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“I have no idea who is behind it,” the former president recently claimed on social media.

Many people Trump knows quite well are behind it.

Six of his former Cabinet secretaries helped write or collaborated on the 900-page playbook for a second Trump term. Four individuals Trump nominated as ambassadors were also involved, along with several enforcers of his controversial immigration crackdown. And about 20 pages are credited to his first deputy chief of staff.

In fact, at least 140 people who worked in the Trump administration had a hand in Project 2025, a CNN review found, including more than half of the people listed as authors, editors and contributors to “Mandate for Leadership,” the project’s extensive manifesto for overhauling the executive branch.

Dozens more who staffed Trump’s government hold positions with conservative groups advising Project 2025, including his former chief of staff Mark Meadows and longtime adviser Stephen Miller. These groups also include several lawyers deeply involved in Trump’s attempts to remain in power, such as his impeachment attorney Jay Sekulow and two of the legal architects of his failed bid to overturn the 2020 presidential election, Cleta Mitchell and John Eastman.

To quantify the scope of the involvement from Trump’s orbit, CNN reviewed online biographies, LinkedIn profiles and news clippings for more than 1,000 people listed on published directories for the 110 organizations on Project 2025’s advisory board, as well as the 200-plus names credited with working on “Mandate for Leadership.”

Overall, CNN found nearly 240 people with ties to both Project 2025 and to Trump, covering nearly every aspect of his time in politics and the White House – from day-to-day foot soldiers in Washington to the highest levels of his government. The number is likely higher because many individuals’ online résumés were not available.
I am very curious of how the MAGAfags coping saying "TRUMP HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH PROJECT 2025" are going to respond to this.
>Review found at least 140 people who worked for Trump are involved in Project 2025
Surprised status: Uncolored.
Why, the same way they respond to everything else that is inconvenient for them.
Ignore it, bury it in the right wing bubble, and keep lying.
Don’t care, still voting Trump
you have to be a citizen first
Majority of non-citizens and corpses vote blue no matter who.
Most of the chuds on this board seem to be calling it a conspiracy theory.
Where do you people get this shit from?
they called january 6 protesters antifa too. never expect a trumpfag not to eat his own
How else do you think your rotten vegetable for a god idol gets any votes? By creating votes out of thin air? Oh wait! He does that shit too. Now step aside and make room for Trump, the undeniable supreme ruler of this existence.
you will never suck trump's dick
chud headcanon is so wild
DNC can't spend anymore money on ol puddin brain so we'll be getting this boring ass crap for a while. Can you post about how Trump wears a diaper or something?
How much does Heritage.org pay you people to downplay this?
I don't need their chump change. I get paid by the mob to stuff mail-in ballot boxes.
That never happened outside of Sidney Powell's headcanon.
why would heritage complain about people spreading their own document R TARD
Cool site maybe ill donate $25 to them lol
Because of all the blowback they are getting.
Chud here. I support Project 2025 and could care less if Trump has anything to do with it, would actually support him even more if he did. I skimmed the document and it's full of good policy plans.
Why would any of us care to downplay this? It's a bog standard document expressing a desire to enact standard conservative policies. There's literally nothing in Project 2025 that is alarming to anyone who isn't some tranny libcuck
No one cares about trannies sending mean emails and hanging xerselves
You are desperately trying to downplay the scope of Heritage.org's plans to retool the entire government according to their wingnut proclivities. It's much more than a single document.
Wrong board
You sound more desperate deeeesu
Tens of millions of people care
Trump called it gay and retarded, so does he oppose what you want or is he just a liar?
Trump did not call it gay and retarded, he lied and said he never heard of it when he gave speeches about it before.
Project 2025 thread number 15 let's gooooo
it's a huge story whether it makes you seethe or not
It's not. Thanks again Lincoln Project, nutsacks.
It is. You don't get to decide.
Sure I do. It's not a huge story just because you're trying to make it huge to distract from a doddering old sack of shit presidential candidates fuck ups.
No one cares.
Why are Democrats so addicted to fearmongering?
You can't force people to not care.
Democrats didn't invent Project 2025.
You mean like you do about immigrants and gays?
Thread number 15 of nothing but:
Watching you squirm over it is great

So how are you coping with Trump's impending 2nd term?
Haha cry more bidenfaggots you can't turn me
Well Trump's still coming to power love you better used to it and stop seething.
there's over 1,000 people involved. If leftists could understand math you would see that this report actually means the vast majority of the people involved in the 2025 Project have no ties to Trump. Obviously some are going to have ties to Trump, if you took 1,000+ liberals at liberal non-profits and media, you would find some with Democrat ties too. Jen Psaki works for NBC now, does that mean everything on NBC is some secret plan by the Biden administration?
I didn't say you have to believe it's bad
I say I don't have to believe. But then, you can't spell 'Believe' without the word Lie. Including yours, >>1313315
That's why I only accept facts. No 'Alternative' ones allowed.
Mike Howell doesn't like those who expose facts.
Good post
Yes they pretty much did
imagine bitter, childless neets thinking getting rid of divorce would popular
>Yes they pretty much did
There are no liberals, progressives, or democrats employed by The Heritage Foundation.

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