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reddit and 4chan riddled with bot farms of anti trump trolls
Nobody could possibly take down Trump. He has effectively achieved immortality as things currently stand regarding Trump's place in the world. Trump has attained eternity
This election is going to be interesting
Its going to be a dead man running against a man who cant be killed

Cant wait to see how the polling reacts to a failed democrat assassination plot
He sold his soul to the devil in exchange for godly luck, that's the only explanation.
It's so over for the left.
Shooter was right wing
Shinzo Abe had his back from the heavens
Yeah okay
Uh, no. It'll be proven wrong within 24 hours.
I guess one of those pedophile hunters i hear about finally found a target
Didn't Shinzo Abe get killed because he helped / protected an evil religious organisation?
Shinzo Abe had a lot of shitty positions and did a lot of evil/stupid bullshit, but yes, that was some of it.
Trump and Putin are going to rule the world and Russian is going to be the official language in the US Fuck the libtards

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