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Gunshots have reportedly been fired at Donald Trump's rally in Pennsylvania, with the former president rushed off-stage by security staff.

Trump appeared to fall to the ground as he was giving a speech. He was quickly surrounded by armed security and stayed down for around a minute.

He then rose to his feet and put his fist in the air, before being escorted off stage and into a vehicle, and then driven away from the scene.

Video appeared to show blood on his ear as he was taken away. The former president appeared to be clutching the side of his head as he fell to the ground.

Republican senator for Ohio, J.D Vance, said in a post on the X social media platform: "Everyone join me in praying for our President Trump and everyone at that rally. I hope everyone is ok."

holy shit
i wonder how many /pol/ anons who were just claiming trump is a zionist puppet are now singing his praises
Unfortunately apparently trump is alive. His ear is bleeding though so I imagine it grazed him
darn, only a couple inches off
thats unfortunate
>"Everyone join me in praying for our President Trump"
fucking god damn it shinzo abe can die at point blank with a misfired electric shotgun but trump just gets grazed
This is literally like the Hitler assassination attempt.
I’m kinda surprised someone didn’t try to shoot him sooner
>mass media currently plastered with photos of trump, blood streaming across his face, with a fist held up and an american flag flying in the background
man, this election is so fucking over it's not even funny
why did you have to miss...
Trump's got some deity backing him. If you can say anything about the man, he's got the luck of the devil. With this, I think he'll clinch the election. If you're a leftist, I'd be making arrangements to get out of the country now, because there will be vengeance.
Evil demented unhinged leftists are celebrating the assassination attempt on twitter. Democrats confirmed for the greatest threat to democracy.
Fake and gay. Hope Trump got his money's worth.
Shot with a fucking pellet

Crooked Joe was obviously the Lone Gunman
And people say that Hitler wasn't justified. When Trump comes for you, you only have yourself to blame.
/pol/ schizos eating good tonight
Clearly a CIA false flag.
False flag. Shooter is a shill who was hired to garner Trump sympathy.
Better dismantle those gun regulations ASAP
People ask why Trump must be a dictator, this is why. He needs absolute power to save our democracy from the liberals. We have precedent for it. The Romans would elect a dictator with monarchical powers in times of crises. Our democracy would benefit from the same.
There was an assassination attempt on Hitler before the Valkyrie plot?
Incompetent bastard should've aimed a few inches to the right.
Didn't they kill the shooter? Trump seemed legitimately surprised when the shot nicked him.

If he's good at one thing, it's showmanship. He's an expert at marketing himself. It's actually impressive that he kept his cool and used the moment.
Don't act like as if this didn't happen to AOC or some other popular left wing politician you wouldn't be spamming "based"
the shooter missed, retard
there's nothing to celebrate
That's not good. This could be the start of something really terrible with retaliation and so on.
>The Romans would elect a dictator with monarchical powers in times of crises.
The Romans would also regularly kill their dictators in times of crisis cause they virtually all were corrupt shitbags that sucked horsecock.
Trump turned at the last moment. If he hadn't, it would have nailed him.
BB or pellet
In the video it says “shooter down.” So yeah. Easiest way to get rid of the evidence is to make sure he can’t talk.
Trump claims the shooter shouted slurs at him and said "this is Biden country"
Not him but you just know they're going to act that way
There were a metric shitton of assassination attempts on Hilter. Dude was practically 1/10th a Castro.
One word:
Look him up.
"Let me get my shoes"

How thoughtful for the Secret Service to let him stay on the stage to fistpump the audience afterward
Kek what a bitch country
This desu. Imagine Trump doing the ritual from Late Night With the Devil.
The retaliation will be him winning the election, which is all but guaranteed now
>"this is Biden country"
Yeah, that's a stretch. Nobody is that into Biden. The ones who love him most are the technocrats, and they're all smarmy eggheads. I could see a Berniefag or AOCfag doing it, but not a Bidenfag.
There are no leftists on this board.
>missing with dozens of gunshots
Trumpists staged this.
Weird how no one else in the audience got shot
you think a reichfag fired?
Trump: "Let me get my shoes"
It was about time Melania showed up to one of his rallies
doubt it. Only the left is violent and bloodthirsty.
multiple shots in crowded space and no one else hit?
I want to see the footage of the people near the top our left. Wonder if it is all bs or there is a dead body. It all looked weird to me.
dude survived more assassination attempts than you would believe
most of said attempts were stillborn and circumstance meant they were never really close, but nonetheless people tried to kill him like 40 times
>first shot missed
>assassin freaks out
>doesn't line up the others so well

Also, most of the shots were return shots from the secret service.

We all know that that's not what Trump meant by retribution.
Takes a certain level of incompetence to miss an elderly obese man up on a stage.
Or a certain level of skill to perfectly graze the ear to dramatically produce blood for photo ops while not inflicting real harm, I guess.
Was it paintballs?
look at that small crowd lol
Definitely staged. They got some mentally ill fuck to do it for them.
It's really weird to me how they let him stay on stage for 20 seconds and grab his shoes
Righties are the ones who keep salivating over the Day of the Rope and concentration camps. Violent lefties are ultimately hypocrites who try to hide it.

Oh, he's definitely mentally ill, but I seriously doubt it was staged. Trump is just lucky as fuck.
It is beyond schizophrenic to claim someone intentionally shot his ear as a psyop
Like there's zero fucking chance anyone would do that, a fucking inch off target and he's dead
If it was gonna be fake it would be that he had some sort of squib planted in his ear or something, I say this not because it is likely but because it is more likely than someone deliberately hitting the ear
three shot cluster, then 3-4 that’s either shooter or secret service, audio wasn’t set up for ballistic tests
Welp, Biden just won.




Nobody said they shot his ear as a psyop. You fake this shit by not shooting him at all and faking an injury or performing a minor injury to the ear during the chaos of the bangs.

Don't be a fucking idiot.
The stage is typically one of the safest places to be. The podium and everything around it is bulletproof. So it's a good idea to keep Trump there, organize/stage the protection detail, try to locate the shooter, then escort Trump off.
unless the stress of being shot causes Trump's heart to give out in the next four months, he's about to get the biggest rally-round effect in history. he'll win everything except the bluest of blue states.
>nobody in the background got hurt
Staged and fake as fuck.
A lot of show for a country that is doomed anyway
people are pissed about the two options the US has for president. They want a younger president, one that doesn't rant about ice cream or golf.
...unless the American People think it was staged (which it appears to have been)
Just waiting for the Trump Social post

I feel like this is our own little Reichstag fire.
I'm loathe to side with a leftist, but I see the same thing.
It might have been a red paintball
We all know Trump is a coward, he wouldn't do that fist bump after being shot. This is staged in an act of desperation by Trump.



If Trump goes off the deep end here and claims Biden tried to kill him, he's going to lose the election
There's some bit about the anti-Christ being a would-be world leader that survives a headwound.

Though one would think that the anti-Christ would be more subtle than to move Epstein from state to federal prison, against the DA's wishes, just days before he "committed suicide" or to take $3 billion from Saudi Arabia upon leaving office, or to have had a charge for sleeping with a 13 year old laid against him when he was in his 60's. But alas, I guess you don't have to be subtle about being an elite criminal billionaire pedophile, as long as you're "owning the libs".
Unless the shooter was already taken out. Trump is a pro at self marketing. He's not going to let a crisis like this go to waste.

Could have scraped it going down. Old people have brittle skin. My dad is 60 and he's always tearing or bruising his skin on shit.
90% of the electorate was settled as soon as it was a Biden-Trump rematch. nothing that happens will move them off their man.
the remaining 10% are low-IQ and won't think anything more than [Mass Media Channel] will tell them, and they'll all say "assassination attempt"

Not only is he going to do that, all of his sycophants are also going to do that.
>Righties are the ones who keep salivating over the Day of the Rope and concentration camps.
More projection from a violent marxist.

>verification not required
the shooter killed someone else in the crowd.
leftists cant aim
Chances of shooter being a Sonic fan?
he knows Biden can't even remember what year it is
I'm only surprised that you're admitting Alex Jones is a schizo
Biden could declare him an enemy of the state, shoot Trump himself, and be legally untouchable, thanks to the July 1st ruling.
The antichrist was just a metaphor for Caligula. Many leaders have had antichrist like traits, and that's just because Caligula is the quintessential bad leader.
leftists are so fucking desperate their candidate is dying and their project 2025 fearporn isnt working they are literally trying to assassinate people now
NBC News is reporting live on TV that the Secret Service is officially saying it was a real assassination attempt and not a paintball
You can see how he touches his ear after the first gunshot. I wonder who shot him.
>nobody in the background got hurt
Do we know this for certain? It's still a developing story.
>Could have scraped it going down
He's clearly seen touching his ear prior to crouching down
Didn't Trump himself reject project cope?
you mean aside from the time he already claimed Biden tried to kill him in the MAL raid?
>return shots from the secret service
there were no return shots, the shooter was in the middle of the crowd and was subdued and dragged away alive by police
none of the SS even reacted for like six seconds
/k/ommando-bros, what kind of gun was this?
His jesus complex is going to be insufferable now
I know, the only unfortunate thing that happened today
I fully expect a biblical theme at the RNC convention now.
The least schizo theory I have is that it was just a junkie that wanted to be important
yes, he 'rejected' it *wink wink nudge nudge*
Unconfirmed reports that it was Alec Baldwin
democrats just fucked up big time. They are literally trying to assassinate political opposition in broad daylight.
He's lying (again) and on tape giving speeches about it just a few months ago.
oh my godahdhaahahahhahahaha

They killed the shooter. and the shooter couldn't aim worth shit.
democrats are desperate at fuck trying to assassinate people now.
This is 100% faked to get Trump back into the news.
They didn't even find the gunman.
The film Day of the Jackal springs to mind.
The OAS hired an expert assassin to kill Charles De Gaulle: he only survived due to moving his head the moment just before the shot was fired. But due to the nature of the weapon and how it needed to be hidden in a car's exhaust then crutches so as to avoid detection, it took time to reload.
Question: was this an expert assassin in this instance or just an actor?
>be american
>run for president
>get shot
I can’t wait to find out that it was a crazy rightoid that thought he wasn’t antisemitic enough.
the gunman is dead you retard.
can't wait until the shooter is revealed to be an anti-Trump republicunt
That's about the right response. If the press tell you something is happening you get out of there and get a briefing from someone who knows what is happening
Why do Repucunts hate their own more than even Biden?
>Jodie Foster will have to love me THIS TIME!
the gunman is dead
Shooter and one audience member reportedly dead
Citing the local district attorney, the Washington Post reports that Donald Trump was grazed by gunfire in a shooting that killed one audience member.

The shooter is dead, and another person is in serious condition:
Perhaps, though Caligula isn't known for surviving a head wound, just for being sick in the head.

Not that I would put it past Trump to force some random congressman to marry a horse.
This is like a WWE storyline that will peak with the golf match
>suddenly liberals believe in staged shootings
Not saying it is or isn't but just lol
The tea party wackos have been trying and failing to take over the party for 15 years now
don't talk to me ever again about jan 6 leftoid shitcunts.
"nah he's my gaming buddy I'm sure he'll be fine"
>Deep state Democrats with their trillions of dollars can't hire someone who can shoot straight.
Makes me ponder
>If you're a leftist, I'd be making arrangements to get out of the country now, because there will be vengeance.
Oh, that might buy you a feel years, but it won't last. First America, then the world. As a wiseman once said:

>The growth of Reich, that is to say the expansion of the nation, is an essential manifestation of vitality, and its opposite a sign of degeneracy. Peoples which are rising, or rising again after a period of decadence, are always imperialist; any renunciation is a sign of decay and of death. Imperialism is the doctrine best adapted to represent the tendencies of a people, like the people of Germany, who are rising again after many centuries of abasement and foreign servitude. But Reich demands discipline, the coordination of all forces and a deeply felt sense of duty and sacrifice... for never before has the nation stood more in need of authority, of direction and order.
Remember... Biden is immune as President
how probable is it that a lone actor could get a gun through security? also am i retarded or are the captchas impossible now
literal "bush being told about 9/11" vibes here
Oh cool the angry chud discord has arrived to accuse everyone of being a leftist
Biden's probably mad tonight's COD Zombies session is cancelled because of this.
And here's why Trump faked the assassination. To create another false equivalency for his coup
Biden is not based enough to use his powers to kill shitcunts.
Dead men tell no tales
>be japanese
>retire from president
>get shot
standard leftist. go murder someone to make you feel better, shitbag.
This, he was probably hired by Trump's people to do it and was told they'd just arrest him and not kill him on sight.
hitler survived the deaths at the beer hall putsch
I know you don't want to hear this but Trump was winning the election before this incident. Now he has a near certain chance of winning.
Cope harder that your false flag is already failing.
>something happens
>women first reaction is to screech as if they were dying
maybe stop jumping to early conclusions based on schizo beliefs
I don't get it, how do you guys know its a leftist? You aren't just making an assumption, right? You're waiting for verifiable sources, right?
>no footage of the shooter's body
>no footage of the dead audience member
Something strange going on here
Alec Baldwin gets off yesterday and now Trump is shot at the day after... Coincidence?
maybe don't try to assassinate political opposition, you every think about that, terrorist?
>Trump getting a boo boo is the same as an attempt to violently take over the country
>trending on twitter "how do you miss?"

The actual party of terrorists.
https://files.catbox.moe/rb914y.png oh boy
civil war 2 time?
Oh yeah, that's deep. I wonder how old school imperialistic land grabs would play out in a world where there are NUCLEAR WEAPONS. Face it, the era of painting the map is over. We have much more sophisticated and cheaper ways of manipulating other nations nowadays anyways.
kill yourself, glownigger
I'm hearing two are dead, including the shooter?
It's actually filled with right wing propaganda but you're so far to the right you think it's leftist
dark brandon returns
hard but not impossible.
security let some lunatic Bernie supporter just walk up to a baseball diamond and start laying out Congresspeople. they're not impervious
>Elon Musk already preparing a fake account for the 'assassin'
The cope goes strong with you.
>leftoids on twitter are screeching "why did you miss"
>meanwhile democrat politicians are denouncing the incident saying "political violence is not acceptable no matter who's the target"
really makes you think!
everyone saying Biden ordered this is wrong
Biden can legally kill Trump, this is something else
politards goin crazy on this post I just want to know if it was a fed
Highly probable, most security is just theater for liability reasons.
This is clearly faked, look at the 'blood' on Trump, you don't even see the wound.
fuck off terrorist
lmfao twitter really is the modern /b/
was 100% an act of desperation by Trump to gain sympathy. We all know Trump is a coward, and if he actually knew he was in danger he'd cower and hide, not pump his fist in the air for a photoshot.
Everybody on this board with a (((political affiliation))) is a bot
Lol firework poppers and a WWE style blade job
from where?
>order police officer/assassin/whoever to kill trump
>give them presidential pardon
>argue that it was an "official act" and cannot be charged
Dark Brandon.....
Footage of Trumps shooter being dragged out of the rally by police

being shot isn't going to suddenly convince Independents to vote for him
Right wing hypocrisy at its finest
>shooter confirmed dead

Kek what a predictable country
Nah, this is totally in character for him.
democrats shouldnt be trying to assassinate their political opposition.

thats what terrorists and fascists do
It looks like a male
it'll garner their sympathy. for true fencesitters that may be enough
I dont think thats the shooter, it looks like one of the people who died
It definitely will. Independents don't really pay attention, and this is a very attractive/disastrous narrative, depending upon if you're right or left respectively.
it would be unbelievably hilarious if this was just a fight between two people at the rally that got ugly and a stray bullet grazed trump
take your cope and fuck off, fascist terrorist
I wonder why the assassin couldn't have used a 40mm cannon loaded with depleted uranium rounds?:
idk it might convince independents not to vote for the party that's out actively trying to assassinate their political opposition
Theatrics and staged events are also in character for him.

>true fencesitters
All 5 of them?
hard to sneak that one into a rally
That's a given, women aren't bold enough to do things like this
If the shooter was on a roof, why is he then seen being dragged through the crowd?
the last two elections have been determined by a combined 130k people across seven states.
fencesitters absolutely matter a huge deal
That shooting so fucking staged dawg they clipped Trump’s ear with a damn rubber bullet now this nigga gon act like he 50 Cent in 2003 omfg he just won the election
its one of the 2 people the shooter actually managed to kill
> The Romans
you gay asl
shut the fuck up terrorist
somebody in the audience died, was that staged too?
Guess the shooter's demographic

the electoral college was a mistake
>it takes people all of 20 minutes to start commenting on breaking news with conspiracy theories because "how convenient he got shot in the head"

this country is officially a fucking toilet
Selfhating white guy.
you can see in the photos he's white
the only question is if he's Israeli or not
doesn't matter, but it could be both a white and a progressive
goofy white lanklet "male".
this is rural Pennsylvania, guns are everywhere and even limp-wristed liberals are gonna have them/have access to them, but not necessarily know how to use them
But Israel prefers Trump over Biden.
If Alex Jones thinks he has the right to question reality: 'Mass Shootings', 'Actors' etc, so can we in this instance. this was staged and with an 'actor' now conveniently in no condition to say anything.
Free Speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences: in this instance consequences for your opinions. If Jones was right, then so are we. If you disagree with leftists, then it's not only Jones' opinions that are destroyed.
Can't have it both ways, rightard hypocrites.
>the shooting is fake
>the shooting is real
It doesn't matter, lol.
Only the perception of the shooting matters.
white male 30-39 no jewish heritage
What should be done with the losers when Trump wins the second civil war?
that's why they did it: guarantee he's reelected with sympathy votes and/or eye-popping fundraising.
you think him cash haul was big after he was convicted? an actual shot to the head will make him an actual billionaire
>murpdaderp "alex jones" derrrr
fuck off, terrorist. go circle jerk to project 2025 with your discord
>whatabout alex jones

kys unironically
Just as the Jackal fired at a distance to try and assassinate De Gaulle, so did Bruce Willis in the 'remake': said 40mm cannon in the back of a van and remotely controlled
All the more reason they'd fake an attempt on his life no? Gets him the sympathy vote and makes his supporters even more rabid. But after the October attacks, I'm not sure I'd trust the competency of Mossad glowniggers to stage something like this.
So it's a guaranteed total Trump victory now, isn't it?
Trump was already winning, but now they have their reichtag fire.
the only thing thats fake is your consipiracy theory, your scum.

A leftist just tried to assassinate trump.

screencap this so you can cry about it later
normalfags were becoming too aware about his connection to epstein.
BUTLER, Pa. (AP) — Donald Trump’s campaign said in a statement that the former president was “fine” after a shooting at his rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. A local prosecutor says the suspected gunman and at least one attendee are dead.

“President Trump thanks law enforcement and first responders for their quick action during this heinous act,” spokesman Steven Cheung said in a statement. “He is fine and is being checked out at a local medical facility. More details will follow.”

The Secret Service said in a statement that “the former President is safe.”

Butler County district attorney Richard Goldinger said in a phone interview that the suspected gunman was dead and at least one rally attendee was killed.

Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, was showing off a chart of border crossing numbers during his last rally before the Republican National Convention opens Monday when the apparent shots began.

As the first pop rang out, Trump said, “Oh,” and grabbed his ear as two more pops could be heard and he crouched down.
Yeah it's just came out that there was people in the crowd with injuries. People seen with blood on their clothes and stuff. 2 casualties, one being the shooter and another being an audience member. Scrolling through the MSM and this bitch on TV is already talking about 3d printed ghost guns even though it's still a developing situation
>Not that I would put it past Trump to force some random congressman to marry a horse.
Have you seen AOC? The horse would probably think you trying to punish him.
it's so joever
This looks like the extent of the injuries




>this bitch on TV is already talking about 3d printed ghost guns
gotta scare the base, get em nice and riled up using democrat talking points.
she goin into bump stocks or assault weapons yet?
shooter clearly got the top part of his ear
didn't trump already ban bump stocks? or did they revert that.
Libshits know they have zero chance in winning this election kek.
I miss when presidential elections were boring
/news/, be honest.

How would you have reacted if he did died?
>mfw MSM news anchors are channeling their inner alex jones over this incident
It literally doesn't matter if he wins or dies.
the violence will escalate either way.
this is literally how worried democrats are over the election.
they know joe is tanking, they know trump is in the lead, and outside of their hardcore base, not many people really care about democrat issues like letting illegals come over, or project 2025

theyve turned to assassination now to further their goals of electing an Alzheimer's patient
Well that's not good news.
basically would just go "oh that happened :|"
Dislike the guy but no one deserves to be killed like that
SCOTUS just overturned that EO this past term.
I feel like whoever they'd replace him with would be worse. Adventurist anarch babies drink too much of the DNC news network cool-aid. Like imagine in Tom Cotton took over the race.
With horror because Biden's still a senile old man and any replacement the GOP picked for Trump would be worse than him.
I don't like Trump and I would consider that an even worse scenario because it would turn him into a full-on martyr. This incident has probably won him the election but I'm not an alarmist who thinks a second Trump term will be the end of democracy. Just means I will have to add more filters to block out the 24/7 Trump news for four more years.
It would be horrible. Terrible for people's belief in the democratic process if we start gatting politicians, regardless of who they are. The two candidates are grim as fuck, but the fix isn't putting them to death.
Everyone went through metal detectors.
Laughter. inb4 someone takes pot shots as Biden.
upset, because even though I loathe the man assassination has no place in civil society
fear, because QTards and Turd Percenters would see this as "MUH 1776 MUMENT!" and start shooting up/bombing every government building in the country
Trump wasn't hit at all, his injury came from being tossed on the ground by secret service
I'll be the one who says it was Al-Qaeda. Someone has to say it.
Yeah, the election has basically been decided. In a strange way, it feels like a relief. There's no longer any ambiguity. Not looking forward to my animu being banned, porn taken away, or seeing people I know thrown into camps, but what can I do? There's a comfortable certainty in doomerism.
I hope that's true because it would be really funny.
If only their aim was a little better they could have brained that retard and done us all a favor.
This is what republicans actually believe.
That image of Trump with blood on his face and his fist in the air in front of the American flag will be on t-shirts by tomorrow afternoon
The 4chan replies are wild" This kid is so stupid I send the news link in the GC and he states the fucking obvious
"Violence targeted at any political party or political leader is absolutely unacceptable. It has no place in Pennsylvania or the United States," he said.

Wow, talk about an example of "rules for you, not for me". Trump was the one behind the whole White House invasion, remember?
>t. urbanite subhuman insect
Fake as fuck
I think he popped a blood capsule on his ear and had it setup himself so he can try to cause more bullshit political drama
in the video you can see him reach up to touch his ear before he goes down, as if to inspect why the top of his ear suddenly hurts
he 100% got grazed
I'm going tattoo my 10-month old baby with that
Two people are dead
>animu being banned, porn taken away,
Just back it up and get a proxy. They'll definitely ban it, but they won't vigorously enforce it. Same thing happened in Texas where they "soft" banned porn.
Rightard hypocrisy, folks. Rules for thee but not for we.
This was staged. For the sake of your own 'Muh Guns!' opinions re. shootings of innocents being 'staged', you only have the right to agree. Say otherwise and you're hypocrites.
This was staged too. You only have the right to agree. Oh, and did the one who tried to assassinate Trump have the right to own a gun? If a rightist tried to assassinate Biden, do they have the right to own a gun? Think very carefully before answering. Your opinions' right to exist depend on your answer being 'Yes'/. If not...!
assassination plots sure isnt going to strengthen any democrat support amongst independence.

Its def going to be a major campaign point now
part of his fucking ear is missing, terrorist.
go circle jerk on your discord to traps and project 2025
Yeah the shooter missed him on purpose, its one of trumps boys shot a few in the crowd to make it believable, but you just know the shooter was played because he went down too
you need some backup from your discord, champ?

You aren't doing a very good job convincing anyone but yourself to support terrorism and assassination
Are you concerned? Do you feel like part of the Trump family?
>all these anons panicking about project 2025
>this happens
It's not just time for project 2025. It's time for project fucking overdrive.
Uhm, antifabros? Our response?

an actual attack on democracy
>Are you concerned?
yeah, somewhat. domestic terrorists should be put down
thank god you cant post images on this board, pics cant describe how pathetic leftists (terrorists) are lmfao
That's exactly what you're doing.
If the roof really is where the shot was fired from, I'm inclined to believe he missed. How the fuck did he miss like three times though?
facebook is that way grandpa
Whats his channel?
Why would that matter to Trump? He was funded by embezzlement and fraud. He got the prez position because of law jiggery in the electoral colleges. He was paid off by Putin and backed Russia until the Ukraine thing backfired so hard. Now he's asking for donations from our fellow pennyless peasants. Two dead? T's only regret would be not grabbing their wallets on the way to the ambulance.
Hope they got the sick fuck who did this. This entire thing is so fucked up.
Trump has eaten fast food almost every meal for 50 years because he's paranoid about being poisoned.
No way he trusts someone to be that clean taking shots at his head, especially when they'd have to arrange it with the "Deep State" Secret Service. Way too paranoid for that.
the only leftist that isn't a larper
Are you stupid? It’s shitposting.
Relief because Burgercunts would have gotten out of their rut.
>our sources: the hacker named 4chan
>an actual attack on democracy
1,000,000% this.
leftists bitch about securing the border or letting states decide their own abortion laws as "attacks on democracy" and then they literally go any try to assassinate political opposition
Go back to twitter
Is this real? That twitter account is known for lying so I would wait for a real source
DA already announced the shooter was dead. hes not arrested.
You have backup from Reddit, chump
If someone tried to shoot Joe Biden, would you condemn that action?
Everyone in this thread: when leftists do some wild shit it’s fake!
When right wingers do some wild shit its totally real!
>If someone tried to shoot Joe Biden, would you condemn that action?
twitter is worse than reddit and facebook is worse than twitter
go back to facebook
>we were all just pretending to be retards
literally trending on twitter. you're fucking oblivious.
>muh reddit spacing
You know that's not real, right?
how do you think the shooter died? Do you think he killed himself? Do you think the secret service also had snipers and shot him?
>when leftists do some wild shit it’s fake
If you're gonna stage a shooting wouldn't you want to get shot in the arm or the leg, not the ear where you can easily get your face blown off?
If someone tried to shoot Joe Biden, would you condemn that action?
Just a reminder: There are no leftists involved with this story. That's entirely in your head.
They probably just detonated the chip in his neck
>Trump has eaten fast food almost every meal for 50 years because he's paranoid about being poisoned.
>wouldn't you want to get shot in the arm or the leg, not the ear where you can easily get your face blown off?
leftists dont think before they post.
most of them also live with mental illness
He'd just be replaced at the convention. If this were later, his VP nominee would just take over. Our electoral system is designed to survive shit like candidate deaths.

Also presidents aren't democratically elected in the first place. We have an electoral college. You should know this, Trump never won the popular vote.
>barely miss first shot
>fuck up next shots even worse, cover is blown, get killed by security
>antifa does something right in the first time of human history
there was a burst of shots a little bit after the first couple. probably SS dropping him.
I'm an Iranian national so what do you think?
Confirming this. Shooter dead plus 1 crowd member dead.

I just watched this on TV....when the President got back up and his service swarmed him trying to shield him from the direction of the shooter....I swear I heard another shot.

That said....those gun shots sounded so quiet, like either small caliber or pellet gun, or longer ranged rifle and a suppressor was used.

Either way....fuck whoever did this. You don't shoot people you disagree with.
>'Reddit Spacing'
>You know that's not real, right?
So a meme is destroyed. Thanks for admitting that.
Fair. Still imagine being the guy who missed lol, you'll go down in history as a massive fuckup like the guy who tried to kill Reagan. Hell at least he got Reagan a couple times
cnn title for the video is so fucking indirect

"Video captures what happened at Trump rally that left him injured"
he didn't even get shot, he just took a crash course in blading with his buddy McMahon
>leftists bitch about securing the border or letting states decide their own abortion laws as "attacks on democracy" and then they literally go any try to assassinate political opposition
The most democratic nations in the modern era have always been conservative. Chile under Pinochet was one of the most democratic countries on Earth from the 70s to 80s. Today, Russia under Putin is far more democratic than the West. Leftist want a king. It was originally the progressives of the time who sided with King George and Napoleon, for instance. Only a strong, powerful, absolute leader can guarantee freedoms.
Yeah, someone tried to and missed. Didnt you see the headline bro?
go back there
why does it need to be a white guy?
Every news headline won't say he got shot.
What makes you think he was even shot? Just have a blood capsule and smash it on your ear for what Trump has. It doesn't even look like his ear even got clipped.
Well that white guy just SECURED the fascist takeover of Amerikkka
unless you're former military or police, you're probably not used to the idea of shooting another person. and even if you are, you're trying to take down one of the heavily-guarded people in the world. you get two shots max, at least one had to be a headshot, and it'll be the last thing you do in life.
psyche yourself out, choke the shots because you're nervous, get killed.
Post links to your shitpost or gtfo. You can't post images here for a reason.
>The most democratic nations in the modern era have always been conservative. Chile under Pinochet was one of the most democratic countries on Earth from the 70s to 80s. Today, Russia under Putin is far more democratic than the West.
I just did tho??
because the hole knows that her braindead simps are most likely all white
Hilarious that the White House hasn't made a comment yet, it's so obvious they ordered the hit
>That said....those gun shots sounded so quiet, like either small caliber or pellet gun, or longer ranged rifle and a suppressor was used.
what you are hearing is becuase of the micrphones they use.
stage mics are set up to only pick up noise from directly in front of the speaker, thats how you can clearly hear someone speak and net get drowned out by stage noise

stage mics use cardiod mics https://www.shure.com/en-US/insights/microphone-directionality-polar-pattern-basics

What you are hearing is the high frequency pitches reverberating from people in the audience, stands, etc and reflect back towards the mic, you lose a lot of the dynamic range of the sound you are picking up..

Interviewees described it as loud bands or fireworks
...Yes? If I wanted to make people lose all hope in the democratic system we have, deciding an election with a bullet is exactly how I'd do it because it would prove more effective than the debates, the other candidates who didn't get nominated, the policies that were taken, etc. The two candidates are up right now, they can switch out, they can drop out, but when the election comes one of them needs to win and the other needs to lose from our votes, not guns.
Not a valid news source.
Just a reminder that this is a false flag operation
What fortuitous timing.
Sounds like an official act
It’s hilarious that the assassin shot Trump was a BB gun the fact that it only left a dent on his ear. I find it hilarious that the White House cannot afford a stronger rifle round than a BB.
The fascist right would blame Biden for getting shot and say he deserved it.
>Today, Russia under Putin is far more democratic than the West.
top kek that was a good one
...and there it is. democrats calling for political assassination, and now they are carrying out their plots as well
Just a reminder this post is a false flag operation.
>You don't shoot people you disagree with
>Four years ago: 'Hang Mike Pence'
>who he used to be up to 12 midday 20th January 2021, and who appointed him as running mate previously, becoming VP
>what would have happened if they'd got their hands on him
So what happened on 6th Januaty 2021 was staged, including those who chanted those words?
shut the fuck up fascist, you must be all limp from your failed assassination attempt, try taking a walk around your trailer park until you feel better
>yeah lets risk doming trump by grazing him for the sake of trump
how retarded are you
>Leftist want a king.
Bro, the original left vs right terminology comes out of the French Revolution where all the Monarchist stood on the right side of the National Assembly and all the Republicans stood on the left. Saying that the left is pro-monarchy is schizo revisionism. You also contradict yourself several times.
his fist in the air with his own blood on his face from a failed democrat assassination attempt is going to be a powerful campaign ad
now that its proven democrat thinktanks brew terrorism, when will they be pushed off the internet?
But we're talking about Biden, not Trump. Stop projecting.
Its all fake, ai generated and paid actors in the back ground
I still haven't seen proof it wasn't a paintball
I honestly think this handed him the election.
shooter position
i dont think bidens a fascist. he couldnt persecute a ham sandwich in his current condition.
its his followers, like you, terrorist
Don't tell the /pol/ppets about Joseph de Maistre, the father of modern conservatism.
>Today, Russia under Putin is far more democratic than the West
And they said Satire was dead after Henry Kissinger was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
What's funnier: Him croaking from an ear infection or him losing to Biden anyway?
American retarded politics is just a new religion at this point.
This is what chuds honestly think Americans want to see
Yeah, he won. Lefties should be fleeing to blue states or other countries if they know what's good for them.
kek, imagine missing from 400ft
Nah, you're just projecting, which is typical of the fascist right.
damn how'd they shoot him so quick?
hes missing part of his ear in a photo you retard.
i dont care if a rabid leftist was firing xer dildos at him using a 40mm cannon, it was enought to blow off a chunk of trumps ear and kill someone else
fascism is a right wing ideology

it'll be forgotten by September.
people have already forgotten how his mugshot was supposed to supercharge his campaign and barely moved the needle.
by then football season will have started and everyone will be focused on how Kansas can make the playoffs or whatever
Almost like it was a false flag...
>N-n-n-no U...
Seethe more fascist rightoid.
LMAO. You just made me realize the funniest outcome possible. Trump severely brain damaged from an ear infection, Biden derangement worsens with age, and RFK brainworms consuming the remainder of his brain.
yeah that paintball sure didnt hurt that one bystander
The use of a question mark is so telling. More so than if you'd just said 'Yes', and only replied with that one word.
they already knew where the shooter was.
Its a setup you dumbass, just one more thing to fire up his supporters
While it is scary the idea of political violence being more common in the U.S.

Were all more surprised this didn't happen sooner right??
>He concedes
inb4 cope but this will definitely cause him to go all-in on the Project 2025 messaging which could drive away swing voters. Dems just have to hope everyone moves onto the next Current Thing before november
>fascism is a right wing ideology
nearly half of germanys 25 point plan was leftist agenda items, such as nationalizing banks and industry
its good to see you panic lol. will they fire you because your shilling job resulted in nothing?
go away schizos
>fascism is a right wing ideology
It's actually a third wave ideology that blends traits of ethno-ultranationalism and socialism; however, it always coalitions with the right, so it gets grouped with that side of the spectrum.
>go back
go anywhere on the internet.com. any comment section and read you dumb fuck.
>damn how'd they shoot him so quick?
400 feet away and in literal farm territory. im looking at it on google maps right now. there wasnt a whole lot of potential spots to hide in that direction, it was like 2 barns or something
Beyond over. Reaching levels of Joever previously thought impossible
Trump could take a shit on life TV and it would be a powerful campaign ad.
>He's still seething
Trump campaign would have doubled down and made memes out of it. It's top lieutenants would have started "false flag" conspiracies immediately.

Democrats are cowards
nationalization is fascism, which is right-wing. leftist dictators would make banks/industry employee-owned or just destroy them like Pol Pot
>damn how'd they shoot him so quick?
its not like theres a hell of a lot of stuff in the direction of the shooter
Prepared falseflag operation. Literally the only explanation.
>leftist dictators would make banks/industry employee-owned
name one time this happened, terrorist
I don't think the shooting will change Trump's numbers, but it will definitely decrease Biden's numbers. Biden better hope that this wasn't some leftist who did it.
/pol/, your bot is broken, it's just repeating posts now.
Get us a new toy to play with.
They might as well retire at this point because OOF.
Third party has a better chance at winning at this point.
No it's a far right ideology.
Political violence like this is why I'm a supporter of one-party (Republican) rule.
>Biden better hope that this wasn't some leftist who did it.
they are going to do everything they can to spin some story how the guy is somehow a trump supporter or some shit, idk, "the shooter was known to post on 4chan"
It's just baffling to me that anyone would want one party assassinated, but not the other; They've clearly lost the plot on what a democracy is, and why we have one instead of a junta where the military says "this guy rules, and if you disagree we'll kill you". The two-party system has turned into a two-group cult where people want to kill the other side's voters and politicians. I guess I need to get used to the fact that many people have been indocrinated into this "one party should win every election forever going forward" mentality that is no different from Russia's "elections"
go away, terrorist, america doesnt want a party that assassinates political opposition
Fair and reasonable post.
>/pol/ not even replacing their bots now
Talk about lazy.
Bro was using the rubber bullets from Yakuza 4
Biden and Trump could drop dead this instant and people still wouldn't vote third party
Biden is going to delivering remarks on the shooting sometime today.
But enough about conservatives and their false flags.
It's not /pol/ it's literally 70 year old facebook boomers
I would have blown myself up in the middle of an empty field.
It's probably just some crazy guy. All the other acts of political violence, left or right, have been mentally ill schizos. Like the guy who beat Pelosi's husband or the one who tried to blow up Shillary or the Simpson Park shooter.
So /pol/ and their bots like >>1313885
nobody believes you.
i know its your job to do this, and im not sure how you can deal with having such an empty unfulfilling job, good job to you for just hanging in there buddy
>why does it need to be a white guy?
Blacks don't aim.
It would be more accurate to say /pol/ptg/
All Trump has to do now is not be a complete fuckhead and starting trying to pin this directly on Biden. Biden's already come out and condemned it multiple times, trying to pin it on him is going to look like unhinged schizo shit.
Which means there's probably a 40% chance Trump squanders this advantage entirely because he just can't help himself.
Yeah obviously, no one with half a brain genuinely thinks this was an "official" assassination, but like all assassination attempts there will be conspiracy theories, and like all conspiracy theories there will be some retards who believe them
She wants to get BLEACHED
How to identify a newfag tourist.
>Democrats are cowards
>mass shootings are false flag operations against 'Muh Guns!'
>This against Trump is a false flag operation. Disagree, and all claims about mass shootings by gunfuckers? Your right to have opinions is destroyed. If you can say that about mass shootings, so can we about this shooting of Trump. It's Fake News.
>Fake News
How those two words have blown up near your own face, Donnie. You don't have the right to have opinions if you disagree, hypocrite Trumptards.
>We have to finish the job
the domestic terrorist was definitely put down in this case, thankfully he cant aim
>tfw no secret service gf
>twitter breaking down and saying its staged and how do you miss
Why are Democrats so evil and hate Democracy?
So now that the dust has settled where will the US be by the end of this decade?
Fully Balkanized
trumps third term
4chan wiped of the internet
go back there
between mexico and canada
WSJ published the fist photo then immediately replaced it with a less flattering image
The bottom of the Atlantic Ocean or a Chinese vassal state.
At war with Mexico and Canada.
He won't blame Biden, but if you look at /pol/ and the rest of the far right media, they're just blaming the left as a whole and again using it to excuse all their own violent actions and rhetoric.
Watch this be used as a false equivalency for years for whatever atrocities the right commits now for years to come.
Trump during his third term announcing the annexation of Greenland
I blame Lachlan Murdoch
Biden should have just walked out to the podium and said.. We missed him. Better luck next time, Alec.
How will this board react if it turns out the shooter was even further right than Trump and hated him for kneeling to Israel or something?
I counted 8 shots.
3 shots and then trump ducked and took cover, and then an additional 5 shots as the secret service swarmed him.

thankfully leftists cant hit a target 400 feet away
inside of yer mom
I wonder how 4chan will react when porn and animu are verboten.
Hopefully this is the sacred turning point everyone was waiting for.
literally seething.
They will just claim it's a cover-up and he was actually a Jewish tranny working for Antifa
You know there are like 12 regulars on this board, right? Most of these people aren't going to be here in 72 hours.
Even newer than a newfag.
>but if you look at /pol/ and the rest of the far right media, they're just blaming the left as a whole and again using it to excuse all their own violent actions and rhetoric.
what the fuck do you think would happen when the left is trying to assassinate political opponents?
the escalation here is caused by the left, not the right
GOP be all like: “the second amendment and a fundamental human right.” “No not like that!.”
"Shooter? What shooter? Trump just got bit by one of those big-ass horseflies"
He's already claimed once that Biden tried to have him assassinated, it's entirely in the realm of possible unless his advisors put a ballgag in his mouth and tape his fingers together for the next two weeks.
Eye witness at the Trump rally paints a disorganized security setup

Even as the witness alerted to the secret service for 3 minutes that there's a shooter, they still allowed him to fire 5 shots.


A view from the parking lot. Red is Trump stage location in front of barns. Blue is shooter's perch on building.
I guess the Heritage Foundation was right about leftists not allowing a bloodless revolution
they will finally be free
you can tell from the way the summerfags keep posting pics on a text board
>Threaten a bloody revolution if you don't get your way
>Make sure guns are everywhere
>Be shocked at these results
You only have yourself to blame
A good war does a society well. It's like a controlled forest fire that clears out the detritus and allows new shoots to burst forth. It clears the head and binds a society together. War turns fresh faced youth into men who can shoulder the nation. That western civilization hasn't been kissed by the glorious fires of Nike since the 1940s is why we are in free fall.
>leftists literally commit terrorism
Source on the shooter being a leftist? Or is this your feelings again.
where's the "stochastic terrorism" retard at now, i wonder
Well, most anons thought it was based when Texas made getting porn way more difficult, to the point that many porn sites just banned the state.
Screaming this just proves it was a false flag by the right, you know that, right?
Let's game this out: what realistic motivation could a conservative have to try and clip the Presidential nominee of his own party, when said nominee is currently steamrolling his opposition?
ahh ok that paints a clearer picture.
the secret service was already partially aware, the shots i mentioned here >>1313918, the three were probably the shooter shooting at trump, and the additional 5 were probably the secret service shooting the shooter
>Why are Democrats so evil and hate Democracy?
>'Hang Mike Pence' chanted on 6th January 2021
Why are Trumptards so evil and more than literally hate democracy?
Oh, and say 6th Jan was a 'False Flag' operation and so can we about this 'shooting': this is a false flag operation.
We can use your own opinions against you. Disagree that this is a false flag operation and your hypocrisy ids exposed. Alex Jones' opinions have financially destroyed him. Good. Better than any bullet.
there is none. you are arguing with an unhinged terrorist
>man murders 50 jews at synagogue
whoa whoa let's hold off before blaming this on antisemitism

maybe this guy just really hates matzos
We were defending democracy. It was a second revolution. Only by installing Trump as the god emperor can we turn things around.
I'm just stating facts. Calm down.
gee I dunno maybe it's the way he destroyed and balkanized the GOP in the span of 10 years time and now the 2012 nominee is called a RINO because of him
so in the 1 month since the debate, democrats began as idiots, disbelieving biden was senile, then graduated into fearporn addicts with project 2025 as they scrambled to do a solid for ol' Scranton Joe, and when that failed, they've now turned into the party of terrorists and fascists as they try to murder all political opposition
We need to ban all leftist thought in this country. Outlaw the democratic party.
>The /pol/ppet bot got banned
Every single time with you people. It must be congenital.
That’s what I think too. After those rapid fire shots, there were 2 more. I bet the last shot was the shot that killed the shooter.
>everyone that doesn't like trump is a leftist
you faggots are so retarded its beyond me
well for one thing he tried to shoot donald trump
I cannot underestimate the seriousness of what just happened. It's the weekend right now, so most people aren't paying attention, and /pol/ is still exploding with 200 posts per minute right now. Once everyone who is on their "I'm resting from work" phase sits down and watches the Saturday news tonight and sees that an assassination attempt happened to Donald Trump, by the time we hit Monday, things are going to ramp up exponentially. There are already talks they might postpone the Republican National Convention (I don't think they will though). People have been memeing a Trump attempt for over 8 years now, even as he was running against Hillary back in 2016, and now that an attempt has finally occurred, there is no telling what the future holds.
what are you even talking about
I think you have vastly underestimated the wide variety of people who don't like Trump.
How are you going to enforce that? Thinking of setting up your own STASI or something to go after those thoughcrimes? How absolutely commie of you.
do you not see all the bloodthirsty terrorists on reddit right now? totally not a leftist
see >>1313813
Reduced to rubble by the Second American Civil War.
Uniparty system controlled by the Republican Party.
Poorly educated left-wingers. That's it.
nah that wont help.
just start tricking all the mentally unhinged ones into "plotting terrorism" and then arresting them and publicizing it is what the biden admin has been doing to the right. similar strategy should work here
>but but m-muh jan 6...
why are democrats like this? you can see 99% of the people were just people meandering around without a care
Romney was always called a RINO, and nobody liked him because he was milquetoast and Mormon. Conspiracies were flying around back then that leftists were Registering Republican in droves to get the worst candidate on the ballot.
The only thing Trump did was actually galvanize the right as a Populist candidate.
>bloodthirsty terrorists
nigger people wanted bush dead too, presidents are meant to be hated not worshiped like muh based god emperor trump!
why don't you offer up some even remotely plausible alternative theories about who did the shooting
Couple of reasons for why Trump would fake an assassination attempt.
1. Broad brush all of his opposition as violent and use it as a false equivalency for the his and the rest of the right's past, current and future actions. Which you're already seeing right now.
2. It puts him up front in the media cycle again since Biden's mental collapse has been dominating the press.
3. Further cement support and trying to pull in more swing voters.
4. Further distract from the fact that Project 2025 is the Republican platform and hugely unpopular with the public.

As for why a conservative would do it, it's the rare small government type, and not a classic authoritarian type conservative, that doesn't want to see America become a Russia-lite Oligarchy and after it's clear Biden is going to lose so they got desperate.
>there is no telling what the future holds.
I can say one thing for certain: whatever happens is going to be the most retarded thing ever.
They're all mentally unhinged. Everyone who doesn't support Trump with every fiber of their beings is mentally unhinged.
>Trump allegedly was not struck by a bullet but hit by glass fragments believed to have come from the shattered teleprompter from the gunfire, according to PA State Police
lmao what a pussy he wasn't even shot
anyone see the liberal shills on full damage control in this thread?
i think them seeing in real time the searing truth that theyre losing is causing them psychosis
refreshing to see that the right doesn't have a monopoly on retarded conspiracy theories

sandy hook was faked, jet fuel can't melt steel beams
How many liberal shills would you estimate are here right now?
They should be afraid. They're bleating sheep and we're the wolves circling them in the dead of night.
And don't forget the 2020 election was stolen.
so now that the left had their latest assassination plot foiled, who are they going to get to assassinate their political opponents next time?
When Trump goes to prison he's going to bleed more than this.
>bragging about winning when the choice is between two elderly pedophiles
I count one.
no more than 3

>small government type
small government types should be completely happy with the supreme court clawback on the administrative state. they've been racking up victory after victory in the courts.
>i-i didnt care anyways!!!
just lmao
He must have a 4chan pass.
You know that making the other side terrified is not a winning strategy? People get really dumb when they panic. It's why Trump has backed off of his "I'm going to be a force of vengeance on every single democratic voter in this country" rhetoric.
lets gooo
>Judicial Republicans give that power to themselves and makes the president a king.
Yeah, small government types are totally happy with that. (That was sarcasm before you can be stupider)
they never did
>muh russian collusion
NYPost is a rag.
>1. Broad brush all of his opposition as violent and use it as a false equivalency for the his and the rest of the right's past, current and future actions. Which you're already seeing right now.
which is gonna have a hard time resonating when literally every Democrat in a position of power even tangentially attached to this has already said it's bad stuff.
Biden? Multiple statements.
Jeffries? Spoken.
Shapiro? Spoken.
The power brokers of the party like Clinton, Obama, and Pelosi? All spoken.
No light between any of them on this.
im glad you are happy with your choice of pedophile anon
Chinese are about to find out why we don't have free healthcare.
Well they killed the shooter immediately, so I like to think the retaliation is over now?
I condemn crimes committed by leftists.
>Would you condemn this assassination attempt on Donald Trump?
Would you condemn an assassination attempt on Joe Biden?
Just ignore the fact that one of his top people wanted to create a department of vengeance and already compiled a list of like 300+ political enemies he and Trump were going prosecute.
Donald Trump Jr. just said it was a radical leftist, so I believe it.
Small government only applies to business. I'm all for Trump wielding absolute power if he keeps his mitts out of business sector.
the court process is adversarial. it's infinitely generally better for small government that federal agencies can be challenged in courts on agency-made law rather than automatically winning.
Doesn't matter, Bernie went to the senate floor and commended the guy who shoot up the baseball game who supported him in the past and Republican shills are still blaming him for it.
The Zapruder Film reactions on this is going to be hilarious. People examining frames. Computer models. Building plans. I wouldn't put it past Strumpets to recreate the number of crowd, which way it faces, etc. Yearly, like one would a civil war reenactment.
America is truly a land of idiots.
not him, i would absolutely condemn an assassination attempt on joe biden, but the best thing he could do for the democrats at this point is probably die.
there's no way the Chinese send someone over to try and take out a once and possible future President who won't get the job done.
they raise those kids for life roles from the moment they can walk. they want to send a gunman over to start whacking American politicians he's gonna be like a Terminator.
Anon, democrats were vocally and financially supporting the largest race riots in 2020. Biden was doing it, Harris was doing, fucking Pelosi was wearing African garb and kneeling in congress.

We already know democrats are violent. They're only disavowing this shit because vocally supporting an assassination attempt against the leading candidate isn't vogue.
Yeah, it's crazy how less than 30 minutes after the incident, some media types are already grasping at straws. The anchor said something about the shooter possibly being in the crowd. Then, this woman goes on a whole tangent about how someone could have snuck in a "ghost gun" because they "can't be detected by metal detectors" lmao. I guess she casually just kind of forgot that even in a 3D-printed gun, there are still going to be a few metal pieces. Since then, it's now being reported that the shooter was actually hundreds of yards away on an elevated platform outside of the cordoned-off area.
Not to mention Trump is already on the Chinese payroll.
China hates Trump
*Israeli payroll
Maybe one day we'll hold journalists at gunpoint so they stop lying.
Yeah to be fair I don't really expect a whole lot from most cable news, especially CBS.
Funny way of showing it by giving him and his family bribes.
Normally I'd feel sorry for the bystander, but they were attending a Trump rally so they deserved to die.
i also thought it was a ghost gun at first based on the fact that 1. they do in fact have metal detectors at these things and 2. the gun appears to be wildly shitty.

either the gun was shit or the shooter was far away, because if it was a proper gun at close range he would be dead.
you are retarded
Basically the same thing at this point, they're both enemy states.
realistically, why would anyone try to kill biden? poor man's on his way out
dangerously based
Shooter was 400 ft away on a rooftop.
>politician doesn't play ball
>"I know President Xi! We can just bribe him like we do every other politician!"
>corrupt business man takes the bribe
>still doesn't play ball
many such cases
but they love Ivanka's fashion line
>advocating terrorism literal hours after the president was shot on an FBI honeypot
Great work retard
the party of love everyone
> 1. Broad brush all of his opposition as violent and use it as a false equivalency for the his and the rest of the right's past, current and future actions. Which you're already seeing right now.
America already sees your lot as a bunch of bloodthirsty communist methheads. It's been that way since 2016.

>2. It puts him up front in the media cycle again since Biden's mental collapse has been dominating the press.
He's already in the media cycle, and Biden's mental collapse massively helps Trump. Why would he stop that? Think, leftie! THINK!

>3. Further cement support and trying to pull in more swing voters.
The Corrupt Criminal Trial and Biden's dementia is already doing that. You're grasping at straws here, commie.

>4. Further distract from the fact that Project 2025 is the Republican platform and hugely unpopular with the public.
Project 2025 is an obvious attempt by the left to get Bidengate out of the news cycle. Literally nobody is taking it seriously because of how outlandish it is.

>As for why a conservative would do it, it's the rare small government type, and not a classic authoritarian type conservative, that doesn't want to see America become a Russia-lite Oligarchy and after it's clear Biden is going to lose so they got desperate.
So... wait. A conservative did it because he doesn't want Biden to lose?
Jesus. Fucking. Cope.
go back there
Is that why he softened his stance to only that fake travel ban during the trump virus pandemic? Come on.
Quick: Are bugmen more or less likely to be "American left"-like?
I need to know so that I know what level of outrage/gloating to feel.
Asian Americans voted for Biden 63% to 31%
statistically, theres about a 2/3 chance the dude was a democrat voter
the first politically relevant chinese american in history
>to only that fake travel ban
I'm not sure what you mean by this, I assume you mistyped
>Come on.
Don't get emotional
How did you get this far right?
I'm an anarchist man. 99% of US politicians in both parties are absolute scum of the Earth.
Everyone says everything is staged, simple as.
so thats why he missed.
when are you going to leave your basement and burn down a walmart, fatass?
pretty sure a bystander was hit and killed along with another one being in critical condition, it's on many news pages
>nothing ever happens
>even when it happens
>America already sees your lot as a bunch of bloodthirsty communist methheads. It's been that way since 2016.
Proving point one.

>He's already in the media cycle, and Biden's mental collapse massively helps Trump.
Trump hates not being in the center of attention, which is what happened.

>The Corrupt Criminal Trial
We know Trump is corrupt and criminal, what's the point?

>Project 2025 is an obvious attempt...
Okay, you're a heritage shill trying to gaslight. Good to know.

>So... wait. A conservative did it because he doesn't want Biden to lose?
Can you strawman harder?
given the medical technology at his disposal as POTUS, they could easily plug him in and keep him alive for four more years.
gotta avoid that
You already forgot about the travel ban Trump and his shills were crowing about, but didn't actually ban travel?
>which is what happened
idk if you're doing an epic troll here to push republicans for their own dump conspiracies or whatever but if you're not you probably need psychiatric help of some kind

>You already forgot about the travel ban Trump and his shills were crowing about, but didn't actually ban travel?
anything to scare the unhinged leftist base into either comiting voter fraud or assassinating political rivals
>much bleeding took place
he has such a way with words
why are democrats such violent terrorists?
to give democrats a fighting chance in november
no, your sentence was poorly phrased and, giving you the benefit of the doubt, I assumed you mistyped. Instead I now assume your overemotional state led you to slam the keyboard like a monkey instead of thinking about your syntax.
Deport all of them.
Fascists deserve death.
wow, what a lying piece of shit. he was never hit or grazed by a bullet, he was hit by glass ricocheting off the teleprompter.
i thought people died when you shot them in the head

somebody call /k/ and ask them what kind of shitty gun can't even do that
Hey, that's not fair, I have an Asian GF.
Why are you so upset over the fact that Trump is egotistical and needs to be the center of attention?
To directly address your point about the travel ban, I do not support banning free travel of any citizen so I'm glad they did not enact a travel ban. I didn't forget, I just don't need to think about the fact that a politician was blowing hot air since it never came to a head.
>Folks, there was a LOTTA blood. I got shot, I said WOW that's a lotta blood!
Interesting projection, but it doesn't change the facts of what Trump did and the bribes were affective.
> I was shot with a bullet that pierced the upper part of my right ear.
Okay so we got the test, there should be clear footage of Trump's ear being clipped by the shooter. Otherwise it's 1000% bullshit.
>wow, what a lying piece of shit.
Bro this is the first thing he posted after the attempt.
He was so botlike it's unreal.
interesting how hard he insists the bullet hit him, when we know it's glass shrapnel. his handlers know how important "he was shot" sounds compared to "he was shot at"
unless you're a literal basket case, there's no way you actually believe the words you're typing, so it's mostly just curiosity at what you think you're accomplishing by pushing an extra-retarded conspiracy theory.
Helps keep the kids employed and off the streets.
It's funny how everyone instinctively repeats the meme that the Secret Service provide the best security in the world when

>Gerald Ford
>Ronald Reagan
>Donald Trump

How the fuck can you fuck up that many times and have some reputation for providing good security? Just dipshits with earpieces.
CBS was talking to someone who was a witness at the rally on TV, and they were asking the person questions like if she heard gunshots. The witness said that it didn't sound like a gunshot at first and sounded more like a firecracker almost. The news anchor just ignored it, then started asking her if PA is a state that allows concealed carry and if she owned a gun. They were saying if you are a gun owner, then you would know what gunshots sound like. They're forgetting about how gunshots sound different at distances, like several hundred yards away, where the shooter was. MSM always has to push their narrative regardless of the situation, I guess, especially in an election season. We're all so cooked.
>Trying to gaslight
>on /news/
I'm just laughing at you now, especially over the fact that trying to pretend Trump isn't a narcissist is the hill you're dying on.
Tucker predicted this btw.
Oh come now Anon the shooter was beyond the perimeter
this dude was a CIA agent in the 80s who helped the contras. he pretends he was only a wannabe CIA agent but he was literally down there
The shooter was 200-300 yards away elevated on a roof or some other structure.
>Trump isn't a narcissist
trump is obviously a narcissist, but his idea of opsec is calling somebody on a phone and asking them to find him votes. he is not a super sneaky faggot who can have this kind of thing organized without anyone finding out. just because it gets him in the news doesn't mean it is good: molesting a child would get him into the news. but because trump's IQ is somewhat above 50, he knows it's a bad idea. you are just shouting retarded shit for god-knows-what purpose.
Tell us you aren't from here
I think the world would be way better off if the US, Russia, and China and were all simultaneously balkanized

Was an Asian shooter the best outcome for race relations?
Tucker is always right. Guy is the only one speaking truth on multiple issues such as Putin and Russia.
i plotted it on google maps. it was somewhere around 425-450 feet
do guns stop working after 300 yards or what

i actually went to /k/ to find out but mods are deleting all the threads about it for some reason
He wants to be the center of attention no matter what, that's the point. Also it's not like he'd lose votes if it was found out he was a child molester either. He's just blame the child and the media would go after the kid claiming he was some liberal plant.
Leftist always sabotage themselves. The shooter literally just handed Trump the election.
cant forget all the people the "proud boys" killed
Found one from a diffirent angle

memes for this are already dropping

The shots didn't sound like they were coming from 300 yards away, more like 80-100 to me, but sound can play tricks on you like that.
I can't wait for the concentration camp memes.
so why didn't he do that instead, when it would be a lot easier than sneakily organizing to have himself shot? your theory doesn't work even if trump is a narcissistic retard. he has to be a narcissistic retard who is also good at playing 500 dimensional chess and outsmarting everyone in the secret service and FBI and CIA and everyone else.
>Proving point one.
No, sorry. You said that the Assassination attempt would make Democrats look like monsters. I disproved your point by pointing out that you've been doing that to yourselves since 2016.
>Can you strawman harder?
Learn the definition of the term "Strawman", buddy. I paraphrased your own poorly-worded statement while keeping the point you were trying to make fully intact.
You lose, commie.
shit angle, they pull away to look at a retarded graph.
its the microphones used for stage events. they dont capture audio uniformly in all directions: >>1313800
go back there
Ah, that makes sense. I thought it sounded like low caliber pistol shots fairly close but that'd throw it off.
great video.
because its captured on a cell phone which doesnt have the cardioid mics that stage setups use, you can really hear the gun firing clearly
check out the above cell phone video
>Resorts to another strawman
>Once again proving the point.
Keep trying.
This is humiliating for the Secret Service. For some reason their guys weren't on that rooftop prior and they didn't manage to stop him before firing despite having higher elevation.
Incompetence or inside job, who can say
>go back there
lol, /pol/ is the beating heart of this website
Fake assassination attempt is the one way to get the press to be entirely about him. Also the fact you're still claiming he's not narcissistic when all evidence points the contrary is an interesting hill to die on.
Do I have to worry about MAGA vigilante justice? Should I get a gun?
According to whom?
that video actually confirms my earlier suspicion here >>1313943
of the 8 shots total, the first 3 are clearly from a different firearm than the proceeding 5 shots.

the first three shots was the lefts failing to assassinate his target, and the secret service who was already on alert searching for the shooter as per https://files.catbox.moe/vqmber.mp4 quickly identified their target and put down the leftist
Probably not, but take down the "Biden/Harris" sign in your yard just to be safe.
Yes, but only because it's your 2nd Amendment right.
statistics. /v/ and /tv/ are also /pol/ as well.
>Also the fact you're still claiming he's not narcissistic
quote literally a single thing i've typed that says he's not narcissistic.

>Fake assassination attempt is the one way to get the press to be entirely about him.
this is the guy who called the governor of georgia on a monitored line and said "find me votes" and you think he outsmarted two dozen three-letter federal agencies to plan this attempted assassination? like again: is donald trump a godlike 500D chess expert? or is he retarded?
>I believe /pol/ infographics
Do you live in a heavily red district?
you can see the secret service standing behind trump in this video https://files.catbox.moe/3kpkss.mp4 already looking for the shooter. sadly, the camera dips before they return fire so you cant clearly see their response
/v/ is literally redd*t now you fucking newfaggot
No, it just sounds much different if someone is that far away from you and shoots in your direction. You are not going to hear the bang as if you were the one shooting the gun. Depending on how close you were to where the shot impacted, you would hear a sharp crack or snap type of noise (if the bullet is still supersonic) followed by the whizz of the bullet flying past your head. The closer you are to it, the louder the whizzing sound would be. It is highly likely that is what witnesses were saying sounded like a snapping firecracker-like sound.
/pol/ has the most users on 4chan because it received all the refugees from reddit and everywhere else who were banned after the rest of the internet banned racism.
This'll be good for the Republicans if they keep it in their pants and don't go ham on getting vigilante revenge. Revenge can wait until after the election.
The fact you're taking umbrage with my post about him wanting to be the center of attention.
Also, the latter is him just wanting to stealing the election.
you mean when r/thedonald got banned you fucking electiontourist nigger
Pre-treatment transwoman from (((that community))) and devout fan of Star Wars: The Acolyte
why the fuck would i remember the exact timeline of what happened on reddit four years ago? whose side are you even on?
a week after the director of the Heritage Foundation claims we're in the middle of a second revolution that could be bloodless, the Bronze Idol gets shot, and you think they're gonna show restraint? every QTard in the country is googling their closest DNC building.
if we make it through the night without more violence I'll be shocked
Left or right retardation is almost always followed by the other side doing something equally retarded to cancel out any victim points. Granted, I think the left are more desperate right now than the right.
did you think there wouldnt be consequences for plotting the assassination of a political rival?
>Granted, I think the left are more desperate right now than the right
much more
>The fact you're taking umbrage with my post about him wanting to be the center of attention.
no, i'm complaining that your conspiracy theory is retarded, just like sandy hook and steel beams were. again, don't just shout random shit. quote some actual fucking words.

>Also, the latter is him just wanting to stealing the election.
yes, and he was as sneaky and subtle about it as a freight train in a china shop. YOU are the one who's claiming that this time around, he was so clever that he outsmarted literally every federal agency to plan his own assassination.
hey lil bro, on 4chan.org anyone can reply to your post. I am correcting you to why you post on /pol/ now and reminding to stay on your tranny containment board
They should be. People around the world fear Trump because he's powerful.
So they arrest dead people in America now?
your account of events and my account of events are literally descriptions of the same thing. i honestly have no fucking ideas why your panties are in such a twist about it.
no you should be fine, liberals are the violent lunatics it seems
that's exactly my point, thanks for proving it. vigilante justice is on the menu and the Republicans are about to squander all the political capital they just got from this
I'm pointing out why Trump would fake an assassination, you're now jumping to conclusions. And also changing the subject on Trump's narsassim to his attempt to steal the election.
American Hero*
Looks like he was trying to disguise himself as an EMT.
Pray to God that shooter was a cis white man or we are NEVER gonna hear the end of it
>I'm pointing out why Trump would fake an assassination
and i'm pointing out that your conspiracy theory is astoundingly fucking stupid.

we can see that he is not a subtle operator when he tried to steal the election, which is evidence that he's also not a subtle operator now. we don't have to use the election. we can use literally any evidence, literally, millions of pages evidence that donald trump is an unsubtle orange retard, all of which are evidence that he almost certainly did not successfully play 500000D chess and outsmart all federal security agencies to plan his own fake assassination without any of them finding out.

you keep moaning and bitching that i'm saying that trump is not a narcissist. he is! of course he fucking is! i've literally never said otherwise but for some reason - probably schizophrenia - you keep reading it into my posts. what i'm saying is that he is retarded. maybe not as retarded as you.
>vigilante justice is on the menu
you people are trying to assassinate political enemies.
Its you people who have a problem
The facts are emerging
Reports are either white male or Chinese male. Chinese guy would be uncharted territory, we've never had media discourse like that before.
there's no word "chinese" let alone anything thats starts with "chin" in that article. but the second sentence says "identified only as a white male"
And you're allowed to have an opinion on why Trump would fake an assassination.
Also Trump has so much of the system on his side to run cover ups, the Georgia call was the exception, not the norm of a damaging leak given we're still finding out information about the coup. Or the fact that the secret service magically deleted all their communications before it could be investigated.
It's clear you're good as a concerned troll, I'll give you that, but that doesn't mean you aren't found out.
It was edited
great video here https://x.com/coladoggxxx/status/1812285847921910241

you can see the counter snipers searching for the gunman. *right* before the gun shots ring out you see the counter sniper on the left get alert and realize he has a target, just as he is re-aiming his gun the shots ring out.

This video doesnt show them responding and putting down the assassin, but it does clearly show them actively searching for a target, and then finding one right before the shooting starts
>Citizens of the United States, on this day we mark a transition. For hundreds of years, the US has stood as the crowning achievement of civilization. But there were those who would set us against one another, and we took up arms to defend our way of life against the Chinese communist and their crooked European puppets. But we never suspected that the ugliest threat was the vermin infestation within.

>The Democrats had conspired to create the shadow state. They had hoped to grind our country into ruin. But the hatred in their hearts could not be hidden forever. At last, there came a day when our enemies showed their true natures.

>The leftists hoped to unleash their destructive power against our country by assassinating me. But the aims of these would-be tyrants were valiantly opposed by the people. Our loyal soldiers contained the insurrection within the capitol building and quelled uprisings across leftist cities.

>The remaining leftists will be hunted down and defeated! Any collaborators will suffer the same fate. These have been trying times, but we have passed the test. The attempt on my life has left me scarred, but I assure you my resolve for vengeance has never been stronger. We stand on the threshold of a new beginning. In order to ensure our security and continuing stability, our republic will be reorganized into the first American Empire, for a safe and secure society, which I assure you will last for ten thousand years. An Empire that will continue to be ruled by this august body and a sovereign ruler chosen for life. An Empire ruled by the majority, ruled by a new constitution!

>By bringing this country under one law, one language, one race, and the enlightened guidance of one individual, the corruption that plagued the old US will never take root. Regional governors will eliminate the bureaucracy that allowed marxism to grow unchecked. A strong and growing military will ensure that our foreign enemies fear us.
lmao. they changed it.
let me see if i can find an archive hold up
either this is biden's fault for all his anti trump
>this will end democracy
shit or it is the same group of jews who murdered everyone running for president in mexico so that one jewish commie could run unopposed
here you go: https://web.archive.org/web/20240713234714/https://nypost.com/2024/07/13/us-news/gunman-behind-attempted-assassination-on-trump-shot-and-killed-by-secret-service-sources/

it says chinese

>Under the Empire's New Order, our most cherished beliefs will be safeguarded. We will defend our ideals by force of arms. We will give no ground to our enemies and will stand together against attacks from within or without. Let the enemies of our Empire take heed: those who challenge Imperial resolve will be crushed.

>We have taken on a task that will be difficult, but the people of the Empire are ready for the challenge. Because of our efforts, our country has traded war for peace and anarchy for stability. Millions now look forward to a secure future. The Empire will grow as other nations fall to our power.

>Imperial citizens must do their part. Join our grand military. Become the eyes of the Empire by reporting suspected marxist insurrectionists. Build monuments and technical wonders that will speak of our glory for generations to come.

>Our soldiers, now proudly wearing the uniforms of the Imperial Legion, have tackled the dangerous work of fighting our enemies on the front lines. Many have died in their devotion to the Empire. Imperial citizens would do well to remember their example.

>The New Order of peace has triumphed over the shadowy secrecy of leftist and their overlords. The direction of our course is clear. I will lead the Empire to glories beyond imagining.

>We have been tested, but we have emerged stronger. We move forward as one people: the Imperial citizens of the first American Empire. We will prevail. Ten thousand years of peace begins today.
this is literally a result of democrats collective violent rhetoric
>And you're allowed to have an opinion on why Trump would fake an assassination.
you're *allowed* to have any fucking opinion you want about any retarded conspiracy you want, just like alex jones can have *opinions* about what really happened at sandy hook, and the rest of us will call you retards.
It's Joever, it's never been more Joever, guaranteed landslide win at this point
Trump has literally talked multiple times about being dictator and reaping vengeance against people who vote against him. He cultivated this shit as much as the democrats.
shut the fuck up terrorist
he only talked about being a dictator on DAY ONE, and only talked about terminating PART of the Constitution to counteract OBVIOUS election fraud, you hyperventilating loser
I'm just pointing out why, you're the one getting offended and angry over it. It's very unhealthy of you.
It took me a few minutes to find a high resolution pic but I have one for those who want it

dems have talked about murdering him and him being the devil since 2016. the blood of this violent left wing terrorism is on your hands
damn, you werent lying. I wonder if that came directly from a crowd-member though. "I saw him on the roof and he looked kinda like one of them there chineses. typical."
And we will have vengeance, terrorist.

Always the same story. When people start shittalking Hitler, I just point to everything the left do and continue to do. You realize then like Trump, he did nothing wrong.
bidens secret service vs trumps secret service
Who ever took that photo just secured a career in photography for life
maybe a strong leader is needed for a day to clean out the rampant terrorism and election fraud of the left
You couldn't stage a better propaganda image, it was intentional.
thanks anon.
That image is literally going to be historic.
A would be assassin failed by literally an inch and trump stands defiant and bloodied in the face of leftist terrorism.
truly iconic photo.
This. We need a dictator or king or whatever you want to call it to save our democracy.
shut up terrorist
Projection from the left. He won't but he should.
But enough about Republicans.
All make up, I can see the red paint.
we need a strong leader to clean up the filth of the left.
this just convinced me. I didnt believe this until today. but im fully convinced now.
>Always the same story. When people start shittalking Hitler, I just point to everything the left do and continue to do. You realize then like Trump, he did nothing wrong.
He razed Europe, and then lost.
Congrats, shooter, you just 100% re-elected him unless FBI can win the fucking trial.
The real redpill is realizing that democracy is a sham and only a dictator can lead a nation to glory.
im fully convinced im voting for trump now.
what im not looking forward to is the DNC shill increasing the project 2025 spam on this board 5x
I will say, I was worried for a minute about what would happen to Biden if he ordered this, but then I remembered, thank God, conservatives all agree the president has absolute criminal immunity when acting as his role as commander in chief.
Reminder: having a firearm means absolutely nothing if you don't spend time at the range practicing with it.
You got a source for this?
Why is a dictator going to prosecute my interests better than a democratically elected official? A dictator is unchecked and insulated from the consequences of his actions.
fucking hell that pic goes hard, literally could not ask for a better photo
Apparently they struck the teleprompter, and the glass from that got his ear.
God protected Trump. God wants Trump to win. Trump will bring about the rapture and prepare the world for the coming of Jesus H. Christ.
Problem is, if any country could pull off an imperialistic land grab in our modern age, it's the United States.
shut up terrorist
Trumps the Antichrist
>the shooter to trumps right, struck the teleprompter that didnt exist and glass from it flew towards trumps face while his head was turned 90 degrees to the right and quantum tunneled through the left side of his head and emerged on the right side, striking his ear
you are some special type of retard
The only thing this left wing activist killed was any small chance left of biden getting elected
you think you're safe little shit? When trump builds camps to put your kind inside the rest of the world will be celebrating.
Kinda, but the costs of war are so high that it's not worth it. It wasn't worth it even back when Hitler and Hirohito tried it back in the 40s. It's definitely not worth it now, especially if you're a major power. You'd have to be absolutely delusional unless you're some shithole country surrounded by other shitholes.
I don't know about you, but I see at least one teleprompter up there. No doubt there was a second on the other side of his podium.
>I'm going to be super violent now because it's what I always was. but now I can project.
the issue with democracy is it takes so long because each side wants their interests. That's why we have we have a bunch of bills being stapled together.
Imagine one side wanting to ban abortion and the other side wanting to legalized slavery and having to pass one to pass the other.
Wholesome image of a child responding to the shooting
do you want to be burnt on oak logs or charcoal? everyone with a brain besides the domestic terrorist far-left knows leftists are the the real party of violence. It's why they always use that stupid excuse antifa stands for anti facist we can't be facist.
Welp, this is a pulitzer shot, whoever did it is the real winner in this mess.
>More projection
>The shooting is being investigated as an attempted assassination. This would mark the first time that a former or current U.S. president or presidential candidate was injured in an attempted assassination since incumbent President Ronald Reagan was shot in 1981
Democrats literally have a history of assassination and terrorism plots and its gotten out of hand
That's true, but a dictator is insulated from all consequences and has unchecked power. If Premier Rutin decides he wants a summer palace on some prime beachfront in a neighboring nation, he can draft a bunch of his citizens for a land grab and spend their lives to do so. There's also the matter that to maintain dictatorial powers requires a lot of paranoia, leading to the purges that leaders like Stalin, Mao, and Pinochet were famous for.
A little concerning how many people think this was staged
that photo is so hard and i’m choosing to believe it’s a false flag now
leftists have been calling for the assassination of trump for a while now.
this is only going to get more frequent as the democrat base is incited to violence by non-stop fearporn propaganda shoved down their throats
Can't wait for them to go to jail like Shillary did.
What are the odds of the bullet just grazing him? Hard to imagine it being a false flag, but man. If the election wasn’t over before, it sure is now. Tough luck Dems.

Too bad for me that I don’t believe it matters one bit which puppet sits in that office.


That is not why bills are stapled together, which is a cucked way of saying earmarks/pork.
Makes me think it was a lolbertarian. Looks like very few people guessed correctly.
Less likely. There's a mini documentary on YT about Chiese migrants in the US prefering Trump because the Democrats and MSM's behavior reminds them of the Chinese government.
It would be absolutely hilarious if it was /k/ the whole time.
This site would get shut down tomorrow if that was the case
LMAO. The shooter was a libertarian. Libertarians despise trump. Everyone was speculating about Biden supporters or Chinese agents while ignoring the obvious answer in front of them.
See: >>1314312
biden could drop a nuke and you people would still project
Why does every lolbert I know still vote for fucking Trump or republicans then?
>lolbertarian finally decides to use the guns
>can't hit a jumbo-sized, bright orange lump
to be a leftist is to literally avoid reality
Where'd you find an image of the shooter from that angle that clear?
very obvious falseflag, you would appear as someone else to save your own group
>Projects when it was Trump that wants to use nukes
You are saying that just because of the shirt? Maybe he just wanted looks to blend in with the crowd, so he got something with the US flag on it.
"lesser evil".

It's like the "socialists" who vote for biden
It's merch from a youtube channel. I don't know their politics but they start their most recent video by shilling Raid Shadow Legends.
Have you seen who the libertarian candidate is?
It was definitely from a lolbertarian, that shirt is youtube merch from a gun youtube channel. Defintely not an average leftist.

>dedicated enough to buy merch from a gun YT channel
>not dedicated enough to actually practice hitting a pumpkin at 400 feet
and these are the people foaming at the mouth for a second Civil War to purge leftists and deep staters? the first night a few of them get blackbagged for sedition they'll sit down and shut up
/k/ is literally full of Ukrop gun nuts, NAFO phenotype bunch. This guy fits this description
I'm glancing through that channel's content (what little I can stand) and they're all beardy idiots. The type of people that use the fire emoji and call things epic without irony.
/pol/ coping this hard after their initial lies were BTFO.
are they all wearing aviators too? maybe sipping on black coffee?
I assume this is a meme I don't recognize. But aviators are present. As are gauges and manbuns.
very clearly wearing a shirt to blend in or cause commotion
those dastardly antifa members! dress up like Proud Boys and beat cops with flagpoles bearing Trump flags at the Capitol, and now wearing niche libertarian gear to throw investigators off the scent after trying to kill Trump.
they are truly the most insidious political organization of our time.
stop being retarded and use common sense for 2 seconds
Common sense would be it's a false flag.
>risk killing trump for the sake of trump
absolutely none here
Me going back in time to kill the photographer before he takes that badass Iwo Jima picture of Trump that dooms the country
Common sense would tell me that some autist sovereign citizen type, upset by the SCOTUS ruling that Presidents are immune to criminal prosecution for official acts, wanted to knock off the guy whose lawsuit led to that ruling.
Or should I believe that some leftist, in the middle of rural Pennsylvania, knows how to use a rifle and had the presence of mind to buy a niche YTer's gear to "blend in" with a crowd that he's not even a part of?
That poster is accusing them of being FBI agents
>should I believe that some leftist, in the middle of rural Pennsylvania, knows how to use a rifle and had the presence of mind to buy a niche YTer's gear to "blend in" with a crowd that he's not even a part of?
my lord the common sense just goes out the window
Ah. Nah. They look like, may Allah forgive me, average r/liberalgunowners members.
you're literally a terrorist sympathizer fuck off.
>conservative Xitterfags are starting their own "it was a false flag" story as it comes out that the shooter may not have been a lefty
by this time next week no one will believe that Trump actually got shot lmao
it is because people need to have their own interests pushed to be willing to support yours
That's why every government model has issues, democracy's issue is slow if not halted progress because everyone's interests has to be taken into account.
No one's arguing which model is better or worst, and obviously as someone living in the moment no one wants to live in a dictatorship but they progress faster because there's no bureaucracy.
its hilarious how they hate on alex jones so much for the sandy hook but here they are in denial of an actual domestic terrorist attack on the most important people of the country. I hope when trump takes office he subpoenas reddit and X to gather them all and retroactively arrests them for being terrorists sympathizers. The far-left are the same group who mock freedom of speech so they shouldn't have any.
I'm not a Republican, be a bigger bitch.
>libertarians despise trump
uh oh. The Marxists Democrats are trying to pull a "We wuz the real libertarians"
>I'm not a Republican
ok so you are a terrorist, fuck off loser.
But I'm not a Republican, so I can't be a terrorist, be a bigger bitch.
BREAKING: Images emerge of gunman

Well, Good News! Because he called you a Democrat.
We have a possible name: Thomas Matthew Crooks, of Bethel, PA.
really? the nigga who almost blew Trump's head off is named "Crooks"? now I am convinced this shit was scripted
Why should I trust anything they say after they rain with the Republican Chinese lie?
Then I'm not a terrorist, unlike Republicans.
the Butler police are doing a press conference right now, the stream is all fucked up but apparently there were other "suspicious occurrences" during the rally like when the crowd pointed out the gunman.
multiple shooters?
He was ready to kill the fPOTUS and blow up a bunch of pigs on the way out.
I need more context of this picture, no fucking way.
The NYpost already got it wrong once
>libertarian schizophrenic mad about a legal issue
Nothingburger confirmed. "Nothing ever happens" remains.
>leftists went from ITS STAGED to A RIGHT WINGER DID IT on a whim
truly a pathetic people
unless there's two "Thomas Matthew Crooks"s in a town of 33k, PA voter registration has him as a Republican.
unless he registered as a Republican three years ago just to really get some subterfuge going
You have to register republican to vote in the republican primary in Pennsylvania (and a few other states, too).
Actually wait. Is the registration from three years ago? Because three years ago he wasn't legal to vote, if the age they're saying for him is correct.
the info I'm seeing floating around: DOB 9/2003, date of registration 28/9/2021
so the age and dates align. also not sure if "last vote date" also counts primaries, because the info says his last vote was in 2022, so the idea that he's flipping registration to vote in primaries is shaky too
Speculation on his motive? Let's hear it. Give me your best guesses
Donald J. Trump
Lolbertarian mad at Trump for representing "big government" more than they like.
Earlier saw a rumor floating around that he was a pro-life religious fundie who was mad that Trump was backing down from pushing for a nationwide abortion ban as part of the platform.
I'm leaning towards bump stock ban but that's a good one too.
there's no way Biden's luck is that good. after two years of abortion being the ace in the hole issue for Democrat voters, going so far as to be protected as a right in states like fucking Kansas, the issue is such an emotional wedge issue in the Republican party that people are gonna try to assassinate presidential nominees over it?
if there's any truth to that, the GOP infighting is going to make the Democrat hand-wringing since the debate look like a unified front. and all Biden has to do is sit down shut up and watch the fire burn
I'm glad I was here for a nothing burger with you all, Will be glad when nothing happens in the next 5 years and when nothing is still happening in 10-20 years. The US will still be standing, the economy will be just as shitty and the culture war still going and just as annoying. And when I'm dead there will just as much nothing happening as today's nothing.
Be grateful to the shooter for saving my country from being liquidated by the guy who killed Epstein in front of everyone and got away with it and whose court ended the presidency by upgrading the position to elected king.

Be really pissed at the shooter for driving us into a civil war that the country likely would not survive as it's stripped of its world reserved currency status.

Either way, there's ups an downs.
Hunter Biden caused this
Why are trannys so obsessed with /pol/ on this board?
Just wait two years until the guy who says, "defaulting is no big deal, we may as well get it over with" convinces congress not to raise the debt ceiling, the dollar is suddenly worth 10 cents, and all the collateral that is all that BLM land, that makes up about half the land west of the Mississippi, goes to China, who will be mining the fuck out of it, and we'll gladly help them in exchange for that suddenly sweet sweet Yuan.
WaPo has him as "20 year old man", which so far still fits with Crooks based on the name and PA voter registration.
I think they might've gotten it right (this time)
Trump wanted the secret service to move so he could pose. He knew he could create an image that would change the course of history. You have to hand it to him, man knows how to meme.
20 year old trump voter
how much jewish cum is currently in your asshole?
>Biden up +1 in Pennsylvania

They only pull that shit when a democrat is president, when Trump was racking up debt, republicans raised the debt ceiling no questions asked.
Holy fucking based, I'm now voting for Biden.
hnngg… so civil… so proper and presidential… I'M VOOOOTING
>post here yesterday complaining about the lack of political shootings in the US
>political shooting against the former president happens
lol thanks burgers, you actually did something
>Here's me being weak
>Now make me leader again
He must have fantasized about this exact scenario where he gets wounded in a superficial way, no question.
Presumably the shooter would have voted Biden, so it might be even on this one.
Now that he has killed the killer, he no longer knows the identity of the person who instructed him to kill Trump.
He's a loltarian, he'd throw his vote away going third party.
That's technically a vote fro Trump.
this the new cope on twitter?
How has no one said that the shooter might have been a groyper? N*ck Fuentes loathes Trump ever since that Kanye West invitational dinner.

https://www.youtube.com/live/RkGUEBN_u8U&t=4079 - Compare guy on the right (~15sec after name is called) to photos of shooter at the scene


This is one of those accounts made by broke asss uyghurs changing their ig names to get free followers when something big happens
Post the news article link:



>Law enforcement authorities have identified the man who made an assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump at a rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday.

>The FBI said the shooter, who is dead, was identified as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania. A motive was not clear.

>The gunman was immediately “neutralized” by the Secret Service, chief of communications Anthony Guglielmi said.

>Bethel Park is a predominantly white, relatively well-to-do city in the southern reaches of greater Pittsburgh. The site of the rally, Butler, is about an hour’s drive north of Pittsburgh.

>Pennsylvania voter records listed a Thomas Matthew Crooks with the same address and birth date as a registered Republican, though it was not clear from the records when that was put in place.

>At a news conference Saturday night, law enforcement said the investigation was close to making a positive identification of the shooter, who did not have identification on him, state police Lt. Col. George Bivens said.

>"The shooter has been tentatively identified," he said. "It’s a matter of doing biometric confirmations."

>Investigators have also prioritized finding a motive and determining whether the shooter had accomplices, authorities said at the news conference.

>Pennsylvania voter records listed a Thomas Matthew Crooks with the same address and birth date as a registered Republican, though it was not clear from the records when that was put in place.

>Federal Election Commission donor data also listed a Thomas Crooks of Pennsylvania as having given $15 to ActBlue, a political action committee that backs Democrats, in June 2021.
How was a sniper with a full rifle kit allowed to bear crawl onto the closest roof to a presidential nominee?
Apparently, he bumrushed it.
Thomas Matthew Crooks apparently is alive and well. so who is the shooter exactly?

How did he miss?
lee harvey oswald hit a melon while it was moving.
Set up in a rush.
Oswald was a USMC qualified sharpshooter.
Crooks learned by watching youtube videos.
Conspiracy with deep state+a secret service agent? Or just incompetence?
This guy was no Lee Harvey Oswald with an Italian bolt action rifle if that's what you mean
I think most people are discouraged from even trying. In most cases the SS ( kek btw) is on your track as soon as you form the idea.
>tens of thousands of people claim they want trump dead
>an assassination attempt happens
>eh must be staged
Your choices are kinda between watching Trump liquidate the nation for his family's personal profit, or watch the nation destroyed in a civil war, so you're kinda damned if you do and damned if you don't.
Trump has been around for a while. No one was really taking potshots at him, so the secret service probably got complacent.

Even if bystanders reported it to the cops, who's to say that cop they talked to didn't want Trump dead as well? Cops aren't some saintly protector of all, they have their own agenda too.
Interesting that you think Trump won't start the civil war considering the race riots during his first term.
It was foretold
immediate jubilation with the creeping dread coming a little bit later
how it is now is just the dread though
it was invented because slave owners were afraid of losing their influence as population density in the north increased while the number of voting people on their plantations stayed the same.
it's a system created for an america that no longer exists. one person one vote is the proper way to do things.
jesus christ this board is going to be unusable for the next three days at least
give us a motive already so we can keep shitposting come on FBI
>The shooter was a local registered Republican zoomer

Can't wait to see the mental gymnastics conservatives are about to go through
The current attempt of spinning this is "HE ONLY REGISTERED REPUBLICAN IN ORDER TO VOTE IN THE CLOSED PRIMARY", as if a zoomer that young is savvy and strategic enough to do that.
assuming the story about him donating to ActBlue is legit, comes across as your typical enlightened lolbertarian who loves guns but wants to smoke weed legally. might not have appreciated Trump's lawsuit that led to presidential immunity from criminal prosecution for official acts.
Neither side gets complete absolution. In better times that would be an indication that both sides are fucked in the head and can take steps to try and ratchet down violent rhetoric.
the world would be better if both frontrunners ended their campaigns tomorrow and opened the field
both suck so much it's amazing these two are the ones we've got
>shooter's name confirmed
>confirmed to be registered Republican voter
>confirmed to be born after 2001
>rumors of the shooter being Jewish seem to be amounting to nothing
>rumors of the shooter being transgender seem to be amounting to nothing

In pure sincerity, I don't know what to make of this. Trump survived the assassination attempt. I'm not seeing the call by the MAGAs for mass violence in revenge against anybody at all. Or maybe it's out there without me seeing it. I'm mostly seeing speculation and conspiracy talk.
Does there have to be a "this" to make of it? A country awash in guns, with a patchwork mental health system, and a morbid celebrity culture? Is it unreasonable to think that this wasn't politically motivated and was just some nutcase who wanted his 15 minutes and saw a chance to get it by shooting one of the most visible men in the world?
Fuck off. I probably dislike Trump as much as you do. But this type of political violence is the enemy of democracy and NEVER okay. Even if it happens to people we might disagree with
>he is a literal fascist that might unironically destroy democracy and kill your country BUT IT IS NOT OK TO WISH DEATH ON HIM BECAUSE.. BECAUSE.. YOU JUST CANT OK
>Crooks had explosive devices in his car, used rifle registered to his father
morbidly curious about what those explosive devices were and what they were meant for. did he seriously expect to get off the roof and suicide bomb the police or something
democracy is built on the principle that you're dealing with opponents, not friends and enemies. Political violence only causes more violence and the only winner in this are the enemies of democracy, because they can point at this and use it to discredit democracy.
Trump Bragged About Assassinating Foreign Leaders, Now Someone Tries to Assassinate Him

I wish the bullet hit Trump. Was quite disappointed this mornin when I read that the bullet missed. Missed opportunity to say RIP BOZO
I don't think I'll ever get over this guy missing. For real how the fuck do you miss?????? This one act defines your life, you plan ahead for the venue, for the angle for the shot, you know you're lucky to get off more than one shot before they get you. Do you not spend every waking open before hand to make sure you can nail the shot? Practicing every possible condition. What the fuck dude.
You have to understand that Trump, deplorable though he may be, is still a human being with feelings and hopes and dreams. Not like Syrians, Libyans, Palestinians, Iraqis, Afghans, …
my cringe first reaction was feeling kind of bad for the guy. destiny in his hands, going down in history for all time, the savior who went back in time to shoot hitler, reduced to another lib getting malded by trump.
the bullet just grazing him is the most unbelievable shit. the magafags will rally around their new prophet protected by God. it's too narratively perfect. it's like when Napoleon came back and the french soldiers refused to shoot their Emperor and joined his side again. there will be temples and monuments constructed to commemorate this event, and those will be built on top of mass graves.
WSJ Opinion board is already conditioning readers to believe it was divine intervention.
>"It’s nothing short of miraculous that Mr. Trump avoided death by a literal inch. The former President can’t help but think that Providence played some role in sparing him, as Ronald Reagan is said to have thought after he was shot and survived in 1981. The country was spared, too, from what could have been a furious cycle of retribution."
You are evil.
This is why you aim for the chest
Drumpf always wears a vest tho. Might still be able to kill a dude his age TBH. Maybe shoulda aimes for the legs. That'd probably be a kill shot with an AR. At least he'd be in a wheel chair for life. Wonder if he wears the ones with groin protectors. A dick shot might also be a fatality and well worth it even if it wasn't.
>'Donald Trump wears bullet proof vest during campaign events'
>Last Updated: Apr 05, 2016, 07:22:00 PM IST
don't know shit about rifles, so forgive my ignorance, but would a vest even help much against the rifle being used? and wouldn't the concussive force of the bullet hitting him cause some pretty intense internal injuries, especially of a man his age?
>donated $15 to progressive PAC on day of Biden's victory
>later registered as a Republican

My speculation is that the dude was a burned out Berniebuster who became increasingly anti-establishment after Biden won the primary over Sanders. With his disillusionment with the DNC, he began sampling the other side. Life going nowhere, no hopes, probably a lonely terminally online incel type (and I mean incel sympathetically in this case; it's not his personality or work-out ethic, man was born with a boot for a face), he became easy prey for further radicalization and schizo conspiracy brain. So basically, I think what we have his a schizo with an incoherent and contradictory ideology/motivation, not some well rationed political assassin.
It's wild to think that he might have posted on 4chan.
sorry, your chattering insect noises are unfamiliar to my human ears, you should probably just go back to searching endlessly for more sugar water.
i genuinely can't tell what kind of racial caricature you're trying for here but i'm gonna assume some east asian nation because those usually get the slur 'bugmen'? which is a weird comparison anyways because the primary suspect, china, isn't even a democracy.
wouldn't be a guarantee. trump has natural body armor, too much fat and flab
he says as hes literally desperately spinning it that hes a right winger
he is a right winger, this is a fact
>trump was warranting violence, this was going to happen to him, he deserves it
>nevermind, its a falseflag
>nevermind actually, he was a right winger
>okay nevermind its a falseflag
>we arent crazy or violent
I wonder if he wanted to kill Trump just so a Republican he liked more would get the nomination.
he's a registered republican who thought trump was going too far and very nearly did something about it
look at his $15 donation to actblue's (notably party neutral) voter registration fund mere days after the 1/6 insurrection, well before he could even vote himself
it screams republican with classic republican values who hated to see the party lick trump's boot for so long and focus on shit that wouldn't make a difference in making his life better or the country better in any meaningful way
>power hungry morons lick boots of a narcissist dumbass loser just because they desire more power
There's something beautiful about Trump turning the whole US into a laughing stock and making it obvious to the world how much they're disintegrating.
>leftists hitting the apex of their fearmongering
very clearly a leftist
Leftists have no balls, and generally no guns. I suspect he's either a disillusioned right winger, or a "both sides are in on it together" sort of guy, like the one that set himself on fire at the Trump trial.

...Not that he was wrong. Best buddies with the Clinton's for the better part of two decades, and suddenly he's "our guy".
please tell me, what fears am i mongering?
especially when the situation described above, sans grabbing a gun to shoot at trump, is a confirmed thing among a not insignificant slice of republican voters.
your party is not a MAGA monolith, not everyone is willing to worship a sycophant. some of the greatest thorns in trump's side both during and after his term have been republican officials that stood their ground for what they believed and refused to cave to his bullying and threats.
leftists really believe trump is about to turn the country into a theocracy. it was an action that was the result of fearmongering
leftists say everyday that theyre "into guns too"
as a leftist in western PA who owns three guns, yes many of us around here are, actually. we get the first day of deer hunting season off from school.
They were calling for blood on far right blogs like Breitbart, but now after it was confirmed the shooter was a conservative Republican, they've shifted to pretending he was a false flag op.
The perpetrator was some kid. That struck me as odd.
>i genuinely can't tell what kind of racial caricature you're trying for here
worker drone self-awareness successfully destroyed
full, unquestioning obedience acheived
proceeding with further destruction of individuality to further enourage slave-mentality
>notably party neutral
top kek
get out the vote campaigns don't turn you away if you say you want to register as a republican, numbnuts
are... are you having a stroke? do i need to call an ambulance?
>get out the vote campaigns don't turn you away if you say you want to register as a republican, numbnuts
you disengenuous faggot, absolute scumbag. No, the organization that exclusively funds democrats and pushes liberal agendas won't decline your money if you vote for Trump. Do you think if you tell them that and ask nicely they'll put your money to his campaign? After all, they're a neutral party with no political bias whatsoever, right? Stupid fucking preprogrammed NPC.
>zionists cant stage assassinations
bold assumption
nice job missing the fucking point by a country mile, retard
they're not putting the money to biden's campaign either, not when you donate specifically as part of a voter registration awareness and action campaign. this is a LEGAL REQUIREMENT of a nonprofit when the purpose of funds to be received is declared before receiving any. you really need to educate yourself on how these system work before trying to talk out your ruined asshole in a grab at some internet tough guy points.
i understand it may be hard for you to comprehend this but please try, i believe in you
liberals aren't "leftitst" btw
They get tossed in the wood chipper all the same.
You'll have to excuse my fellow American. Here, political football teams have been shuffled around so much that doublespeak and doublethink are the norm, with the Republicans that were once pro-abortion and anti-gun, and the Democrats that were once so racist in the other direction, and now do everything possible to back the black and the brown.

In the rest of the world, liberal means pro free market capitalism, smaller government, lower taxes, less regulation, more personal freedom, and further distancing ones self from totalitarianism and monarchy.

Here in America, "liberal" has become a slur to describe communists, higher taxes, more regulation, the nanny state, woketards, and various degeneracy.

Which is a shame, given that all the founding fathers called themselves liberals, and wouldn't have been up for much of any of that.

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