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Local Man almost ruins the plan.


“Probably five to seven minutes of Trump speaking… we noticed a guy crawling – bear crawling – up the roof of the building beside us, fifty feet away from us,” the man said.

The man continued:

We’re standing there, we’re pointing at the guy crawling up the roof. He had a rifle. We could clearly see him with a rifle. Absolutely. umm, we’re pointing at him. The police are down there, running around on the ground and we’re like, “Hey, man. There’s a guy on the roof with a rifle.” And the police were like, “Huh, what?” They didn’t know what was going on.

The man said he repeatedly warned officers that he believed Trump was in danger but his warnings went unheard.
Pretty damning that they should have taken this guy more seriously and all of this could have likely been prevented.
not gonna click on the msn link, what source is this?
i watched the full interview. bascially dude outside the event saw some guy get on top of a building with a rifle and start bearcrawling to the other side.
he told police.
police told secret service, and set up snipers behind tump (can be seen in video) to find the guy
they whole while the dude on the ground was pointing towards the roof (which is angled) and the snipers couldnt see the shooter until roughly 1-2 seconds before the first shot you see the snipers jump and aim their rifles at something, and then all the shooting begins
>plant sets up on a conveniently untended rooftop in plain sight of bystanders
>he is overtly ignored by security when reported by multiple people
>secret service on different roof directly behind Trump are already watching him in their scopes
>plant fires in the direction of Trump but isn't actually aiming at him
>kills one bystander in the crowd behind Trump to legitimize the attempt
>Trump feigns being hit upon hearing the report and goes down uninjured
>SS plugs the guy immediately, most of the shots heard were theirs
>they wait for Trump to clip his ear and catch his breath from crouching down too fast
>everyone stands up and poses for the photo op
>bear crawling
Given how incompetent the Secret Service was, and how much Trump is leeching them for money, I'm inclined to think this.
That makes no sense at all you stupid moron.
the problem with this is you can actually see blood on his hand when hes still standing https://files.catbox.moe/rbzlfl.jpeg
Wow, Democrats are breaking mentally.
I hope you get the Alex Jones treatment, nutsack.
What a pillock. Bollocksed it up now for a more accomplished would-be assassin.
why would you prevent something that will give Trump a huge boost in the polls? it's like Pearl Harbor and 9-11. you don't prevent something that helps your cause.
holy shit you can SEE THE BULLET
He's not going to get a huge boost in the polls though
Why do you hope that?
>getting killed will help him win the election
Dems have forgone all reason since the incident
No but him looking cool pumping his fist in the air while blood runs down his face shouting USA USA USA as the crowd joins in and cheers will definitely help him win. He has achieved his goal of being a victim. “Wounds, wounds all over my body, if I took my suit off you would see all the wounds.” He said that the day before the shooting. This is his best day ever. He gets to be the victim hero politician.

Que the “ I was shot for you!”
a shame a security lapse of this severity likely won't ever happen again
one solid attempt for this method before security practice changes make it impossible and the guy blew it at the final yard
I appreciate that you're at least honest that you want Trump dead.
Most Americans want Trump dead.
>pumping his fist in the air while blood runs down his face shouting USA USA USA as the crowd joins in and cheers will definitely help him win.
I cannot comprehend entirely the possibility of security agency being this incompetent to the point of waiting 42 seconds or so doing nothing but aiming in shooter fixedly, letting the shooter start firing. Considering the dirtiness inside political systems at all, I won't be surprised if all this shit was staged at some point, or they simply was sufficiently clever to use this situation on campaigns.
Either the assassin was fake yet such a good shot he only hit Trump's ear and instead killed a bystander, or he was a real assassin that did want to kill Trump but missed by an inch. Which seems more likely?

The only question is whether he was acting alone or Biden personally ordered it to secure his election victory.
A fact that intrigues me is that the shooter used an AR-15 according to many newspapers, those 5.56 bullets would make much worse than just an ear wound by grazing the ears. Anything can be possible to guarantee the maximum hierarchy of the most influential and powerful country of the world
Second shooter who hit him with a fake blood pellet.
Why would Biden involve some rando that can't shoot straight when he could just have Seal Team 6 off Trump and then pardon them and he couldn't be touched because it's not illegal when a president does it?
>those 5.56 bullets would make much worse than just an ear wound by grazing the ears.
Lmao okay no-guns.
More weird stuff:
>Snipers waited for would be assassin to to shoot
>Assassin named with no ID by FBI while bio identity still not confirmed.
>Photos of Thomas Crooks does not match video of would be assassin on roof, nor photos of the death of would be assassin.
>Information trickling out of another potential suspect Maxwell Yearick matches photo of would be assassin much more.
>Maxwell Yearick arrested years before in antifa anti-Trump riots.
>Thomas Maxwell on video stating that he hates Trump and republicans and stating "you got the wrong one"
>>Snipers waited for would be assassin to to shoot
Just an FYI: the current administration controls the secret service detail. So the president who said "put Trump in the bullseye" might have done some shit.
The whole thing smells bad. Crooks, i miswrote earlier and called him Thomas Maxwell, is on video stating hes the wrong guy.
This is what HRT meds do to your mind. All violent shootings are committed by liberals
Crooks is on a slab. The guy on video's already been confirmed to not be Crooks.
> Assassin named with no ID by FBI while bio identity still not confirmed.
Allegedly, they traced him through the gun, then confirmed with DNA
How did you get this confused?
Shut the fuck up stupid libtard
Trump is an immortal demigod who owns this eternity. He literally drags eternity like a dog on a leash. He will live on forever
Everyone point and laugh at this soylib pretending to act normal like he doesn't want Trump dead all of the sudden.
Honestly the interesting thing is that many left wing organizations paused campaign funding and ads because of this.
Their rhetoric has literally incited someone to assassinate the former president, and they have to tone it down a notch.

Going to come back out swinging wearing the kid gloves I imagine after this
lmao is this the breaking point where cons finally start calling for unhinged ranting conspiracy losers to be shut down? it's like 75% of your platform, if you push too hard into "you shouldn't come up with violent threatening conspiracy theories" now, most of your celebrities will be in jail

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