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After former President Donald Trump was bloodied and escorted offstage by Secret Service following an incident at his Pennsylvania rally Saturday, the Florida political world took to social media to offer the former president their well wishes and condemn what looked to be political violence.

Details around the incident were not immediately forthcoming. A spokesperson for the Secret Service said in a statement that Trump was safe, and it would release more information when it became available.

“This was clearly an assassination attempt on President Trump,” said U.S. Sen. Rick Scott. “There is ZERO tolerance for violence. I hope this monster is already caught and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.” Pictures of a defiant Trump, holding a fist high, quickly began to circulate on social media.

Show me a body faggots
Why did he pause to get his shoes if he was afraid for his life?
probably because the secret service whispered to him that the target was neutralized. you can hear a gunshot in response among the first few shots
They wouldn't have known at that time there was only one shooter. Trump just seems awfully nonchalant about it is all I'm saying.
that is going to be a damn good campaign picture for trump
How do I post a video on mobile?
I just bought 3 bedspreads, 2 throw pillows, and a welcome mat with that photo on it.
Whatever. Best I could do is a screen recording from a Facebook post. https://gofile.io/d/N9i3nc
>Witness says he saw gunman on roof near Trump rally
>A witness who was outside President Trump’s Butler, Pennsylvania, rally told BBC on video that he saw the shooting suspect “crawling, bear crawling, up the roof beside us, 50 feet away from us.”

>At first, the witness said, he didn’t know why a man was “crawling up the roof. There are only a few buildings around here. Why isn’t the Secret Service on every building?”

>Another video, which you can watch below, showed what rally attendees said was the suspect’s body on a roof. The attempted assassin appears to be wearing camouflage clothing. The suspect’s name has not been released. Numerous false names are being shared on X and other social media platforms. The Trump shooting suspect’s name has not been verified.

>The witness’s account raised serious questions about how the gunman was allowed to access the roof without the Secret Service securing it or noticing.
Thank you Anon
>campaign ad
That photo will be in US history books. They just missed killing a presidential candidate by less than a fucking ear width in an attempted assassination. People are so disconnected from reality it's unreal.
Consider the difference in imagery:
On one side, you have someone who is so riddled with dementia that he can barely make a coherent statement, who is so enfeebled that he needs his handler's help to take a single step down from a stage, and who is so coddled by his handlers that they congratulate him for answering questions in the same way you might celebrate a child for not shitting himself while potty training.
On the other side, you have a man who gets shot, and after being dogpiled by his security detail, gets up and walks off the stage while holding his fist in the air in a show of defiance and strength, showing his supporters that he has the will and desire to continue to fight and calling on them to do the same.

The optics alone on this election are so ridiculous that you have to wonder how the DNC will unclench Biden's hands from around the crown just to have a chance come November.
>That photo will be in US history books. They just missed killing a presidential candidate by less than a fucking ear width in an attempted assassination. People are so disconnected from reality it's unreal.
the gravity of this situation is massive. the left just tried to assassinate trump, and missed by literally an inch, and right after the shooting trump is standing straight up, bloodied and defiant while secret service has their heads down trying to rush him away
The Facebook post I recorded claimed "Antifa member Mark Violets" is the shooter.
This is the worst outcome. Not only was there an assassination attempt at all, but it was a failed attempt. He'll spin it, there will be conspiracy theories for years, it'll another grievance for him to air, and people will support him out of sympathy. I see Elon Musk has already decided to do so.
Who knows, though - maybe Trump finally realizes what he's doing now that his life is actually in danger because of it and tones it down for once. Biden seems all too eager to do so, at least. One can dream - shit's getting too heated.
So all we know is that its definitely not a person named Mark Violets
Watch these Trump cult members now cutting their ears in solidarity
The body laying on the roof doesn't look as fat as that failed attempt of a hard profile picture
why are you playing the victim schizo?
>maybe Trump finally realizes what he's doing now that his life is actually in danger because of it and tones it down for once.
We have people on broadcast and cable "news" calling the man the next Hitler, the anti-Christ, etc. etc. etc. and practically begging for someone to off him, and while they've been doing it for years, their rhetoric has been particularly strident after the debate debacle where their chosen candidate showed the world just how bad things are on the Democrat side of things.
That you think it's Trump that needs to tone it down shows just how badly you've been brainwashed.
I've heard them get close, but not exactly Hitler or the Anti-Christ - though honestly, I haven't heard them say much about Trump at all recently. If anything, the debate was followed by two weeks of going after BIDEN. This is the second story since the debate I've seen where Biden's age wasn't the top story on the Washington Post front page.
To be fair he's wearing a baggy gilley suit
>The Facebook post I recorded claimed "Antifa member Mark Violets" is the shooter.
i have a video of the shooter. do you have a picture of Mark Violets?
>i have a video of the shooter
i mean to say i have a photo of the dead shooter. if you have a photo of this mark dude we could probably figure out pretty quickly if its the same dude
I'm buying coffee mugs with that pic to send out as christmas presents this year
inb4 mike tyson jokes
thats actually not a bad idea. i have a few family members that would love them
It's not the same dude.

It was also in the beginning of the last gofile link I sent.
Assassination attempts are great for campaigns. This probably just clinched it for Trump. And my money is on a false flag because in this day in age of drones and surveillance how the FUCK was this guy not spotted?
Damn good false flag to outright kill a bystander.
He was spotted by bystanders. What blows my mind is none of these hicks wanted to step up and be a hero.
Perhaps he didn't look out of place.
Now now lefties, don't victim blame others for your violent bullshit
its because of these bystanders the counter sniper squad was already searching for a target.
they took down your buddy almost immediately.
Calm down ive only made observations. Quit projecting your feeling on me. I'm voting trump too ya idiots
leftist political violence is out of control
>its a neverTrumper republican
Here is a screenshot of a tweet showing the dead shooter. Gore warning as if any of you care.
Just an inch over and ahh what bliss
yeah i totally agree. fuck trump.
whats your discord? lets talk about it someplace private
My parents do think it was a false flag, partly because how the fuck did he miss and the fact the guy was that close to kill an trump, I tried explaining that shooting a moving target is not easy (especially if you are aiming for the head instead of the torso) and that this kind of false flag is a disaster then simply because they killed a bystander and nearly headshot trump anyway lmfaooo
>>its a neverTrumper republican
So, a leftist.
It's tough to explain how he was so far off mark by shooting the guy in the crowd far to the right of Trump at the angle he was shooting from
On the contrary, a civilian death makes this the perfect false flag. MAGAloids are now martyrs nation wide.
You can only assume this dude has spent 100s of hours at a range with that gun. What are the odds this is just a dude that had enough? However, the fact that it he had the gun, got close enough, was seen and reported, was able to get a shot off and missed makes this seem like a stunt.
I'm surprised they didn't put their jackboots on his neck and give the thumbs up as they took the photo
Give it an hour.
its pretty easy to see how the dude missed. According to the witness he was bearcrawling slowly on the roof of the barn to stay out of sight. (looking at google maps its a slanted roof, such that one side of the slant is pointing away from where trump was speaking)
The snipers were aware of his presence and looking for him but were unable to see him until literally about 1-2 seconds before the first shot (you can see this in the video with the snipers behind trump as they rapidly re-adjust their rifles shortly before the first shot)

those are facts, no conjecture. Im going to surmise that based on those facts, the dude stayed out of sight until literally right before he was going to shoot and which point he only had 1-2 seconds or so to actually aim at trump, and in his rush to kill before he was killed himself, he missed.
>how the fuck did he miss
Go watch the video. Trump does a rapid head movement and turns his head to the side a split second before the first shot. The only reason he didn't catch a bullet to the back of the head is because he happened to move his head at the exact right time, just pure dumb luck.
It's not, though. I used to shoot. Even at 100 yards, if your scope isn't calibrated precisely right, you'll miss your mark by a fair bit. The scope could have not been calibrated right to begin with, it could have been knocked around while the dude was climbing the roof, etc., or he is just not a great shot.

There is a reason snipers are so highly trained, and have spotters at long distances.

People think scope shooting is like Call of Duty, and it's not even close.

doesn't make any sense for it to be a false flag. he got shot in the ear. any slight deviation and it would've hit his head. no way they made a plan that involved him possibly getting domed
Fair point. Haters will say trumps ear lobe was rigged to explode
The wind was blowing the opposite direction, too. It's possible his last shot was taken right as his head was exploding, too, I guess.
would Trump have died if the assassin aimed for his chest instead?
it didn't just miss, it shot through the teleprompter into someone behind him. the teleprompter exploding is what cut trump's ear
shut the fuck up terrorist shit bag
/pol/ thinks it's the guy with huge eargauges but the earlobes don't match
shooter was wearing merch from a hard-RW gun youtube channel
>INB4 actually it's an antifa false flag
very clearly wearing a shirt to blend in or cause commotion
yeah im totally sure a trump supported just tried to assassinate trump, and this dude isnt just a gun enthusiast or anything
go back to twitter, you unhinged terrorist
People think it's a Libertarian. They despise him more than leftists, since he's big into government power.
When you just went through something as crazy as getting shot at, your mind can get kind of confused as you're coping with what you're dealing with. So you just kind of fixate on random stuff that you think is in your control as a sort of cope. Might be what happened to Trump.
Why did his ear stop bleeding instantly?
Why did he pretend to shout "fight" and not actually just do it?
Why did he fucking pose for a photo in the middle of an assassination attempt?
Yeah true.
It's just as likely it could be an unhinged radical lefty too. Gonna have to see what happens with the investigation.
Never rule out a psyop.
fair and reasonable post
Is there any source for this?
I am not saying its a false flag way to earlier for that shit but If your going to fake a assassination attempt killing someone is a good way to make it real.
So /pol/ has convinced themselves it was a republican who donated to actblue, which doesn't make any sense.
you mean twittertards convinced themselves it was a republican, which is dumb
A registered republican is a republican. Cope.
No one cares about twitter on this board. It's more relevant that the NYT and the WSJ both say he was a republican.
I think he was targeted because he was planning to sell woke states to Russia, and set russian as the official language in the US. I'm starting to learn Russian, btw. I think it's a good investment for the future.
I saw docs leaked that Trump was giving away CA to Putin and the wokes were triggered. F#ck them, enjoy Russia.
Libs don't watch Demolition Ranch. Even leftist gun groups like Socialistra don't watch them (instead watching crap like inrangetv or tacticool girlfriend). DR is very conservative and attracts boogfags like flies to shit.
yeah just like how patrick crusius is a registered democrat and a democrat
he bought the shirt to blend in
>yeah just like how patrick crusius is a registered democrat and a democrat
Stop lying. Why must right-wingers always lie?
>Crusius registered to vote in 2016 as a Republican and had a Twitter account from 2017 that showed a photo of Donald Trump in the Oval Office. He also had a pro-Trump poll that included responses such as "#BuildTheWall, #NoSanctuaryCities, #KeepGitmoOpen and #BanSyrianRefugees".
Crooks is alive, it's not him
/news/, I can't trust the major media outlets. Can I trust you?
I dunno either trust a bunch of people that get paid to lie to you just to push a narrative or come here and listen to a bunch of crazy schizo retards that think they're smarter than the rest of the world

just do the smartest thing and get yourself some popcorn
Glowie detected
>condemn what looked to be political violence
'Political violence in any form has no place in our societies and my thoughts are with all the victims of this attack'
-Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer
I wonder why John Major, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, David Cameron, Theresa May, Boris Johnson, Liz Truss, Rishi Sunak, and the new Labour PM haven't been assassinated the same way as what the vile Republican Thomas Matthew Crooks tried to do to Trump?
>what white supremacist Thomas Mair did - and with what form of weapon - to Labour MP Jo Cox, while he shouted 'Britain First'
Certainly since 1996.
You might be on the wrong board
I can trust the major media outlets
>BBC News
>Sky News
>Daily Mirror
>The Guardian
>The Independent
I'll never trust the likes of >>1314717
Biden said anything about i yet?
He gave a televised statement from his Delaware beach house. Condemned the attack, and said he wanted to give Trump a call. Referred to him as "Donald", like as a show of respect and humanity.
He was asked if it's an assassination attempt and said they don't know the facts but ge has an opinion
political violence is a leftist trait
>actblue donor
>Gives cash to The Progressive Turnout Project the day Biden is sworn in
>Dislikes trump
>Registers republican in advance for opportunities to attend events trump would be at
>Purchases a rifle
>Tries to kill trump
Source: 'Trust me bro!'
Nah, some of these are correct, they just omit details, such as "donor" meaning "gave 15 dollars once", at age 17
What part of that do you disbelieve, retard?
He hasn't ever voted, so he's not a Republican voter.
All we know as a fact is that he donated to progressive causes on Joe biden's inauguration day, and then leading up the the election year he registered Republican, purchased a rifle, and tried to kill trump
He's also a fan of a right wing gun Youtube channel, which would explain both registering Republican and buying a rifle.
>if I had to guess
it needs to ask that question
when are democrats not trying to kill their political opposition? antifa killed 20+ people in the 2020 riots alone
>antifa killed 20+ people in the 2020 riots alone
Pretty sure that was the Boogaloo Boys during the Boogaloo Riots
Ah so demolition ranch is behind this plot!
You've solved it!
>The page "Boogaloo riots" does not exist. You can create a draft and submit it for review or request that a redirect be created, but consider checking the search results below to see whether the topic is already covered.
>Pretty sure that was BLM during the BLM riots

>such as "donor" meaning "gave 15 dollars once", at age 17
Why are we putting "donor" in quotes? he donated $15. That factually happened. The fact that he was doing it at 17 when most kids his age aren't that involved in a political campaign makes him more of a supporter, not less.
>The fact that he was doing it at 17 when most kids his age aren't that involved in a political campaign makes him more of a supporter, not less.
Pretty much this.
The kid was involved with leftwing activism apparently since highschool.
The fact that he suddenly registered republican and purchased a rifle leading up to an election year kinda shows everything you need to know. Kid wasn't a registered Republican before he started plotting to kill trump
I'm waiting for the "history of extensive mental health issues" and "known to the FBI" punchlines to drop
> Meet up with family
> First thing out of my fathers mouth when I see him is "Did you see the news? They missed Trump, we were so close to being rid of the bastard!"

We don't even live in america.
>now you get to watch him win re-election because leftists can't do anything right
Should have been your response
>a Republican votes Trump in 2016
>the same Republican says he won't in 2020
>said Republican says that in a comment on a YouTube vid about Charlottesville, which happened after 2016
>member of white supremacist group National Front Kevin Day
>same member of white supremacist group National Front becomes a left wing comedian/writer
>Republicans Against Trump: 2020
>the reason why the 'Red Wave' in 2022 wasn't a trickle
People changing their minds. It's a thing.
I remember people saying that everyone has to learn Mandarin asap because china is the future and shit, my parents made me learn English anyway lol
>Why did his ear stop bleeding instantly?
It still appears to bleed as he is taken off by the SS. Now if your argument is why didn't bleed like a stuck pig, well I don't know how much a ear should be to be honest so maybe someone else can help you with that one.
>Why did he pretend to shout "fight" and not actually just do it?
You can hear him shout the word in the video, he didn't just mouth it, he said it. Now if your implying why didn't he go out and fight the attacker, I am assuming the multiple SS agents on scene would have prevented him from doing anything other than taking him out of there to get treated.
>Why did he fucking pose for a photo in the middle of an assassination attempt?
Just to point out you can see the exact moment that picture was taken in the video sequence and its not like they stopped and posed for it. Honestly, photographers, really professional ones can get some amazing shots in live action.
I guess he wasn't allowed to die on this worldline
I wonder why >>1313432 >>1313524 have gone the way of >>1314718 >>1314719 and not allowed to fall into irrelevance (that is the depths of the catalog: even the archive) as most other threads?
Perhaps because of /news/ being infected by MAGAtards as their initial - and proven retarded - opinions fall into worse than irrelevance after their claims & speculation were assassinated by the bullet of reality.
>the left
Retard. It was a registered Republican.
He did definitely register and a Republican before buying a rifle and trying to kill trump
Try harder.
>registered Republican
who donated to shareblue and tried to assassinate the republican presidential candidate. nobody knows his motives yet.
I'm sorry your buddy is on video melting down and literally imploding at the sight of trump reporters
>tribalist retard
Try harder.
Well if they are, they are terrible at it. They cannot even kill Trump after 8 years.
Dudes on video melting down on trump supporters.
The fact that he's donated to act blue, is on video melting down at conservatives, and then leading up to the election year he registers Republican, purchases a rifle, and tries to murder trump?

This dude was planning it. It wasn't a spur of the moment "hey I'm bored even tho I vote Republican I feel like murdering trump today" sort of thing no matter how hard you want to twist it like that
Where is the video?
Anon stop embarrassing yourself. Your desperation is palpable.
Try reading the thread, sealion. Maybe your eyes won't implode for long enough you can find the link
is that why there is a photo of the bullet passing his head? fucking schizo faggot.
>trump reporters
In Soviet /news/, melting down and imploding is you.
But the Supreme Court just said the President of the United States can do this.
I dont think Biden ordered a 20 year old crazed leftist to assassinate Trump
Even if he did it's not core constitutional duties of the president to pick up left wing wackos off the street and get them to murder someone
So no video. Do you just repeat things that you heard?
Why rightoids and leftists always like to pretend their group is not capable of violence?
Here, I did your homework for you. fucking faggot ass needing to be spoonfed like a child.

meant to reply to >>1314920
>I did your homework for you. fucking faggot
>meant to reply to >>1314920
>>1314940 needs to do its own homework first.
That is a very low quality video of someone that might be the shooter, but can also be anyone else. Where do you get the video? That tik tok account does not even exist.
>Why did he fucking pose for a photo in the middle of an assassination attempt?
Do you not know how photography works?
No, his soul wasn't stolen.
Anyone can post a video of a random unhinged person. Connect the dots.
That's not the shooter, liar. That's a 4-year-old video from Arizona.
it's from a video taken at arizona state university:


has nothing to do with this story or event.
how is this proof hes the shooter? context suggests the shooter is the guy taking the video of some sperg meltdown
Post true world. I have already seen tons of people claiming that there is a video that shows that he hates Trump. It does not matter if it is true. It already spread and anyone who disagrees is a paid shill from the democratic party.
Post fact world. I have already seen tons of people claiming that there is a video that shows that it isn't the shooter. It does matter that it is lies. It's already spread and anyone who disagrees is a paid shill from the republican party.
News: it was not Thomas Maxwell Crooks that attempted the assassination, the video of him stating he hates republicans and trump is after the shooting.

The shooters name is Maxwell Yearick second link gives best evidence.


You guys are all so fucking dumb

>inb4 Nooooo I'm smart, really

lmao @ your lives
>source: social media
>btw we're not liable for inaccuracies
Neither is Rachel Maddow or the other plethora of "news" outlets. They just call themselves an opinion piece in small print somewhere and cannot be held liable. It's a source of breaking information, and if the other name is not the shooter because he is alive somewhere that would be worse to see info to the contrary and not state it.
The primetime cable news talkshows aren't actually news. You have that much correct.
>watch video of people supposedly calling out that some dude has a gun
>shots get fired literally 10 seconds in the video
Do these people expect the Flash to be posing as a cop or something?
many have discovered their own first right-on-right violence. you may now consider the importance of non-violent resistance.
Iconic photo. Good thing they didn't have to crop out the couple of dead bodies Trump walked past.. A photo op is a photo op no matter how tacky that might be.
>Demoloon gunned down people.
>Trump is a jerk because he was the target and left.
We're reaching new levels of faggot-tier shitposting every single day, huh?
No disrespect to Trump or his family. Who know's if Trump knew of the other people gunned down. Maybe his reaction would of been different if he did see them. Maybe he was feeling the adrenalin.
>Right on right
The shooter was a Democrat donor who temporarily registered as a Republican to vote in PA's closed primary.
Biden is campaigning as a dead man and trump is campaigning as a man who can't be killed.
Good headcanon
The post above yours is pretty accurate
Trump is campaigning as crazy rightwing Jesus and Biden only has to sit there and not be Trump
Sure, that too.
That's def how some democrats view it
>rightwing jesus

you mean the antichrist?
why are leftists so bloodthirsty and evil?
Not too fond of that orange fuck but damn that image go hard lol

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