powell levels of batshit.
>Imagine the cognitive dissonance required to come up with this post
Its more like if you show an AI 5000 hours of conservative talk radio and then turn it into a chatbot.
He's not wrong. The claim in 2016 was that Russia hacked DNC computer, illegally collected voter data and used organized internet troll farm campaigns to influence the results of the election. The Trump claim in 2020 is that ballots were literally being forged and fraudulently counted. "Russia is influencing people to vote a certain way" vs. "Actual, physical, on the ground voter fraud is being used to impact vote counts". Two vastly different claims, anon. The conservative attempt to say that the claims made by Dems in 2016 is in anyway similar to Trump's voter fraud claims in 2020 has and always will be the world's lamest gaslighting campaign.
>The claim in 2016 was that Russia hacked DNC computer,
Remember, Republicans actually believe Hillary had Seth Rich killed for being a whistleblower.
why are you laughing?
Trump Ripped for Denying Project 2025 Connections, Despite the Evidence
That's less crazy than believing that Clinton was a good president, and that Hillary would've been a good president.
I bet your comfortable with your wife’s boyfriend staying the night.
>Believes in conspiracy theories based on like, just a gut feeling
No wonder you're so lost
>Clinton was a good president
No no no Clinton was a GREAT president, not good.
The difference between a conspiracy theory and a literal conspiracy is eight months.
>bombed Europe
>dot com bubble
>repealing Glass-Steagal and setting up the 08 crisis

Boomers stop worshiping war criminal madmen challenge
Remember, Democrats actually believe Russia hacked the DNC using a flash drive plugged into a computer that had local access speeds unobtainable by a remote breach
good revisionist history
No one... and i mean NO ONE has ever accused democrat voters of being smart or even of average intelligence thus they are the easiest group to sell lies to, the last couple of years proved that beyond a shadow of doubt.
every accusation really is a confession with you people
>my media manufactured ego cant handle that the media lied to me

The media didn't lie and you're on the wrong board.
>t..the media didnt lie

he says as he ereases his mueller time tattoo and still searches for the piss tape while ignoring democrats acting like this generations fascists
i mean they lied to you stupid brainless faggots for the last decade and just days ago we found out they lied to you retards (how easy is it to fool you imbeciles?!) about biden being mentally sharp (maybe sharper than democrat voters at best)
You should be posting in >>>/lgbt/
Good post, and sweet digits, jews rape kids
Why are Democrats so addicted to fearmongering?
What else do they have?
Trump’s press secretary and campaign manager work for the Heritage Foundation. But that doesn’t mean he would follow their advice right? Silly libs worried about nothing, oh how’s the roevwade thing going that the libs were worried about and conservatives said they were cry baby fear mongers and that no Supreme Court judge would go against Precedent?
I like the pivot from the contents of the plan, to the people associated with the foundation that came up with the plan. It's a shame you can't post pictures on this board, You could post the one with trump shaking some guys hand. That would really whip up your fellow travelers.
No one is buying your pronoun-in-bio agitprop anon.

You people spent all of 2016 saying the same thing was gonna happen and then spent another 4 years under Trump threatening to either leave the country or kill yourselves. You didn't do shit and nothing happened.
Conservative grab bag of buzzwords and head cannon.
You guys lose on policy every time so you have to constantly lie about everything Republicans are doing. Nobody wants to ban condoms. Ur so stupid.
The heritage foundation also helped to create Obamacare.
So you know. Whatever they are, they seem to switch sides a lot.

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