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The world is more interested in Project 2025 than the NFL — and Taylor Swift. At least when it comes to Google searches.

That's according to Google Trends graphics making the rounds on social media that show rising interest when it comes to the GOP's plan to overhaul the federal government compared with the pop mega-superstar and America's most popular sport.

A graphic shared Tuesday evening by the pro-democracy group Resolute Square showed Project 2025 overtaking Swift in early July.

"Keep it up, America. The more people that learn about Trump's Authoritarian plan for America, the more Americans will show up at the polls to stop him.Real Patriots hate fascists! (& love Taylor too)," the group wrote on X.

And on Wednesday afternoon, MSNBC's "The Beat with Ari Melber" shared a graphic compiled by the Biden-Harris Campaign showing searches for Project 2025 overtook the NFL and Swift around the same time.

Since the debate, Biden has pushed for Americans to look closer at the coalition's plan, writing on X this week: "Google Project 2025." His campaign even created a website highlighting what it calls (in all caps) "Trump allies' 920 page plan to give Trump more power over your daily life, gut Democratic checks and balances, and consolidate power in the Oval Office."

The plan — cobbled together by numerous Trump allies, though he denied knowledge of its agenda — would dramatically expand presidential power and replace up to 50,000 government workers with Trump loyalists.

Unironically I only disagree with like 2 or 3 of those tops.
>DNC conspiracy fear propaganda is now most searched for in Google instead of "Biden Parkinsons"
Well done pronoun in bio people, well done.

You are excellent lickspittles for the establishment.
As seen in Star Trek : Deep Space Nine episode Past Tense.

Sanctuary Districts

Are you a Dim, Gimmie or Ghost?
It sounds like this whole thing is most likely a glowie inside job to me
>You are excellent lickspittles for the establishment.
But enough about you during the Trump administration.
That's why you people keep losing elections.
>Heritage shills desperately trying to slide this thread
Keep oinking piggy.
Trump and the Republicans advocate for everything on that list, anon. Do you honestly think you can gaslight people into believing otherwise?
you faggots tried to stage a coup, why are you trying to pretend you aren't right wing revolutionaries when that fact has been clear as day for years now
>clutches pearls
cANt We PlEaSe ThInK Of The CoUp
you can play dumb but we know you're violent animals because we all saw it
“Violent animals”
Sanity goes out the window when you don’t play pretend with alphabet people

Also, good post
i can't decipher this post, i don't visit pol. is alphabet people gays or the feds?
>cheers as antifa and niggers burn down neighborhoods

hmm seems like you are the animals and stupid ones at that
In that episode there was also an elite upper class of business people (chuds) who didn't care about what happened in the Sanctuary district.
>make up boogeyman
>blame them for things chuds do
Why are you like this?
why not both?
Yes, more people should in fact think about the coup and questioning why the wannabe dictator who incited it is somehow still being considered for election instead of being hauled in front of a firing squad.
*Retarded noises*
>/pol/ppets actually getting their posts deleted
Fake and gay lol this has nothing to do with Trump you fake fuckers. Can't wait for November so I can watch all your videos crying about stupid shit.
chuds aren't taking this very well
>Republicans throw an easy race with this one neat trick
>Raw Story
>Half-baked loons
I hope Project 2025 is real and we get to execute faggots in the street or whatever.
Taylor Swift is actually trending down in google searches.
she has been overexposed for a few years now
What's the conspiracy?
You're mom's black.
Cool so where's my reparations?
Holy psyop, they're trying to divert attention from Agenda 2030.
I'm actually impressed.
Keep voting Democrat and you'll get them eventually. I swear.
What's the psyop?
Creating a fake conspiracy to discredit a real conspiracy - half of that shit listed is near-impossible, nevermind absurd.
POTUS does not have that power, this is just smoke & mirrors. Again.
They're just diverting attention from WEF machinations, with success.
Im definitely voting Trump. Multiple times.
>fake conspiracy
What's fake about it?
Same. Mail-in voting for Trump tens of thousands of times.
Ironically, most of the chuds online calling for executions would be on the list themselves for being degenerates
What if people read the plan and like it?
Then they're either dumb, morally bankrupt, or both.
>half of that shit listed is near-impossible
>POTUS does not have that power
If the executive decides to do what it wants, who's going to stop them? "John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it!"
What's it like being a 60 year old edgy contrarian?
Except gay people don't have the guts to do what we did and also they wouldn't have an issue with Biden stealing the white house anyways
The tranny mods who ran the website in order to create OPs pic, all for the sake of false flagging and psyopping the masses
I expect it's a lot better than being a brain dead leftist.
> Trump rolls up to your house in Prez.Choppa
> Seal Team Cuck busts down door
> You’re restrained as the sweaty, orange dripping POTUS strips
> Full Toad Chode
> “Offically, I’m going to enjoy this”

WWYD /pol/? Is it gonna be Trump is Love, Trump is Life or will you J6 his dick? You’re mainly bottom but if you behave and are a good boy you’ll be made to top (briefly). Rude and Rudy G. gets a turn too (but flipped, you’ll mainly top and he insists on kissing).
Project 2025 truthers are so sad. literal flat earthers
So I just checked Google Trends and it looks like shill faggots out of Portland, Louisville, and Washington D.C. are blasting it to make it a trend. Literally no one cares.
Resolute Square is a club of "TDS" lunatics per their mission statement:
And is a rebrand of the Lincoln Project for 2024.
Lincoln Project, is based in D.C. BTW.
Interesting stuff once you exit your bubble and actually start looking instead of spamming 10 thousand threads about a nothing trying to make it a thing.
Good post anon
>The political right has merged with the far right, and their propaganda machine is growing. Every hour of every day, dozens of radical, right-wing media outlets pump poison into the democratic bloodstream
... so we wanna do the exact same thing for the other team! Huehuehue
Still, the fact that paid DNC shills are talking about 2025 doesn't make it less real. It's not the Wehrmacht How-To book that the Left is making out to be, but it is a fairly radical policy book that calls for massively expanded Executive powers in the explicit interest of the Republican party. It was put out by a massive lobbying group with a proven record of success. You should decide if you support it with that in mind; moreover, you should actually read the thing. It's free.
According to Joseph Biden:
>This same group of advisors and allies got Trump to adopt most of their agenda in 2017
2017 was a good year. Completely free of Bidenflation. Simpler times. More prosperous times. If this is what Heritage is pushing, then I'll take it and Biden can go suck a fuck, if he can remember where to find one.

Also, I'm not reading 920 pages of your Mueller Report shit, fuckface.
Can I really not suggest that you read a book that you want to support before supporting it without triggering you? This isn't a political thing, I'm not trying to mislead you, it's just good practice. Personally, I'm entirely disenfranchised with both parties and couldn't really give less of a shit. Trump's going to win and we'll see what happens.
My main hope is that people will stop eating 3 courses of propaganda for every single meal sometime in the next 10 years. You're willing to look into the background of sources, and that's good, and it'll be even better if you don't limit yourself along arbitrary political lines.
>My main hope is that people will stop eating 3 courses of propaganda for every single meal sometime in the next 10 years.
Nearly every single word about Trump and his plans for the future, from the mouth of the democrats, has been an abject lie.
I really want project 2025 to be real, but it's never going to happen, which is why all this bullshit is even more annoying than regular democrat lying.
Nearly every word that has come out of every politician's mouth has been a lie for as long as I've been alive. You get honesty as an exception; the last time I clearly remember was when an upset Republican Senator told a news crew that they were completely lost on how to even begin to address the national debt. Those are the kinds of things that matter. Wealth inequality, longterm economic health, an actual education system, a court system that doesn't regularly violate the Sixth and Fourteenth Amendments, the environment, etcetera. Things that really impact a person's quality of life. You'll basically never hear any talking head seriously address any of it - you get vague promises, confused policy, and no results, every time. Especially wealth inequality, because they're all fucking rich.
That's what makes all this partisan slapfighting so frustrating. None of this shit matters to the vast majority of citizens, it's all a big game of gay chicken between two monolithic institutions that are corrupt to the core and have been for most of their existences. I was hopeful when Trump won in 2016, because even if I didn't really like the guy, I thought it showed that people were getting serious about really demanding some good out of the government. Now, 8 years later, it's all the same bullshit with an orange coat of paint. It's extremely demoralizing. I can't believe that Americans are ready to kill their fucking neighbors at the behest of some rich assholes in Washington DC. I really cannot believe we've fallen that far.
Sorry for the rant. If you believe in 2025, go for it. At least you'll believe in something that isn't just "fuck those other guys."
Who said I'm supporting it, and who said most of it is feasible.
I sure as shit don't support the Demogoons goonery. It definitely hasn't been working for anyone but faggots and illegal immigrants.
>Muh both sides.
Shut the fuck up faggot. The only path currently is total destruction of one party or civil war.
That's the only way you won't be a faggot in the future. Everyone has their gripes with both parties, but the damage of the Republicunts and Demotrash being locked in as the only two choices was done long before I was born and will continue for the foreseeable future no matter what myself, or fake "both sides'ers" think.
>The only path currently is total destruction of one party or civil war.
Do you really think this? What would anyone even gain out of this?
Which one? The destruction of one party? A civil war?
The destruction of one party would give rise to multiple contenders.
A civil war would make all the jewish faggots destroying the country flee to Israel.
What a stupid question. You must the faux-both sides'er from earlier. It's obvious you're faking it when you're encouraging people to read shit from an irrelevant thinktank and trying to act like both sides'ers aren't voting for Trump.
I guess some people really do want a civil war and that makes me unhappy. I get hating the political system, but hating your own country to the point that you actively hope for millions of citizens to die is beyond me. I'm pretty sure it wouldn't get rid of all the jews, either. Nobody's ever gotten all the jews out of anywhere.
Complete collapse of one political party is a better idea, in theory, but I don't know of any time in American history where the collapse of a party didn't immediately lead to the rise of another party of equal size. We've had party collapses before, we're still here.
I'm not being ironic here. What's happening to you, personally, that's so bad that you think these things are necessary?
Are you seriously denying the Holocaust right now?
Actual useless faggots who can quote DS9 episodes in this year of our lord + 2024

Find Jesus you useless fucks
I was thinking the same thing.
These are probably the redditfags calling you CHUD and incel.
>Nobody's ever gotten all the jews out of anywhere.
>Find Jesus you useless fucks
We need to find Gabriel Bell
>chuds hate DS9
Why would you hate the best Star Trek series?
A strong black man is the captain

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