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Turmoil has engulfed Washoe County, Nevada, the home of Reno and the second-most populous area of Nevada outside the Las Vegas metropolitan area, after Republicans on the county commission refused to certify an election.

According to USA Today, the three Republican members of the commission, which make up a majority of the five seats, refused to certify the results of the primary, claiming that the recounts for candidates Mark Lawson in Washoe County Commission District 4 and Paul White in Washoe County School Board Trustee District G, both Republicans who narrowly lost, require "further investigation," in the words of Commissioner Clara Andriola.

At issue in the decision to not certify the result was a printing error in a small precinct during early voting in May, and issues with tabulation machines that caused a delay in counting — but per acting Washoe County registrar Cari-Ann Burgess, the recount did not turn up any discrepancies.

Ironically, Andriola was herself the candidate Lawson was running against. She had drawn the anger of local Republicans by consistently voting to certify elections the rest of the party disputed, but in this case she finally moved to reject the results herself.

Nevada Secretary of State Cisco Aguilar and state Attorney General Aaron Ford, both Democrats, have stated that the commissioners have violated state law, and will be asking the state Supreme Court to order them to certify the election. "It is unacceptable that any public officer would undermine the confidence of their voters," said Aguilar.

The disputed recounts were both funded by Robert Beadles, a local businessman and GOP donor who has pushed election fraud conspiracy theories.
The Washoe County commissioners will also be responsible for certifying election results in the November presidential election, for a critical county that has historically leaned Republican but has trended left in recent years and narrowly backed Democrats in almost every statewide race since 2016. Trump's failure to hold down Democratic margins in Washoe County was a big factor in his loss in the state in 2020, and it will likely be a big focus of early vote election observers in the fall, as political observers try to forecast whether recent polls suggesting Trump has improved his standing in Nevada will bear out.
>The disputed recounts were both funded by Robert Beadles, a local businessman and GOP donor who has pushed election fraud conspiracy theories.
No wonder.
>won't certify their own primary because a conservative billionaire told them not to
>in a race one of them won
How do they expect to keep their jobs?
Hey, it's actually happening. They were talking about this as a possibility back in 2020-2021, with the GOP installing low-level officials across the US. Neat. We could actually be watching the American election system die in real time.
Where are all the conservicunts screeching about elections?
Oh, Nevada is a closed primary, so they have nothing to screech about.
Guess they'll just silently ignore this one.
I mean if they won't even certify their own primary because some billionaire thinks it will own the libs, I don't think the libs are going to complain.
It could be a dry run. They refuse to certify here to see what happens so that they have a legal argument in place for more important elections.
That said, I don't really see the point when Trump is guaranteed to win anyway.
MOM! They're investigating the elections AGAIN!
It's their own primary which one of them won by a landslide. No democrats were involved whatsoever. What are they supposed to be investigating?
Their own employees already investigated and found nothing wrong.
Good good.
No it is not.
Refusing to certify because a billionaire paid you and "investigating" are two different things.

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