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Democrat plans are destroyed, foiled by a real-life interpretation of Weekend at Bernie's concluding with another Biden meltdown
Dems had a plan to win the House. Then Biden melted down.
To win back the House, Democrats were already going to have to outrun the president. Now it’s even harder.

House Democrats anguished over President Joe Biden’s spiral are consumed by one question: Can anything save their chances of flipping the House?

So far only three endangered Democrats have publicly called for Biden to leave the presidential race. But behind the scenes, the dozens of battleground members and candidates whose races will determine the House majority are in a “hair-on-fire” level of panic, in the words of one House aide.

Battleground members have placed urgent calls to leadership and Biden’s team, commissioned new polls back home and even mulled sending a letter to Biden himself, according to more than a dozen lawmakers, aides and operatives who work on competitive congressional races.

And one group of battleground Democrats even told House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries this week that Vice President Kamala Harris would be a better than Biden, according to a person familiar with the exchange.

They always knew they would need to outperform Biden in their districts. Many fear the political gravity may be too much to overcome — and Republicans will win full control of the federal government

“Is he going to take the whole ship down?” one House Democrat close to leadership said, speaking to describe the party’s turbulence.

So far 14 members — and counting — have called on Biden to bow out of the race, mostly from safe blue seats. Others have said he has no chance to beat former President Donald Trump and started to position themselves as a check on his power. The rest are watching and waiting nervously, some with pre-drafted statements in case of another Biden flub.
Dem suffering turns me on
“This is one of the most significant moments in American history,” said Rep. Greg Landsman, a Democrat who flipped a Cincinnati-based district in 2022. “I’m deeply concerned that if we don’t get this right, our democracy will be imperiled.”

Some campaigns and outside groups have started asking donors to push money toward the House as a bulwark against Trump. That’s a pitch some were already making but has taken on far more urgency in recent weeks as fear has grown that Republicans will take both the White House and Senate.

Democrats need to flip only a handful of seats to retake control of the chamber, and they began the cycle with a clear strategy to oust the several Republicans who hold blue-leaning seats in places like New York and California. But even before the debate, Biden’s flailing poll numbers — including in seats he carried by double-digit margins in 2020 —were narrowing their path back to power.
“I feel like I can outrun Biden, and I will need to,” said one Democratic member in a competitive district. “He was losing my district before the debate.”

Then tens of millions of Americans watched as Biden stumbled through a disastrous debate performance that has sparked questions about his ability to continue as the party’s nominee.

“It makes it much tougher I think for a lot of us,” said the member, who was granted anonymity to speak candidly. “There’s a lot of frustration out there. I think there’s just a real need for leadership in the House right now.”
Lmao Biden is currently the least liked president in history lmao
Must be very depressing to be a democrat cultist right about now
Naah he's still going to win, and watching you people jump through hoops to try and distract from project2025 is hilarious.
Go make another project 2025 article, shill
Maybe people outside of your fearporn circle jerk will start caring.
You people have only made 12 so far since the debate, why not make it 13?
>Go make another project 2025 article
Biden is an immense embarrassment. I’m glad I jumped ship a while ago. I know it’s not likely but best case scenario is trump wins in a LANDSLIDE.
you can stop false flagging now
Trump is still the least popular. Biden has a ways to fall before hitting Trumps bedrock.
Cope and lies. YWNBAW
Way to insert genitals into the conversation for no reason, weirdo
Demonstrably false.
Look at the op image
You're the first person to bring up genitals you fkn weirdo
Look. I get it. I used to be a trump voter too, I used to love how trump talks down on gay people, but look, I've studied a lot of world history and trump is nothing but bad news. He displays 16 of the 22 signs of fascism according to Cortlaliado et al. Let me ask you, have you heard of Project 2025? It hasn't been talked about much yet but it's a big deal. Nearly 95% of it is sourced from the 25 point plant used by a certain government of post-weimar Germany. Nothing good can come of this. Did you realize he is a convicted criminal just like Hitler?

I impore you anon. Biden is going to win this year. Have you seen trumps approval rating? Voting for trump doesn't matter because he's a criminal. Do the right thing
ummm rot brain ?
You don't have any (not anymore anyways) so why do you care?
Lmao fkn burn anon, send him some burn cream if your going to ream him like that lol
This is the only non-bot leftist post on the entire fucking board.

But I still disagree
>Nothing good can come of this.
God I wish
>an obviously satirical shitpost is the only non-bot leftist post on all of /news/
World's smartest /pol/tard, everyone.
autistic people don't comprehend satire, sarcasm, or parody
>Biden is going to win this year
Nuh uh keep coping.
Mark my words, the Democrat Party will force Biden to step down.

They don't give a shit about anything other then beating Trump to keep their insane Western civilization destroying policies in place and since Trump is a spazz and a loose cannon, pretty much any Dem candidate other than Biden can beat him.
>Mark my words, the Democrat Party will force Biden to step down
I agree. They will do it because that's the only way they are going to stand a chance against Trump
The democrat party is melting the fuck down
>Mark my words, the Democrat Party will force Biden to step down.
There is absolutely nothing anyone can do to make Biden step down, unless he just decides to do it himself.

Dems lack the ability to force a vote on the 25th Amendment (that they loved to brag about doing under Trump-weird) and there's nothing they can do except whine and cry and beg. Biden won't do it, especially because Jill Biden likes being Pres-, sorry, the "first lady" too much.
>Mark my words, the Democrat Party will force Biden to step down.
They're fucked either way, it is simply way too late to replace a candidate like this. For one thing, all the money raised for Biden outside of PACs has to be refunded so that leaves them on a huge fund deficit. Then you have the issue of having to raise the profile of whoever they replace him with in less than four months which is going to be an extremely hard sell when they have to deal with the shadow of replacing a dementia patient. Then of course you have Biden's massive ego who will refuse to go down in history as the president that had to resign because he was dumb enough to run despite obviously going senile. Some of those above issues could be sidestepped by just going with Harris but even then she in some cases has an even worse favorability rating and still has to deal with all the Biden record baggage since she's technically part of it. They might have squeaked by if they replaced Biden early in the primary process but now their only chance is to do damage control for him.
All of these.
Good posts.
These as well. Good posts.
>He displays 16 of the 22 signs of fascism according to Cortlaliado et al.
This isn't even a thing. You made it up

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