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Turns out that Biden doesn't actually lead in Wisconsin, the only battleground state people thought he was ahead in, it turns out Biden's actually trailing trump by 6%: https://www.politico.com/news/2024/07/10/biden-age-wisconsin-voters-00167214

But that is boring. Lets talk about how Biden *IS* ahead in a battleground state. A state that hasn't been a battleground state in decades, but somehow Biden managed to pull it off. But this didn't deter ol' Scranton Joe.

Biden support slips in deep blue New York: ‘We’re a battleground state now’

President Joe Biden has a new problem: a competitive race in deep blue New York.

Elected officials, union leaders and political consultants are panicking over polls showing a steady erosion of Biden’s support in a state he won by 23 points four years ago. They’re so worried they’ve been trying to convince the Biden team to pour resources into New York to shore up his campaign and boost Democrats running in a half-dozen swing districts that could determine control of the House.

Biden aides have not focused on New York, committing no significant resources to a state where they expect the president to easily win all 28 electoral college votes in November.

But the warning signs are impossible to ignore and have been building over the past year. Two private polls conducted in a swing New York House district and reviewed by POLITICO — one in September and another in March — found former President Donald Trump leading Biden there by 1 point, a virtual tie. And public polls over the last four months found Biden’s lead had winnowed to just 8 points across New York — an unusually narrow gap in a state where Democrats outnumber Republicans 2 to 1.

“We’re still acting like this is a one-party state, which for pretty much 20, 25 years it has been,” Democratic Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine said. “I truly believe we’re a battleground state now.”
Biden, whose campaign is in free fall after a shambling debate performance last month, is yet to pay much attention to the state beyond high-dollar fundraisers. He was most recently in New York on June 29 to raise money in the Hamptons and attend a dedication ceremony for the Stonewall Inn Visitor Center in Manhattan a day earlier. He has been appearing in traditional battleground states, including Wisconsin and Pennsylvania over the weekend, as the 81-year-old tries to silence doubts over his age and mental acuity.

Now Democrats want Biden to get serious about the Empire State as they warn of the existential crisis to democracy posed by Trump’s potential return to the White House, according to interviews with 10 Democratic Party officials, consultants and political leaders.

A contested race in New York exacerbates Biden’s reelection troubles as members of his party continue to call for him to step aside or question his fitness for office — including three members of the state’s House delegation. And it would cost him time and money he’d rather be spending on the country’s six swing states, siphoning millions of dollars to play in the costliest media market in the country.

“The money that needs to be spent here will be subtracted from other areas he’s going to lose,” former Democratic New York Gov. David Paterson said.

Top statewide Democrats — including Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries — have signaled shared public support for Biden. Schumer, though, has been sparing in his public comments about Biden since the president’s debate performance nearly two weeks ago.

“As I’ve said before, I’m dyin' with Joe Biden,” Schumer said Tuesday at his weekly press conference, repeating a version of a line he’d used previously.
Democrats have been on a winning streak in New York since 2006 and control all levers of power in Albany. A GOP presidential candidate hasn’t won New York since Ronald Reagan’s rout of Walter Mondale in 1984. But GOP candidates flipped enough suburban House seats to help their party maintain control of the chamber two years ago, as a Republican challenger to Gov. Kathy Hochul lost by a relatively modest 6 points.

State party leaders have publicly backed Biden and expect he will remain in the race — none more than Hochul. Still, support for Biden among New York Democrats behind closed doors is flagging. Reps. Jerry Nadler and Joe Morelle in a conference call with fellow House Democrats backed a change at the top of the ticket. Nadler publicly has said he’s supporting Biden; Morelle did not return a call seeking comment.

A weak Biden would spell trouble for down-ballot Democrats running in battleground House districts in the Hudson Valley and on Long Island — particularly those who rely on increased turnout generated during a presidential election year.

“The implications for control of Congress are real enough that I think this needs more national attention,” Levine said.

Fear among some Democrats has become so heightened that they are advising their party’s candidates to all but disavow Biden on the campaign trail in order to bolster their own candidacies. And messaging on abortion rights or the threat Trump could pose to democracy — issues expected to play to Biden’s advantage — may not be enough on their own, former Nassau County Executive Laura Curran said.

“If I’m a Democrat in some of these suburban races, I’d run the hell away from Joe Biden,” she said.
And one high-level New York Democrat, granted anonymity to speak bluntly about the political crisis surrounding the president, said the party’s House candidates need to distance themselves from the top of the ticket.

“It’s never been more important for a Democratic House member to focus on building their own local brand and to run on that,” the person said. “Biden isn’t going to be handing out coattails no matter what. He’s only got anchors.”

One of Biden’s New York labor allies has had trouble convincing some of his rank-and-file members to vote for the president despite the union’s endorsement.

“There are going to be members, we recognize, who will never be convinced that Joe Biden is the next president,” state Building and Construction Trades Council President Gary LaBarbera said. “This is a very unique set of circumstances with Donald Trump. There are people who are just not going to change their minds.”

Misgivings among Democrats over Biden’s waning support in New York go beyond the broader questions over his advanced age. Public polls show Democrats’ troubles in the state stem from independent voters, who are more likely to side with Republicans in their assessment of the president.

The closely watched Siena College poll in June found Biden with an 8-point advantage over Trump. The same poll found only 28 percent of voters not enrolled in a major party supported Biden’s reelection, and 71 percent of them disapproved of the job Biden is doing.

Biden’s support has declined since the winter, when he led Trump by 12 points in a February survey, according to the poll.
Trump lost
The debate? No.
The election? That depends on factors between now and the election, such as the subsequent debate, policy discussion and voter fraud.

As of right now trumps the strongly preferred winner. He's only ahead by maybe 5-6% nationally, but in the swing states, where popularity matters the most, he leads 6/7 of them
Trump is still going to lose just like he did last time.
Joe Biden is even less favorable than Donald Trump according to your own source.

Do you have a single metric that shows Biden in the lead nationally for anything?
Democrats could run Bill Clinton again and he could poll at 0% nationally but he would still be Trump on election day.
You wanna try again there champ, maybe without looking stupid this time?
>A candidate with absolutely zero support nationally (not a single voter) wins an election against the candidate supported by 100% of the voters
That sounds suspiciously like election fraud and yeah, it could very well play out that way
Nope it's called "not voting for the convicted fraudster".
That definitely is one way to describe election fraud in this case
>Democrats could run Bill Clinton again and he could poll at 0% nationally but he would still be Trump on election day
That's fraud son
I guarantee you that if any presidential candidate is polling 0% nationally and they somehow beat the candidate who by default would be polling at 100% nationally there will huge social upheaval and instability on the national level
Also, this one too
How many independent audits do you need before you accept it wasn't rigged?
He's a fascist, they never don't lie
Any more buzzwords shill?
I will repeat my response to your fictitious scenario whereby a candidate with 0% poll popularity wins against a candidate polling at 100% popularity. That seems like election fraud.
You're projecting again
You are either mindbroken or you are paid to post here and so you don't really care what you are posting, it's just the daily grind for you
You keep proving me right
No, you really act like someone that is literally forced to post here and you have nothing substantive to say in response.

There been at least 2 other people on this board talking about you like this just yesterday I believe
there been?
There been imploding Dems n sheit
This election is going to be fun
>Turns out that Biden doesn't actually lead in Wisconsin, the only battleground state people thought he was ahead in, it turns out Biden's actually trailing trump by 6%:
Kek there goes half of the swing states he supposedly carried
Biden is going to win. Trump is that bad.
Not looking good for ol' Deadman Scranton
Holy crap the demented retard just introduce the president of Ukraine as Putin

Biden, along with his 81M “voters” are deteriorating rapidly in front of our eyes.
You got a YouTube link? I want to see this, that's like flubbing netanyahus name with hitlers
it's their newest lie. they're bad at lying

Now imagine that democrat voters are even dumber than this kid sniffer
biden in his big boi talk that millions watch right now

Biden: "And now I want to hand it over to the President of Ukraine... ladies and gentlemen, President Putin."

here is the vid

here is newsmax reportin on it with video..


how exactly does this make you feel? please describe in detail as i am right no edging and could use a bit of spice
>Disclose.tv is a disinformation outlet based in Germany that presents itself as a news aggregator. It is known for promoting conspiracy theories and fake news, including COVID-19 misinformation and anti-vaccine narratives.
it makes me feel as though you are literally a russian shill who knows we know you're lying, but you will still continue to lie
>NOOOOOOOO showing biden on video means you are lying noooo i dont care that everyone reports on this right this moment! you are lying! lalalalla i cant hear you

the consequences of democrat brainwashing
EVERYONE is reporting on this right now with full video and audio... sorry you are a propagandized idiot
i can't wait until your next obvious lie gets made fun of
A close up of Zelenskyy reacting to when Biden called him “President Putin."

He couldn’t believe it.

he's a comedian, he laughed
and now biden just confused kamala with trump calling trump his vice president

uhhmm what is going on with democrats right now lol

go back to twitter and stay there forever
go lick bidens taint some more
Horrid, awful performance. Watching Biden ignore the reporters and walk off at the end was like hearing a scare chord in a horror movie. I wouldn't be able to stomach the project 2025 megacope if I was American because Biden is such a shit candidate.
wanting muskfags to leave forever is bipartisan
We actually need to put up with a biden.
At least you get to watch it as an outsider like one of those sitcoms that are designed to make you feel uncomfortable when you watch it
the funny thing is, if Biden drops out, Kamala Harris is in a very good position to beat Trump. Him bullying Biden out of the race might be his own undoing.
actually it was the criminal convictions that were his own undoing, i don't think it matter who the DNC runs anymore
>uhhmm what is going on with democrats right now lol
They are melting the fuck down. Literally everywhere. On tv, in the Congress, nationally, even on the board the resident leftard that regularly pollutes this place has been acting totally unhinged, even compared to how wild he normally acts
Trump is currently winning by every metric.
I know you're not allowed to admit that, but overall polling, popularity, approval, electability, swing States..
Trump is literally ahead in every metric.

There are not many people who can lose to Trump in every metric but somehow Biden has managed to do it
>Trump is literally ahead in every metric.
So was hitler.
And Hitler won his election.
Thanks for proving my point
Isn't she doing even worse than Biden in the polls? She was never intended to be an actual successor, she was always a shitty diversity hire since she was one of the worst performers in the democrat presidential primary. She probably wouldn't have even been VP if Biden didn't pledge to nominate a black female.
Do you really want another hitler?
That was a pivot nobody saw coming.
You must have gotten a lot of gold stars in your special needs classes growing up
great job avoiding the question coward
latest ABC poll has her up 49%-46% on Trump
I don't think anyone is doing worse than biden is nationally
Good pic. Biden is halfway in a grave

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