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Suspected shooter is killed by Secret Service, and Donald Trump says he felt bullet rip through his ear; the Pennsylvania rally shooting is being investigated as assassination attempt.

Suspected Gunman Killed at Trump Rally Shooting, Ex-President Wounded in Ear
Suspected shooter is killed by Secret Service, and Donald Trump says he felt bullet rip through his ear; the Pennsylvania rally shooting is being investigated as assassination attempt

Last Updated:

July 13, 2024 at 10:27 PM EDT

Former President Donald Trump said on social media he was "shot with a bullet that pierced the upper part of my right ear' when gunfire erupted at a campaign rally in Butler, Pa., Saturday. The Secret Service shot and killed a suspected gunman.

Federal authorities are investigating the shooting as an assassination attempt.

One spectator was killed and two others were critically injured after "multiple shots" were fired, the Secret Service said on social media.

Details on the suspected shooter weren't immediately available.

The gunman used a rifle and fired from an elevated position outside of the rally, the Secret Service added.

President Biden declared there is “no place in America for this sort of violence. It’s sick.”

Messages of concern and support for Trump poured in immediately from top Democrats and top Republicans as well as former presidents—all decrying political violence.

Some Republicans blamed the shooting on Biden's rhetoric; but Trump said motive is not clear.
The shooter was a white male by the way.
Transwomen are still males by the way.
He wasn't trans though.
How do you know?
I'll bet you 50 bucks right now he isn't.
So Trump now has an ear piercing. Does that make him gay?
Depends. Which one's the gay ear in 2024?
Pretty sure it's always been the left ear and I know Trump was shot in the right ear, because the shooter was way too far left.
I hate to say this(not really, since I have a left ear piercing from my younger days), but it's actually the right ear that's the gay ear.

Trump is a straight shooter, unlike the Democrat assassins, so it still doesn't count.
But to be fair it pierced the top of his ear, and anyone who gets a piercing there is super gay.

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