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Biden's chances of winning the election without widespread fraud just cratered after his recent press conference where he referred to Zelensky as Putin and Harris as Vice President Trump.

He also stormed off after the debate in a fit of abrupt anger, a common tell-tale sign of dementia
Joe Biden's Chances of Becoming President Crash After Press Conference

odds of Joe Biden winning the 2024 presidential election in November collapsed from 4/1 (20 percent) on Thursday morning to 8/1 (11.1 percent) on Friday, following a series of gaffes from the president during media events, according to U.K.-based bookmaker Betfair.

Biden mistakenly called Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky "President Putin" and described Vice President Kamala Harris as "Vice President Trump" at two separate events on Thursday during the NATO summit in Washington, D.C.

Concern about the age and mental agility of 81-year-old Biden surged following his first presidential debate against Donald Trump on June 27, in which the Democratic incumbent at several points appeared to lose his train of thought mid-sentence.

In response, several prominent Democrats have called for Biden to step down, including members of Congress and actor and Democratic fundraiser George Clooney, who wrote a piece for The New York Times titled "I Love Joe Biden. But We Need a New Nominee."

The William Hill odds on Biden not being the Democrats' 2024 presidential nominee also surged from 1/2 (66.7 percent) on Thursday to 1/3 (75 percent) on Friday morning.

Corresponding to Biden's decline in chances, the odds of Vice President Kamala Harris winning the presidency in November shortened from 15/2 (11.8 percent) on Thursday to 7/2 (22.8 percent) Friday morning.

William Hill spokesperson Lee Phelps said: "Biden's news conference at the NATO summit was another test of his credentials following last month's disastrous performance.
"In light of George Clooney's critical column in The New York Times, Biden's chances of reelection were already lengthening, and his odds have now gone from 4/1 to 8/1 in the space of just 24 hours.

"Another underwhelming showing in front of the media has also meant his odds of NOT being the Democrat nominee are now 1/3, having been 1/2 on Thursday morning."

Newsweek reached out to Joe Biden's 2024 presidential election campaign and the White House press office for comment via email outside of usual business hours.

Shortly after Biden's press conference on Thursday in which he called Harris "Vice President Trump," Connecticut Representative Jim Himes posted a statement on X, formerly Twitter, praising Biden's presidency but urging him to step aside for November.

"Joe Biden's record of public service is unrivaled. His accomplishments are immense. His legacy as a great president is secure," Himes wrote. "He must not risk that legacy, those accomplishments and American democracy to soldier on in the face of the horrors promised by Donald Trump."

Illinois House Democrat Eric Sorensen also urged Biden to step aside in a statement posted to X, commenting: "I am hopeful President Biden will step aside in his campaign for President."

Biden has thus far insisted he will remain in the presidential race. He blamed his debate performance on jet lag after claiming he was "traveling around the world a couple of times" in the run-up to the debate.
It's been joever since the debate. Democrats are rydin' with Biden right off the edge of a cliff
One can hope - Biden is an embarrassment.
Ngl, watching the democrat party right now is like watching a train detailing in slow motion
At this point they are just chanting "project 2025" and while going to town on giving Biden sloppy toppies
Biden! Biden! Biden! Biden!
Is he lost again?
the debate will be old, forgotten news by the election. People really, really hate Donald Trump. Biden will be fine
>according to U.K.-based bookmaker Betfair
Redcoats in control
and yet biden still manages to have lower favorability than the trump that people really, really, really hate. sure, people hate trump, but the people who hate trump are the people who still hate trump from last election.

biden won the election in 2020 by 1% in battleground states. this means that if even 1% of voters abandon biden he's fucking toast. and he's toast.
Clips like "we beat medicare" are going to be repeated in attack ads. There's a second debate coming up and it's going to be worse. It's joever.
that makes sense, most Republicans are cultists that could never dare see fault with their candidate. People who will vote for Biden in opposition to Trump dont have that issue
>according to U.K.-based bookmaker Betfair
>Redcoats in control
So has Joe taken advice from British Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer? Look at how he destroyed the Conservatives just last week.
And how the left destroyed the right in France.
Time for a new Democrat candidate to destroy Trump? Perhaps Labour - Red - controlled the Dems' thinking.
they shot at trump but biden died
really makes you think
Why do people think that this will help Trump's chances? I know this will energize his base, but what kind of Independent looks at this and gets convinced to vote for Trump?
The kind that see leftist lunatics mentally breaking.
Most leftists have been condemning the assassination attempt though? Even retards like Bernie.
It's easy to say you don't agree with it, even though you really want it.
>even though you really want it
Is this a tacit admission that MAGA types really want to see violence against Biden?
BOOOO-iden! BOOOO-iden!

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