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An established cybercrime group with a track record of attacking political targets posted on Tuesday roughly two gigabytes of data from the Heritage Foundation, a prominent conservative think tank based in Washington, D.C.

Self-described “gay furry hackers,” SiegedSec said it released the data in response to Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025, a set of proposals that aim to give Donald Trump a set of ready-made policies to implement if he wins this fall’s election. Its authors describe it as an initiative “to lay the groundwork for a White House more friendly to the right.”

The data, reviewed by CyberScoop, includes Heritage Foundation blogs and material related to The Daily Signal, a right-wing media site affiliated with Heritage. The data was created between 2007 and November 2022.

The group says it gained access to the data on July 2 and released it to provide “transparency to the public regarding who exactly is supporting heritage (sic),” a spokesperson for the group who goes by the online handle “vio” told CyberScoop in an online chat Tuesday.

The data includes the “full names, email addresses, passwords, and usernames” of people associating with Heritage, vio said, including users with U.S. government email addresses. “This itself can have an impact to heritage’s (sic) reputation,” they added, “and it’ll especially push away users in positions of power.”

SiegedSec also claimed to be in possession of more than 200 gigabytes of additional “mostly useless” data, which the group said won’t be released.

The attack was carried out as part of SiegedSec’s “OpTransRights,” campaign, which has previously included the defacement of government websites and data theft from states either considering or implementing anti-abortion or anti-trans legislation.

The Heritage Foundation did not respond to a request for comment Tuesday. The attack marks the second suffered by Heritage this year. In April, a Heritage official told Politico that the think tank had shut down its network in response to a breach by a nation-state hacking group.

Democrats have sought to tie Trump to Project 2025 proposals as an example of what to expect from his second term. Heritage President Kevin Roberts made news last week when he said the American right was “in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.”

SiegedSec, which emerged on Telegram in April 2022, has also targeted various NATO portals, the city of Fort Worth and a company involved in the monitoring of offshore oil and gas facilities.
>Democrats have sought to tie Trump to Project 2025 proposals as an example of what to expect from his second term.
And apparently hacking heritage wasn't enough to find an association between the two, otherwise it surely would have been reported.
>the US needs trannie furries to try to save american democracy

what a time to be alive
This missing link between trump and the Heritage Organization is more elusive than bigfoot it seems. And only slightly more fake
The same people are keeping r3ddit safe
keke based furfagotts braver than the troops
>queer pedophiles leak DNC propaganda disguised as qanon for pronoun in bio people
Biden is a parkinsons vegetable and no amount of fear mongering will distract people from that
unfathomably based
Not surprised, cuckservative boomers were never good at keeping data exposed to the internet secure.
Can you guys PLEASE drop the discord link?
/news/ has been a left leaning board for years lil bro.
They'll find a "link" trust me.
Someone will find some stupid shit like "guy x who works for trump once worked with a lawyer y who was employed at z which was paid one time to advise Heritage Org"
The link is coming, as per the 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon principle, it's just a matter of how vague or meaningless the connection is

Screencap this
The current director is Trump's former Chief of Staff in the Office of Personnel Management. The vice director worked under Trump with the title "Special Assistant." Steven Miller and Karoline Leavitt, advisor and press secretary, respectively, both appear in Heritage videos. Steven Miller's organization, America First Legal, is on the board of directors. Project 2025 claimed to have 70 members working in or with the Trump administration in 2018 in an article on their website. John McEntee, former Director of the aforementioned Personnel Office, said that the administration plans to work closely with Project 2025.
How long do you think /news/ has been here anon?

[citation needed]
>in 2018
You realized how dumb what you're saying is, right? both the Hillary campaign and the entire fucking DNC got all their shit leaked and the DNC collected 1.4bn that year, while heritage netted just 12m this last year.

You're focusing on a tiny barely funded national non profit and saying "haha they don't know how to protect their shit" when ones with literally 100x the funding has the same shit happen
I wonder when /pol/tards will able to have a normal convosation without just barfing a bunch of random buzzwords.
>[citation needed]
>Paul Dans, former chief of staff at the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) during the Trump administration, serves as the director of the 2025 Presidential Transition Project. Spencer Chretien, former special assistant to the president and associate director of Presidential Personnel, serves as associate director of the project.
>The “Mandate for Leadership” series includes five individual publications, totaling approximately 334 unique policy recommendations. Analysis completed by Heritage determined that 64 percent of the policy prescriptions were included in Trump’s budget, implemented through regulatory guidance, or under consideration for action in accordance with The Heritage Foundation’s original proposals.
>With approximately 70 former Heritage employees working for the Trump transition team or as part of the administration, the policy recommendations have served as guidelines for reducing the size and scope of the federal government through specific and detailed actions.
>John McEntee, former director of the White House Presidential Personnel Office in the Trump administration, is joining the 2025 Presidential Transition Project (Project 2025) as a senior advisor.

>list of Project 2025 authors with roles in Trump administration
You can double check them with the book here:
Bonus round:
>Trump speaks at Heritage Foundation fundraiser
>Rick Dearborn at Project 2025
>Steven Groves at Project 2025
They picked Trump's transition team, cabinet appointments, judges and other staff
That last one is a literal Trump campaign press release
For a normal president, being a former member of the presidents administration would imply you still had a positive influence. So, for a normal president, your argument would work. Not so with Trump! Most of his former cabinet hate him, something you Democrats often point out.

Hate to break it to you nigger, but /news/ is /pol/.
You're really arguing that Trump is so hated by his own hand-picked advisors that the fact that over 3 dozen of them work for Heritage 2024 doesn't prove a link between them? Lmao. If you're right, he must be the worst president to ever live, and if you're wrong, he blatantly lied to millions about the link. Nice maneuver.
Looks like trump is already not doing what project 2025 wants.
These are facts, not vague connections
Republicans change platform to reflect Trump’s position opposing federal abortion ban
Politics Jul 9, 2024 2:39 PM EDT
MILWAUKEE (AP) — The Republican National Committee moved Monday to adopt a party platform that reflects former President Donald Trump’s position opposing a federal abortion ban and ceding limits to states, omitting the explicit basis for a national ban for the first time in 40 years.

Trump imposed his priorities on the RNC’s platform committee as he seeks to steer clear during his campaign of strict abortion language, even while taking credit for setting up the 2022 reversal of Roe v. Wade by the Supreme Court. Trump appointed three of the six justices who voted in the majority to overturn the 1973 precedent that established a national right to have an abortion.

The scaled-down platform — just 16 pages and with limited specifics on many key Republican issues — reflects a desire by the Trump campaign to avoid giving Democrats more material for their warnings about the former president’s intentions if he wins back the White House. President Joe Biden’s campaign has repeatedly highlighted the “Project 2025” document produced by Trump allies as well as Trump’s own promises to impose wide-ranging tariffs, replace thousands of government workers with party loyalists and stage the largest deportation operation in U.S. history.

Anti-abortion advocates who had criticized the Trump campaign’s efforts leading up to the platform committee’s meeting largely fell in line Monday.

Whoops, I guess you're wrong again
>You're really arguing that Trump is so hated by his own hand-picked advisors that the fact that over 3 dozen of them work for Heritage 2024 doesn't prove a link between them?
Heritage is a conservative organization.
Trump is a populist democrat from the 90's running on the republican ticket. They hate each other.
The only similarities between Trump's admin and Heritage is 1) how hard his fellow cohorts are willing to suck neocon dick to retain their power and 2) how pro-israel Trump intends to be.
The 2025 project = Trump gambit is being made by a flailing democratic party trying to distract from the fact that they are running an elderly man for 2024.
Trump doesn't need the 2025 project regardless. If he wanted to cut off the heads of the lugenpresse and start a fascist regime, he wouldn't need to go through with a convoluted plan like that. He could just tell his followers to do it, and they would do it.
>The 2025 project = Trump gambit is being made by a flailing democratic party trying to distract from the fact that they are running an elderly man for 2024
One million percent this
>Despite Trump's attempts to distance himself from Project 2025, the two worlds remain deeply intertwined. Several key former members of the Trump administration are involved with the project, including Stephen Miller, who recently helped Trump with debate prep and acted as a surrogate in the spin room following the CNN presidential debate in Atlanta -- and who appears in Project 2025's educational "presidential administration academy" video and whose organization, America First Legal, is listed as among its advisory members.
>they are running an elderly man for 2024
Trump would literally be older than Biden was when he was sworn in if he wins.

If you think Biden is too old to be president, stay home.
>Most of his former cabinet hate him
Does that include Stephen Miller who's on the advisory council for Project 2025?
Project 2025 doesn't call for a national abortion ban, it restricts access to contraception and abortion pills specifically https://archive.md/7hl64 https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c977njnvq2do
>Trump would literally be older than Biden was when he was sworn in if he wins.
Biden nearly died from a brain aneurysm. Twice.
Old injuries can fuck you up in your golden years. That's why Biden keeps fumbling over his words, whereas Trump can actually string a coherent sentence together.
>whereas Trump can actually string a coherent sentence together.
Are you sure? There are plenty of clips of Trump slurring his words. Ever since the stroke he hasn't been the same.
>doesn't know that Project 2025 calls for exactly this
>thinks Heritage is a Democrat psyop, despite the fact that they've been around since Reagan
>wants to argue that Trump secretly hates and works against his own cabinet or vice versa

All this just to cope with the fact that he lied to you. I hate to be the one to break this to you, because I feel like it's gonna shatter your little hearts: Donald Trump is not your friend.
Do you really think any of this bullshit is more likely than Trump saying things that aren't true for political reasons, like every other politician who has ever lived?
I don't understand the 2025 seethe thing. most of it seems based and better than biden's platform
That's is the thing. Trump loved it, conservstive s love it. Trumps communication secretary and campaign manager both work for Heritage Foundation. Trump is deep on Heritage and follows their plans to the letter. He did for 4 years and bragged about achieving their agenda.

They are trying to distance themselves from project 2025 though because it is wildly unpopular among all voters who are not hard right. It will cost Trump the election if he says bye supports this. So they lie and deflect and call anyone worried insults.

Just like roe v wade. They want to get rid of abortion access but don't want to say it out loud because that is not a popular opinion. Instead pretending they care about states rights .
>I don't understand the 2025 seethe thing. most of it seems based and better than biden's platform
It's fear propaganda to whip leftists into voting for Biden after his disastrous debate performance.

The DNC establishment and the MSM is openly talking about replacing Biden so they need something to keep the progressives under their control. Enter: "qanon white genocide" for leftist retards.

Every wonder why no one brought up Project 2025 before the debate, despite it supposedly being in play for a while now? Because the last batch of propaganda about Biden being competent and not a senile parkinsons zombie was still working. Now that that's dead, the left needs a new schtick because they can't stand on the economy or jobs or cost of living or literally anything else other than "muh queers n gays".
We’ve been talking about it for over a year now. Your willful ignorance is an ugly dress and makes you look like a whore.
>It's fear propaganda to whip leftists into voting for Biden after his disastrous debate performance.
Another +1,000,000% accurate
>Every wonder why no one brought up Project 2025 before the debate, despite it supposedly being in play for a while now? Because the last batch of propaganda about Biden being competent and not a senile parkinsons zombie was still working
..and yet another +1,000,000% accurate
Id say he's right, you are a little, but the facts look like nobody actually cared enough to talk about it much until the debates happened.
Palanq.win shows 3 threads referencing project 2025 ever on any board archived prior to the debate.
2 threads in Aug 2023 and 1 thread on sep 2023. 1 was on /bant/ 2 were here on /news/
Then nothing.

Then, starting the week of the debate (1 month ago) there's been 8 threads referencing project 2025 archived.
The huge uptick in velocity on project 2025 demonstrably began alongside debate conversation
>why do people discuss news stories on /news/
perhaps >>>/bant/ is more your speed
Doxxing stopped working after Kyle Rittenhouse established the precedent that if Democrats try to physically threaten you, you can just shoot them. I'm gonna go donate to Heritage just to spite you, lol.
/news/ has one DNC schizo melting down in every thread. I took a day off work once because I was sick, shitposted here, and completely dominated the board that day, it's that slow.
Question, am I supposed to not want Trump to support this Project 2025 thing? Gutting the Deep State sounds based as fuck.
And yet they don't show any. Curious.
Great way to miss the forest for the trees. You should feel proud of being such an idiot
>/news/ has one DNC schizo melting down in every thread
Absolutely true
And you can TELL he doesn't post on any other boards, he doesn't understand any memes, he doesn't understand the actual purpose of greentexting, he gets outraged and clutches his pearls at the drop of a hat, he argues like he's never done it outside a middleschool debate club with a sympathetic teacher moderating to stop the other kids from calling him a fucking retard and throwing markers at his head, he would kill himself if he ever set foot on one of the nicest boards, let alone /v/ or /int/. He is 100% someone who was forced to come here, some unlucky intern who got assigned here because 4chan somehow came up in some focus group meeting full of senile DNC boomers in which the word "memes" came up and some 400lb mystery meat woman had a breakdown about Pepe hurting Shillary and this little dude couldn't be trusted to shill on Facebook or X. You can tell someone told him "they like anime so start threads with anime pictures" too, because they're always some unrelated nonsense.
The projection from this post would be sad if it weren't so funny.
He also has this weird celebrity worship he gets into when he's not being super defensive that outs him as a normie. Unironically the kind of person to go OMG SO STUNNING AND BRAVE over a random musician whining about Trump.
>Canned response using projection incorrectly
Are you accusing Anon of being a DNC shill who starts threads with anime pictures or are you just posting a canned response because you got pegged harder than on your last tinder date?
It's clearly the latter. He either does that or the whole "meds schizo schizo chud meds fascism" shrieking whenever he gets caught. He's already scuttled off to a new thread lmao.
I just have no sympathy or patience anymore for democrat retards who swallow the weekley propaganda.
I mean it really is a mental illness at this point, the people and media who have been wrong about everything for 5 years insist democrat voters stop listening to the people who were right about everything during that period and instead swallow and spread whatever propaganda of the week the dnc shits out.
Absolute brainless cattle.
>he thinks /news/ is /pol/
back to your containment board
Everyone look at this pathetic derail attempt and laugh. Heritage.org isn't sending their best.
>republican fascists fucking wrecked yet again, this time by furries
What a news day
Meanwhile, here is a list of Trump cronies involved in Project2025
>Paul Dans – Dans served as chief of staff at the U.S. Office of Personnel Management from February 2020 until December 2020. One of Dans' tasks was liaising with the White House to help fill rolls for the approximately 4,000 presidential appointees across the federal government. Dans is the director of Project 2025.

>Steven Groves – Groves served as special assistant to Trump to defend him against Robert Mueller's investigation into possible Russian interference in the 2016 election. He served as Trump's deputy press secretary in 2019 and 2020. He previously served in 2017 as chief of staff to Nikki Haley while she was U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. Groves was an editor of the Project 2025 policy document.

>Spencer Chretien – Chretien served as special assistant to the president in 2020 and 2021. His job involved identifying, recruiting and placing political employees at all levels of government. Chretien is associate director of Project 2025.

>Jonathan Berry – Berry served as counsel to the assistant attorney general in the Department of Justice (DOJ) in 2017 and 2018. Berry was also part of Trump's presidential transition team in 2016 and 2017, advising on ethics and legal policy.

>Adam Candeub – Candeub served in the DOJ as the deputy associate attorney general in 2020. In 2019, he served as a high-ranking commerce official in the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA).

>Dustin J. Carmack – Carmack served as the chief of staff to the director of national intelligence in 2020 and 2021.

>Brendan Carr – A member of both the Trump and the Biden administration, Carr was appointed to the Federal Communications Commission by Trump. His post expired in 2023 and was renewed by Biden; it will expire in 2028.
>Ben Carson – One of the most prominent Black conservatives in the United States, Carson served as the 17th United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development from 2017 until 2021. Carson ran in the 2016 Republican primary, before eventually dropping out and endorsing Trump.

>Ken Cuccinelli – Cuccinelli served as the acting Secretary of Homeland Security from 2019 until 2021. In 2020, a congressional watchdog issued a report saying that he was unlawfully appointed to this position.

>Rick Dearborn – Dearborn served as a deputy chief of staff in Trump's White House in 2017 and 2018. Prior to Trump's inauguration, Dearborn worked as the staff director in the presidential transition team.

>Diana Furchtgott-Roth – Furchtgott-Roth served as acting assistant secretary for economic policy at the Department of the Treasury in 2018 and 2019.

>Thomas Gilman – Gilman served in two roles in the Department of Commerce simultaneously from 2019 until 2021: chief financial officer as well as assistant secretary for administration.

>Mandy Gunasekara – Gunasekara served as the chief of staff for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 2020 and 2021. She had worked as a senior policy adviser for the EPA since 2017.

>Gene Hamilton – Hamilton served as counsel for the attorney general in the DOJ from 2017 until 2021.

>Jennifer Hazelton – Hazelton served as public affairs official at the Agency for International Development (USAID) in 2020 and 2021. She also served as a public affairs official in the State Department in 2017.

>Troup Hemenway – Hemenway served as associate director for national security in the White House Presidential Personnel Office, which is tasked with vetting new appointees. He also founded the Association of Republican Presidential Appointees.
>Dennis Dean Kirk – Kirk was supposed to serve as chairman of the Merit Systems Protection Board, an agency which gives federal employees, including whistleblowers, a place to appeal if they feel they have been unfairly fired. Trump nominated him to the position in 2018. However, the Senate delayed confirming him and he never ended up serving in the role, meaning the Board did not have enough members to function during Trump's administration. This created a backlog of complaints.

>Bernard McNamee – McNamee served as commissioner for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission from 2018 until 2020.

>Christopher Miller – Miller served in three roles in the Trump administration in a period of only seven months. In June 2020, he was appointed as the acting assistant secretary of defense, in August 2020, he was named director of the National Counterterrorism Center, and from November 2020 until January 2021, he served as the acting secretary of defense.

>Stephen Moore – Moore was not a member of Trump's administration, but advised on his 2016 presidential campaign. Trump nominated Moore to serve as governor of the Federal Reserve, but he withdrew his name after facing criticism following the resurfacing of historic articles he wrote disparaging female athletes.

>Mora Namdar – Namdar served as the acting assistant secretary of state in the State Department from December 2020 until January 2021. She previously worked as a policy adviser in the same department since 2019.
>Peter Navarro – One of the most prominent members of the Trump administration, Navarro served as the director of the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy from 2017 until 2021. He was also the director of the National Trade Council in 2017. Navarro was a close adviser to Trump, largely on trade, but he also advised on the COVID-19 response and Trump's false election fraud claims. Navarro refused to comply with the House Select Committee on the January 6 attack. He was indicted by a grand jury on two counts of contempt of Congress and eventually pled guilty. He was convicted and sentenced to four months jail and fined $9,500. He is due to be released from prison next week.

>William Perry Pendley – Pendley served as the acting director of the Bureau of Land Management from 2019 until 2021.

>Max Primorac – Primorac served as the acting chief operating officer for USAID from November 2020 until January 2021. He had previously worked as an adviser in the same agency since 2018.

>Roger Severino – Severino served in the Department of Health and Human Services as director of the Civil Rights Office from 2017 until 2021.

>Kiron Skinner – Skinner served as director of policy planning in the State Department from 2018 until 2019. She previously worked from Trump's transition team.

>Brooks Tucker – Tucker served as chief of staff for the Department of Veterans Affairs from April 2020 until January 2021. He had previously served as an assistant secretary in the same department.
>Hans von Spakovsky – Von Spanovsky served on Trump's short lived Voter Fraud Commission, which operated from May 2017 until January 2018. He previously served a brief and controversial stint as commissioner of the Federal Election Commission in the Bush administration from 2006 until 2007.

>Russ Vought – Vought served as director the Office of Management and Budget, the largest office in the executive branch of government, from July 2020 until January 2021. He had served as deputy and then acting director between 2018 and 2020.

>William Walton – Although not a member of Trump's administration, Walton served on his 2016 transition team as co-head of economic issues for federal agencies.

>Paul Winfree – Winfree served in three roles in Trump's White House in 2017: deputy assistant to the president for domestic policy, deputy director of the Domestic Policy Council, and director of budget policy. He left the White House at the end of 2017. Trump appointed him to the Fullbright Foreign Scholarship Board in 2019.
Seems like everyone is looking at you and laughing, ShareBlue.
>One minute after your last post when you're OP.
Lmao dude is spamming walls of text. Now tell me why I shouldn't want Project 2025 to be real and enacted if I'm a regular American and not a rainbow haired butt pirate?
>it's the 2016 time traveler again
How is Comey's investigation going??
The wall of text has meaning to anyone with an IQ over 80. You wouldn't understand.
I was old enough to be here in 2016, you weren't. Why would you ask an alleged time traveler from the past about events that already happened? Did your handlers give you a list of "approved" bantz with no bite or something?
So you can't do it, got it. This is why your mummy is behind in the polls lmao.
They literally do

Yes, the meaning is that you're desperate for something, anything, to distract from how badly Biden is doing.
Anything you can do to distract from what the wall of text says is greatly appreciated by the Trump campaign.
>Conservatives are...conservative
Fascinating. I like that you used 80 to give your sub-100 IQ an out.
Doesn't seem like they need the help.
Are you on the list, Anon?
>they don't need the help to desperately try to derail the thread
wow they got quiet after this
Just donated, I'll be on the next one. Try showing up at my house and see what happens. ;)
I see the DNC is hiring Indian shill farms now. Trump doesn't need the help because he's winning and the Democrats fucked themselves over by not replacing Joe when he was still coherent enough to realize he needed to drop out.
They don't have the balls to after Rittenhouse.
I'm gonna donate to it. Can't wait to gut the Deep State and Make America Great Again. :)
I already sent them my entire paycheck (minus the part I spend buying guns every month). I will live in my car if it means glorious leader comes back.
Why are you buying more guns and not more ammo?
This. Consequences put the fear of God into them, leftists only found a scrap of courage when they thought the courts would protect them from whatever they did.
>not making your own ammo
Get on my level
Aha, a reloaderchad, I see.
This story doesn't have the traction you had hoped for.
They're desperately searching for anything to distract attention from Biden's campaign shitting itself.
That doesn't matter to the Biden base. They were going to vote for him anyway.
The DNC shill on this board is shitting himself.
It's obvious af, dude just keeps looking more desperate each day
How does someone get this bad?
But that's the hilarious part, anon. Project 2025 is basically everything /pol/ wants (minus the pro-Jew Republicanism they always ignore), yet you have Cuckservatives ITT dying on a hill that Trump doesn't support, or even know anything about, it. Why? Because he said so! Dear leader wouldn't lie to me!
In a wider scope, it's also funny because it shows that the Right is trying to establish the Deep State that they claim to oppose, and that all the rhetoric that Trump spouts about institutional corruption is just that - rhetoric. He's an absolute run-of-the-mill partisan puppet masquerading as a populist.
>but m-muh Biden
Also a puppet, but at least a puppet that doesn't try to poison the American people against their own country. Still don't like him.
The emperor has no clothes and they will never dare to tell him. They all clap and cheer over his invisible glorious robes. Telling him how handsome and smart his clothes are. Telling each other that they definitely saw the clothes, didn’t you?
>Most of his former cabinet hate him
Sure, but some of them also like the money and power they get from sucking his dick enough to put up with him.
no it isnt lmao, the most obvious astroturfing on the site
two more weeks until trump turns the country into a theocracy and the concentration camps open up
Interesting you bring that up
The RNC got hacked at the same time the DNC was hacked. We now know the hackers were Russian state affiliates.
The DNC's data was released in an effort to hurt the Clinton campaign, since she was an anti-Russia hawk. The RNC's data was never leaked to the public, though

In light of the fact that the RNC is now deep-throating Putin's balls at every opportunity, how damaging do you think the RNC's data was? Wonder if we'll ever get to see it...

Anyway, weren't you saying something about how the boomers running the RNC are less hackable than the boomers running the DNC, or some other bullshit to that effect?
I wish le Deep State would be that sexy. Instead, it'll just be regulatory bodies becoming increasingly corrupt as they're overly politicized, and in 20 years you'll wonder why your chicken nuggies contain 2% chicken and 98% lab-grown cricket paste. No one will care, because "FDA GUY YOU'VE NEVER HEARD OF SIGNS 145 PAGE POLICY DOCKET THAT SAYS THAT CRICKET PASTE IS AN ACCEPTABLE CHICKEN SUBSTITUTE ON PAGE 97" isn't a marketable headline.
>Project 2025 is basically everything /pol/ wants
You're retarded.
/pol/ was sacrificing goats to create a pandemic in Africa at one point. You have no fucking clue what /pol/ wants.
This isn't your hugbox. Cope.
>But that's the hilarious part, anon. Project 2025 is qanon for pronoun in bio people
Wrong board
You're right, LGBTQP conspiracy theories belong on the LGBTQP board
The story is about project2025.org
>this story is about a LGBTQP conspiracy theory
Yes we know
What part of the agenda are you challenging as a theory? It's all right there for you.
>SiegedSec, which emerged on Telegram in April 2022, has also targeted various NATO portals, the city of Fort Worth and a company involved in the monitoring of offshore oil and gas facilities.
based fuck Ft Worth
think tank shills BTFO
People have been simultaneously pointing out that you're full of shit AND that Project 2025 is based if real. Are you a goldfish? Do you not understand these are not mutually exclusive?
And it's definitely not yours given how you shriek and wail whenever the truth penetrates your skull.
Who do you think you're responding to right now?
I'm definitely not full of shit, because almost everything that's been quoted in this thread came from heritage.org. Unless you're the guy that thinks that the 51 year old Conservative think tank is a Democrat psyop, in which case, lol, lmao.
The point of all this, which is like pulling fucking teeth to get some retards to admit, is that Trump definitely lied about this one thing. He's lied about other shit too, but this one is verifiable from a source that Conservatives can't just dismiss as Leftist lies - other Conservatives. The funny part is seeing genuine psychophants cope and seethe over the cognitive dissonance. The chef's kiss is that they're vigorously defending their President from the accusation that he might support something that they, themselves, wholeheartedly endorse. Hopefully now that I've explained the irony of the situation you can pull that 15 incher out of your asshole and have a lol.
Please call me a tranny now, it's my fetish.
Russia is hacking for the Democrats again.
Your argument makes no sense. You keep claiming this is Trump's agenda because some conservative group came up with it, but Trump is gonna do his own thing regardless of whether or not it conforms to what they want, that's what he's always done and it's what he's gonna keep doing. I hope he takes a lot of ideas from Project 2025, though, and it's a good sign that a lot of the people involved with it are friends of his and hopefully are talking to him. Where's the lie?
>Unless you're the guy that thinks that the 51 year old Conservative think tank is a Democrat psyop, in which case, lol, lmao.
Modern conservatives are trotskyists that began with the New York Intellectuals and Irving Kristol. They all try to spread their utopian bullshit by inspiring revolutions in foreign countries to "protect democracy". So yes, literally every modern conservative organization is a democrat psyop.
Trumps already not following this agenda, their whole fear porn argument is already falling apart.
There is just an article yesterday or the day before about some federal limit on abortion ban (a project 2025 item) and Trump was basically at the center of getting it thrown out, kept it at a state level issue and maintained protections on IVF rather than pushing for any sort of national ban or limit on it
>their whole fear porn argument
It's almost like you think Democrats made up project2025
Trump killing Soleimani scared the shit out of a lot of thirdies, Russia included. Trump's foreign policy when it comes to conflicts he doesn't particularly think should concern us is pretty simple. Most presidents, Democrats especially, will try not to piss off either side and give treats to both with a preference to one or the other, with the result that the conflict keeps going. Trump just murders anyone who goes against American interests as far as it's practical, and if that isn't enough, he picks one side and throws the weight of America behind them. It's both harder to force him into a conflict, and significantly more dangerous if he does get involved, because now that it's on his desk he's going to solve it. For instance, for decades other presidents tried to balance Palestinians against Israelis, and had to make tons of concessions to both while the conflict got worse and worse. Trump picked a side, signalled support for them, told them to do whatever they had to do, and dusted his hands of the matter. He personally doesn't give a shit about Ukraine, but now that it's an American problem and Russia is acting against America's interests, Putin runs a very real risk of getting dronestriked if Trump makes it back into office so that Trump can shut up the whiny journalists who blame Russia for Hillary losing once and for all.
Say neocon, not modern conservative, because MAGA American Nationalists are both conservative and more modern than Kristol's nevertrumpers.
Trump has made his policy that abortion is a state issue clear from day one, this shouldn't surprise anyone. Obviously the billionaire playboy from New York is not going to be the most hardcore fundamentalist bible-thumper on abortion.
They're sure pushing it as negative and using it to campaign.
This should get all the abortion whores and faggots riled up enough to vote for Joe "Parkinson's" Biden instead of staying home due to getting raped by Bidenflation..
This has all been said, but I'll put it to you again in a list.

Trump said that he had no knowledge of Project 2025. He said he didn't know any of the people behind it.
A significant number of his former Administration works for Heritage now, and many worked for them while also employed by the White House. This includes the Director and Vice Director of the project. This is from their own website.
Of the 34 authors of the 2025 policy guidebook, 25 worked in the Trump administration. You can check for yourself; the book and Google are free.
Trump's current press secretary, Steven Miller, whose job is to keep Trump informed on current events and represent Trump to the press, is the owner of a company that is on the board of directors for Project 2025.
Trump himself gave a speech at a Heritage Foundation fundraiser. There's a full video of it available on Youtube.

How is it possible that Trump has no knowledge of Project 2025 and does not know any of the people behind it?
The problem is, you can only scream fascist so many times before nobody cares anymore. I remember when calling someone a racist would make the color drain from their face, now your average zoomer will just go "okay nigger lol."
I don't believe you and it's such a stupid quibble that I can't bring myself to even care. I'm sure he knows the Heritage Foundation exists and that it's conservative, but the Project 2025 thing specifically came out very recently and entirely pushed by Democrats, so it's unlikely he knows what it was. Do you actually think Trump sits and waits for some think tank to tell him what his policies should be instead of making up his own mind and then stubbornly sticking to that no matter what anyone else wants?
>Say neocon, not modern conservative
The ones in congress all turned on Trump after J6. They all moaned when he announced his run for 2016. Only after he decided to praise Israel did they follow him over DeSantis.
>I don't believe you
Facts don't care about your feelings.

And yes, you're right! The fact that a POLITICIAN LIED is basically absolutely nothing! So why is there about a dozen people in this very thread throwing a hissy-fucking-fit about that? I'm actually not just condescending to you, I'd love to hear an answer. How is it so very unbelievable that Trump would lie about one thing for political reasons? Is it just sheer bloody-mindedness, or cult-like adoration?
Why are you asking me questions when you've ignored all the answers I've given you already? You're right, facts don't care about your feelings, and the facts are that Trump, not the Heritage Foundation, sets Trump's agenda. Every single time someone has tried to be the new Dick Cheney and set presidential policy from the shadows, Trump has chewed them up and spat out their bones. You'd think you would have learned this by now. I'm sorry, I just don't care enough about your pilpul to look up exactly what he said and where you're wrong, because it doesn't matter to me, I like most of Project 2025 and the parts I don't like are the parts that Trump already doesn't seem inclined to follow, so where is the problem for me here?
I'm really more poking fun at people than I am trying to have a debate here, but I'll play along. According to Heritage, they were wildly successful in getting Trump to follow their agenda in his previous 4 years.
>The “Mandate for Leadership” series includes five individual publications, totaling approximately 334 unique policy recommendations. Analysis completed by Heritage determined that 64 percent of the policy prescriptions were included in Trump’s budget, implemented through regulatory guidance, or under consideration for action in accordance with The Heritage Foundation’s original proposals.
You could say that they're just aligned in goals, I guess, but really consider this: if you found out that 64% of the policy recommendations of, say, the NAACP, were put into law by Biden, would you then say that Biden is not being influenced by the NAACP?
Reread my post here since the answer is the same. >>1312364
>According to Heritage
Which isn't Trump. They are in the same party as Trump, so it doesn't surprise me that most of their goals are the same, just as it doesn't surprise me that Joe Biden and George Soros closely align on policy. The difference is that Joe Biden is extremely suggestible and has no will of his own, while Trump has a habit...occasionally to his own detriment, even...of making his own decisions and coming down brutally hard on anyone who tries to make them for him.
I disagree with your premise that Trump's policy is often in conflict with that of his own party. His words sometimes are, but his actual actions during his previous 4 years were fairly bread and butter Neocon; give tax breaks, impose taxes on foreign goods, give more money to the military, defund welfare programs, defund regulatory agencies, fund law enforcement agencies, etcetera. He's pretty on-party with most things - the only notable exceptions I know of are that he isn't an abortion hardliner (but most moderate-trending Republicans aren't anymore) and that he supported the legalization of marijuana (which is in alignment with neoliberal ideology, even if some Republicans like to grandstand about it).
I wasn't in the White House when his cabinet members were getting fired or quitting, so I don't know if he did it because they were too forceful in their suggestions or if it was something else. I do know that he selected those people to do those jobs, and I find it a point against him that he couldn't work with them despite that.
You didn't actually read my post, did you? Christ, I didn't believe in shills but you might actually be one.
I was responding to
>Every single time someone has tried to be the new Dick Cheney and set presidential policy from the shadows, Trump has chewed them up and spat out their bones.
>Trump has a habit ... of making his own decisions and coming down brutally hard on anyone who tries to make them for him.
I don't disagree that Joe Biden is suggestible (seeing as how he's halfway braindead) so I didn't bother to address that. If you want me to actually respond to the questions you asked;
>Do you actually think Trump sits and waits for some think tank to tell him what his policies should be
I think that he is about as influenced by lobbyists and his staff as every other politician, which is to say, very. This is an integral part of modern politics and I find it hard to believe that he'd be an exception - as I said, his actual policies are in line with the Republican Party, and I doubt he did that entirely out of his own ideas. This isn't a point against him; no one man knows enough about all the things he oversaw to do so.
>doesn't matter to me, I like most of Project 2025 and the parts I don't like are the parts that Trump already doesn't seem inclined to follow, so where is the problem for me here?
There is none. I think it's ironic that Conservatives are acting like they oppose 2025 just because of a comment Trump made, but if that's not you, then it's not you.
>Trump has a habit...occasionally to his own detriment, even...of making his own decisions and coming down brutally hard on anyone who tries to make them for him.
When he is personally invested because he stands to personally benefit. Else he leaves shit completely to peons, like he did with military and judicial policy during his presidency. The military was basically left to its own devices and he literally let the Federalist Society pick all his fucking judges for him.

Trump gives less than zero fucks about the vast majority of government policy and spent most of his time in office golfing. If you think he wouldn't simply hand off the executive to the Heritage Foundation just like he handed off the judiciary to the Federalist Society, you're a fucking idiot. All they have to do is promise they'll go after windmills or some such bullshit.

Ah, who am I kidding, you're arguing in bad faith. Nobody's that fucking stupid.
>subjective opinions by a seething Democrat shill
You rigged an election just to kill your party's credibility for an entire generation. Cope, seethe, and dilate.
How come Trump defenders actually believe this rigged election shit?
Is it just mental illness, or do they not actually believe this and are playing alternate reality 3D chess?
>Creepy Democrats would NEVER cheat
It's sad grown men can be so susceptible and affected by extreme fearmongering.
They sure are cheating as well, but what Trumpfags are doing is several magnitudes worse.
Your gas lighting is pathetic when conservatives all over including in this website cheer on project2025 and say they want all the things listed.

You can pretend it is not a real thing all you want. The fact is the Heritage foundation lays down the roadmap for conservative policy and conservative politicians follow it.

Facts don’t care about your feelings.
Um no, Biden sucks and should drop out. He is a terrible choice for candidate. The only worse choice is Trump and his fascism bullshit. You are the one who will not deal with reality and instead scream about “old man is old!” Yes no shit, fuck these old guys they should both die so we can have better candidates.
The shit Trumpists spew all the time? Like deep state and the "stolen" election?

I hope they eject Biden.
It's a surrogate for sincere racialist beliefs that would alienate some of their allies.
This project 2025 sounds like good things. What are we fear mongering about?
Because Democrats have a history that goes back to the 1800s of rigging elections?
Opinion disregarded. There's no point "debating" a child who has no idea what fascism actually is and why it's a bad thing (evidenced by the fact that you cheerfully support most of the things that made fascism a problem in the first place such as a big, tyrannical government and rights subject to removal for "the good of the people"), only mocking and trolling you.
This. I forget who it was, but wasn't there some quote that the next group of fascists to arise would call themselves anti-fascists? How prophetic that was.
The media is too busy trying to force Biden out.
Fascism is right wing ideology.
Yes, the extreme right on this site want this. They represent no one. This isn't some own.
That's not conspiracy porn that's basic facts. Real conspiracy porn would be the liberals' "muh Russian collusion"
>the US needs trannie furries to try to save american democracy
So anyone who has anything to do with furries - those in fursuits - allowing them to exist anywhere near them, even deliberately being near them is a degenerate tranny?
>my conspiracy isn't a conspiracy because I actually believe it
There it is. You've redefined fascism to mean anything you disagree with. Therefore, because you're scum, anything you call fascism is probably a good idea, even though it isn't actual fascism because you have no clue what fascism is as the uneducated retard you are.
So you're just arguing with the voices in your head, then, or is this a particularly transparent motte-and-bailey? It's interesting given how the modern left rails against Russia (despite a few years ago being all-in on supporting Russian efforts to let Russia devour Donbass and Luhansk) that leftist politics takes so much from the USSR, from accusing political dissenters of schizophrenia to the concept of vranyo, which we see you exhibiting here, telling a bald-faced lie with no expectation that it will be believed and every expectation that you can force your way into it being accepted. The problem is, you have no power here, and the last time you tried to exert it a bunch of your gender studies "soldiers" got punched and shot to death and chased out of every town where the local authorities weren't explicitly giving you a pass to burn down shops. However, that's also par for the course, as another aspect of Soviet thinking was that it's more important for a propagandist to stick to the script than to think independently, coming up with your own arguments would be a sign of dissidence, and dissidence is evil in the leftist mind.
>You've redefined fascism to mean anything you disagree with
So you agree with anything you don't like?
Facts have precedence over belief, and facts are squarely right-wing.
Are you illiterate or is this simply not your first language and you don't understand English second-person pronouns?
Most likely he's trying to deflect by getting you to focus on his retarded "slip" rather than on the fact that his argument has been taken behind the woodshed and beaten to death. This works better in verbal arguments than online, though, because anyone can scroll up and see that he defined fascism as anything right wing, meaning anything he disagrees with, and Anon's point that this makes anything the retard calls fascism a good idea (despite it usually not being real fascism by any stretch of the imagination) was the final headshot.
Russian collusion has always been a vranyo argument. Putin's intelligence agencies were so inept and corrupt that when given money to bribe Ukrainian oblast governors into surrendering, they only managed to successfully do it with one and the rest mysteriously vanished with the cash, hence why the Special Ed Military Operation was clearly oriented to be a decapitation strike with riot police sent into Kyiv alongside the mobiks with the goal of a fait accompli before the West could react, and instead immediately failed and turned into the quagmire it is now. They are in no way, shape, or form capable of actually affecting a US election, especially considering that Democrats pretend they did so MORE than countries which actually have influence in American politics, like Israel and the UK. A bald faced lie with no intention of being believed, that the liar believes they can strongarm their way out of being called out on.
>Are you illiterate
>can't read or understand the simple question 'So you agree with anything you don't like?'
>Are you illiterate
You tell me.
>ask nonsensical question that clearly comes from not being able to read the post
>acts surprised at being mocked for it
English definitely isn't your first language, and yes, I'll tell you. You ARE illiterate.
>Trump can actually string a coherent sentence together
About windmills and toilets, sure. We have very different standards for coherent. Trump's basically a fucking chatbot, all he can spew is incoherent bullshit with no bearing on truth or reality. It just sound like complete sentences if all you're paying attention to is his tone, but if you know literally anything about literally anything and actually listen to the words coming out of his mouth, it's apparent he's a dipshit that's completely lost his grip on reality.

He's like a song with a pleasant melody or hook that nobody understands or cares about the lyrics to. If you think he sounds coherent, you're dumber than he is and/or you aren't paying attention.
>You rigged an election
If you believed that you wouldn't vote cause nothing would be stopping us from doing it again.

Tell yourself whatever the fuck you need to though.
>can't read or understand a simple question in English
ESL, illiterate. I'll tell you that.
>facts are squarely right-wing.
Like Russia "not" bombing hospitals?
Why would I make it easier for you, especially when rigging it just adds more votes to your tally and can be countered with sufficient numbers on our side? You're retarded.

I accept your concession.
>thinks rigging is real
>calls other people retarded
Is Ukraine winning?
Considering the "special operation" was supposed to be finished in a week, and the Russians are still messing around in the eat of the Ukraine (and trying to use war crimes to win with no results), Russia sure isn't fucking winning.
>, includes Heritage Foundation blogs and material related to The Daily Signal, a right-wing media site affiliated with Heritage. The data was created between 2007 and November 2022.
Does anyone else remember when the Heritage.org shills used to spam Daily Signal blog stories here and got BTFO by mods every time?
Ukraine is sending actual women to fight, so I don't know about that.
Literally free real estate
>Russians are losing to actual women
There are women in Russia's military as well.
Heritage is trying to say they weren't hacked now
Lmao Trannies can’t even save themselves from suicide

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