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Former President Donald Trump has tried to distance himself in recent days from the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025, despite telling the group in 2022 that they were crafting the “groundwork and detailed plans for exactly what our movement will.”

NBC News’s Vaughn Hillyard shared a clip from Trump’s keynote address at Heritage’s annual leadership conference, in which the former president said, “Our country is going to hell. The critical job of institutions such as Heritage is to lay the groundwork.”

“And Heritage does such an incredible job at that. This is a great group, and they’re going to lay the groundwork and detailed plans for exactly what our movement will do and what your movement will do when the American people give us a colossal mandate to save America. And that’s coming, that’s coming,” Trump declared.

The Heritage Foundation and its Project 2025 have been front and center in the 2024 presidential campaign as Democrats sound the alarm over the plan.

Project 2025 is a sweeping 920-page plan that would reshape the U.S. government and institute many of the hard right’s long-sought-after desires, including more limits on abortion, abolishing the Department of Education, ending workplace protections for LGBTQ people, limiting the U.S. role in NATO, and a dramatic build-up of nuclear weapons.

NBC News reported on Project 2025’s designs for reshaping the federal workforce:
"The proposal’s most dramatic shift would be to reclassify thousands of federal jobs, allowing Trump to fire career employees and replace them with his picks. This would be the most dramatic shift in the federal workforce since the 1880s, when reformers ended the partisan “spoils system,” which led to incompetence, graft and corruption within federal agencies."
Heritage.org shills on suicide watch
biden is completely collapsing so theyre spamming this fearmonger scare campaign hard
>people who decry everything as a conspiracy theory are now full on peddling a conspiracy theory
what's the theory?
Trump posted about it
It's a bizarre conspiracy theory that Trump is somehow connected to the group he gave speeches for, praised nonstop, has 240 of his employees working for, and already implemented their Mandate for Leadership policies for when he was president.
theres like 10 posts made about it on this board
it's a big news story
You want it to be.
Clearly it's exactly the same as Republicans saying 2020 was stolen because ballots were made out of bamboo, or whatever.
You want it not to be
Trump keeps lying and the truth keeps coming out. Sorry.
>Another Project 2025 fearporn propaganda thread
Anyway, did y'all see Biden's latest gaffs? Accidentally saying Vice President Trump and introducing Zelensky as Putin? Hah hah hah, what a zombie! Thankfully nothing can distract us from how senile he is!

>it's a big shill story to cover for Biden
>Leftists keeps lying about Biden being senile and trying to cover it up with fear mongering propaganda but the truth keeps coming out. Sorry.

So did you believe the propaganda for four years about Biden not being senile? Or did you know it was false and you willingly participated in covering up the truth?

Which is it?
Please stay on topic. This thread isn't about Biden.
It actually is.
Biden's horrible debate is why you faggots are making 5x threads a day on this
Is this something someone said or something you're just assuming?
>This thread isn't about Biden.
Every project 2025 thread is about Biden- if Biden wasn't a senile zombie, Project 2025 wouldn't have been trotted out as a distraction by the left

Also, answer the question: Are you gullible and did you believe the lies for four years? Or are you immoral and a willing participant in the coverup?
It's something you are unable to realize being as dumb as you are.
It's election season. Dems currently have nothing positive to say about Biden and they want to build support. Their solution is to scare people over a think tank doc and trick them into claiming its trump-approved when all he's done is call it abysmal

Democrats vote based on fear. It's been proven. Democrats vote for who the DNC tells them to vote for because they are tricked into being afraid of the consequences of voting freely. That's why the DNC is running a dead man who is even less liked than trump, because they've scared their base into believing a dead man is the only way to stop an existential threat.

You people are a joke.
>10 threads created on project 2025 since the debate
>Only 2 threads *ever* on it in the whole year it existed leading up to the debate
This thread is definitely about Biden
What do you mean? Is there something in Trump's policies people should be scared about?
Can we get your answer on Biden being senile already?

Are you gullible and did you believe the lies for four years? Or are you immoral and a willing participant in the coverup?
Okay so this is just an assumption then. Thanks for clearing that up with the lack of quotes
Did you want to talk about policy or internet memes?
So you were complicit in the cover up, gotcha
Still voting Trump
>I'm rubber you're glue
Absolutely seething kek
What was your favorite part of ol' Parkinsons Joe talking yesterday? Him referring to Zelensky as Putin or "Vice President Trump"?
I liked the part where the seething retard kept trying to derail the thread because he runs interference for the Republican party free of charge
>mad because your propaganda thread you made to distract people from Biden being senile is being overridden by people correctly pointing out that your trying to distract from Biden being senile
Keep whining pissbaby, it's not working. Every Project 2025 thread is a Biden thread and will be redirected into discussing Biden's senility that you're trying and failing to cover up.

You can spam as many Project 2025 agitprop threads as you like, they're all going back to the same place- Biden's senility and your pitiful cover up attempt.

Don't like it? Don't come to /news/.
>Don't like it? Don't come to /news/.
Oh holy shit we've got a genuine internet tough guy here
If we didn't post about your lying candidate and your party's awful platform no one wants, what would you do with your day?
My favorite part was him storming off stage when a journalist asked him about it
Good post
>your party's awful platform no one wants,
That party is currently winning by every metric.
I think you need to make another project 2025 thread to detract from that fact
>That party is currently winning by every metric.
Incorrect. Trump is winning by every metric, but the party is not.
Even with a senile bag of bones on the presidential ticket, Dems are on track to take back the House and possibly even hold the Senate despite twice as many Dem Senators being up for reelection as Repubs
That's how unpopular your party's platform is
Honestly, Trump getting back in the White House with Dems controlling Congress is best case scenario. He's going to be even more of a fuck up than he was the first time around, won't be able to accomplish anything, and by the time 2028 rolls around America will be so tired of Trump and Republicans Democrats will see an Obama 2008 level landslide
If another project2025 story comes out in a reputable news source I'll post it here just for you.
You must have missed John Oliver's big story on it from a month ago.
It's literally all they have
This is what deluded republicans actually believe
>Trump lies about his involvement in something
Many such cases
especially if Trump gets caught lying about something
Based. Trump should praise Project 2025, it's worthy of praise. It's good policy plan and liberals have STILL not been able to explain to me what is so wrong with it. It's just a long list of standard conservative policies, and let's be honest, knowing our slow as fuck government, 75% of it won't even happen
why do you think trump is lying about being involved with it
How much is Heritage.org paying you?
>thinks a massive expansion of presidential powers is a good thing
>wants to fire all the experts in every government department and replace them with political cronies
>wants to privatize vital governmental functions like the National Weather Service and the FDA
>wants to get rid of public schools in favor of religious and for-profit private schools
This agenda is almost universally unpopular outside of the right wing bubleworld, but by all means keep telling yourself these are actually good things and that Trump is going to win by endorsing them. It's hilarious how badly you people are going to lose to a rotting corpse.
Your """experts""" are already partisan political cronies
"The experts are all political cronies" is a GOP campaign slogan.
just another example of them whining about something made up to excuse their actual crimes
It's OK when we do it though. We're complaining because you might do it, because it's effective when we do it.
i'm a right wing faggot and i think about genitals all day
Still voting Trump
Have you considered that being correct about the industry you're an expert in isn't a political position?
Was the CDC being political when they went against Trump's recommendation to shine light into people and possibly inject them with cleaning agents?
same but I also think about troons all day
No one has ever fired all the experts in government before
>Scientists disagree with my policy positions.
>Could my favored policies be flawed?
>No, the scientists must be shills!
I almost hope this gets through because it means President AOC is going to destroy LITERALLY everything they've built within a year.
>President AOC
Yeah that's going to happen lmao
read the op story
S always moving goalposts with you guys.

It's a good set of policies.
It's a good set of policies with flaws.
It's not a good set of policies but, most of it won't get implemented anyway.

How about pass the actual helpful policies that Dems have been working on for decades?
Funny enough, the coomers have the most to fear from P2025 as one of its goals is to outlaw the creation and possession of porn and hentai.
Biden is senile. He should not be running. His supporters scandalously hid it and are now trying to gaslight us all. Biden is looking very weak and erratic now that the spotlight is on him. The emperor has no clothes. This is all plain to see. Trump is also senile, but Biden is way further along than Trump is. I hate Biden, but I still hate Trump more. Trump asks me "are you better off four years ago" and I think "no, we were in the middle of a shitty and confounding Covid response and a global economic depression." Today, Trump is the one talking about being a dictator and having vengeance against not just opposition politicians, but the "vermin" who vote them into power, especially when the supreme court has just given the executive effective immunity from prosecution for abusing military assets (say, droning Americans).
There is no one more addicted to fearmongering and being miserable than the average liberal
The Heritage Foundation isn't liberal
That's every day though
Is it really that hard for you to figure out why Trump is pretending he doesn't know about it?
Good post
>shillman just bumped every project 2025 thread on the board
Take your meds schizo
>ban porn
>Trump dictatorship
No one agrees with this except other chuds and Heritage.org shills.
It's called Project 2025 because if Democrats say it 2025 times 1 person might forget Biden has been the worst president in living memory. And might forget he has no intention of protecting access to abortion. And might forget he's laundered millions to his own accounts through Ukraine. And might forget the other 2021 reasons his lying, elderly ass should be put to pasture.
Do you honestly think that anyone cares at this point? Do you actually believe that the people who are still planning to vote for Trump are going to have their minds changed this late in the game?
Why don't you read some of the coverage of the story and find out. They interview plenty of voters who say exactly what you're describing.
>They interview plenty of voters who say exactly what you're describing.
If you actually believe that those were legitimate then you're beyond help. No one who still supports Trump is going to have their minds changed by nonsense like this. You think they would support him through his entire presidency, though all the shit that followed the 2020 election, through his countless scandals and felony conviction, but being told that he secretly wants to pass right wing legislation is going to make them change their minds after supporting him for a decade?

Come on.
>Biden has been the worst president in living memory
That isn't how you spell Donald J. Trump
>I don't believe news stories
Then why are you on this board?
>right wing legislation
Good try at downplaying "the second american revolution" but you're not going to make people any less interested in the story. If anything the people constantly trying to Streisand it has already backfired and now even more people want to read news coverage about it.
>Then why are you on this board?
Because I saw this thread on the front page and it blows my mind that people like you are so deluded that you think that there's still some rational debate to be had over politics, as if you can add one more scandal to the unimaginably massive pile of Trump scandals and surely THIS ONE will convince all his supporters to change their minds. Nothing in the past 10 years has but this, THIS must be the one.

>n-no, you must be on the Other Team and trying to distract people from the story! my political outreach on 4chan is very effective!
God damn it must be depressing to be direction brained to this extent. Son, I haven't voted a single time in my entire life and I'm certainly not planning to start any time soon. I'm not on any of your little political teams, I'm just telling you that people made up their minds a long time ago and if Trump being a convicted felon doesn't make them change, this shit won't either.
people are interested because the whole thing is so damn goofy, it feels like the Democrats are the new National Lampoon.
>people are interested because the whole thing is so damn goofy
Where are you seeing this? I'd like to go there and laugh at those people.
Thank you for the information; I'm still casting my vote for President Trump.
Australians can't vote.
Good thing I'm an American, and a patriot.
Can't believe Turmp faked an assassination attempt just to get Project 2025 out of the news...
did he actually praise project 2025 specifically, on ame, in 4k, or just the foundation group behind it?
Just like Benedict Arnold.
all of you are lowkey retarded
"he has 240 employees working for him" - the source on that is wikipedia! and their source is a political blog with **no outside sources linked**
"his press secretary worked for them" - his press secretary that was fired after 9 months and he publicly said was a dumbass? wow! im moved!
"trump talked about them at a speech" - trump spoke at an event he was invited to during midterm season and thanked the hosts!! this must mean he loves them, definitely not a political move that politicians make all the time
"but.. but... they made project 2025 and he took their money to speak!!" - do you not know how think thanks are organized?!?! childlike view on politics
"he praises them 24/7" - he mentioned the foundation once before project 2025 then condemned project 2025 on truth social!!
you guys have drank so much blue koolaid you look like the blueberry man from Charlie and the chocolate factory!!
You seem desperate. Cognitive dissonance does that I suppose.

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