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Security guard who plotted to kidnap Holly Willoughby with chloroform before raping and murdering her is sentenced to life in prison with a minimum term of 15 years


A depraved 35-stone security guard who plotted to kidnap, murder and rape Holly Willoughby has been sentenced to life in prison with a minimum term of 15 years.

Gavin Plumb had plotted to ambush the former This Morning presenter at her London home in the dead of night, using chloroform to knock Ms Willoughby and her husband Dan Baldwin.

In his twisted plan, he would have taken the 43-year-old captive, holding her in an isolated 'dungeon' which he described as 'death row', repeatedly raping her before slitting her throat and murdering her.

Handing Plumb concurrent life sentences with a minimum term of 16 years for each of his three offences – minus 280 days spent on remand – the judge said they had been 'particularly brutal and degrading'.

While Plumb's 'gross obesity' meant the plot was 'unlikely to succeed', Mr Edward Justice Murray added: 'It's fortunate you didn't' succeed in finding one or more others who were physically more able.'

The defendant, who stood as the sentence was read out, initially showed no reaction but after hearing the words 'take him down', he turned to the female security guard and muttered: 'Fifteen years to kill myself.'
While the judge said: 'I'm satisfied that these offences have had a life-changing impact for her both privately and professionally.

'In addressing the impact of your offending, I bear in mind the broader effect of these types of offences on women in general who should not be made to feel unsafe as they go about their business.'

Plumb's 'carefully planned' plot, some details of which were 'so depraved and vile' that they were not reported by the media, was said to have a 'catastrophic' and 'life changing' impact on Ms Willoughby.

Mr Justice Murray said he had 'no doubt' the security guard's plans for Holly Willoughby were 'considerably more than a fantasy'.

He said: 'Over a number of years, you pursued an unhealthy sexual obsession with Holly Willoughby that led you ultimately to plan over that period to kidnap, to rape and to murder her.

'You intended to harm her husband and her children as part of your plan.'

The judge added: "The jury saw through your various lies that you told at the trial, and convicted you of these offences."

'I have no doubt that this was all considerably more than a fantasy to you.'

The judge continued: 'Your plan was hopelessly unrealistic for a number of reasons - including your poor physical health - but you clearly thought it was feasible.
'You always intended to carry out your plan to kidnap, rape and kill Ms Willoughby, but only if you could find the right man or men - the right 'crew' as you sometimes called it - to help you do it.

He added: 'There is no doubt that if you had genuinely found one or more accomplices who were seriously interested in and had been willing to join you in carrying your plan through then you would have put this plan into action.'

Plumb planned his 'home invasion' of Ms Willoughby's London property with accomplices he met on the web.

As part of his online chats, the defendant sent a potential accomplice a video of restraint 'kit' items laid out on a bed, Chelmsford Crown Court heard.

In a message from Plumb read to the court, he outlined the masked raid, saying: 'We break in when they are in bed, we hold both at a weapon point, tell both to roll over on there [sic] fronts with there [sic] hands behind their backs. With Dan we use the metal cable ties, with Holly we'll use the handcuffs etc…'

He planned to use chloroform on Holly and her husband Dan Baldwin while striking in the dead of night.

Jurors heard that Plumb assembled a 'restraint kit', which he filmed laid out on his bed. Hand and ankle shackles, a ball gag, cat o'nine tails, metal cable ties and rope were among the items said to have been put together by the 37-year-old.

Earlier in the trial the jury heard Plumb, of Harlow, Essex, discussing a 'dungeon-style room' big enough for a bed where the 43-year-old presenter would be held captive.

He allegedly said the things he planned to do to the former This Morning host would put him on 'death row'.
Plumb had 'highly sexualised' conversations with his online contacts about Ms Willoughby and other celebrities and had 'millions' of saved images, many deep fake porn.

Plumb first revealed his intention to target Ms Willoughby with a post on a forum called 'Abduct Lovers', which was being monitored by an undercover police officer based in Minnesota.

Plumb told the officer, who was using the pseudonym David Nelson, that he was 'definitely serious' about his plot to kidnap Ms Willoughby, leaving the officer with the impression that there was an 'imminent threat' to her.

The policeman had never heard of the TV presenter but felt sufficiently concerned about her safety that he contacted Plumb to find out more about his plans.

While the US-based officer's real name will never be known to protect his safety and avoid jeapordising future investigations, his work was absolutely crucial to bringing Plumb to justice.

Mr Nelson told Chelmsford Crown Court that Abduct Lovers was a group on an encrypted messaging app called Kik where users discussed kidnap, rape, and murder.

The officer, who specialises in using social media to identify planned abductions, rapes and murders, said Plumb came to his attention on October 3 last year after posting four photos of Ms Willoughby, who he didn't recognise at the time, with the words 'the one in the public eye that I want'.
Detective Chief Inspector Greg Wood, of Essex Police, the senior investigating officer in the case of Gavin Plumb, said outside court the defendant was a 'dangerous individual'.

'He's a dangerous individual with a history of kidnapping women and girls,' Mr Wood said.

'He tried to claim throughout the trial that he was an obsessive fan and a fantasist - that is simply not true.

'He planned this attack on Ms Willoughby over a two-year period, scoping her movements, seeking help from others and buying items to incapacitate and inflict violence.'

'It has demonstrated that we all have much to do to stamp it out of society.

'It cannot be right that men like Gavin Plumb are able to join online forums where they freely vent their hatred towards women and girls and plot to cause them harm.

'We need everyone to stand up and call out misogyny and to report those causing violence towards women and girls.

'He is not a fantasist - he is a calculating sexual predator who has spent his adult life seeking to inflict violence on women.

'Today I pay tribute to Ms Willoughby and the other women who Gavin Plumb sought to harm.

'Their bravery has helped us protect other women and I thank them for their courage.'
I thought Bam Bam Bigelow died years ago.
>a fantasist
>a minimum term of 15 years
I guess there is a bad way to fantasize
Holly fucking deserved it
>While Plumb's 'gross obesity' meant the plot was 'unlikely to succeed', Mr Edward Justice Murray added: 'It's fortunate you didn't' succeed in finding one or more others who were physically more able.'
LMAO, judge bringing the bants
>15 years in prison for you, fatty. Too bad you were too fucking fat to actually pull off your crime you fat fuck
OK he's obviously a sick fuck, but he literally did nothing and was sentenced to prison.
What's up with Eurotards?
And the fat fuck is doing life for achieving nothing
Imagine having such a low opinion of yourself that some 50 year old hag grandma is the target of your obsessive fantasies
Justice system working as intended. Good shit.

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