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LOS ANGELES (AP) — A New Mexico judge dismissed the involuntary manslaughter case against Alec Baldwin over the fatal shooting of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins in a sudden move Friday.

Judge Mary Marlowe Sommer dismissed the case based on the misconduct of police and prosecutors over the withholding of evidence from the defense. She said the case cannot be filed again.

Baldwin, the lead actor and co-producer of the film “Rust,” was pointing a gun at Hutchins during a rehearsal on the set outside Santa Fe in October 2021 when the gun went off, killing her and wounding director Joel Souza. Baldwin has said he pulled back the hammer — but not the trigger — and the gun fired.

He and other producers still face civil lawsuits from Hutchins’ parents and sister, which white collar defense attorney Mark Sedlander told The Associated Press are more common for workplace accidents like the fatal shooting.

“By civil law standards, it is common for someone like Mr. Baldwin to be held responsible for what happened, but it is relatively unusual in the criminal context,” Sedlander said in an interview before the case was dismissed.
Whether “Rust” will be released is still unclear. The plot follows Baldwin as a Western outlaw who works to break his grandson out of prison after he is convicted of an accidental murder. Filming wrapped in 2023, and producers have said finishing the film was meant to honor Hutchins’ artistic vision and generate money for her young son.

The career of the “30 Rock” star and frequent “Saturday Night Live” host — who has been a household name for more than three decades — had been put into doubt, and he could have gotten 18 months in prison if convicted.

In June, amid the looming trial, Baldwin and his wife, Hilaria, announced they would appear in a reality series about their large family. He shares seven young kids with Hilaria and one adult daughter, Ireland Baldwin, with his ex-wife, Kim Basinger.

The TLC series, tentatively titled “The Baldwins,” is set to release in 2025.
Hannah Gutierrez's legal team have said they are going to try for a dismissal now

Whatever way you look at it. Hannah is guilty because it was her job to know. Baldwin is also guilty simply because he was the film Producer. It was his job to know an control everything. He hired Hannah when she wasn't qualified to do the job of 4 people.

Prosecutors fucked it though.
>Prosecution corruptly hid Brady material
Not a technicality, lmao.
The Technician and the Cop were really fucking smug on the witness stand. The Prosecutor was a complete bitch.

Hopefully, their careers are over for fucking up by lying
>Alec Baldwin walks free out of court after case dropped
>rightards impotently seethe
Getting a bit, shall we say, Rust-y o gunfuckers? Shot yourselves in the foot, much?
In Soviet legal system, guilty is you.
>'I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose any voters'
>Republicans Against Trump: 2020
>The midterms 'Red Wave' that wasn't a trickle
Baldwin did shoot someone and wasn't found guilty. Time to put your cultists' money where your mouth is now, Trumpy.
Take your meds. He never should have been charged in the first place.
>He never should have been charged in the first place.
He fucking shot & killed someone
I hope Alec Baldwin is shot to death for being a smarmy piece of shit bitch.
But I agree, he shouldn't have been charged.
Yes, but there was no known intent to do so on his part so charges should have never been brought.
Someone handed him a prop gun that turned out to be loaded.
You can guarantee that Baldwin's gonna sue
Kari Morrissey's a bit too "special" a special prosecutor. Supposed to be an expert in civil rights too.
This will lead to MULTIPLE lawsuits, Baldwin and the victim's family will both sue and Baldwin's production company and any entities that suffered operational or reputational harm from the prosecution might get in on it. There will also invariably be professional complaints against the prosecution and police that get litigated. The special prosecutor might not be able to be fired since she was just brought on for the case, but she can be sanctioned or disbarred.
>He fucking shot & killed someone
while filming a movie after being handed a toy gun. ever see actors pour poison into someones drink in the movies? should the actors test to see if its actually poison? lol
>while filming a movie after being handed a toy gun.
It was a real gun
>It was a real gun
right, but it should not have been. he was on a movie set. do you really thing actors check all knives/guns/bullets/poison/bombs to make sure they arent real while filming a movie? he was handed what he thought was a prop gun loaded with what he thought was blanks
The person claiming that the gun should have been harmless at that distance is absolutely correct, but to clear something up, Hollywood generally uses real, unmodified guns, not prop guns/toy guns/whatever because modifying a gun to only be able to fire blanks is considered an unnecessary cost for a minimal increase in safety and because real guns look real and naturally can fire blanks.

This is why it's important to have an armorer that knows what a fucking blank looks like and isn't bringing real bullets onto set or letting people run around loading and firing real bullets with their guns.
What the fuck, there's a news board?
Welcome. Don't mind the partisan faggots.
You need meds for your inability to detect sarcasm, Sheldon
Somebody out there got a SA rating for that.
Originally, RoboCop was to have wielded a Desert Eagle, but was too small in his hand so an alternative was sought: a Beretta M93R was remodelled into the Auto 9 now associated with that US equivalent of Judge Dredd. But in doing so, it was unable to fire live rounds due to its extended barrel, thus it could only fire blanks. But the effect was sufficient.
Moral: it should be illegal to have live rounds on film sets.
The remodelling of that M93R was done by a Canadian gunsmith.
it was a real gun you fucking nogunz idiots. Has anybody on the left ever even touched a gun before? You anti-gun idiots don't know anything about guns yet you still want to ban them.
>but it should not have been
according to whom? You can't fire blanks out of a toy gun you idiot.
>check all guns
literally anybody with any common sense checks a real gun before pointing it at somebody and shooting it. But I understand that "literally anybody with any common sense" excludes anti-gun leftists like you.
>Moral: it should be illegal to have live rounds on film sets.
OK, mom. You Euros should be genocided. You've evolved into a race of uber-Karens.
>You can't fire blanks out of a toy gun you idiot
Your move, creep.
>so >>1313428 the Karen wants people killed on film sets
I wonder why Peter Weller couldn't do that?:
Oooh, guns, guns, guns!
the person who posted that video confirms it doesn't fire blanks, "creep"
>is this a blank firing gun ?
>No, not a blank firer. It uses reusable brass rounds that take a cap inside. Like a cap gun cap but a bit bigger.
your move, nogunz
>so >>1313466 thinks live round firing guns are legal & for sale to the public in Japan
I wonder why RoboCop's Auto 9 - based on a live round-firing Beretta M93R - couldn't fire live rounds but blanks instead?
>literally anybody with any common sense checks a real gun before pointing it at somebody and shooting it
maybe in real life but this was make believe. alec was pretending to be a cowboy. like i said does every actor need to check everything? if they tell me a bomb is planted under a car and hand me a detonator should i check to make sure its a fake bomb? its movie making. there is supposed to be a knowledgeable person working on the set to distribute these props
>People killed!!!!
Somewhere around 5 people have died on movie sets from guns.
Most fatalities are/were due to other stunts not involving guns.
The Euro brain is wired wrong. Genocide is needed.
Did anyone die on the set(s) of RoboCop, and by that Auto 9 wielded by Peter Weller? If not, why not?
>does every actor need to check everything?
Yes. The answer is always yes. Especially with guns. It is the first rule of firearms safety.
>maybe in real life but this was make believe
LMAO leftists literally unironically don't even understand how movies work. This is pathetic. Alec Baldwin is a real human being and the gun he held was a real gun in real life you fucking idiot. Grow up.
it's been one day and alec is already out shooting people again
I'd imagine the person who prepped the weapons wasn't a woman.
>meanwhile on the set of The Crow
Pretty sure the first rule of firearm safety is don't fuck with your armorer's prep work if you pay them to know more than you do.
That guy was Irish.
>I'd imagine
...so why couldn't that remodelled M93R fire live rounds?
It was a real gun and he played with it like it was a toy gun. Regardless of thinking a gun is not loaded with live rounds you never point it at people and joke around with it, that's gun safety 101.
>you never point it at people
I regret to inform you that filming often involves pointing guns at people. Even pulling the trigger while doing so.
And if that were the case he'd be fine, but this was not during shoot and he was pointing the gun at people that weren't actors.
He was rehearsing. If he'd done it during a shoot, someone would still be fucking dead. If your complaint is when he did this shit and not that he did this shit, he wasn't in the wrong, and you're being an ass-hat.
Rehearsing by mock shooting at people that weren't part of the cast? If he had done it during a shoot and not messing around he'd have a much better defense for not being an asshat that would fail a basic gun safety course.
>Rehearsing by mock shooting at people that weren't part of the cast?
He fired at the fucking camera crew while rehearsing for a scene where he would shoot towards the camera. Yes. Fucking idiot.
You still killed that woman Mr. Baldwin
The armorer wasn't present and Baldwin himself was shooting live rounds out of the same pistol. If the armorer gives you the weapon and says it is good to go, you can blame the armorer. If you've been in possession of the live pistol all day, you're responsible for what's in it.

It only takes a moment to empty the cylinder and verify the rounds loaded aren't live.
>It only takes a moment to empty the cylinder and verify the rounds loaded aren't live.
The only difference between the dummy and live rounds was a difference in color for a dot on the back of the rounds (silver vs gold) and Baldwin wouldn't have even known what real rounds for the gun would have looked like because THEY WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO BE ON THE SET.

>Baldwin himself was shooting live rounds out of the same pistol
This is actually just a lie. Other crewmembers were shooting live rounds on the set, but there's never been any evidence presented that Baldwin was involved in or even made aware of this. If you hadn't been lying here, you would have had a point, but you are a lying liar that lies.
the armorer got charged, he didn't load the rounds he had a gun handed to him after being told it was cold.
I hate alec Baldwin and think he's a twat for that pathetic interview post incident where he pretended to be crying. But if i had to distribute the blame it'd be 15%him 50% armorer and 35% seth kenny(guy who brought the ammunition and hired her)

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