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A church in Tennessee held a raffle over Fourth of July weekend to give away an AR-15.

The River of Tri-Cities Church in Johnson City said the raffle was a part of holiday celebrations, according to a report from WJHL.

Pastor Todd Holmes told WJHL that the AR-15 was just one of many giveaways at the church, and he thought it was appropriate since it was in honor of Independence Day.

Holmes said this isn’t the first time the church has held a gun raffle. He also said the winner must pass a background check before receiving the AR-15.

Members of the congregation are no strangers when it comes to firearms. A sign on the door of the church reads:

“WARNING! This is not a gun free zone! WE ARE ARMED! Any attempt to disrupt or harm will be dealt with in an overwhelming display of force!”

As Jesus would've done.
They should have given away sex toys and syringes, how dare they
literally and unironically what is the problem?
>church holds a raffle where the winner gets a legal item and goes through the legal process for getting said item
This isn't /news/. Rural bumfuck raffles have guns as the top prize about 80% of the time.
Because liberals think that part in Bowling for Columbine where Michael Moore pretends to walk out of a bank with a free rifle without a background check, actually happened as they showed it.

What happens is you get a voucher to go to a local gunshop that holds into the firearm and runs your background check before you actually get it. It happens all the time without issue, this is just pearl clutching by feckless leftoids who see "church" and "ar-15" and have a schizoid attack over it.
Wait until they hand holy hand grenades
Nothing is particularly "wrong" with this and no one is saying it is, it's just really trashy.
>Because liberals think that part in Bowling for Columbine where Michael Moore pretends to walk out of a bank with a free rifle without a background check, actually happened as they showed it.
the bowling for columbine gun thing was so retarded. the bank literally wasn't giving out free guns. It was you bought a 20 year CD and in lieu of interest you could get rich fag things, depending on how much you put down. Like they had grandfather clocks and golf clubs too. you just didn't get shit other than your money you put in back at the end. you were basically giving the bank a loan in exchange for an item then. The gun he got was a .270 weatherby rifle. the cheapest weatherby rifle is $1,500. so moore put down a ton of cash into a CD for 20 years and got no interest on it. and I'd be shocked if there was more than 1 crime committed with a weatherby per decade. if you can afford a fucking weathrby you aren't using it to commit crimes when a normal gun in that class is $200-$300 and is also not used in any crimes because its a bolt action rifle
how is having a raffle to raise money for where the winner wins the most popular rifle in America tacky?
Great. This is news how?
It's a news article, /news/ is for disscussing news articles. Cry about it.
Guns aren't really associated with the most classy of people.
are you retarded?
Teddy Roosevelt had guns, hemmingway had guns, James Earl Jones owns guns and is in the NRA, the king of bongland owns guns, charles barkley owns guns, JFK, dr suess's dad, that faggot FDR, charlston heston
The type of gun owners to participate in rural church raffles to win a AR 15, a thing that is just designed to kill people, I highly doubt are anywhere near similar to fucking teddy roosevelt lil bro.
lil tranny, you really think Teddy didn't have guns designed to kill people? Teddy owned a 1903, literally a weapon of war made to kill mexicans in cuba. He also owned an 1899 handgun, designed to kill people, that he illegally conceal carried while president
> it's just really trashy.
No it's not, you're just butthurt cause it's a church giving away a gun

We're discussing that it's a stupid unnecessary article written by pearl clutching libshits, keep up or gtfo

>a thing that is just designed to kill people
You must be thinking of a Planned parenthood clinic

Or are you the special kind of retard who thinks guns are more deadly when they're black?
All assault rifles are designed to kill groups of people. That is their sole purpose in design and function.

Not saying that is a bad thing, but dont pretend that they have any other use then killing humans.
FYI "AR" stands for "Armalite Rifle" not "Assault Rifle." You might want to learn these things before jumping into a thread about ARs.
if Jesus had an AR-15 he would have BTFO the Romans.
>the most classy of people
>charles barkley
>only the police should have guns
>reddit spacing
>All assault rifles
AR-15s aren't assault rifles. they don't shoot full auto
Who cares?
>All assault rifles are designed to kill groups of people.
AR-15s are not assault rifles
Odds this isn't a black community?
100% So no one will be harmed and this is nothing.
Thanks for the trash, gaywad.
Yea we know this. Ar15 is still an assault rifle which is the topic being discussed. Nice attempt to derail.
> Ar15 is still an assault rifle
Wrong, your concession is accepted
Literally on Armalites website they describe the ar15 as an assault rifle… they also specify that this weapon is for killing humans.

>Literally on Armalites website they describe the ar15 as an assault rifle

Literally Armalite is wrong, AR-15s are not assault rifles by the technical definition of what an assault rifle is.


>assault rifle, military firearm that is chambered for ammunition of reduced size or propellant charge and that has the capacity to switch between semiautomatic and fully automatic fire.

Assault rifles are select fire, AR-15s are not. Therefor AR-15s are not assault rifles. Thank you for playing, further arguments to this point will be seen as further concessions.
>go link provided
>"assault rifle"- 0 results
>"use against people"- 0 results

Did you even go to the link anon?
Okay but what did it look like? It better be covered in schizo runes.
Absolutely based.

Jesus' followers all had swords and were prepared to fight to stop the Romans from taking him. He specifically told them to stand down, because his death on the cross was required to save humanity. A noticeable difference from a certain Bar Kokhba (more like Bar Cuckba) who declared himself the messiah during Hadrian's reign, slaughtered the local Roman garrison, killed every man, woman, and child in Judea who wasn't a jew, and then promptly looked up to find twelve Roman legions led by the Emperor personally marching across Judea leading to Cuckba committing suicide and the Jews being kicked out and the province being renamed Syria Palestina.
There it is. "Classy" in your worldview means "eating the poop from another man's ass and having parades where you show your dick to kids".
>Ar15 is still an assault rifle
it's not though
>which is the topic being discussed
I thought we were discussing how based this church is. If we're talking about whether the AR15 is an assault rifle, that's a pretty short discussion: It's not an assault rifle.
I don't see anything like that in the link you provided.
you're right but you should still fuck off back to r*ddit, schizo. Nobody wants you here.
The BuyBull doesn't mention guns. But it does say Thou Shalt Not Kill.
>the winner must pass a background check before receiving the AR-15
As the NRA are against background checks, or they would ensure it happens at all gun stores, certainly to ensure loonies are denied what they would say is their 'God-given right' to shoot up malls, schools etc, you're committing heresy against your actual god Todd: the AR-15 and it's high priests: the NRA.
That Big Book of Hearsay also says 'Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods Before Me', so an orange deity you lot worship is right out as well.
>"eating the poop from another man's ass and having parades where you show your dick to kids".
And that's just the likes of >>1311797 and other degenerate Christains.
>guy claims to be a virtuous man but isn't
>somehow this represents Christians when it's explicitly a thing the bible promises hell for
This does not make your degeneracy less degenerate.
You must be 18+ to post here, and the rest of your post is headcanon that you'll hopefully grow out of by the time you're old enough to be here, but I'm gonna enlighten you with an actual bible quote.
>Luke 22:36 He said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one."
Jesus wanted his followers to be armed. Now, a sword is one of the more expensive pieces of military kit of the day. He didn't say a club, a knife, a spear, or a sling, he told them to explicitly go get the quality of weapon that a man in the Roman military would have at the time. Jesus absolutely would be pro-AR-15. Thou Shalt Not Kill also applies to MURDER, unjustified killing, as many Prophets and other holy men in the bible send a fair number of God's enemies to hell, they were the Kyle Rittenhouses of their day.
When a Christian is a pedo, he's going against his faith. When a leftist is a pedo, he's following his faith. After all, modern progressivism was founded when Foucalt, Sartre, and De Bouvoir were in Post WW2 France agitating for the legalization of pedophilia, because exposing kids to sex early and getting them to see pleasure as the highest good would destroy the family and thus the social structures that stood in the way of the world these perverts wanted to create. Although in Simone De Bouvoir's case a lot of it was quite possibly cope, she was in love with Sartre and he was using her to procure little girls for him to drug and fuck.
>somehow this represents Christians when it's explicitly a thing the bible promises hell for
...and that's just the likes of >>1311888
Degenerate 'spiritual advisor', degenerate thing it advised.
This does not make said thing >>1311888 advised and that which voted/supports it any the less degenerate.
>thinks a sword = an AR-15
>guns still not mentioned in a book of fiction
>thinks characters in a book of fiction = Kyle Rittenhouse
You must be 18+ to post here
>When a Christian is a pedo, he's going against his faith
>the Holy Ghost - part of the 'Trinity' - impregnated an underage child bride, Mary
>Adultery: Mary being the intended of Joseph, who hadn't even touched her yet
>making an underage girl pregnant
Oh, a Christian who is a pedo is certainly following his faith, alright.
>Ar15 is still an assault rifle
the AR15 isn't an assault rifle by any definition. it doesn't fire full auto
NFA means machine gun. I know for a fact you can't pull up a citation of someone in the US being murdered with a legally owned machine gun since 1940
>reddit spacer is seething
>or they would ensure it happens at all gun stores,
literally every gun sold at a gun store comes with a background check. the only possible exceptions would be in states that allow you to use your ccw license (which required a background check and test to get) in lieu of a background check
>certainly to ensure loonies
nigel fuck off, we didn't give you bongs our guns in 1775 we won't give you them now.
That aged well
Why would guns be mentioned in a book written long before their invention? Also, try to acquire some media literacy.

Samefagging doesn't work very well here, but I understand why you're trying to deflect when we have an actual, caught-in-the-act pedo in the form of Hunter Biden and a second actual, caught-in-the-act pedo in the form of his father Joe Biden, and now that you've realized he can't win and won't step aside you're desperately looking for the next spin. After all, the left was founded by pedophiles, for pedophiles, NAMBLA funded much of the gay rights movement and the term "MAP" was coined by leftist "scholars" trying to justify it.
That's not reddit spacing.

The point of the Second Amendment is for the people to be as well-armed as the military. The point of Luke 22:36 is Jesus agreeing that his followers should have the same arms and armament as soldiers of the day. I suppose if you had a working brain you wouldn't be a leftist.
Nice job outing yourself as completely unfamiliar with board culture and a common nickname for Brits, shill. Did the last shill have a breakdown and you're the new guy, or are you just pretending to be someone different so you don't get bullied more after getting your ass blown out more than Kamala Whoreiss' this whole thread?
that anon >>1312538 is the same newfag who always makes posts without pasting the article. He's a schizo who lashes out when he's called out on it.
So swords =/= guns
I also understand why you're making IMAX obsolete with your deflecions against a pedo adviser to that which danced with a 13-year old girl. Also this:
>Leering at a ten-year old girl
Would any normal sane person so much as think of doing that?
If it was a Democrat dancing with a 13-year old girl, then the same leering at a ten-year old girl, you'd condemn that Democrat as a pedo?
If you do, yet not with that now a Republican who did the same, you're trying to justify it.
I condemn leftists who commit crimes. So much as thinking in a pedo way is a crime I'm sure you'll agree, >>1312550 ?
>Kamala Whoreiss
kek, stealing this.
>'board' culture 'meme' nickname blown apart with a shotgun wielded by Farage
Nice job outing yourself as completely retarded, tourist
still a bong, just like you. great job outing yourself, nigel
>jewish tranny seething
nigel you out yourself as a bong every time. no one is going to give you their guns
>been hitting the bong
Outing yourself as a samefag, Nigel. Farage won't give you his gun
you are a newfag if you don't know what a bong is, ESL
the hit jewish newfag tranny hollers
>the only possible exceptions would be in states that allow you to use your ccw license (which required a background check and test to get) in lieu of a background check
Kinda like how some states don't require ID when voting because you already provided ID when registering to vote
>t. schizo lashing out because he was called out for being a newfag redditor
okay but that doesn't change the objective fact that you are a newfag redditor
I absolutely did not need an ID to register to vote when I was in high school. illegals and dems just show up to places, give names of dead people and then vote in their place
you are the one who reddit spaces and are confirmed for a reddit jewish tranny shill
you aren't american. you are a bad liar though
no, unlike you and obongo, I am American
you might want to switch your script up eventually, esl
please show an example of where I "reddit spaced" or am a "reddit jewish tranny shill." But the fact that it took you 2 minutes to reply (as always) confirms that you're a friendless loser who lives on 4chan since you got banned from reddit 3 years ago.
he actually is an American. He is a newfag, a schizo, and a literal redditor. But he is American
the only ESL here is you, moshie
I was replying to the other faggot and you posted while I was replying to him, reddit spacer tranny
you are esl and also indistinguishable from a bot due to your canned responses that you run into the ground
>you are the one who reddit spaces
The seething confirmed hit non-american reddit jewish tranny shill reduced to 'no u' that doesn't deserve a (you) hollers
>the inevitable 'samefag' accusations
I wouldn't mind post ids in /news/ like those in /pol/. They destroy 'samefag' accusations there.
/news/ needs flags before anything else, reddit tranny
nah, I'm American so I speak english. you are not American, so you are an ESL
you were supposed to bring up "obongo" or rachel maddow, esl
>I as a non-american
>Someone who speaks English would say 'As I'm not American'
Hit ESL foreign reddit tranny hollers
>jewish nonAmerican keeps seething and accusing an American of being an ESL
many such cases
we all see you spam your barely legible buzzword slop here daily, it's pretty obvious you are a shill
It is not my fault your 3rd world country does a shit job at teaching you to read english. maybe your jewish managers should spend some cash on training you shills
yeah, you're brown. i respect your plight and i'm not pro israel but just stop lying ok
nah, unlike you and obongo I am white and American
you have to imagine shill sisyphus happy
>I absolutely did not need an ID to register to vote when I was in high school.
Well if you were getting your driver's license/permit for the first time back in high school, you likely opted to pre-register to vote when getting your ID. If you get you license at age 16 or 17 (depending on the state), you can pre-register to vote and get added to the voter rolls upon turning 18.
Anon, it's an SBR
either way armalite's site doesn't describe the gun as an assault rifle once

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