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Elon Musk has reportedly donated to America PAC, a super political action committee working to elect former President Trump.

Bloomberg, citing sources familiar with the donations, said that the SpaceX and Tesla CEO donated an undisclosed amount of money to the pro-Trump PAC.

The PAC is next required to disclose its list of donors on July 17, the outlet noted.

Musk has not publicly endorsed a candidate for the 2024 race, but has increasingly weighed in on politics on X.

In the months leading up to the election, Musk scorched President Biden on X for his immigration policies and unambiguously sided with conservatives.

In September, he visited the U.S.-Mexico border at Eagle Pass, Texas, declaring the "situation is beyond insane and growing fast."

He has also criticized the Biden administration following the brutal killing of Augusta University nursing student Laken Riley in Athens, Georgia by an illegal migrant.

"Dems won’t deport, because every illegal is a highly likely vote at some point," Musk wrote.
"That simple incentive explains what seems to be insane behavior."

"It has become so brazen that a gang of illegals can beat up police officers on camera in Times Square, get out of jail for free and *still* not get deported!"

He previously said that he was not planning on donating to a campaign in a post on X in March.

"Just to be super clear, I am not donating money to either candidate for US President," he wrote.

Musk's reported donation comes as Make America Great Again Inc., a top super PAC, says it raked in $104 million during the April-June second quarter of 2024 fundraising for Trump's campaign.

Trump's campaign previously showcased that it and the Republican National Committee hauled in a staggering $331 million in the past three months, topping the massive $264 million raked in by President Biden's reelection campaign and the Democratic National Committee during the second quarter.

Fox News Digital has reached out to the Trump campaign for comment.
Faux News was found liable for 700 million dollars in defamation. Why are you using them as a source?
Name a better source for reporting on Musk donating to Trump after he said he wasn't going to donate to any campaign.
Musk now fully endorses Trump and prays for his rapid recovery
Newsmax, or OANN.
You're a huge faggot.
Trump goes on Fox News more than those places
But how does it affect (You) personally, hmmmmm?
This is the /news/ board, and Fox has already been proven to be fake news.
Something not found liable for 700 million in defamation.
Is there a problem? Is there something you want to dispute?
You're missing the point that Fox is the best source to report on this topic.
>daily show ahead of cnn & msnbc
kek based

Some of Elon Musk’s closest friends have helped start a new super PAC meant to help former President Donald J. Trump, creating an avenue for Mr. Musk and his $250 billion fortune to potentially play a significant role in the 2024 presidential race.

The group, America PAC, is likely to draw significant support from Mr. Musk, according to three people close to the group who spoke on the condition of anonymity; it is not confirmed whether he has already donated. The group’s founding donors span Mr. Musk’s social circle and include a tight-knit network of wealthy tech entrepreneurs who frequently finance one another’s startups, philanthropic projects and favored political candidates.

Mr. Musk had not donated to the super PAC as of June 30, the end of the most recent disclosure period, according to a Monday filing with the Federal Election Commission. But his tilt to the right, especially in his commentary on his social media site X, has left Republicans hoping he will wade more into funding conservative candidates and causes. On Saturday, soon after Mr. Trump survived an assassination attempt, Mr. Musk went on X to issue a full-throated endorsement of the former president.

In the spring, one leader of America PAC told a friend that the group expected to have a major donor who would make donations in four batches, adding up to as much as $160 million over the course of the campaign. The friend, who insisted on anonymity, was not told the identity of the megadonor.
The super PAC, according to three people close to the organization, is led in part by Joe Lonsdale, a co-founder of the software company Palantir and a politically ambitious venture capitalist in Austin who serves as a political confidant to Mr. Musk. Mr. Lonsdale, the people say, has played a key role in fund-raising for the group in its opening weeks, encouraging his network of influential entrepreneurs to support the super PAC. His personal company donated $1 million to the group.

The top early donors to America PAC include several powerful conservatives from the tech industry. Contributions include $1 million from Antonio Gracias, a private-equity mogul and a board director at SpaceX; $1 million from Ken Howery, an early executive at PayPal alongside Mr. Musk who served as Mr. Trump’s ambassador to Sweden; and $500,000 from Shaun Maguire, an investor at Sequoia Capital who is close to Mr. Musk.

The group has released few details about its operations and its strategy, other than that it has been running field and digital programs on behalf of the former president, mostly encouraging early and mail-in voting. People close to it say that a key operative is Dave Rexrode, a top political operative who most recently has served as a key ally to Gov. Glenn Youngkin of Virginia. Mr. Rexrode did not respond to requests for comment in recent days.

America PAC, whose existence was first reported by The New York Times, has spent about $15 million on behalf of Mr. Trump over the last few weeks, turning heads among Mr. Trump’s allies. It raised $9 million in the month after it was founded.

Because of loosened rules adopted this year by the F.E.C., super PACs like America PAC that conduct canvassing are legally able to strategize and coordinate with candidates such as Mr. Trump.

Mr. Musk did not respond to requests for comment over the last few days about his reported support for the group.
“We believe that four more years of Joe Biden is a grave threat to the financial and physical safety of the United States,” the group said in a statement to The New York Times, its first public comment about its activities, criticizing the Biden administration’s policies on inflation, debt and the border.

Other supporters from tech circles include Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss, the cryptocurrency entrepreneurs who famously fought with Mark Zuckerberg at Harvard and who gave $250,000 apiece; Doug Leone, a billionaire venture capitalist at Sequoia who put in $1 million; and John Hering, a tech founder in San Francisco who put in $500,000 and helps run a fund that invested in Mr. Musk’s takeover of Twitter.

Mr. Musk, the billionaire owner of Tesla and SpaceX, had been circumspect about whether he would back Mr. Trump. In March, Mr. Musk attended a breakfast at a private home in Palm Beach, Fla., with Mr. Trump and a small group of wealthy Republican donors, at a time when the presumptive Republican presidential nominee was seeking a cash injection to his campaign.

After The Times reported on the meeting, Mr. Musk went on X, the social platform that he owns, to push back against rumors that he was giving money to Mr. Trump. “Just to be super clear, I am not donating money to either candidate for US President,” he wrote.

However, those statements did not preclude the potential for donating to an outside group supporting one of the candidates.
So it's the 22nd
was it disclosed on their lists on the 17th as stated or what >>1313389

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